The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, January 26, 1893, Image 3

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How to. Train Male--Car of Dairy
Cow Cottonseed Meal tor Feed
ing Cows and Vlgi Farm
Notes Horn Hints.
To Balsa Males.
There 6eema to be a growing desire
amonarst the farmers of the West to
raise tuiles to sell in place of horses.
says the Wisconsin Farmer. About
ten years ago a great many mules and
good ones, too, were raised in central,
Northern and Western Iowa,' as well as
in Southern Minnesota. The buyers
of animals for heavy hauling liked
these Northern grown mules, for they
Kt were hardy and strong and, when big
f enough, paid good prices for them.
UVThe buyers were, as a rule, more anx
ir ious to get the Northern grown mules,
for these had been, as a general thing,
4; more carefully raised and were not as
I Hkely to endanger the life of the luck-
ss teamster who might happen to be
I jld off to look after them.
, ' About twelve years ago it is not
much less we had the fortune, good
or bad, to be employed on a farm,
where mule raising was one of the
principal industries. Not only were
quite a good number of these long
eared animals raised by their mothers
on this farm.but a large number were
bought each year from neighboring
fanners as yearlings and suckers, and,
if our memory serves us" right, actu
ally brought more than the majority-
of the common horse stock of the
countiy at the same age. We dis
tinctly remember being assigned the
honorary post of feeder-in-chief to
this collection of mules, which con
sisted of thirty, big and little, rang
ing from three months' to as many
years in age. As time went on and
J they reached the latter period of their
4 existence they were matched a3 close
' ly as possible, broken one at a time
alongside a steady old mule and then
i sold. And it was astonishing with
what alacrity they were picked up
I They were fed very generously from
L the time thev would eat, and we do
i not remember turning off a mule at
three years' old that did not weigh a
S i ousana. pounas, ana ine uverugo
J, ice per span was about $275. There
flre two much larger pairs that
. icAnt to a railway contractor to take
J40 Montana at G50, the four; but
"have since heard that they grew to
weigh not less than fifteen hundred
pounds apiece and were capable of
movinsr anvthins "that was loose at
1 -
one end.", t
Thermo cpme things which must
be no, Raising mules, so that the
unc" ftsr tinay be a success. A
smi .1 m c t4 of no more use among
his kind .nan a small horse, and
' 11 V J v
bigger he is the better he is and
more money can be gotten for him,
We noticed that those men who had
good big mares, weighing 1,200
pounds or more that was a big mare
in those days and bred them to a
certain iack that was owned in the
neighborhood never failed to get a
erood serviceable animal that grew to
good size, commanded a good price
and proved to be sound, strong and
healthy. The ules which were from
smaller mares did not grow so large.
naturally, and did not command such
a-good price, either to the breeder or
.to the man for whom wo fed them,
It must also be set down as a fact that
here is as much difference in jacks
s sires and breeders as there is in
horses, though that fact is not very
generally accepted by the farmers.un-
til they have ocular demonstration of
the same. A iack 6hould be large,
weighing as near a thousand pounds
as possible the bigger the better
and should be of good bone, dark
color, symmetrical shape, and good
i . disoosition. Small boned, light col-
' nH ianlra are never e-ood breeders:
these verv characteristics point to a
;) lack of breeding. In the same propor-
tion all bares aro not suited to breed
erood m ts, and no matter how satisfac
tory th (ack may be in the points
mentio1 d some mares will never pro
duce good mules. Tho best mares to
produce mules, in our experience, are
large boned, graae arait mares,
vVrky in conformation, but not too
w.Cki so. wcierhiner anywhere from
1 to 1,400 pounds.
It may be noted, also, that it is
iust as natural for a mule to kick as
it is to suck, after it is born. Con-
seouentlv srreat care must be taken
in raising not to plague them, annoy
them nor ill-treat them in any way.
They are revengeful in their natures,
and their memories are far from be-
farm where tnere is a mule coit to
plague him to see him kick. A mule
;olt so used erenerally errows up as
iigerous as a dynamite cartridge.
3 of about as much use. They
Tst hrt wll siTiil Undlv treated.
ydver chased with a dog; in fact,
t everything that tends to teach them
1 the use of their heels must be studi-
l ously avoided from the very start.
The nearer a mule approaches the
horse side of the house" the better
he will prove. J. he best mules ap
proach most closely the horse in con-
i formation and disposition, lience,
tfreat a mule in all ways a3 you would
a norse. uivb mm m oamo goua-
)U8 care and feed and the more like a
horse will he become. Their natural
faults, such as chewing the fence9
and crawling under gates, must be
overlooked or provided for, and the
iiile grown to working age win do
Jfound to eat much less and do more
iand harder work than a horse of cor-
"onding size and weight.
Cottonseed Meal for Feeding.
As cottonseed meal is gradually
rooming into use in Ohio as a valuable
adiunct to the ration for dairy cows.
and m the scarcity and consequent
high price of corn, the present season
may tempt some farmers to add this
meal to tho pig ration, it seems ad
visable to call attention to bulletin 21
of the Texas experiment station.
In this bulletin Director G. V Cur
tis reports tho results of a long
series of experiments in feeding cot
ton seed to pigs, from which he
comes to tho conclusion that there is
no profit whatever in feeding cotton
seed in any form to pigs, whether the
seed bo boiled, roasted or ground.
The ground eeed seems to have pro
duced the worst results, causing tho
death within six to eight weeks of a
large proportion of the pigs to which
it was fed, and especially of the me
dium and small sized shoats. The
boiled seed was less injurious, but
roasted seed was almost as fatal as
the meal.
These pigs were fed alongside of
similar pigs which had corn instead
of cottonseed, and the corn-fed -pigs
remained in perfect health. The
svmntoms produced by the cotton
seed are described as follows: The
first sign of sickness, appearing in
from six to eight weeks after cotton
seed meal is added to the ration, is a
moping dullness of the animal with
loss of appetite and tendency to He
apart. Within the course of twelve
to thirty-six hours, olten witnin ine
shorter time, the animal becomes
restless: staggering in his gait;
breathing labored and spasmodic;
bare skin showinff reddish inflamma
tion; sight defective, and both the
nervous and the muscular systems
feeble and abnormal in action. The
fatal -cases - &U show thumps"
sDasmodio breathing, and in many
instances the animal' will. tU?B"in
one direction only following a fence
oc Duuainsr wan. so cioseiy as 10
strike his nose against projections in
a vain endeavor to push outward in
that one direction which he tries to
take. If no building intercept him
he may travel in a circlelarge or
small according to the ml 'ness or
acuteness of the malady in his partic
ular case. When exhausted by his
efforts the animal drops down suddenly
sometimes flat upon his belly,
sometimes dropping on his haunches
with his fore legs well apart to keep
from falling over almost always with
the evidenc0 of more or less acute in-
internal pain. At death a quantity
of bloody foam exudes from the mouth
and nostrils. Ohio Agricultural Ex
periment Station Bulletin."
Farm Notes.
Feeding corn and cob meal helps
the digestion.
A clean skin is necessary for the
health of horses. .
The hand is a poor machine with
which to work butter.
Mismanagement is an evil for which
there is absolutely no remedy.
Superior horses can only b had by
breeding both a good sire and dam.
It is rarely an advantage to push
the growth of colts by stimulating
The true source of income in farm
stock lies in performance and pro
duct. With all classes of stock there is
nothing like regularity in feeding and
Breed in line as much as possible;
crossing of bloods rarely does as well
as pure breeding.
Oats make muscle and corn is fat
tening, but it is a mistake to feed one
thing all of the time.
The best and easiest way to get rid
of weeds is to keep the land occupied
with something useful.
Selling the whole milk off the farm
is ruinous to the fertility unless feed
or fertilizer is purchased.
While pedigree is an important fac
tor it must bo attached to a fine ani
mal to carry any value with it.
With nearly all classes of young
stock it is poor economy to keep them
unless they are growing every day.
Home Hints.
Very hot water is better for bumps
and bruises than cold water.
Do not let fresh fish lie in water as
it makes them soft and unfit to eat.
Egg stains can be removed by rub
bing with common table salt.
Scratches on furniture may be re-
finished by rubbing with a woolen
rag dipped in boiled lmseed oil. The
varnishing may then be done .with
shellac dissolved in alcohol.
Silver becoming black may be
avoided by keeping that which is not
often used in canton flannel bags,
with small bags about tne size 01 a
thimble filled with bits of gum cam
phor packed in around the articles.
Silver in daily use may be kept
bright a very long time if always
washed in hot suds and rubbed brisk
ly on a soft, dry towel. Silver and
elass should both be wiped right out
of tho suds without rinsing, ury
salt will remove egg stains from
snoons. and eum camphor kept with
silver will prevent it from tarnishing.
Housekeepers find very often that
crisp, white celery or the firm lettuce
which they bring into the house in tne
evening has become wilted and worth
less by morning. The cause of this
is the exposure of the plant to tne
strong light of the early morning
hours or to heat. To keep thorough
ly firm, any green vegetable should be
kept at as cool a temperature as pos-
si Die ana in tne aaric
Cream toast is a delightful, old
fashioned supper dish, not at all like
its modern substitute milk toast
Heat the cream by setting the dish
containing it in a dish of boiling
water. When tho cream is thorough
ly heated salt it and drop thin slices
of delicate brown toast in it. When
all the toast is dipped serve what hot
cream remains in a gravy boat. As
the toast is served pour a little cream
from tho boat over it This toast
must be served very hot.
The duke of 'etinintrs null Is
worth about 10,000,000. It yield so
annual income of about SJ,7M',ouO.
There are seven Hebrew member
who have seats In the Ilntisu house
of commons, and they are all re
lated to the Rothschild family.
The village druggist refusing to sell
rat poison to William K. Koons 01
Marietta, Pa., he decided to make
some himself, lie loo it tne Kernels
from three dozen peach atones, put
them in a pint of water and boiled
them for three hours. The liquid
killed rats as readily as arsenic.
Mr. Van Rogers of Georgia, has a
couple of peculiai fowU a cross be
tween a rooster and a guinea Hen.
Their plumage is darker than that of
a partridge, while they are speckled
as a guinea Their heads are like a
buzzard's, while their genera' figure
is a blending of guinea and chicken.
As a rule seats in first class theaters
in Europe cost more than in this coun
try. A seat in the parquet of a Lon
don theater costs 82.63 and ne in
the first balcony $L75. Then the
program costs from two to six cents,
and the fees of the attendants count
up anywhere from a dime to fifty
Probably the smallest electric light
. . - ... a m J I
plant in tne woria is w oe ioudu m
the little village of Bremen, near
Dormbacb, inThuringia. It comprises
a single are lamp installed in the
church, the lamp being operated when
required by a small dynamo arranged
in the viilatre mill and driven by tho
mill wheel.
In Paris a novel aparatus has been
fixed in front of the windows of a few
shops, pioneering the way for the in
fon of the invention. It
c!cfo a small pipe laid
along the exterior of S hop window,
from which trioe. throusrtf numerous
holes, is emitted a gentle currd? '
warm air, slightly scented, which is veTv
agreeable to the shop window gazers'
to sniff, while it keeps the window
clear and bright, thus more effectively
displayine the contents.
A well known milk dealer of Phila
delphia has contrived quite an ingen
ious plan to hurry up things to enablo
him to start out on his morning ride
to serve his customers. In order to
feed his horse while he lies comfort
ably in bed, he has placed an alarm
clock in the stable, which he sets to go
off at 4 o'clock in the morning. The
clock does not strike arj alarm, but is
fixed so that it releases a pin, and
opens the door of a little box which
contains sufficient feed for the horse.
The feed runs into the trough
in the stall and by the time the
milkman is ready to start out the an
imal has had his breakfast and is in
good shape to be hitched up and start
on his route.
More than 700 biographies of Colum
bus have been written in various lan
guages. David A. Wells declares that the
yearly waste in the United States,
through drink, is at least $500,000,000.
Fifteen presidents wore smooth
faces, four wore beard and mustache,
two wore side whiskers, one Wore
beard and side growth, and'one wore
a mustache alone.
Amonsr the exhibits at the world's
fair will be two swords from Spain,
one of which belontred to Queen Isa
bella, Columbus' patron, andtheother
to Cortez, the conquerer of Mexico.
Alexandre Dumas pere used to re
ceive a great many anonymous letters,
and it was a playful remark of h s
that he preferred them to theotlur
kind, because they required no an
Steele Mackaye is an absorbed stu
dent of reptile lore. At one time he
kept a rattlesnake at large in his
study. He would write with the
creature coiled up on his table, its
head close beside his hand.
Alonzo Cano, a French painter and
sculptor of the seventeenth century, is
said to have had such a fine sense of
precision and symmetry that he rc
fused to kiss a poorly executed cross
within less than an hour of the time
of his death. '
John E. Fitzgerald of Boston, who
not long ago visited ParneH's grave.
says that every day since the remains
cf the Irish leader were deposited
there fresh flowers have been not
merely strewn but literally piled upon
his grave by tho common people.
Walter Satteriee, the artist, says
one 01 tne greatest aimruuics ne
meets is the lack of models in this
country whose hair is so black that it
has blue or purple lights in it He
adds that what he wants is common
in Europe, but almost unattainable
When a young lady insists on being
a sister to you it is always a deal safer
to lot her be.
"What is that that Maude and Jack
aro playing on the piano?" asked
Mawson. ''TasT, I fancv," said With-
"Hicks Your wife, of course, is
lover of the beautiful. Wicks Gener
ally speakinr, yes; but she doesn't
particularly dote on the women I con
sider beautiful.
Mrs Watts hat is that you are
making now? Mrs. Potts A smoking
jacket for my husband If that does
n't cure him of smoking around tho
house, I don't know what will.
One of the most successful teachers
of our public schools tells the follow
inirstorv: There was a boy in the
school whom she frequently had oc
casion to reprove for saying "I seen."
One dav. with an air of injured inno
cence, the bov replied: "Well, when
I say 'I seen' you scold me; and when
I sav 'I saw' ma scolds mo. I told her
this morning that I saw a man and
she said what did you saw him with?'"
Newsjr Note About Nebraska Places
. iiI rl. j I
Omaha wants another distillery, also
the earth.
The North Loup will bo bridged at
Ilawley FiaU.
Business is generally gcol in this
state at present
A new Kpiscopal church has just
been completed at Ewing.
The big Are at Alliance last week
wrought a damage of over 110.000.
A new bridge has been completed
across the Republican river at Strat
The A. P. A. folks of Columbus are
arranging to build a Protestant hospi
tal. The packing house at Nebraska City
has closed for want of something to
The bridge across the North Loup at
Brewster has been damaged by high
water and gorges of ice.
The Kearney Hub has bcon reorgan
ized and is now financially all right
out of debt and plenty of working cap
ital. The Fremont-Omaha canal projec
tors have about eoncluded to draw
their water supply from tho Elkhorn
instead of the Platte.
The Plattsmouth News gives the
'peculiar man who does not believe in
advertising," a gentle jolt that is
worth reading.
Arthur Cole of Brewster threw oil
upon tho troubled embers, and his face
and neck arj now dressed evey day
with belladonna and antiseptio gauze.
Charles Miller of Hartington has
been adjudged insane and taken to tho
asylum at Norfolk. He has been sub
ject to epileptic fits for years, with the
inevitable result.
son of Peter Perry of Eight Mile
Grove,v8not a 8luin'01 anu received
the heavjs11 tQe explosion in the
C8s A llO ft U1 " w JUUMJiV
id leaked at Jo breech.
TIfinrv XV. IIali!Ji(l Jhn C. Mack
of Seward countv. arevl Jal, PR"en
ly waiting for district courU"i;ouvo"0
so they may go to tne peDiteniiurfv,
stealing $125 worth of seven centhogs,
Ed. Farmer, a teacher in the Colum
bus schools, was waylaid by three big
boys of his class and trounced to even
up a punishment previously received
by the boys at the hands of the troun
cee. Fullerton will soon have the popu
lar modern illumination. The dynamo
tiuilding abuts their flouring mill and
the machinery will be run by the same
great water power. Fullerton is one
of the most enterprising cities in the
One night this week two well known
printers sat down to a remarkable
feast. One ate the meats of a quart
of peanuts, while the other ate the
shells. It is needless to say that the
feast was the result of a wagar, and
the fellow who ate the husks bet on
Harrison. Pender Republican.
Willis Brown, who escaped from
jail in Nebraska City about two years
ago, was captured in St. Joseph Fri
day and was placed in jail. Brown is
a dangerous character and at the time
of his escape was waiting trial on sev
eral serious charges. His chances for
a term in the pen are good.
Henry M. Hall and John C. Mick,
the two men arrested on Saturday at
Seward charged with stealing nine fat
hogs from E. M. Hickman and selling
them to Allen McLain, a shipper at
Germantown, had a preliminary hear
ing before Justice Hall yesterday af
ternoon, resulting in Hall being bound
over to the district court in bonds of
$1,000, and the discharge of Mick.
Chief Otto returned Friday to Lin
coln from Omaha with two men who
broke into Loomis' hardware store
last week. They gave their names ai
M. Smith and Charles' Hoppee, and
are both young men of eighteen or
twenty years. The chief also brought
back the articles stolen. The follows
were endeavoring to sell them in
Omaha, and were arrested on suspicion
by Sergeant Dempsey of the Omaha
A young man who refused to reveal
hiB indentity had a narrow escape from
death about 1 o clock Friday morning
at the boarding house of John Griffith
on X street, Lincoln. He had came
there the previous night and obtained
lodgings. About 1 oclock he gave
vent to a few screams that woke up the
household . Is was found that he had
taken aconite with suicidal intent, but a
physician being summoned who forced
down an antidote he pulled through.
Fred. Waggoner, a prosperous far
mer of Eight Mile Grove precinct,
marketed a bunch of hogs at South
Omaha stock yards on Monday last
which surpasses a great majority of
shipments made from this section for
the past several years. The porkers
numbered 220, with an average of 321
pounds, which brought $7,80 a hun
dred. After paying the freight and
yardage Mr. Waggoner pocketed the
neat um of $5,000 and returned home
with the firm idea that a hog is
rather accommodating animal after
all. Plattsmouth Journal,
Mr. Weston, living eight or ten
miles northwest of Table Rock, is
slowly dying. He has been sick
long time'with what was thought to be
gout Lately some are inclined to the
belief that it is leprosy. . His feet have
rotted off and tho flesh is sloughing
off toward his knees. His death can
not lone be delayed. He lives in the
ed(te of Johnson county, is a widower,
with two daughters, who are both old
maids. They are quite wealthy, but
the family is extremely penurious and
miserlv. almost denying themselves
the comforts of life.
r. CAHTOK, lt"i.
, KilK. Vkw Ifs.
t.t, MOJ1, 8JATE AGtNT.
imTf rt
ARMERS, we invite your attention
Company of Nebraska, If tou are
afford to insure in any other company, and if you do not want insuraoae
now, write and get a copy of our By-laws
are doing anyway,
Kememb-r we are for Farmrrt only.
Koum 401 Brae fialldlag.
The way to do this is to ship your Butter. Poultry. Eggs, Veal, Hay, Crata.
Wool, Hide, Beans, Broom Corn, Creen and Dried Fruits, Vegetables, sw
anything-you have to us. Ttoe fact that you may have been selling- these articles at bow
for years is no reason that jon should continue to do so if you ean find a tatter market. IRa
make a specialty of rao!vinf shipments direct freta FARMERS AND PRODUCEM
and probably have the largest trad in this way of aay house in this m fcet. Whilst yew
ara looklBf around for the cheapest market in which to buy your goods, and thus econoaas-in-
1b that way, it will certainly pay tou to give some attention to the best and moat prulft
able war of dlipeaing of your produce Wa invite eorreaperdenoe from INDIVIDUAL
ALLIANCES, CLUBS, and all erganiiations whe desire to ship tbelr tiaiuu uuwiSs
this market If requested, we will send you free wf sbarge our daily market report, aafev
bIdc directions and suoh Information as will be of service to you, if yeu contemplate sir-ping-.
When so requested proceeds for shipments will be deposited to the credit of the ittftp-
per with any wholesale bouse In Chicago. Let as hear from you, 47-8t
SumiERS Morrison & Co.,
Reference: Metropolitan National
r Trees, Plants, Ornamental Trees, Shrubs 8? Evergreens.
- Large Stock of Best Old and New sorts of Strawberry Plants.
Foret Trees for Clakn. at Low Price.
ubliHtel lnl88& Sena tor price list to
State Alliance and well known in Nebraska. Our specialty Car Loads stl
Potatoes, Onions, Apples, Cabbage. Hay and Oats. We atoo
have a boavy game trade in Nebraska and Wyoming. We have an established
K-ade for all the above mentioned artices, and by shipping direct to us you w31
V t iL 1 I . V ..rtAjIn TUT- .. fAM n.t.Aa anil uVi rM"fn cr Inpfiinn.
get ft;
jLi tne vaiue wiere i iu tuo uuuui.
Reference: Metropolitan- National Bank, Kansas City, Me.
vrr. n
cle in
n our
New Fall Silks
We will
(t x- s tern or
qplVj.OVj Silk.
FOR We will
ir QAtem ot our
J . O J Rhadzimer.
We will
We will
J-k - r tern of our All-silk Black
tjXO.WVj Drap d'Alraa.
No better values have ever been shown in this city at prices
named. .
Samples cheerfully sent to out-of-town customers.
HAYDEN BROS.. .'. .....
Three blocks from Capitol building. Lincoln's newest,, ceatost and best
..n-fvror. v,nto vitrhtit timt rooms iust
rcoms, making 150 rooms in an. u
to the Farmers' Mutual Insurtaee
In want of Insurance you csn uaft
and Constitution and learn what we
South Water Street Chicap.
Bank, Chicago.
Writ for SPFCIAL prices on large oraer. ss
North Brad, Pods ountj. Hehra ka.
GeneralProduce Merchants.
Legal representatives of Kansas
un nuu .uiiu
Walnut St.. Kana Cltv 1Mb.
11 x All XV-. n V. rA 4
All for the Same
store and v,, vT
-who think they i. paiu
If that is the way you like to
business we want your trade. We wttt
those who cannot call at the store to seed
for samples. Yours, Etc.,' .
give you a 12-yard Dress Rat-
elegant oiacK ijros uratn
give you
12-yard Dress Pat-
Black atas
jou a 12-yard Dress
All-silk Crystal TJeuga-
crive ou a 12-vard
Dress Lit-Reversible
We will give you a 12-yard Dress Pat
tern of extra good quality Black Faille
Francaise Silk.
comDleted. Includin? lanro commnrc