i! X MONETARY org 0- Wrd of Kansas Citj DiKussti Ike Hatuie of Monej and the Methods of Issue. IB IDEAL 8YSTIM PROPOSED Some Comment and Criticisms, Par ticularly as totbo Nliu of In terest, and its Abolition. Editor Aluakck-Indepindent: Just at this time, when the people of the United States are earnestly study ing the money question, it will be well to formulate, in a few terse sentences, the fundamental and axiomatic laws governing money, its nature, functions, vses and true method of issue. Monev. in its true sense, is not -0 9 - wealih, and as money possei-ses no val ve, even though it be stamped upon material possessing value. Although the material upon which money is stamped may possess, when unstamped, s commodity value, such value, be it more or less than the money denomina tion stamped upon it, becomes merged into such money denomination and will pass, as money, for such denomination mly. Such terms as "intrinsic, n or inherent" value, ' God's money" or "natural money" are meaningless and void of sense. Money is the creature and creation ef law, and its essence inheres in its debt paying or legal tender quality, which may be stamped on any suitable material in obedience to the fiat of law. Reduced to its last analysis, money is a conventional compact, or co-operative agreement, entered into by the whole people and given expression by the sovereign will and power of the people, r tat of national law. I use the term "national law" because I am treating f national money. Were it not for the existing constitutional prohibition, the several states, or counties for that mat ter, might each have its own exclusive money, adopted by legal compact or conventional agreement. Money 1b solely a medium of exchange 1 labor and commodities and a tool for , the liquidation of debts existing be tween individuals and the organized community or "government." Money "" "' " rtifiat that thn holder thereof iV"eiformel certain labor for, or A,lrith certain commodites to, an ,t , itfial or the community and that ively owe to him, or hera like ,.w of labor, or commodities. Such erulilate should be printed on the least expensive material suitable for tile purpose, from the fact that all val ce inhering in such material is dead and useless while such material la used ae money. Putting it in another form: legal tender or money is an agreement upon the part of a people, severally and col Sactively, to receive such money in pay ment id all debts, public and private, and in exchange for all labor and all of labors product. Hence, promise to pay are self contradictory upon the.r face, The implied contract embodied in legal tender money being, not a "promise to pay," but a promise to receive. The idea) inscription upon legal tender money would be, not "This note is a legal tender at its face value for debts, t eW-, etc," which is arbitrary, but vather, "We, the people of the United States, severally and collectively prom- fee toieceive this bill as... in payment of all debts, public and private, and in exchange for all labor and all commodities;" which is purely j xolnatary and co-operative. j The true money unit, or unit of ac count, is some certain quantity of labor, . aa the whole intent and purpese ot money Is the exchange upon equitable terms of one individual's labor for the Labor ci another individual. As, how cue?, the value of labor differs to some extent, depeadent upon the skill re quired, risks encountered, etc , the ef lost made in the invention of money, was to unite upon a common unit of ac count by which the relative value of all labor in all occupations and chan- - naila ef production tight be expressed. This rait, however, should not be real, nc imaginary, the name by which it is known being entirely irrelevent and taaaaterial. Taking as a unit a cer tain quantity of gold or silver or of any tier commodity is robbery, pure and ainapie, which whila it robs the masses and enriches the few, adds nothing whatever to the efficacy or usefulness ef fcae money but, as a comparative aoeasare of labor's product, or unit of aeeoaot. It is not because gold actual ly aaore valuable, that the unit of ac eoaot we call one dollar, has appreciat ed) ia purchasing power, fifty per cent since 3873, but rather because such unitabeiBg limited in number by the - wpy of gold, products to be exchang ed! have increased in volume in a much svsater ratio than the units of account. whieh being real must sooner or later he actually obtained and paid over to balaoee accounts. With an imaginary uoio capable of being duplicated ami -xtul&&ied in obedience to the de aoands ef commerce and exchange we could Mill, neverttieltbo, just as easily assert that a da's labor in the differ ent a various occupations is worth IV 5 52, 2.50 or 3 units a day, and a nw whose labor vat worth 2 units a iaj emritl just aa easily exchange the paper bill of the denomination of 4 aa&y received by him for two days work, Joy the product of four days In to? performed by the man whose' labor ww worth only 1 unit a day. The ad- -aoa;es gained by the adoption of an SmugiMxrj unit would be manifold, the ohie among them being that our vol am el money would not, be limited by the ridiculoHslv insufficient sup ly of tb h U') precious meta's; while at .vdbe sjt time we should yet have our supply ;o3 and silver, now available for dmm jrpoMJs. to exchange with ethM BAiVtnsfor viluable c mmoditles. j?b i y ZD'metary Fj-htem of the .toatvJi tv thing "age of reas n," will demonetize and discard entirely the uoe of gold and silver, and stamp (print mutual pruniit'S to receive upon paur bills bearing the denominational values of the ceveral fractions and multiples of an imaginary unit, which unit may continue to be cal.ed a dollar, or may be called by some other name. Now as to the mode of issuance of money: National money must be issu ed in compliance with the terms of i national compact expressed in the na tional law. National money must pos sess 1st, safety; 2d, elasticity; 3rd, uni formity. These are all conventional terms, used by bankers and financiers. They also use another term, "converti bility," meaning by such term, facility of conversion into gold and silver The ideal money ot the future will provide for no such conversion, but will be up on the people s sacred promise to re ceive in exchange for all commodities, which will include gold and sliver, (as commodities:) Even now a man will as quickly give a twenty dollar gold piece as a bill of like denomina tion lor food when be is hungery, or clothes when he is naked. But the ideal money will possess another attrib ute neither thought of or devised by the money mongers of the nineteenth century. will be free from the curse of usury, mere will be methods devised by which the people (government) will loan their collective credit (money) to themselves as individuals at the cost of administering the system under which such credit is thus loaned To go into details would be superfluous, and just an idea or two may suffice. Money might be paid out by the peo ple's government upon all legal appro priations and the entire tariff and in ternal revenue system abolished, until the volume of money in circulation reached a proper per capita limit, then the graded income and succession taxes might be adopted to furnish revenue. Or there might be appropriated two million dollars to each congressional district for the improvement of the public highways. Or the land-loan bnreau might be inaugurated and the homes of the people saved from Shy lock's grasp. Having inflated the regular normal volume of money to such a degree that there was money enough in the country to properly de velop Its resources and carry on its in ternal commerce upon a cash basis, the banking system of the nation should be nationalized by the establishment of People's national banks of deposit. loans and discount, and the deposits of the people be guaranteed absolute safety and certain return, such de posits being loaned to borrowers at the cost of carrying on the banking system. .Then put into operation the sub-treasury plan of loaning an ad ditional or supplemental volume of money upon, receipts for corn, wheat ana cotton, issued by nonded state warehouses lock would destroyed. and elevators, and Shy be dethroned and usury "So mote it be." Geo. C. Ward. Kansas City, Mo. '- r COMMENTS ' .' : ; In the above Mr. Ward has certainly conden-ed a great deal of thought in a few paragraphs. As to what money is and bow it should be Issued, Mr. Ward is substantially correct. But inasmuch as the article purports to be a scientific discussion," I feel like offering some criticisms: , 1. Mr. Ward and others who under take to write scientifically on money, ought to formulate one clear and com prehensive definition of money and stand by it. Instead of doing this Mr. Ward defines money, first, as "a me dium of exchange," then as "a tool for the liquidation of debts;" next as & certificate that the holder has perform ed certain labor" and lastly as "an agreement upon the part of a people, severally acd collectively, to receive such money in the payment of all debts." Now all these propositions may be com patible with one another. But they constitute a mixture of definition and illustration, which tends to confuse the mind rather than elucidate the subject. Furthermore, in his discussion Mr. Ward does not properly distinguish be tween what is and what should be. 2. Mr. Ward is not at all clear as to what he means by an "imaginary unit." In fact, we think the userof that expression will tend not only to con fuse the minds of those who are f avc r able to advanced ideas concerning money, but, to frighten away those who are doubtful or indifferent. This is a realistic age and the people will not take kindly to a proposed system of money based on an "imaginary unit." 3. But the fact that Mr. Ward's ideas concerning money are not clear or scientific, is most forcibly shown in the latter part of his article where he asserts in substance that the adoption of the right kind of money issued by cer tain methods will free the people from the curse of usury. With Mr. Ward I believe that usury is the greatest curse of modern civilizationyand I am as anx ious as he to find and apply a method by which the curse may be removed. But I deny most emphatically that Mr. Ward has found the method. By "usury," Mr. Ward evidently means interest. But he seems to have in mind that definition which we learned from cur arithmetics when school boys: "Interest is money paid for the tue of money." The term "money" is not necessary to a scientific definition of interest. In fact, though all borrowing and loan ing money should bo abolished, inter est wouW not necessarily be abolished. The man who attends a sale and buys a horse on time, gives his note with in terest at ten per cent, and at the ma turity of the tote pays both principal and interest, does not "pay money for the use of money," but for the use of a horee. ' I will go further and asert that even though debt i'self should bo abolished interest might remain a potent factor in the industrial world. What is Interest? In tho production or wealth. labor and capital are tin ployed Part of the product Cfies to each. Interest is that part of the pro duct which goes to capital; interest arisrs from the advantege which cap! tal gives to its poseor in the produc tion of wealth. So long as the man who owns a team and wagon can earn more than the man of equal capacity who bai nothing but his labor to em ploy, so long will interest be a fact in the Industrial world. The adoption of the most perfect sys tem of money ever thought or dreamed of will not remove the curse of usury, Interest results from the private owner ship of capital. It will never be abolished until some form of nationalism or socialism is adopted. Editok. ELECTION FIGURES. Three Surprises in the Election Re turn Pointed Out by the New York Sun. The New York Sun, one of the great est Democratic organs of the country discusses the popular vote in the late presidential election in a very interest ing manner. It says: "Although Mr. Cleveland obtained a pleasing majority in the electoral colleges, he failed to poll his party's full vote. There was nothing of a popular uprising for him. Judging by the usual standards of poll tics, he was a weak rather than a strong candidate. The popular vote ior Mr. Cleveland n 1-888 was 5,536,241. In 1892 it was 5,554,685 an increase of but 18,000 in four years, with 44 states participating in the one and but 38 in the other. In thirteen states Mr. Cleveland received fewer votes In 1892 than in 1888. In California, which the democrats carried in 1892, the gain over his vote of 18S8was but 444, while in Indiana it was just 1,727. In New York, though there has been a great increase in popu lation during the intervening four years, with a decided trend toward de- democracy. Mr. Cleveland's total in 1892 was 654,908 against-650, 474 for Mr. Hill for governor in 1888. Thus 1892 appears to have been rather a year of republican losses than of Democratic gains compared with 1888. Therepubli cans suffered tho larger falling off. The figures reveal nothing in the nature of a tidal wave anywhere. That Is the first surprise which re sults from a study of the official election figures of 1892. The second surprise rewards the investigator when he comes to contrast the popular vote, ac cording to states in their geographical relations. In New England in 1888 Harrison received 445,096 votes and Cleveland 335.030; these are the figures of the popular vote this year: Harrison 453,450, Cleveland 390.019, Weaver 6,7tt. Five of the six fcew England states were carried by Harrison. In the Tacific and so-called silver states, ten in 'number, these are the figures; Harrison, 319,420; Weaver, 203,926; Cleveland 189.639. Still more surprising appears the out come in the great Middle and Western states, New York. Pennsylvania, Ohio, New Jersey, Indiana, Michigan, Illi nois, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Minne sota and Wisconsin. In this populous enterprising and richly productive re gion, the nation's chief workshop and storehouse, and the seat of its more di versified industries, thete are the to tals: . Harrison, 3,322,290: Cleveland, 3,067,264; Weaver, 407,877. Whence came then, it may be asked, the democratic majority? In the great reserve column of the party, the demo cracy of the south. These are the figures in the south: Cleveland, 1.907,762: HARMSON, 1,077,175: WEAVKB, 422,031. The big aggregate for Weaver (1.040- 000) is another of the surprises ot 1992 A phenomenally large number of citi zens voted for the outside candidate, from no particular affection for him or his theories, but because they wished to vote against the regular nominees and could hit upon no better way. lhere are ether points of interest and surprjse which study of the election figures of 1892 may reveal: but the three we have now considered are the most important; namely, the relative failing off of Mr. Cleveland's vote in 189a compared with 1888; the important part played by the democracy of the south: and the astounding but not in explicable total vote cast for the Wea ver electors in the four states which they carried, and in the forty which they didn't." lhe Sun is of course speaking from an eastern stand-paint. It is controlled by eastern interests and influenced by a public opinion that is very little afftcted by the reform movement. Hetce its false theory concerning the Weaver vote. The truth is that if Weaver had received the votes of all who believe in his theories, his total vote would have been nearly twice what it was. To ;people who realize the condition of the country, who under stand the causes for that condition, and percieve the trend of events, there is but one surprise in the results of the election namely: That either Harrison or Cleveland should have received enough votes to elect him president cf the United States. When I turn my Footsteps Home ward. A new song dedicated to work ingmen. Single copies 25 cents, one dozen or more 15 cents. Sent postpaid on receipt ef price. A. H. HOUK, 121 South Ludlow st., Dayton, Ohio. Burlington Itoute Playing Carde. New desk ns, round corners, flexible linen stock, permanent colors, worth 50 cents. We sell them at 15 cents. Good scheme to buy a few packs, might need them this winter. Eucher. whist, high five, etc. A. C. Ziemkr, City Passenger Agent. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. LIST OF THE STRUCTURES NOW UNDER WAV. IKTERESTIM TREASURY FIGURES. Information Regarding the Status of Contracts for Public Buildings Au thorized by This and Preceding Congresses How Orer U, 000,000 Is to Be DMtrib oted Hage Figures. Washington, Jan 23. In response to a house resolution calling for infor mation as to whether public buildings appropriated for by this and preced ing congresses had been in part or whole contracted for, and what other buildings had been appropriated for without any steps boing tnken up to the present time totorrv the law into effect, in awarding contracts, the fol lowing figures are supplied by the treasury department: Contracts have been entered into for partial work or for completion of pub lic buildings to the amount of $2,250.- 000 as follows: Mary Island, Alaska, 815,000; Ashland, Wis., 8100,000; Atch ison, Kan., S100.000; Beatrice, Neb., 860,000; Burlington, Iowa, 8125,000; Banton, ' Ohio, flOO.OOO: Cedar Kapids, Iowa, 8100,000; Chicago, gov-; eminent building for world's fair, 8400,000; Dallas, Texas, 8150. 000; Eidsville, N. C, 825,000; Roanoke, Va., 875,000; Rockford, I1L, 8100,000; Rock Island, 111., 875,000; Sa- lina, Kan., 875,000; Saginaw, Mich., 8100,000. Sheboygan, Wis., 850,000; Sioux City, la., 8125,000; South Bend, 875,000; Staunton, Va., 875,000; Stock ton, Cal., 875,000; St. Albans, Vt, 800- 000; Taunton Mass., 875,000, and loungstown, O., 875,000. lhe treasury is authorized by exist ing laws to spend 89,160,000 additional on other public buildings as follows: Alexandria, Va., $00,000; Allegheny, Pa., 8100,000; Aurora, III, 875,000; Baton Rouge, La., 8100,000; Beaver Falls, Pa., 850,000; Bloomington, 111., 875,000; Buffalo, N. Y., 8600,000; Cam den, Ark., 825,000; Chester, Pa., 880, 000; Clarkesville, Tenn., 835,000; Colum bus, Oa,, 8100,000; Davenport, Iowa, 8100,000; Emporia, Kan., 810,000; Fargo, N. D., 8100,000; Galesburg, 111., 875,000; Houlton, Maine, 850,000; Haverhill, Mass., 875,000; Lewiston, Maine, $75, 000; Lima, Ohio, 860,000; Lynn, Mass., $125,000; Madison, Ind., $50,000; Merid ian, Misa., $50,000; Newburg, N. Y., $100,000; New Haven, Conn., additional land and extension of builling, $60,000; New London, Conn., $75,000; Norfolk, Va,, 875,000; Pawtucket, R. I., 875.000; Philadelphia, 82,000,000; Portland.Ore., $250,000; Pueblo, Col., $100,000; Racine, Wis., and Danville, 111., $100, 000; Ellis Island. N. Y., $250,000; Fort Dodge, Iowa, $75,000; Frement, Neb., $60,000; Kansas City, $750,000; Lafayette, Ind., $80,000; Mankato, Minn., $100,000; Martinsburg, W. V., 875,000; Paris, Texas, $100,000; Rich mond, Ky., $75,000; San Jose, Cal., 8200,000; Sioux Fai s, S. D., 875,000; St Paul, 8400,000; Bu reau of Engraving and Print ing, Washington extension, 860,000; Washington, 8250,000; York Pa.j $80,000. Contracts for none of thes? buildings have yet been entered into. This amount is exclusive of $4,000,000 appropriated for custom house and ap praisers' stores, etc., in New York city, which amount is expected to be de rived from the sale of the present gov ernment property. COLUMBIAN STAMPS SCORED. Senator Wolcott Objects to the New Issue on Various Grounds. Washington, Jan. 23. In the senate to-day the house substitute concerning testimony under the interstate com merce law, was non-concurred in, a conference asked and Messrs Wilson, Teller and Pugh were appointed con ferees. Among petitions on Sunday opening of the world's fair was one signed by Archbishop Kendrick and Vicar Gener al Brady of the Roman Catholic church, Bishop Tuttle of the Episcopal church and other citizens ot St. Louis, Mo., favoring opening after 12 o'clock Sun days, and another minister of the Methodist Episcopal church, South, of St. Louis against Sunday opening. Mr. Wolcott called up his joint reso lution directing the discontinuance of the sale of Columbian postage stamps. He was at a loss to understand, he said, why those stamps had ever been manufactured. He noticed that the postmaster general suggested in his annual report that he expected to re ceive $500,000 dollars extra profits out of their sale to ' stamp collectors. That was a trick that might suit some of the little Central American states when they were a few thousand dollars "shy," but the United States was too big a country to unload a cruel and unusual stamp upon stamp col lectors. Railroad mail clerks com plained that the one cent Columbian stamp was so like the regis tration stamp that constant mis takes were being made by them and he had a letter from a physician who said that if the sale of those stamps were stopped the stamps might be used for chest protectors. He asked unanimous consent that the joint resolution be read a third time and passed. But objection was made and it was laid over. No Plnkerton Legislation Needed. Washington, Jan. 23. The sub-committee on the Pinkerton system will report to the full judiciary committee of the house next Tuesday. The report will show that there is an agreement on the facts and that members are near ly in accord that no legislation on the part of congress is called for as the re sult of the investigation. Mr. Brod erick and Mr. Boatner of Louisiana are of the opinion that a law might per haps be framed which would be effect ual and also constitutional, but will not press the matter. The London Exchange telegraph company is authority for the state ment that Prince George of Wales will marry Princess May of Teck durir.g the second week of April. THE DOLLAR ! .w . I S I lw( . Z$1234567890. ,:;"!? tints mnoimo. I TJOaSBr A wonderfully cheap, novel and useful machine, doing the same quality of work as the high priced type writer and with considerable rapidity. Writes a full letter sheet, anv length. Will write as fast and as well as a World or Victor. Feeds and inks automatically. Well made, care fully adjusted and elegantly finished, mounted box with Ink and full directions, JJach neatly Price $1.00 Each, T. J. THORP & CO., 320 S. I Ith St., Just the Thing for a Christmas k Work Without CeasDg. Rogers, Ark., Dec. 27, 1892." Editor Alliance-Independent: The fact that there will not be another presidential election for four years is no reason why farmers and laborers should lose interest In the great indus trail questions that formed the only true issue in the last campaign. The work of education and reform should be pro secuted just as vigorously now as dur ing the heat of tho campaign. There are reasons why those who desire to see the principles advocated by the People's party enacted into laws. siTould be more in earnest, more act ive and more aggressive than ever. Party prejudice that warps the judg ment and blinds the eyes of the victor, does Dot run so high now as just before a presidential election. Men who would not listen to reason or believe statements, no matter how well sub stantiated, during ths heat of the con test have cooled down and now have more time to consider propositions of fact that would have been hooted at a few months ago, not because tbey were unworthy of consideration, but because they were so blinded by preju dice. There are also many young men who have as yet formed no well-ground ed political belief, and who, expecting to cast their first ballot in 1896, are now looking around to see with what party they will identify themselves. They are not biased by preconceived opin- ions, or deceived by oily tcngued poli ticians. Before they become the prey of the latter, it should be regarded as the duty of the populist to see. them, talk with them upon the mighty issues advecated by his party; prove to him by reciting facts of today and history of the past, that our country is passing through a terrible crisis, the outcome of which will be decided for the weal cr woe oi our nation in the next presi dential campaign. Now is the time to do missinary work among our lenow iaDorers wco are wandering in a labyrinlh of political prejudice, ignorance and erroneous ideas on political economy. As before stated tbey will be more likely to hear what you say to them than at any other time. Go to them with literature and statistics; talk to them conservatively and from the standpoint of mutual in terest. With all the fscts at the com mand of the populist, a campaign of ed ucation sytematically cemmenced now will prove irresistible in its results in '96. No man with patriotic instincts can afford to Jay down his arms and cease a fight that has keen so nobly begun. The demands for reform are too pressing the situation too critical. Every man whose eyes have been open to see the startling condition of the la boring classes, and the inevitable ruin that stares us all in the face unless our nation be rescued from the vampires who are sucking its life blocd, is little less than a traitor if be deserts now, is hardly a patriot if he fails to utilize all possible agencies consistent with honor to convince others of the truth of our assertions, and show the utter hopeless of improving our condition under the regime of either old party. More than a million men voted the democratic ticket last fall, silently resolving to give them one more chance. The re lief tbey wanted will not come; when convinced of this they will turn their backs upon the two old porties forever. The populift should see that they do it. Keep constantly upon their minds the failure of the incoming administration to accomplish that which it is expected and has promised to do. Respectfully, J. W. Sherwood. WANTED. White beans, honey, sorgham molasses butter and eggs to sell on commission. J. W. Hartley, -State Agent. 1 A MTCH The ddres s of all sol WMIM I CU diers who homestead OAI rirnQj ed a less number WWl J tun O of antes than 160 HOMESTEADS X2, 1870. and biro's final proof on the same. W. fc. MOSES, P. O. Box 1765, Denver, Colorado. ueiiuuu iiiiH payer. .,d LfJOUW BALE-TIE CO MNUPCTURE'R9 Of Headquarters for this Class ot Gocc -ttatfcR A Kansas Citi. TYPE WRITER. - on polished hard wood base and packed iu wood wrapped and labeled. by Mail 15c Extra. Present. LINCOLNNEB. MANUFACTURING CO., St. Louis, Mo. Shuck Shelter. Only one made that successfully shells corn with the shuck on as well as off. Send for illustrated circular. Mention this paper. THE OMAHA HAYPRESS L-Manufactured by the MARTIN & MORRISSY MANUF'G CO., OMAHA, NEB. AfFull Circle, All Steel, Rapid, Dur able and Light Runner. ALL PRESSES FULLY WARANTED SEND FOR CIRCULAR. RIPANS TABULES ! REGULATE THE STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS t AND PURIFY THE BLOOD. RIPANS TABULES arc tke best Medl. cine known for IndlgeMlon, BIllouueM, Headacke, Constipation, WyaprpiUa, Ckronla 5 Llrer Troubles, lNzzlnew, Bad Complexion, 7entery, Offenalre Breath, and nil dl. orders of lhe Stomach, Liver and Bowels. J FJpans Tabnlen contain nothing injurious to the most delicate constitution. Are pleasant to take, safe, effectual, and give Immediate relief. Price Box ( viala), IScentu j Package ( boxes), 2. May be ordered through nearest druggist, or by mail. Sample freo by mail. Address THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO., J 10 BrKUUK STREET, NEW ORK CITY. J UNKCUAINTEDWITHTHE GEOGRAPHY (K-THISCCUNTm. MUCH VALUABLE INFORMATION FROM It STUDY OF THIS MAP OFi ST! i, MIM& Facie Sy; The Direct Route to and from CHICAGO, ROCK ISLANP, DAVENPORT, DES MOINES. COUNCIL BLUFfS, OMAHA, LINCOLN, WATEHTOWN 8IODX FALLS, MINNEAPOLIS, ST. PAUL. ST JOSEPH, ATCHISON, LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS CITY, TOPEKA, DENVER, COLORADO SPRINGS, and PUEBLO. Free Reclining Chair Cars to unit from CHICAGO, CALDWELL, HUTCHINSON and DODGE CITY, and Palace Sleeping Can between CHICAGO, JWICHITA and HUTCHIN80N. solid vestibule express trains ui iu,,. vuwueb, oreepera, rree Keciining Chair Cars and Dining Cars dally between CHICAGO UF3 MOINES. COUNCIL BLUFFS, OMAHA and'LIN- wwi, ana Between vuiVAOQ and DENVEP COLORADO SPRINGS and PUEBLO via St? JomdS or Kansas City and Topeka. Excursions daily, with AneelPS and San Francisco. The Direct Line lo an from nxe-a rea, Manitou, Garden of the Gods, to Sanitariums, and Scenic Grandeurs of Colorado. Via The Albert Lea Route. Fast Express Trains dally between Chlcapo au Minneapolis and St Paul, with THROUGH Reclliilna Chair Cars FREE, to ond from those points and Kan u City Through Chair Car and Sleeper between Peoria,! Spirit Lake and Sioux Falls via Rock Island. The Favorite Line to Watertown, Sioux Falls, the Summer Resort and Hunting and Fishing Grounds of the NVrthwest. For Tickets, Maps, Folders, or desired Information apply to any Coupon Ticket Office, or addraia E. ST. JOHN, Genlfilnnaaer. JOHN SEBASTIAN) GenU Tkt. & Pass. Agt, CEIOAOO JAPANESE I CURE A new and Complete Treatment, consisting of Sup positories, Ointmeat In Capsules, also In Box and Pills; a Positive Cure for External, Internal. Blind or Bleed ing Itching. Chronic, Recent or Hereditary Piles, and many other diseases and female weaknesses; It Is al ways a great benefit to the general health. The first discovery of a medical cure rendering an operation with the knife unnecessary hereafter. This remedy hat never been known to fail. (1 per box for $5; sent by mail. Why suffer from this terrible disease when a written guarantee is positively given with 6 boxes , to refund the money if not cured. Send stamp fcr free sample. Guarantee issued by J. H. Harley, drnr gist sole agent Iltfc and O strests, Lincoln. Neb. an rp! in - GSLAND DOUGLAS V -ajT