THE ALLIANCE -INDEPENDENT. MARCH 2, 1893 DECISION OF THE SUPREME COURT OF KANSAS. DOUGLASS HOUSE THE LEGAL ONE. Alloa DUenU Chief JuUlcaHor- Dollvcn tha Opinion, IiTlwlof i Law and tha Facta of tha Caaa Spaakar Itnn.mora Sajra Ba WUi UcidU bo Court Doclaloa. Topeka, Kan., Feb. 27. The su preme court this morning1, Chief Jus tice I lor ton rendering the decision, Jus tioe Johnson concurring and Justice Allen, Populist dissenting, sustained the Douglass or Republican house as the legal and constitutional house of representatires of the Kansas legisla ture, and incidentally declared that the acta of the Dunsinore or Populist house had no standing in law. The opinion of the chief justice occupied an hour and forty minutes in delivery and fully exhausted the subject The chief justice began by saying that the court was under great obliga tions to the attorneys for the mas terly manner in which the case had been presented. Yesterday the court had consumed the entire day in com paring opinions and examlnln gyMi"thor Itiea. "This morning," heontinued, "I am here to present. wiy own views and, at the conptasAon, I will state unrae other-matters as to the views of other , members of the court No written opinion has yet been pre , pared." lie then went briefly into the history of the case and declared that, upon the allegations made, the court had a matter before it to decide judicially. CKRTIFICATK MEMBERSHIP TESTS. Q The question at issue, the chief Justice continued, was whether the Douglass house of representatives had legal authority to arrest Uunn. If bere was one housa only the duty of tha court would be easy and plain, but it appeared from . the respective Journals that there were two houses claiming the right to legislate. He the, went briefly into the way legislative bodies are organized and cited McCray on election to show that the proper person to or ganize a house were those holding certificates and, in support of McCray, read passages from Cuxhing's manual. The supreme court of Nebraska, no longer ago than January 17 of this ear, bad taken that view of the ques tion. In support of this theory, he de clared, the scenes lately witnessed in the Kansas capital fully justified such a rule. In the main, he said, it was undertaken to ignore the statute in , making returns of the election of a legislature and riot and violenco re sulted. In the case now before the court the chief justice continued, no showing had been attempted that there was -f bad faith on the part of the state board of canvassers. There had been presented a "Revised Journal" of the Dtfnsraore house, evidently care fully prepared, and yet that journal day after day seemed to recognize that only members holding certificates had authority to act For several days It set forth that fifty-eight members responded to roll call and others were counted in as present but not voting la order to make a quorum, the other members of the house characterized as contestants. This record was kept up until the contestants were formally taken in by a vote of the house. Then the journal showed that the Dunsmore house accepted the precedents laid down in the books as correct THE REKD PRECEDENT KA.Ut.TT. Much was said about the Reed house, the court went on, in support of the practice of counting the members, but the Reed house had one of its own Voles formally adopted upon which to base the speaker's ruling. The Duns IDore house had adopted no such rule, tfore than five persons who were QQvntcd in by the Dunsmore house had never recognized it as such, but were carrying on a house of their own. Speaker Reed never counted in any persons who had not recognized him aa speaker. Now there could be no question that the Douglass house was organized by the votes of sixty-four members who held certificates. It was claimed that the Douglass house was destroyed when the senate and governor reco gnized the Duns more house. If that was the law the governor and senate two years ago might have destroyed the , Populist house and created a Republican house. And two years hence, and so on through future history, other legisla ' tive bodies might be overturned to ac complish partisan ends. If the Doug lass house had voluntarily dissolved when the governor and senate recog nised the rival body the question of de facto government would have been a strong force in the case, but it did not dissolve and it was still in existence. In the course of his remarks, the chief justice incidentally indorsed the opinion of Judge llazen in the injunc tion case against State Tteasurer Bid Ale handed down last week. In conclusion the chief justice said the Douglass house was the lawful house of representatives and in his lews on the subject he announced that Mr. Justice Johnston fully coin cided and concurred. Mr. Justice Allen then delivered a Absenting opinion in which he held that the supreme court had no juris diction in the case and as the Duns more house had been recognized by the governor and senate it was a de facto organization and its acts were good in law. DUNSMORE DEFIANT. Speaker Dunsmore said this morn Ing that he recognized the jurisdiction of no court considering the organiza tion of the house of rep resentatives, but said he would be Crerned by the direction of Governor welling and the senate. Leading Populists say they will ac cept the decision of the court until the wxt election when they will go before the people confident of being sustained la their course. The present session f tlin It'irifclature estiirea by limita tion Man-h . when it itt rxixvtai ih governor will mil an extra (Mi!on. The par of niemler for an extra season in limited to $:0. which limit the wMfion to thirty days. ThU is more than enough time for the legisla ture to pas needed laws. Tlii afternoon, (iovernor Lewelling said that he would reserve lm decibion as to hi atti m about recognizing the Republican house until he iJiould hear from the 1'opuliht leaders as he desired to follow their wishes to the letter. NO COXTE9T AOA1XHT MARTIX. When the Douglass house met this afternoon. Chambers, the Comanche county Democrat, arose to a qneatioa of personal privilege, saying that it had been rumored that there would be another united estates senator elected by this legislature. He desired to say further that during the last two days he had received letters and telegrams from his Dem ocratic constituents of Comanche county and from the Seventh con gressional district, protesting against his participating to such propose J elec tion and in obedience to their wishes he desired to state to the house that he would not take part in the election of another United (States senator dur ing this session of the legislature. lhis action of Mr. Chambers seems to settle the validity of Senator Mar tin s credentials as without the assis tance of Chambers, the Republicans mav not hope to elect another senator. lhe Douglass house adjourned until Monday at forelock. The two houses were in disorder all morn i org. The members were await ing'the decision of the court and did not care to transact business. The Republican members sat in represent ative hall smoking and talking and the Populists sang devotional hymns. The Populist house has decided to publish an official Htatement of the last controversy in the reform papers of the state. Messrs. Howard, Barnes and Brown are preparing it KILLED IN THE PRIZE RING. featherweight Miller Literally Beaten to Death la San Franclaco. Bait Fbancisco, Feb. 27. William Miller, the featherweight pugilist who was defeated by Hawkins in the Pacific athletic club, died this morning of concussion of the brain, resulting from Injuries received in the fight. Both men were featherweights, weighing 122 pounds when they entered the ring. Miller, who was 21 years old, came from Sacramento and had no science, relying on brute strength, while Hawkins was very clever. The two fought fifteen rounds, Mil ler being terribly punished, while Hawkins was uninjured. Miller failed to recover consciousness and was taken to the receiving hospital. Hawkins and his Reconds, "Snider" Kelley, "Tim" McOrath and John Hicks, also Joe Soto and John Living ston, Miller's seconds, were arrested last night, and the police are looking for Morris Gallagher, Miller's seeond. and Dan Creedon, the referee. This makes the third man killed in the prize ring in San Francisco during the past lour years. DISBARRED AND DISGRACED. The tipeaker of the Tennessee Home Con- rioted of Misappropriating; Fund. Memphis, Tonn., Feb. 27. Judge Estes of the circuit court this morning delivered an opinion disbarring Ralph Davis, speaker of the Tennessee house of representatives from practice for having taken from Client Nathan Si mons $1,350 to settle a bond, and then misappropriating the money. His name was ordered stricken from the rolls. The opinion was crouched in scathing terms. Public Money for Cathollo Schools. New York, Feb. 27. A movement is on foot to secure from the state Bchool fund of New Jersey money to support the Catholic parochial schools of that state. Several Catholic clergymen who hold liberal views on the public school question have prepared a bill which is to be introduced before the New Jersey legislature closes its ses sion, providing that the state shall an nually appropriate a certain amount from the state school fund for the sup port and maintenance of the parochial schools. Two Children Married by Fraud. Belton, Mo., Feb. 27. Jefferson Watt and Miss Ollie McGaslin, son and daughter of neighboring farmers living seven miles south of here, were married by Justice D. C. Idol yesterday, being armed with a license fresh from the county recorder. To-day the father of the bride arrived and declared that his daughter was only 13 years of age and the license was obtained by fraud. Wyatt is only 19 himself. The couple are supposed to be in Kansas. Mr. Carlisle's Clerks. WAsniNGTON.Feb. 27. 0. O. Steeley, of the Louisville Courier-Journal, who was secretary to Mr. Carlisle when he was speaker, will be offered the place of private secretary to the secretary of the treasury. Frederick Stock, the present chief clerk of the treasury, will give place to Logan Carlisle im nedi ately after the 4th of March. Mr. Stock goes back to Blue Rapids, Kan., to be oome cashier of the State bank. MB MAY FLEE Disclosure!- Mealier got $200,000 on Forged Notes SAYS HE WILL SOT SKIP, But There is a Strong Suspicion that he Will. Depositor will Loose Nearly all. What a Lawyer Says. Chicago Police as Union Men. Ciiicago, Feb. 27. The police force of this city may be represented in the trade and labor assembly in the near future. The project is in the hands of Officer Edward McCann, who says he has been approached on the subject by prominent labor men. The men are organizing to secure the same wages as are paid in New York, Denver, Philadelphia and Brooklyn. From Fame to Poverty. Oleak, N. Y., Feb. 27. Mrs. Lucy A. Macklem, who was once engaged to Chief Justice Chase and was first cousin to Commodore Perry, died last week in Olean. She won some fame in the field of literature, was later a lecturer and gained prominence as a reader and singer. She died a pauper and insane. A Chicagoan With a Dosen Wives. Charleston, a C, Feb. 27. Colonel A. E Uapgood of Chicago has been ar rested at Atlanta, Ga., to answer the charge of bigamy here, and so far a dozen women have appeared to claim him as husband. There is a good deal of anxiety among depositors in the defunct Capital National bank caused by the rumors that C. W. Moaner Intends to quietly leave the country and flee to some for eign land. After the grand jury had in dicted Mother for a long catalogue of crime i Including defalcations to the amount of nearly t300,060, he was turn ed loose under a bond of 110,000. lie might just as well have been set abso lutely at liberty, for he can easily for- fei t that amount and not miss it out of the grand aggregate of his stealings; or if he ha lost all his ill-gotten gains, his rich relatives can pay the tl 0,000 without missing it. Moaner of course denies tqat he con templates leaving the country. He says that the plan of having his friends put up $200,000 to pay depositors in case he should be let off with light punishment ha? fallen through. I he Evening News of reb. 2J, quotes a prominent attorney of Lincoln as saying: 'I have good reasons to believe, and do believe, that Mosher has been con templating departure. I have reason to believe that he has written opinions in his possession from emiuent eastern lawyers, and some attorneys of this city, on the subject of extradition as it relates to the relations of the United States with various foreign countries Bankers who have due regard for the proprieties, and good form generally, no longer go to Canada. Australia is the Mecca of their fond desires. Did you ever veiled that Mosher could leave this city without being missed, ani within four days be upon the water eo route to Australia? It would be hard to convince me, in the 'light of what I know and cannot tell, that Mosher in tends to Ft ay and face the music." Continuing the News says: A News reporter was today let into the details of a neat scheme whereby Mosher enriched himself to the extent of nearly or quite 1200,000 from sources entirely outside of the circle of the bank's creditors, it developed by the arrival of a whole lot of bogus notes for collection. Notes of' the face value of $174,000 have been presented to the Western Manufacturing company for payment which the company has never issued. These notes were made payable to the Capital National bank, without defalca tion or discount, at the bank in Lincoln, with interest at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from maturity until paid. They are in sums of from $5,000 up ward. A News representative was per mitted to see one of these notes. It was dated last October and was signed, Western Mfg. Co., E. Hurl but, jr., ianager." Upon the back it is endorsed. "With out Uecouree. Capital National bank, C. W. Mosher, pt." Another endorsement follows: "No tice of protest and nonpay't waived, Mosher & Outcalt." This latter endorsement Mr. Outcalt has declared to be a forgery. It is in Mosher's handwriting and Outcalt says that he never authorized the signature. Whether or not Mr. Outcalt ever knew of the existence of this class of notes is not stated. They were upon printed blanks, the name "Capital National bank" being the most prominent print ed line in order to lend the paper re spectability. The signature of E. Hurl- but is said to be genuine, but the title of manager of the Western Manufac turing company is a false pretense. Mr. Welch is unable to understand how Mosher was enabled to handle these bogus notes, borrow money from eastern banks upon them, renew them when they fell due and attend to cor respondence in relation thereto through a period of over four years, as some of the notes appear to have baen issued in 1888, all involving the credit of the Western Manufacturing company, with out one scrap of writing ever finding its way to the secretary of that company to direct his attention to the scheme. It is said that Mosher has secuied fully $200,000 upon these bogus notes entirely outside of his dealings with the bank, and that his speculations in this line began about the same time he began doctoring the record of bank deposits. A decidedly interesting rumor is in circulation today to the effect tbat just nineteen days before the bank failed Mosher secured a loanof $21,000 from Louie Meyer and J . D. Macfarland, the present receiver. Confidence in the bank's ability to pay out is losing ground and one who has a great deal of inside information on the subject says that it will not pay 10 cents on the dollar. The same au thority says that when the bank exami ner took possession there was but little over $20,000 in cash in the vaults, and that most of the paper leit to be listed is in the form of worthless notes of pot house politicians, behind each of which there might bo an interesting story, while nearly all the bank's good paper has been rediscount. THE WIXTEK CAUMVAL. One of the neatest catalogues we have seen for some time has just been re ceived at this office from James Vick, probably the best known seedsman and florist in the country. It contains many beautiful illustrations of flowers of ail kinds, intermingled with cuts repre senting some very fine productions from his choice vegetable and garden seeds. If you wish to obtain one of these elegant "floral guide" address, James Vick's Sons., Rochester, N. Y. For carpenter work call on or address L. A. Peters, 3503 Vine street, Lincoln Nebraska. The Manufai-turrreor Nebraska Give an Exbibition-at Lincoln. The most popular attraction in the city lafet week wag the "Winter Carni vol" of the manufacturers' and consum ers, association of Nebraska This asso ciation was organized in Sept. 191 witn air. w. a. t'age of Omaha as president; Mr. L. L. E. Stewart of Lin ccln, vice president; ani Mr. O.C. Hoi mi:?, under whose able management and direction the enterprise met with such a wonderful endorsement by the Lincoln people as secretary. The association embraces some two hundred manufacturing concerns in the state, and yet about one hundred more have not allied themselves with the organization. About one hundred of those represented operate in Omaha, thirty-two in Lincoln, and the remain der are scattered over the state. The aim and object of the association is to stimulate home industries in the line of manufacturing, by inducing eastern capital to come to our state and establish upon our own soil sufficient manufactures to meet the demands of consumption in all articles that can be made in this state. If we can induce eastern capital to come west and establish manufaomries, iDousanas oi men ana women win soon follow to find employment, thus we sLall swell the tide of immigration to that extent that all species ot property will be enhanced in value. Nebraska is no doubt the best agri cultural state in the union, and witn a proper state of co-oporation with the manufacturing interests her products would be largely consumed at home, and what surplus there would be c mid be manufactured ready for the con sumer before it left our borders. The object sought to be obtained by this move reflects great credit upon the managers, and every citizen of the state should lend a helping hand to the project. The exnibit8 and machinery employ ed in the various branches represented occupied the two lower floors .of the Hovey & feck building on 10th and r streets, and the upper floor was seated with stage and curtains and used for entertainments at night, and was usu ally crowded to its utmost capacity. . Among the prominent exibitors may be mentioned the Western Mattress Co. Line jln; C. J. Roman, Carriages; Harp ham Bros , harness; Lincoln Pottery Co.: Purity ExtraotCo., Lincoln; Lin coln Paint and Glass Co.; Lincoln Pack ing end Provision Co. which deserves special mention for its unsurpatsed dis play or meats put up in all modern styles; W. A. Page, Omaha, soap fac tory. This company has in its employ a young lady Miss Magaie Seigler who is an expert at wrappnig up the bars of soap as they fall from the machine Her average daily 10 hours work is to wrap in two papers and place in boxes 10.000 bars. She defies machine competition. Another notable exhibit is tbat of the Lincoln hat factory which will, from the raw material make a hat to order in two hours Various other exhibits are worthy, but space forbids us to mention. The association will hold another meeting in Omaha in June or July. AMONG OUR EXCHANGES Last week in the Kansas legislature while waiting for more serious business a member introduced a resolution de manding an investigation to determine the whereabouts of the once 82,000 ma jority of the republican party. York independent The people of Nebraska are to be congratulated that they have a legisla ture that will "stand up for Nebraska" although the price for votes, in tbe late senatorial contest was unlimited. There was no Taylor to be foucd among "the corn patch statesmen." Shelby Sun. Every people's party man ought to bow, with his face toward Nebraska once at least. They elected a straight populist senator up there. We do not blame republicans and democrats for electing them, if they can but take little stock in populists that help them do so. Industrial Union. The people of this state, almost with one voice, demand of the legislature some regulation of the charges of the railroads. The independents were sent to the legislature with instructions so that there is no excuse for them if they do not all in their power to bring about such legislation. Hartington Leader. The populists now have four pure b'ood senators, Peffer, Kyle, Stewart and Allen, besides several grades like Martin, of Kansas, which are a great improvement to the average scrub stock which for the last few years have occupied the United States senate. Cedar Rapids Republican. Our reform press is everywhere speak ing out against the scheme of bonding the people under the pretense of im proving the public roads. This is right and timely. With them we agree. Better wait indefinitely for good roads than saddle perpetual debt on the peo ple already giving the "pound of flesh" to Saylock. Plow and Hammer. In olden times when a nation became wealthy and strong, they pounced on to some of their weaker ieighbors, took everything they had and made slaves of the people. But it is reserved for this enlightened, educated and chris tian age to improve on them. We elect a lot of boodlers to make our laws, and in a few years they gobble everything in 6ight and leave the people serfs. In dustrial Union, Lamar Mo. John Brown was hanged thirty-three years ago last Friday by the slave oli garchy. What a change haa been wrought in public sentiment in a gen eration! Slavocracy went down, but in its stead we have, the same enemy in another form more powerful than ever. The battle is on for the final overthrow of plutocracy, the worst foe the world has ever had, and this battle will be waged to a successful conclusion. St. Louis Monitor. ' STaausxeo 177. JASJcMLAN&CO. MAIT HOUSE, V 20O to 212 FIRST AVE. NORTH, MINNEAPOLIS, MRS HP Mn PROPftlCTORS OF THB Minneapolis Sheepskin Eiporur. of Tannery. FINE KGRTHEIM FURS. BRANCHES: CHICAGO, ILL ST. LOUIS, UO. 137 a n timtk at. 112 Pirn 8L HELENA, MONT. ' OaALCKS AND EXPORTERS. COUNTRY AND PACKER Green Salted HIDES, Calfskins, Dry Hides,, Pelts, Pars, Wool,- Tallow, Crease, Deerskins,. Ginseng & Seneca Root, REFERENCES BY PERMISSION. Bams or Minn.. MimuwiM, Ft. Dimm.h Mat. Bank, CMieAao Mo.ta.a National Ban.. Finnt National Bank, Fall. Mont. Fiaat National Bank, 8roAN. F'lo.Waph. Nat. Bank op Co.mmi, St. Louia. Mo. Minn. lu. Mont. Liberal Advances Made on Shipments against Original Bill ot Lading. Shipmtnf Solicited. WrIU for Circulars. Shipper, from thl fcrate Conrsxnd with and Con Ufa to Miuneapoli. Uuiue. Vn J"- JAMES SCHULZ, Yutan, Nebraska, IMPORTER AND BREEDER OP Percheron French Dra Hons Every one Registered and a Guaranteed Breeder. No Worn Out Stallions, no Culls. Prices lower than the lowest when quality is considered. All select anlm to make a cnoice irom. uwne ana De convinced that 1 mean business. Loas tira small profits and good horses may be expected. v. INTEND ROSES SMALL FRUITS, GRAPE VINES. ETC. wny Not procure trie Best Direct from tne Growers unr nmstratea i-ataiogae. over we n&sea. often one of the most com Dleta stocks In the TJ . S. at rlsht Dricea. Free to nlantnriL Kpnrl t or ltwi aw 39 YEARS. 900 ACRES. 28 CREENHOUSES. THE ST0RB5 & HARRISON CO., Painesville. Lake Co.. 0 50 SPANISH JACKS FOR SALE. FULL BLOODED CATALUNA SPANISH JACKS. HPORTED SEPT., 1892, BY HO GATE DAVIS & CO. THESE Jacks are from 1 to 5 years old, black with mealy points, li to 16 hands high. These JacKs were selected by Mr. J. B. Hogate the well known breeder, and imported by him in person. Address or call at their stables. HOGATE, DAVIS & CO., Mention this paper. BELLEVILLE, KANSAS. mm TO LOAN ON FARMS 15 EASTER NEBRASKA AT 6 PER CEST. interest and a very small commission. Privilige given borrower to pay in installments and stop interest. Money always on hand. Write or call on us. StULL BROS., 11TH AND N 8T8 LiINGOIaN, NEBRA8K. SEEDS J. Gr PEPPARD, idnn.nn9 IINinil iV. Red, White, Alfalfa and Alsike Clovere, Grass. Ked V ft N V A V PITY tTJ Top, Onion Sets, Tree Seeds, Cane Seed. rvrtllOnO Ul I I IV I Timothy, Blue Grass, Orchard C LES ALE WYATT-BDLLARD LUMBER CO., WHO LBE Omaha, Heb. OHN B. WRIGHT, Pres. T. E. SANDERS, V. Pres. J. H. M'CLAY, Cashier T H EL- . . . ... . V .f" 1". ai m At. laV J aw BA M ' uiuinuici incuiuiicli Darijjy - - - OF IaINCOLaN. NEBRASKA. - - CAPITAL $250)000.00. OBACCO 7 for aale by a ceipt of 81.00. HABIT li firftt-dn druaaaats. or aent br mail on rp- Aslt for HILL'S Tablets, and take no others. Particulars free) THE OHIO CHEMICAL CO.. by mail. Address 51, 53, and 35 Opera Block, LIMA, O. ninu'!' I HlAlltlUK Uf i!LI TaDleU will completely destroy the desire tor Tobacco in any form in from 3 to 6 days. Perfectly harmless, cause no sickness, and may be given In a cup of tea ar coffee, without the Irnnnrliwlirnnf tkn a Ka .hi 11.. 0.. .u,, UClllVTIItl, WV TT.Al TUIllUUtllir EASILY I DOIT "Try The Burlington." J. Pit N CIS, General Passenger Agent, Omaha , I . ... Kile, :r,l'JM, A. C. ZIEMJ City Passengef n J aw i thi 1