FEBRUARYS. M. Til K A h t 1 A N C K 1 M) K I' K N I) K i J . 5 ALLIANCE DIRECTORY Nebraska Farmers' Alliance. J. B. Ponu, President, Cornell. w. a. roriTK, Vlea-Prea , Albion. J. M. THOMrtkiH, Bute Vec'j, Llnoeln. a. C. Fairchild. Lecturer, Oak tale. B. F. Axliw, Chairman, Ex. Com., Wabash. In the bftautr of tbe Miles Christ waa bora acroi the sea, With a (lory In bis betom Tbat transfigure you aad w. As ha ttrore to make me a hoi' Let ns strtra to make them trM, Binoe God U marching oa. Julia Ward Hjwa. w would be rlad to ret items from every county in the state aeondiUoo of the Aili aace work. County Alliance Meetings. Otoe Co. Alliance will meet at Syra cuse on Wednesday, March 1, 1893, Stale Lecturer Fairchlld will be pres ent. E. (J. IUed, Secretary. Saukdeks Co. Alliance will meet at Wahooon Saturday, March 4, 1893. State Le8turer Faircbild will be pres ent and every Alliance in the county is urged to send as large a delegation as possible. W.A.Bates. Secretary. ' Hamilton Co Alliance will meet in special session at Aurora on Saturday, Feb. 25. 1893. Alliances who have not made a report to state and county should do so previous to thi9 meeting as the new work will be given at that time. M. H. SEVERY, Secretary. Lancaster Co Alliance will meet inK of L. ball 1029 O St, on Satur day. March 4. 1893. Notice the change in the day of the week. Come to the city early enough to transact all your business m t&9 forenoon ana oo reacy for the meeting: at 1 o clock sham. R T. Chambers, Pres J. M. Thompson, Sec. An Alliance Revived. Garfield Township, Custer Co. Editor Alliance-Independent: As I hive not 6een any news from this part of the country, I wilJ drop a few words. Goad IIope Alliance has revived and elected cflicers, Wm. Stewart, presi dent and James Ho'cjnib, secretary. We are going to try hard to keep It up from this on. Ours is the nrot AUi ance that was organized in Custer county. We have got t dig along another four years, then the independ ents will try their hands at running toe government awhile.- If every farmer would take your paper we wou,ld be sure of their votes. I). W. Lauterman. State Lecture's Meetings. Bro. Fairchild, State .Lecturer, " will hold meetings in the following coun ties at places named. It is expected that all who can will attend, and co operate with the proper parties to make every meeting a successful one. Our lecturer starts out with a determl nation to make the work of 1893 tell for the futuro, and is worthy of our every encouragement: Pawnee City, Pawnee Co , Feb, 23rd. Falls City, Rieardson 24 th. Stella, Auburn, Nemaha BrocK, Syracuse, Otoe Pa'mjra, 1 " Wahoo, rfiundsrs " 2;-ih. 44 547th. " 28th. Mar. 1st. ' 2nd. " 3rd. A LETTER WORTH READING, A Finn of HorsemenTell What They Think of the Alliance-Independent as an Advertising Medium. Below we publish a letter from W. J Wrougtiton and company of Cambridge Nebraska, who re among the best and most txtensive importers and deale's in horses in the west: Cambridge, Neb., Feb, 33, 1893. Editor Alliance-Independent:. Enclosed please find check to bah nee last statement. Please continue my advertisement' through March and April. In regard to our st: ck, e have a very fine selection of horses on haod coasis ting of all the fash ioc able draft and coach breeds. We have sold the pres ent season about 40 head of stallions of the various bn e Is. They have gone in to JNeorasKa, Kansas, uo:oraao, lowa, South Dakota and Wyoming. Our horses are in fine health and condition, and intending buyers cannot afford to pass us by witnout inspecting our horses. We have no cheap horses in the general acceptation of the term. Tney are cueap only in the sense of "the best is the cheapest." ; We cannot sell a first class horse for $800 or $1,000, but we suaraitee to crive buyers m re horse and quality combin- ea lor tne money than anv okher simi lar concern in tbe business. Our noi ses ar3 ail impoited by ourselves, therefore we offer no one the refuse of some other mans stock. We offer any firm $500, premium that cn show 30 horses in one string of the different breeds equal to iutnat we can stu together. Oar horses are all o ng, all sound and all jn good heart. vVe give the most liber al o'iaran e of any firm in the state aa'4 t h fa t thai p; r old c istomers a'e returning to us to buyagin is evidence o inclusive that they arj pleased with oar stock and our manner of doing busi ness Wo feel well repaid foradvei tit ing in th Alliance-Independe . r, as it has brought us many customers. Wishing you sucaess I am Yours Truly, W. J. Wroughton & Co. WANTED. White beans, honey, sorgham molasses butter and eggs to sell on commission. J. W. Hartley, State Agent. KT.IM II V Til II ALLIANCK. A Powerful Argument In Favor of Jiefplnir up the Kubordlna Alliance. As an educator thero Is no organize vion at present that can supply the place of the Subordinate Alliaucva Con vinced of this fact, tho executive com mittee have come to the determina tion to Ivest ever? penny derived from fees and du, initiation! and other sources that shall reach the treasury at once in extending and building up it educational advantage. The lamp of our experience cl arly shows that It is not profitable to have money in the treasury. Tf in 1890, we had bad th 11,200 expended oa our heads, we would not have paid it out in useless contests of a political party; or in 1891, would not have loaned $1,500 with no expectation of its ever being returned, to those whose sympathy led them to secure fees for attorney's . only to be betrayed by them. Two years of that kind of experience is enough. The last annual meellog at Grand Is land ordei el fieexicut Tjcosmltt:eto prepare a Manual as an experiment on this educational line. It was fouad to be no eay matter to prepare an A B C primer for fathers and mothers, aid grown up boys and girls whoso educa tion is supposed to be completed. The manual is now ready t) be distributed to the Subordinate Alliances. It will be found, to be only an lndictter, a finger board, on the tide of a much k OUR" ILLUSTRATION. v The two English Shire stallions shown in tho above cut are King Fashion (3777) anl Ducallon (7106) owned by Joseph Watson & Company of Beatrice, Ne", This tirra we believe ha the finest stud of English Shire horses in Nebraska. They have -on an enviable reputation amon the horsemen of the entire west. Their horses have uniformly won the highest honors at the fair associations, hence the vfry approoriato, familiar title of "Grand Sweepstakes Stud"' as applied to then). Jo-eph Watson & Co. were one of the few importer who imported a bunch of stallions in 1892. These were selected by Mr. Watson in person, and the ("elections wre made wholly upon the merit of the animals without reference to price. It was one of tho bst importations made during 893. The firm ha now located a branch establishment at Lincoln with A. L. Sullivan, tho well known hnreem'.n, in charge. The stud can be seen at A. L. Sullivan's barn We anticipate this firm will receive a very large amount of business in the next two months. We advise all our readers who canti call and 6ae these prize winning stallloni They are sure to please traveled road pointing out the way, leading to an examination, to provoke discussion and elicit truth. Recognizing the fact that ignorance is the foundation rock, tho principal basis of all poverty, Solomon took note of this when he declared that'lt was for the want of knowledge that his people were destroyed.'' It is from the sumo cause that now the great producing classes are suffering from degradatlop and want. Ingnorance aad poverty are the father and motber of crime, im morality, insanity and micide. It is a familiar ubstrvatum that children by association at school friction, emu lation contribute more to their educa tion of what is of value in after life than all the teachers and wrofessors. They little moro thun point oat ihq way the child mut do his own climb ing, i he same holds true and much more so amongst adults, crown ud men and women. It is friction alone that keeps their minds bright and clear. and growing until old age. This is where the Alliance s great value was and is, and l". must no,, be abandoned ' Again, a community of purpose aris ing out f a concert of action whore a desired object is to be accomplished ij not to be lost sight of. To Jl'u-itrate this: Suppose that 8)mo evil genii of destruction should at one fell swoon sweep from the lace of the earth the product of the mines and all of their accompaniments. Why tho genius activity and energy tha; produced would socn replace the n, and eveu better like a burued building, and the world wiu'd move on a if nothing had happened. Again suppose that the same genii of uest ruction should swoep from the face of the earth the products of the loom and all its accompaniments, wny tne lavenuve genius and a-tivi'y L. : 1 i . . . - wuicu ereateu nas Hounaant power to recuperate and restore, and tho world would move on as if Kttle or nothing had happened. One moro illustration: Suppose tt at the (same gsnii should sw-ep from the face of the earth at, one troke tbe produc e of the soil and nil its ucc unpan mont, why the result wo "Id ba inevitable starvation, ami death woulJ within sixtr dav. b vi-it- ed upon every living being and the dull and inhabitantiess earth would pass on In its orbit without purpose and without end. This may convev to the mind but a fa'nt idea of the import-1 anca that In, and always muit bo at tached ti lue tilling of tbo soil. Bil afw all the principal crop upon the soil 'i the boys and girls and where is a bet'er place to garner and perfect them for the duties and positions they must fill, than the weekly meetings f the Subordinate Alliance? There is none. Then do not abandon them. Allex Koot. Independents of Nebraska. Brothers in the cause of God and hu man it : Tbe object of this communica tion Is to warn you of the dastardly attempts that are being: made by our enemies to destroy our state paper, and to entreat you to stand firm in its de fense and rally to its support. About the first of April last, as you will remember, the Nebraska Iadepet dent edited by Mr. S. Edwin Thornton, and the Farmers' Alliance were con solidated into the present Alliance Indrpendknt under the able manage ment of Mr. Thornton. Mr. Burrows retired to affiliate with and endorse one W. C. Holden who is now knon and proven to be a boodler masquerad ing under the gaise of an independent, backed up and supported by our ene mies. When Mr. Thornton assumed control of the paper as edltor-1 -ji ie , al though a man of a year's experience in the newspaper business, his ability as a writer, his under sending of the princi ples of the reform movement, together with his personal honesty and integrity soon won for him a host of fvlei ds ov r the state, and proved that be was the right man in the right place. Under his splendid editorial manage ment the paper wielded an influence over the state to which h largely due the winning of the first great victory over republican misrule and railroad tyranny: namely tne election ol a United States senator who stands p edged to tho people rather than the corporations. , it now oecomes apparent irom a monopoly standpoint that the paper must be suppressed in me way, and every circumstance goes to show that a well planned conspiracy was entered in to by the enemies of our cause to de stroy It, as the first step necessary in order to demoralize our forces and de feat our cause. This attempt is being carried out by Burrows, Holden and Co , who I believe have undertaken to accomplish this foul deed by resorting to every possible tactics known to toe manual of political treachery! trickery and treason. These would-be wreckers have now started a paper under, the name Farmers' Alli aici, a rase to which they have no moi-al rh nir, and have issued their first numbe.' dated Feb. 18, 1893, and many inuci"dents and alliance men over the state will ba astonished and humiliated to learn that the name of J, M.Thomp son tbe present Secretary aud Treas urer of the State Alliance appears as ' business manager" of the nw con cern. The high standing which Mr. Thompson had attained over the state as a mai of integt i y and a true patriot In ibis reform movement must now, like that of his assistants Holden and Barrows fall to the ground a political wr"cft. E ery possible meanj has been resort ed to to embarras the paper financially. The lust resort to accomplish this work has been instituted by a B & M. em ployee who bougbt at sheriff sale some shares in the paper belonging to J M. i hurcpsOD. This man has appealed to the eourt for a rtceiqer. Tho plea up on which he institutes proceedings is utterly groundless, as I personally know and will no doubt be thrown out of court. It is a well known fact that every independent paper in tho state has been assailed by the corporations in one way or another, and some of tacm har h-fu financially strangled And now my frirnds, it U to thl p-int that I detire to speak in concluding tb's communi(atio'i: As one who La mado tbe principles we advocate a study for sevemet-n ears, who sees the situation of our c untrr and the dangers that menace OJr liberty, and who regards the auo casof mir cause as about all bt worth living for In this world, I deem it Impei atlve that our state pap. r b sustained, and now I appeal to every true independent In the state to do something in the way of financial aid to the paper: first by renewing your subscr ption. Then let every reader of this paper Bend the name of one or more n-w subfcribei s Tbi is a vital matter and a word to the wise is sufficient. Now do not wait for aome one to mention this matter to you, but let twery- reader of this arti cle consider him or herself a committee of one to work for th j Hoesa of the Alliance Independent. I have given during the last two years all of my time and money to the cause, and expect to continue fighting the battle until victory is won. Yours for the cause. J. B. ROMIXE. Lincoln, Neb., Farms for Sale. 160 acres 4 miles north of Alliance Box Butte county Neb. 70 acres in cultivation, 80 acres fenced, sod house and barn, two wells. ' Will give pofs-s-sion at once. Price $8 00 per acre. 160 acre 6 miles north of Alliance. 40 cr'H in cultivation, all tillable. Price $7.00 per acre. Tl er i can be otbr land bought adjoining these if deired. For further particular ad dicts, F. I). Kline, Alliance, Neb. -54 OMRS. Z. S. BRANSON, Breeder of choicest strains of Plymouth Bock, Light BrahmalChlckens And Mammotn Bronze Turkeys. They are pure and fine. , Mrs. Z. S. BRANSON, Waverly, Neb. A CALL TO ACTION. GEN. JAS. B. WEAVER has wrlton under tha above title The Book of the Century. The grandest reform book now in print. Every thinking voter should read it. Price, 11.50. For sale at thi office. 47tf Sondfor our complete book list. Hastings Importing Co. IMVOUTKRB AND BKKEDEHS OF Percheron and French Coach HORSES. Prize Winners of 'oi-'ga If npn a visit to our ham you do not ilnd onr horsen strictly first class In every particular, we will pay the expenses of the trip. Kvery horse guaranteed a flrst cla.-s foal getter, will give purchasers as liberal terms as any other firm in the business. BEEO & McLELLAN, Hastings, Neb. MONEY JU ON OPOL (1st Edition of 5,000 all Hold.) " NEW EDITION EN'LARG ED. 190 Pa&s Heavy Paper, Now Ready. Price, paper 25 ; cloth fl On. Address TnEoALLUdca Pcb. Co., Lincoln, Neb. "Money Monopoly, by E. R. Baker, I pro nounced by representative leaders in the reform canse to be tbe most comprehensive wnr ever published on the money question. Everr asser tion hacked up by undeniable preofs. Truly the Galling gun of wage-slavery against plutocratic oppression." Iowa Tribunr, Gea. Weaver's pa per. . . Blood a vi v w ft) Tonic Builder fmll for tfnrrt (Hiv Dr.WILLIAHS sa Sr hmx. KEDICISE CO., Schenectady. ir.T. wd ftrockTlllc, Ont. WESTERN TREES! It Is A FACT tbat for Prairie Plant ing, Trees grown on Prairies are the best. You can get them at The Geneva Nurseries All sorts of them and in any quant ity, from one to a car bad, at Very Low Prices. Our stock is very com plete in aT departments. OSAGE PUNTS AND , FOREST TREES. Also a full line of Fruit, Shade and Ornamental Stock, Grape Vines, Roses and Everereens. Catalogue Free. Write for Prices. AddreBS, Youngers & Co., Oeneva, Ntb. 3 THE BOSS SPRAYER For pprftvlne f rnlt treos and vines Send for catalogue and price list to CURTIS & HUBBELL. 1505 So. 86th St., Lincoln, Vtih, KXCELSIOR HO..K BAKER AND ROASTER (none genuine without brass fittings) our large improved style, i8 a solid make. hasdeeD flange lurung iui aiga grate.ana i-loses perfect ct v t tight saves , per cent nutritious elemnuis. Full de- scriptiro circular on application. AGENTS WANl'KD in every couutv in the ft. s. Ail- dress, CHARLES St'HUL.THKISS, 40 N. Main St., Council Bluffs, Iowa. Nfrvf aX NTa ALLIANCE STATE BUSINESS AGENCY. State Agent quotes prices on the following goods. A good common flour at 90 cts. per 100. White Roso flcur at 81,50 per 100. Silver Leaf " " 1.75 " Prime Brow Sugar t-i.OO per 100. Beet Granulated Sugar $5.65 per 100. Fine Uncolored Japan Tea 25c per lb. " " " 12ic " " Good Coffee 20c per lb. . A full line of Spices, Popper, Cinna mon, Clovos, Ginger, Mustard, Al spico, etc., a). 20c per lb. One gallon best 'coal oil with glass can 40 cents. J. W. HARTLEY, Nebraska SayiDgs Bant " 13 and O 81,' Lincoln. OaiDlta.1 0850,000. OIVSS ABSOLUTS SECURITY. Write Ui and Wa will Prore it Viva pot era! ratetent a Hrlnp aeoouDt 3. 6. Imnrm, K.B.Tnnur SIO Wlr Picket Fane KUehln. Lowdev's Perfectly tmt rM4 fne Mctaina to it V. & Moatiy Mallaabl irao. Kvmt f annar kta n f, mi tin cp. ixmm nam kwh ecnu red. Write IO IUWIMN OUtU(tM 10 L.C. LOWOCW. Indlanapolto, lrx: o Dim rur .i rot m OJ'jXilf lyU Ail Barry White Dm, lowa TeUow IMmX (extern aariy) aad Bariy Maatodon -ikraa of Iha Urfart and beat early varlatlee of Had eom la tka world. Write for catalogue. i M. tATEHlS. UMaaodoah, Pace Co.. Iowa. Cancers Cured. I will pay liberal I for tao naa J4 addrencs of peraoaa offerinc from cancer. Goarantca a permanent care or no charge. No rotur if caaa haa hna fivtm aa by othna, write aw at once. Pnyaidaae aapplicd wiJi reaaedy at liberal du cowt. fall raovedy and iaatnattiaaa for acli trcatawat, f as. J.B.H1KXIS. Kataw, Urna Al. . ( LAND EXCURSION To northern Kansas! Splendid body of farming land in Northern Xiuu, t8.00 to 88.00 per acre, only 11.00 cash balance on or De fore 10 years 7 per cent, per annum. Excursion starts Feb. 14th and 23rd, and March ?th at 4:19 p. m. All pur chasers of 180 acres will be given half fare. Write to J. A. LorgreD, 607 Brown Block, Omaha. lo UiCUU D-LE-TIE CO. o MANUF AOTUttCRS O iltrd;uirttn fsr this Cla ss of Gootf a H1 Untn Cltf . OMLano ARE THE BEST TREES Surest to growl 8urest to bear big crop pi tine f run Stuck of higheitt quality. Warranted true. Send for our Catalogue of Kruit Tree. Small KruiU, Old, New and Uare; Shade Trees and Evrrgreena. A lanrc ituck, Thb Oakland Ntmsray Co., i'orgya, Clark Co., Ohio. E. F. STEPHENS Prop., Crels, Neb. Reliable Trees and Plants. Satisfac tion guarauWfxi. 13,000 buaheia at anplea aid 8H bushels of cherrlea grown in 1W1 bHowh that rrultcnn ba grown 1( nnitabln trees am planted. Tha exiierlence and advice of the proprietor, preHidwnt of tbe state Horttculto ral society will be found safe and uaef ul to all plautera. . .. Forest Trees for Timber Claims orrMpoiid at once before the extreme rush of spring orders, Choloe Yellow Dent Seed Corn, I OO Bushels per Acre. Dr.C.Gre Wo the la mom Chi cago phv atcian ni Omaha has oer i,oon state m e n t s f r o in gra t e f a i vat 1 nU. who have been cured by him. One of the cessfnl phvsicani In Omaha today Is Dr. C. Oee Wo ""ho for the past two years has been doing more good for snftenng hun anity than anyolher pecil iis In the country. The doctor can uccestu lly treat yon bv mail and cure you, aa he has done thousands of others, with his wonderful Chinese remedies. Do not delay un til your disease is beyond ill help, but write to him if voo cannot Call noon him at once, and he will give you his candid opinion of your case. Exami nations free and it will cost you nothing to consult with him Question blanks sent Upon application. Address, DR. C. GEE WO, 5I9', N. 16th Bt Omaha SWIKT POTATOES sent ont to be sprouted on shares. No experience required. Direc tions for sproatiiig free. T.J. SKINNER. UoitUBbus, Kan. BLOOMrNGTON (PHOEVIX) NURSSRY. 60O AC a IS. Ij OBEKMHaUSES. TREES AI1D PLAHTG We offer a fine and lanre stork of everv desrrintinn of FKUIT and ORN AMfc-NTAI.TRfiKS. Shrubs. Hoses, Vines, Small 1-HU1T&, MetWe Hlanli. FRUIT and FOKKSf TREB SKKDUM1S. Prired C1nlnrue mailed free ftUihlish it iS 2 The PHCBNlX NURSERY COMPANY Successors to Sidnbv Tittlb & Co., BloOmington, Illinois. i7 W. C. T. U. DINING HALL, 138 S I2th St., Lincoln. First class tablo and suendence. 8UU Luacbea ail hors . Soda and Butter cracker 6c per lb. in cases. . - . '..'; ..; r;;. 40 Grain vinegar in iugs, 25c per gat Ijemon extract 2 oz. bottles 50c jer Aoz. Vanilla f " " 65c '" Finest full cream YA cheese 12 lb, A good Overall for only 50c. A An extra good overall for 65, Rockford half hose 75c per doz. ' " " " best made $1.05 a do Write for anything you eat or wear. State AgtM ms infcSL, Lincoln, Ntb CITE IIFS EBIES