FEBRUARY 16, IBM THE ALLIANCE-INDEPENDENT. ... X ALLIANCE DIRECTORY Nebraska Farm era Allianca. J. H. PowtRi, President, Cornell. W. A. PorTifc Vloe-Prw , Albion. J. M.Tbokpo, SUM Bec'y. Lincoln, a. C. Faiuchild. Lecturer, Oaklale. B.r.Axi.1. Chairman, Bx. Com., Wabaah. In tba beauty of the UUlea ChrUtwM born across the see. With a glory In bia besom That transfigures you and w. At be ttrore to make mea holr Let u strive to make them tree, Blnoe God Is marching- on. Julia Ward Hawe. We would be glad to get Hems f rem every county in the atate en condition of ttie Alii eaee work. PEOGBAJL SUBJECTS FOB DISCUSSION. 1. The. Initiative and Referendum. 2. Resolved, That money should be made out of the cheapest suitable ma terial. SUBJECTS FOB ESSAYS. 1. "God Hates a Coward." 2. True womanhood. 3. The doom of the traitor. 4. Society as it should be. 5. Some bad habits. , SUBJECTS FOB SPEECHES. 1. ' Who is the greatest American statesman of the present day? 2., The effect of Senator Allen's election. 3. The duty of the hour. 4. Importance of keeping up the AllIaDce. i 5. The Bible and Usury. 1 County Alliance Meetings. Cheyenne Co. Alliance will meet at Sidney on Saturday, Feb. 18, 1893. The new worK lor loaa win De given at. tnw meeting. Wallaces Boynton, Secretary. Mebkick Co. Alliance will meet at Central City on Saturday, February 18, 1893. Important Dusiness to db ran eacted. A. H. Harshberuer, M. H. Rawliks, Pres. Secretary. Otoe Co. Alliance will meet at Syra cuse on Wednesday, March 1, 1893, State .Lecturer raircnua win do pres ent. E. U. Rked, , Secretary. Saunders Co. Alliance will meet at Wahooon Saturday. March 4. 1893 State Lesturer Fairchild will be pres ent and every Alliance in the county is urged to send as large a delegation as possible. w. a. bates. , . Secretary. Hamilton Co Alliance will meet in special session at Aurora on Saturday, Feb. 25. 1893. Alliances who have not (i made a report to state and county - should do so nrevious to this mee tins' as the new work will be given at that time. . ja. JU.. severy, , i Secretary. Lancaster Co. Alliance will meet in K of L. hall 1029 O St., on Satur day, March 4, 1893. Notice the change in the day of the week. Come to the city early enough to transact all your business in the forenoon and be ready for the meeting at 1 o clock sharp. R T. Chambers, Pres. J. M. Thompson, Sec. An Alliance ReYived. Garfield Township, Custer Co. Editor Alliance-Independent: As I have not seen any news from this part of the country, I will drop a few words. Good Hope Alliance has revived and elected officers, Wm. Stewart, presi dent and James Ho comb, secretary. We are going; to try hard to keep it up from this on. Ours is the first Alli ance that was organized in Custer county. We have got to dig along another four years, then the independ ents will try their hands at running the government awhile. If every farmer would take' your paper we would be sure of their votes. D. W.Lauterman. y .. '; They are Getting Tired. ' Litchfield, Neb , Feb. 4, 1893. f. At the regular meeting Feb 4, 1893, Gracchus Alliance No. 569 passed the following resolutions: Resolved, That the proper officers should proceed to collect all the state m nnow rlanneltail in iKa f1an al hTatirtn. al bank. If it cannot be collected from the bank, then they should collect it from the treasurer and his bondsmen. xv una vuijr uccu a enui u biuiu oiiiua Sherman county lost twenty thousand , ' dollars in the same way and we are getting tired of paying a high rate of i taxes to raise funds for rascally bankers . to f.teal; and Whereas, It has come to our knowl--. edge that a bill has been presented for passage in the house of representatives whereby a bounty of $1 00 per ton is to t be paid to the producers of sugar beets, . &nrl , Whereas, We believe that the chief producers are the manufacturers them selves by the aid of foreign and con tract labor; and Whereas, We believe it to be only a blind to promote the growth of sugar beets by the people, the chief end and object uelng to enrich the manufactur ers of sugar; therefore be it Resolved, By this Alliance, that the representatives and senator from Sherman and Buffalo counties should work against the passage of the sugar bounty bill. A copy of these resolutions has been sent to Representative Dickerson and Senator Smith. t James E. Murray, ' ' . Secretary, Sewing Machines Given Away .nuT ib dm. nisrto nich Arm Machines r R.KI vr:te rpanisolarm, UNIVERSAL MFC.CO..CHICACO A To the Members of thr Nebraska Legislature: Whereas, local freight rates ia Nebraska are unreasonable from two to fourjtimes as high as they are in Iowa; and . Whereas, the corporations millions of dollars every year from the producers and consumers Whereas, withm a few years platforms, promised to reduce local rates to a level with those in Whereas, there is not a single than they are in Iowa; Therefore, we the undersigned citizens of . respectfully and earnestly urge down to a level with those m Iowa. NAME. A To T E MEMBERS OF THE NEBRASKA LEGISLATURE: ' Whereas, we believe saloon of all the schools in the counties to the cities, illages and school Therefore, we the undersigned respectfully ask you to pass laws, providing that all money derived used for the support of all the located. NAME. A To THE MEMBERS OF THE NEBRASKA LEGISLATURE: , We the undersigned citizens against the enactment of any law produced in this state, and we ment of such bounty. NAME. A To THE MEMBERS OF THE NEBRASKA LEGISLATURE.' ", VVe the undersigned citizens of .couDty Nebraska, do hereby petition and pray you to amend the Australian ballot law so that the tic ket of each party shall be printed A i lii. :iai.. ..ii i . m a Btjparauj coiumu wiui a buiuiuic emoiem ui ine naa. NAME. State Lecture's Meetings. . Bro. Fairchild,State Lecturer, will hold meetings in the following coun ties at places named. It is expected that all who can will attend, and co operate with the proper parties to make every meeting a successful one. Our lecturer starts out with a determi nation to make the work of 1893 tell for the future, and is worthy of our every encouragement: Powell, JefferBon Co., Feb. 17th. Fairbury, " " 18th. Cortlhnd, Gage " " 20th. Beatrice, " " " 21st. Liberty, " ' " 22nd. Pawnee City, Pawnee Co , Feb, 23rd. Falls City, Ricardson " " . 24th. Stella, " " " 25th. Auburn, Nemaha " " 27th. Brock, " " " 28th. Syracuse, Otoe Palmyra, " Wahco, Saunders " Mar. 1st. " " 2nd. " ' 3rd. Freedom's Call. Swing inward, O gates of the future! Swing ontward, ye gates of the past, For the soul of the people is moving, And rising from slumber at last; The black forms of night are retreating, The white peaks have signaled the day, And freedom her long roll is beating And calling her sons to the fray. Swing Inward, O gates! till the morning Shall pal at the brown mountains in gold, Till thp life and the lore In the new time Shall conquer the hate of the Old ; Let the face and that hand of the Master No onger be hidden from view, or the land he prepared for the many, Be trampled and robbed by the few. The oil tells the same fruitful story, The seasons their bounties display, And the flowers lift their faces in glory To catch the warm kisses of day; While our fellows are treated ilke cattle That are muzzled when treading the corn, And millions sink down in life's battle, With a sigh for the day they were born, Swing inward, O gates of the future! Swing outward, ye doors of the past, : A giant is waking from slumber ; And rending his fetters at last; From the dust where tyrants found him, TJnhonored and scorned and betrayed, He shall rise in the sunlight around him, And rule in the realm he has made. Ex. Tn another column will be found Mr. Geo. Steketee's advertisement of his cure for hog cholera. This remedy has acquired a great reputation wherever introduced, and as the disease prevails to a considerable extent throughout the western states, Mr. Steketee has probably "struck it rich" for himself, besides offering the means of curing all such hogs as may need his remedy. I wish to express my thanks to the Farmers' Mutual Insurance company of Nebraska for their very prompt and fair settlement of my loss Tjhich oc curred on my house January 7th. I also wish to express my confidence to my neighbors in the abore company. Yours truly, Luke Lannino. PETITION. of thi state, by these unreasonable and unjust charges, do extort past, all the political parties valid reason why local freight rates should be higher in Nebraska ' you to enact a maximum freight rate POST OFFICE. PETITION. license and taxes on railroad in which such licenses and tases district in which SHch saloons, and railroads are located; citizens of ........... ...... or submit amendments to the from saloon licenses, and taxes schools in the counties wherein POST OFFICE. PETITION. of ............. . . ., . . .county Nabraska, do hereby protest providing for a state bounty on respectfully ask you to vote against POST OFFICE. PETITION. POST OFFICE. MISSOURI SOLONS. In Important Primary Election BUI Favorably Reported. Jefferson Cur, Mo., Feb. 15. The louse committee on elections made a '.avorable report yesterday on Repre lentative Smith's primary election bilL This measure does away with all nom inating conventions and provides that ivery official from governor down to sonstable shall be nominated at primary elections to be held on Sep tember 15 of each year. All political parties are to hold their primary elec tions on the same day. The billy goat bill which was de feated Saturday was reconsidered and passed. If similar action is taken by the senate the free roaming and brows ing privileges enjoyed by goats from time immemorial will be abridged. In the senate yesterday Senator Lyman offered a joint and concurrent resolution, providing for an amend ment to the constitution so that Kan sas City may perfect a scheme and sharter empowering it to establish a municipality entirely independent of Jackson county. The promised public investigation by the special house committee of the charges' brought against Adjutant General J. A. Wickham by James C. Snell attracted a good sized audience but proved to be a complete fizzle. Representative Trigg gave it as his Dpinion that as the committee had been appointed only to ascertain the number of cle As and their salaries in the various state departments it had no power to investigate the charges. A motion to dismiss the case was unanimously carried and the whole burden of the investigation now rests on Governor Stone. The general opinion is that Snell has been too hasty and will be unable to prove anything incriminating against Wickham. The investigation of the' office of the state superintendent of schools by the spe cial committee appointed for that pur pose was postponed on account of the absence from the city of Superintend ent L. E. Wolfe. Notice of Amended Articles of Incorpora tion. Notice is hereby given that at an adjourned session of the first annual stock-holder 's meet ing of the Alliance Publishing Company of Lincoln, Nebraska, held February 2, J893, at the Company's office In Lincoln, Nebraska, Section 'i of Article four, and Article six of the original articles of incorporation were amended so as to read as below : Section two of article four was amended by striking out the word "unpaid" and Inserting In lis piace the words "the face value of. Sec tion two of article four now reads: Fifty per cent of the wtock shall be paid at the time of subscription, and no assessment shall be made without thirty (JO) day notice nor for m re than ten per cent f the face val ue of the stock at any one time on each share of stock, and at least sixty i60 days shall Inter vene between any two assessments." The above section two of urticle four an amended Is to be so taken for use after the date of said amendment. Article six was amended by striking out the words "one-fourth" and inserting in their place the words "two-thirds." Article six now reads: "This corporation shall not Incur liabilities for more tlian two tl.lrds of its capital stock actually subscribed." The above article six as amended Is to be taken for use after the date of said amendment. i Dated this 2nd day of February, A. D.. 1893. S. Edwin Thornton, President of Alliance Publishing Company. Edoak A. Murhav. Secretary Alliance Publishing Company and unjust, being, in many cases, of Nebraska; and in Nebraska have, in their state force in Iowa; and .County Nebraska, do hereby law bringing local freight rates OCCUPATION. property should go to the support are collected instead of going . .county Nebraska, do hereby state constitution if necessary, on railroad property shall be such saloons and railroads are : OCCUPATION. either beet sugar or sugar beets all bills providing for the pay. OCCUPATION. QCCUPATION. will Answer to the Indictment at .is. . Ueaawood. , Deadwoqd, S. D.Feb. 14. Special. The United States grand jury has re ported to the United States districl court, now in sesion here, four indict ments for murder against Iwicabey and Nunupa, otherwise "Marks" and "Too- Too," the two Indians charged with be ing engaged in the recent battle at Humphrey's ranch, thirty miles north oi nne luage agency, ana now in jail in this city. Ex-Congressman Granville u. uennett and United States Commis sioner John II. Burns have been chosen as attorneys for the defendants, who wni appnar to plfacl tomorrow. They will enter pleas of not guilty. Judge Thomas ha o d rad their caso trans 'erred fro-:t t!i Untt?d States district ourt to the United Uvutes circuit 'court tni will net t it r trial lor the SepfomUi 'rn, to be Jwm in ' Htv, For the Interest of Investors, The great Corn Belt of Nebraska and Kansas with the rapidly growing cities Omaba and Liccoln is now the chief center for investments. An ex ceptionally advantageous opportunity for investment has b en recently open ed up by the Stapleton Land Co., of Omaha, Nebraska. This company has a subscribed capital of $100,000.00, of which $100,000.00 is fully paid in. This capital is invested in choice small farms ih Nebraska and Kansas which were bought at exceptionally low figures during the depression of 1890. They are now offering these properties for sale at a slight advance in price and we may safely say that the opportunity for investment thus thrown open is well worthy of being carefully con sidered. The management of the affairs of the company is in the hands of experienced men. The officers are V. U. btaplewn, president: Hon. Jas. G. Berryhlll, vice-president and C. W. Anderson, secretary-treasurer. This Land Co. is one o' the strongest and best managed companies in its special line of work anywhere in tho west. Any of our readers contemplating the purchase of land would find it to their interest to call upon the above firm. Farm for Sale. 640 acres, 7 miles north of Alliance, all tillable, 300 acres in cultivation, bal ance in pasture. Will sell in body or divide to suit purchaser. Price $7 per acre. Would be suitable for four fami lies. For further information address. F. D. Keijjn, Alliance, Box Butte Co. Neb. f it is a fine Berkshire hog you want, write to EI. S. Williamson of Beaver City, Neb. Send ten cents in straps to John Se- bastain, Gen'i Ticket and Pass. Agt, C, RI.&P. R'y. Chicago, for a pack of the "Rock Island" Playing Cards. They are acknowledged the best, and worth five times the cost. Send money order or postal note for 60c., and we will send five packs by express, prepaid. GROUND ::OIL IS NOW used by all the principal feeders 1 of stock, and is better appreciated as its merits become known. It is used for stock of all kinds and you cannot afford to feed stock for market without it nothing that assists so much in EQUAL TO 3-lbs. OF CORN, ui ungsui iw lua, eocu. xrnce, 100 lbs , or $24.00 per ton. Woodman Linseed Dr. C. Ge Wo the fa mous Chi c(f J phy sician of Omsk ha over 1,00c state milt I from grateful pit! nil who har been cured .v him. One of the most suc cessful phvticana In Omaha today Is Dr. C. Gee Wo ho for the put two year Iwa been doing more (food for suffering huu anitjr than any.olhcr special ists in the country. The doctor can successfully treat yon bv mail and core you, as he has done thousands of others, with his wonderful Chinese remedies. Do not delay uit til your disease is beyond ill help, but write to hiir if you cannot call upon hire at once, and he will (five you his candid opinion of your case. Exami nations free and it will ot you nothing to consult with him Question blanks sent Upon application. Address, I DR.C. CEEWO, m N. 16th St Omaha Pure Seed Corn FOR SALE. Carefully harvested and cured expressly for planting: "Legal Tender," "Burly Mastedon" and "Cuban Queen" yellow dents; "Smith's Early Mammoth" white dent; "Stowcll't Ever green," "Mammoth," 'Gold Coin," "Black Mexican" and "Ruby" sugar corns ; "Queen's Golden," liapledale Prolific," "White rearl," "White Rice," "Little Dandy," "Utile Dalay" and 'Ruby" pop com In large or small quantities. For prices write ROBERT W. FURNAS, llrownvllle, Neb. Nerve Blood Tonic Builder Send for descriptive pamphlet. .WILLIAMS' 80e. HEDICIRE CO.. per box. Schenectady, rf.Y. andBrockvUlc.Ont. far 99.00. QWBET POTATOES vent ont to be sprouted kj on Roares. no experience required, uireo tions tot sprouting free. T. 3- SKINNER, Columbus, Kan. BLOOM INGTON (PHCENIX) NURSERY, 6oO ACRES. 13 GBEENII.USH, TREES AND PLANTS We offer a fine and Iars-e stock of ever deacrlntlon of FRUIT andORNAMEN I AI.TKEES, Shruba, noses, vines, Mnaii riturrs, Hedge riants, FRUIT and FOREST TREE SEEDLINGS. Priced Catalogue mailed free. Established 18(1 The PHCENIX NURSERY COMPANY Successors to Sidney Tittle Si Co., Rlooming-ton, Illinois. 3317 OMRS. Z. S. BRANSON, Breeder of choicest strains of Plymouth Rock. Light DrahmalChlckens And Mammoth Bronze Turkeys. They are pure and fine. Mrs. Z. S. BRANSPN, Waverly, Neb. MONEY M OM OPOL (1st Edition of 5,000 aU told.) NEW EDITION ENLARGED. 190 Pages Heavy Paper, Now Ready, Price, paper 25e; cloth f 100. Address ThibAllianob Pub. Co., Lincoln, Neb. "Monev Monopalr. bv E. Ii. BaW. U tro- nousced by representative leaders in the reform cause to be the most comprehensive wqti ever publisnea ob tne money question. Every asser tion backed up by undeniable proofs. Truly the Gatllnar nun of waste-slavery aealust nlutocratio oppression." Iowa Tribunr, Gen. Weaver's pa per. A CALL TO ACTION. . GEN. JAS. B. WEAVER Baswrlten under the above title The Book of the Century . .The grandest reform "book now in print. Every tbinklac voter should read it. Price, 11.50. For sale at thir office. 7ti Sendfor our complete book list. noxall INCUBATOR SslsSPSsS is (ruaranteed to hateh a larger 1 percentage of il TPDTILP Fcr.s jS!igS2c&iwGI at Ingg eoxt and trouble than any niuo.uine in the market. Circulars free. Address G. W. MURPHY fit CO. Qulncy, III. But t cU. for CUlPfM, irTWBB HMU OB BOfiaLB. W. C. T. U. DINING HALL, 138 S 12th St., Lincoln. :&I:E.AjL,S 25c First class table and attendance Lunches aU hors, 80tf lap IH. I fll! cue: it ii V i no Ik. There is fattening as Put upv 'SSP f 1.4U per "s send us draft or mor ty Oil Works,'sOmaha. Nebraska SaiingsBank 13 sad O St., Lincoln. Capital OSSO.OOO GIVES ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Write Ui and We will ProTe it Five per cent Interest on aavlngi aotounta. Special rates on time dapoalta. Write xx or call for neat Teat pocket bmhio andum book. i.Q. BctrrawicK, X. R. Thout President (Jaahler. $10 Wire Picket Fenco Machine). Lowden'i Perfection. Best Field faaea machine in th U. a Mostly Malleable iron. Kvurr farmer his owa fence builder. CoaU from 30 to 36 ceata a rod. Writ for illustrated catalogue to L. O. LOWOEN, Indianapolis, Ind SHENANDOAH Immense - - Stock FavrrAwa . . TREES OaHAMawTAL SmallFrulU APPI F gat . . . ill I 11. AND SaBDUNOSV Send Hit of wantH for pnecf. OSAOE OBAMOt KANT. Address, 1. B. LAKE, Shenandoah, la. SEED CORN WfMttiSz Yellow Dent (extra early) and Early Mastodon three of the largest and beat early varieties of seed corn In the world. Write for catalogue. i K. RATEKIN, Shenandoah, Page Co., Iowa. Cancers Cured. I will pay liberally for the names and addressee of persons suffering from cancer. Guarantee a permanent cure or no charge. No matter if case has been given np by others, write me at once. Physicians supplied with remedy at liberal dis count. Full remedy and instructions for self treatment, Ira, j. 11. Harris, Entaw, Green Bo., Ala. LAND EXCURSION To Northern Kansas! Splendid body of farming land in Northern Kansas, $6.00 to 88.00 per acre, only $1.00 cash balance on or be fore 10 years 7 per cent, per annum. Excursion starts Feb. 14th and 23rd, and March 7th at 4:15 p. m. All pur chasers of 160 acres will be giten half fare, Write to J. A. Lovgnn, 607 Brown Block, Omaha. me LUDLAW CLE-TI CD. MANUFACTURERS OF ADJUSTABLE WIRE BALE-TIES. Htidquarttrt for this Class ef fssfa man toh pricks. ' AV linstt City. C. OAKLAND TREES ARE THE BEST Surest to growl Surest to bear big; crops of fine fruit Stock of highest qualitv. Warranted true. Send for our Catalogue of Fruit Trees. Small Fruits, Old, New and Hare; Shade Trees and Evergreens, A large stock, 1HI VaMtAHD URBBKI tU. Forgys, Clark Co., Ohio. THE BOSS SPRAYER For spraying fruit trees and vines. Bend for catalogue and price list to CURTIS & HUBBEt.Lt , 1560 80. 86th St., Lincoln, Web. JANSEN . NURSERY. : Nursery Grewn Ash 65c per 1000. Asb and Box Elder larger $1.10 per 1000. Will A a alisiTta. VI n oss fim.11 eva-x-s. umtv I iicef Dlimilj 4' 1 111 LB BLIIA Evergreens, Osage acd Honey Locust Hedge. tvenr Tree. Vine and shrub a Barn In. Satisfaction guaranteed. Send .for price list. Address Jansen Nursery w C. B. CALBRAITH. Jefferson County. Jansen, Nebrag EEDS O WAR BANTED, n II nSjBest in the World. By mail, postage Paid. IS 1 rent a package and up. K G rand lot of EXTRAS given Ji wnn every oraer. rretnest '8i! I and only TRK1t Catalogue in IS Cs tne 'orld with pictures of sail varieties, heno yours Enri neighbors' address. n t-i o u 1 i.f . v mra"B.OCJtFOKD. - IU.INOIS. Fi Are FRESH, of the HIGHEST QUALITY, and WILL GROW. Wchive a 20-A ere Farm on which aise Seeds and Plants. Send for Harris Rural Annual for 1893. It is a book containing much Information of value to all who have gardens It will cost you nothing, and is worth more than it costs! Dn.p us a card. Address JOSEPH HARRIS CO.. Moreton Farm, Monroe County, N. Y. 1 ' E. ar i.- SEEDS