The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, January 19, 1893, Image 4

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j. Y. M. 8WI0A.BT, feerettry f
HbrMk Mutual Cyclone. Tornado and Wind
Storm insurance Company, EDITOR. -.
. vin n?i! ooa or Hail
JT ihnuM ha addressed to him at
Lincoln. Nebraska.
Treasurer Mackin of Polk countj
came in on Tuetdav to settle with the
Newer Note About Nebrka Plaoei state treasurer.
and reople. " . Ex-Secatcr Poynter came in on Mon-
Thoid ferer and dlptheria hav, ia fishiD tor
appeared at Hastings. ft
The annual G. A. E. encampmeni R ff 0 cclJnty came down to witness
will be held at Fremont I; ebruary 10 tne BeDatorai contest.
and 16. I aiu T?nnt f Omaha ffimo ilnvn tin
Th estimated expense of running Tuetdav to inject seme more common
Casa county this year foota up to f33,- sense into the members.
600. , Church Howe voted for Jrarmer R
Hasting.' citizens are gtorn senator
a aurvev lor a canal from the riau
river Poi Dier was astonished when he
. , . loucd tbat Hfibinine naa BtrucK mm
A larira number oi 1 Adams couui,j , ,, ,
farmeri will teat the profit of beetrais- iVv-JI . .
ing di. bcoouu. , . tc the e ouidn.t have
The report tha the union depot pro- teen voUg enough to sro around
jeet at Omaha has been aoaauuuc- Ex.Spegk Haran o yorkf wn0
not generally creuiveu. presided over the house ax years ago,
Aid aocietv will is here to witness Senator Padaccrs
rlve an entertainment to procure fundi defeat.
ta aid the Auburn needy. Mr. Keckley, of York is the leader
The annual meeting of the Lancaster
Countv Farmer J Mutual insurance
company convened on the 12ta Inst.
hvia Proniiit.Wm. Nelson tf
Bennett in the chair.
From the report of the secretary we
find that this company had $158,000 in
surance oh January 1st, and that the
cost to its members for the past year
was but tl per thousand
At this rate the cost for nve years
on l,uw wouia uo w
onafourth the amount cnargea
1t old line companies on time.
- .... . t
The company sustained but oae loss oi
two houses during me year. - of the anti nionopoly: republicace
110. bixty-iwo murrutso uu. - b , k D a d rfcold ln lDat
An assessment of 10c per HOW was been issuea uurtos capacity.
made and in less than two weeks tne wumj, h"""1"; Ex-Senator Stevens of Lincoln county
The Grand Island Indepenaem aa- itB owjue "tbe cojb" feme tointerson
Artisea fortv kinds of croup oure, and railrcad leeislaticn. Be knows where-
reporta a death from that disease ln the of he speaks cn that subject,
same issue. , "When tie speaker putPorterof Mer-
loss was paid. What company couia oe
more prompt.
Onlv four men are dellaquent in pay
Ing their assessment. The total
amount due from these four was $1.02.
The secretary was instruciea w
Seward, Neb., Jan. 17. Sunday
afternoon an old German gentleman
named Schull, about seventy years of
age. started to walk from East Milford
up the A. & N.' railroad track to the j
dedication of a new German church,
one mile south of Ruby, but he never
reached the church. After the ser
vices were over his dead body, frozen
stiff, was found about half a mils from
the church, just after he had left the
railroad to go the church. He had
been sick five or six weeks and it is
supposed be became exhausted aad
could not get to the church, as he had
faced a cold north wind after leaving
For Sale.
Good Perkins wind mill at half price.
Will take hay, oats or corn In trade,
Inquire at Lincoln Bottling Works 4th
and O streets, or at this office.
Stoct-holders Meeting.
The Stock-holders of the Alliance
Publishing Co are hereby notified to
attend tbe regular annual meeting of
tVio tvlr holders at the office of tbe
company, Wednesday Feb. 1st, at 2:3
"DU I , .lut a. now hoard of directors.
and to atxena to au buuu umer uuu
as may properly come beiore tne meet
ing, s. Edwin Thornton, Pres.
JS. A. MURRAY, 6ec.
1... - '- . 3- '- &J "ft
rm. n,.. "Tn Tt" at the ere at St. Louis fair, ana mannas mu eura Binw imia oi ;
Were Wippcfs of 141 Prizes.
ams' World's Fair Horses are "Out of Sight."
1. ii,. nt. inrter In Nebraska that lroportel hU Pereherong '91 and'92, and the largest
Importer of Clyde and Bhlres ln 1893. They arrived 6ep. '92 All Blacks and Bays.
Grey florses 03OO feess thap DJacks,
. wen tha lanrmtt collection of firat-claM BIC FLASHY
D w AFT M S ""the T.rioai breed., of h. Best Individual MerTt i d "oyal
Breed I n e. 2 to B yean oKl-160 to 2200 weight and at ALLI ANCE 'KIC&S AND TERMS, or
chwpfr thSS any UYe Importer or pay your fare to Bee them. lams pays the freight
TEpTVISi f,2 arid 3 years Tr" at 6 per certt Interest.
m.m'n.n aivvnK.hnrinr ndmiia. He does not want the earth and It fenced for pront. uooa
J)JUU guarantees, efery horse record d
ff nio iciiiiv
For Sale.
T Vowa frti. coIa rrnru farmfl In VftlleV.
Glide Medcalf of Won.Nenjah. n .
county, is on a visit at ms nome iruui h'Alcr lha r.nrcad lobbvists to Perkins. Keith. Howard. Custer, Hayes
notify the delinquents that their policy hli i field of abor as a missionary ln the & ffiarch fln him
m u .an. n iitva if meir '"
Deuel, Sherman counties Nebraska and
assessment was not paid and hereafter
all who are delinquent 30 days will have
their policy cancelled.
The articles of incorporation were
nhanirnd follows. Strike Out of
article 6 "and its directors."
Strike out all of section 2. article 15,
to the word provided in the latter part
of said sec. 2.
Article 16 The hour of meeting was
chanafrom 1 o'olock p.m.tolO o'clock
a. m.
The lecretary was asked to give his
nlans for building up the company. He
'l . A. .1
mggested two planffand tbe one aaopreu
s as follows
Gcmfnr nf TlnwRnn Is Tirovinsr I anairn Colorado, that I Can Sell On
- .. . 1 I I na Ml.. ---- - . . 1
flattsmoutn is compuwnioK ior o hjmse f an abJt leader in tbe senate. -, tn suit anv oerson wishing
bridge across tne wuaay. ai pre.oUl WBtn te fpt?K8 CO je8gUS ijen . T man moving right on
large amounts oi nay ana woou are pecause imy Know ne nasmeinunj 1mnrnvlnff the same. can 8eU
vo toy., - "
x. n rr,i Tjn thesameon payments, and make pay
ard Taylor of Jchnstn were visitors at ments so easy that any man renting
the capitcl cn Tuesday. .Ihey smelled land can purchase a home and pay for
the tattle alar i off and couldn't stay
being brought over on the Ice.
J. W. Thomas of Weeping Water
has gone to Texas to recover the testa
ment taken from his person when he
lay wounded upon the bloody field at
Pittsburg Landing.
James Blnkerd of Dorsey, Knox
same without any trouble. All of this
land for sale Is so that perfect title can
Y iriwn will iip.ed freeof all lncum-
Eeiiescnlative Hcrstcn Fiidey ee- France or purchaser assume a mortgage
cuitd the rasseee of a resoiuucn ,v,5.v tinw PYlsts which falls due in
county brought to Verdigre three hogs through ifce boute in favor cf ekcticg at)0ut tw0 and one half years. This
which he sold to Iaaao DavidBon ioi Uiiind Stales stnalciB ty ouect vote land must 60ia as parties owning
thesnu'sumof $86.02. Who can ol the people. same want to close up their business,
beat it? $28.67 each. stale Lfduur Faiicbild cine In
T na ,mftrl that the decision Mcidsy. He Vegan hie jesr-s woik at
ln Rainmaker Swisher's suit against
J. A. Welton,
Lincoln, Neb.
Office with Woods Investment Co.
29-4t - 1203 O street.
David Ci1y on Mcidey. lie proposes
. . . i a - I III Unt U VJLl I t t-C V. i Li-t L Ct i c. J-l iv
w m t. i uaa n rratra i . - - ... -
To anooint an airent ln each precinct r "77th ta . rehal of lte aUiaECe-
tAwlicit Lis neighbors for their insur- ! ' mMt woa r,rAmBtUre. Scralrr Dale waHs to kicw wl y the
1C UliUlJldliD UUU It d lut'Vi
A Mr. snoooaony
nhnrcra at obtaining?
upon false pretenses. A. G. Barhydt tske ti e place of Nebraska later. n0n Stonehenge, now owned by the
antArAd tha oomDlaint and makes affi- " oi, i, ni,i pn Pnin nniintv enmn Orp.enwood Horse Co.. Greenwood, Ne-
A V"C UJ XJVA 1. 1 .it. li 11 ll Vi
davit that the charge is true. in cn Tut hdsv to attend a meeiing of braska. Will sell cheap or exenange
. . . , . , v. the Slate Mulii&l Bail lEsuiar.ce com- for land or live stock. Address,
S. line oi t3 rDy. . He is a mtirter of the execu-
m4W b- tive boaid of the state alliance.
. bn-aunM-., . j m vmii nniinnH. riB rouoivcu v
anV for which he is to receive 50c per
application. The secretary is allowed
COnlfncrpfinrdlrtr aonllcatlon and issu-
Injr policy. The remaining 50c to bo
"Yd in the treasury.
. V following agents were then ap
i . -
, VJroster. uavey.
k ' nntteiirie Horn
; erni
For Sale
nouncement was premature. r.i ";,. ,m fnNe. Lord Lambert English Hackney
was arrested on a bifctka." atd ecrdemn the Jourtaland stallion, winner of first prize at Lincoln
a herd oi norses Call for imtcrtirsr "teat." ; primers to et.tA fair 1890. and Imoorted Shire StaL
. 1 J)l . 1 V 1 . V.I 1.. UUr.. 1
nan uts anchor-
iTid an
own'ttpoand indeTJJI&
,'OntS fnA la
jw any larger
i,L:,;L- .,,nd for them, and he went
Sfer'ttHiiberO,'i'.syi,"j'iln his pocket.
C. D. CtrRYEA, Sec'y,
Greenwood, Neb.
water and may oa
lng to the harbor.ltol and
the ceni
j nr.-. 1 mi
t wi a. , a, ne
'mo ffliar10- leans ao mosM reoommend
.3py quiet, if a eooa ttarent we
iebtA' il bas lv eaP t ront.
1 ibere. y0V1uilfc"J,rst recommend?
nif' hundre(i a?en ml
C ' I t av"ogQ or touo we will
? ' BU nly,thMh0le milIi0a d01-
cb HAIL.
4heWiahfl1t.Mperirntal IIail Company
Tbei thij year wo have now on hand a
V.T 6'000 0,) whlch wo will soon
brouid out in proportion to the amount
DurWed to eaeh loser. We will follow
nerbJrwlthasocondnotco t0 au de.
, erlfiefi urging them to do as tW
ByrMCrtl8fInst we received
"wor''i,1"- yve can not allow
Wo r luli iaie aate
" a
arj a tiequest.
aAAM.nwinn t 11 . .
g.o oonoioiics oi uii mutual insur-
only child, vjed Wayne's, living
years. Hs tr s1KfornIa, Omaha,
pute and Is nn,i hunger. She
Er-Senator Spoonwh1ut had n0
auu wavy locks that nslbu
over his Byronlo collar and
rhrr.:iriagtonof the Create of
fi,r ;;"" .'uaaravM. ptop of
Ioni-Siu xT u rresbyterin church in
t7maa bf? ca,led t0 the chair of
al. 8clencea Christian
. - xmu.e univewity at Charlotte,
William Winter, the poet,has been elect
od president of the board of trustees of
the fctaten Island Academy and Latin
onen J,6 br,rd ia COmPsod ' twenS?
kens Island's most influential ci"t
County Attorney Adem?, six feet two
inbisicks, of Hltchccck coubty is
cmcrg the isitoi8 this week. Bythe
way it is remarkable what a lot of tall
timler there is in the people's party.
Mr: StmuelWcollev.president.of the
, Sautders county Agricultural society
untl last , , X a .anU hrr'rjA
i FrTSthtr6 , at Centl City In'nto
ksi companies in the BUte will please
"Vi " their nam-3 aa addresses to E
P Monteomery, .Holdrege, Phelps
county, Neb.
We are desirous of having all - JQ
companies members of the
ciatlon. V. P
Ron'w Rt.ato baeu
Hillside," near Worcester. n kk i'
spent ?20O,000 and a vast amount of taste
muui- uas now been snl.l l,r-
- u .. .. - - " ""
uiui-u was man the sum h
ranee, vve
""nun, liuu,, iec. A
'. bian party given
; Hebron Coliy4 orchase an article at
opera boufw real value It is very apt
elegant t-rprofitable Investment. At
kind a-nOi'se sale which takes placa
jclty Feb. la will be soldstallious
YiS'rossolowthat it wiU ba gaod
"ment for horsemen to buy.
l-s. Z. S. Branson of Waverly, Neb.
lived a coop of Mammoth Bronza
'Xsekeys frsm Mo., last week that score
dayH'S tnliiti points, scored by Judge
residence U of Carthasc Mo. Mrs.
-. tV'corain one of tha most
and was bur- , yco poultry there
the fire department aKis placing in
was caused by a defective blood there
about $1,500". eod
Self Defense. , vAio
Fillet, Dec 28. George Tojni.
aena, waosnot. I. Chichester Mon-
aay morning, was released by the cor
wul-i B jury, nil me iacts going to
mow mat tne snooting was dona in
self dofense.
Shot film in the Arm.
Omaha. Dec. 28. Wily Willoughby
accused her lover, William Dixen, of
infldelity. To prove his faithfulness
he tried to cut her throat, and she shot
Mm in the arm. Both are in jail.
They have been living as man aud
wne in a respectable neighborhood,
Ths plane tre
Bnuill w wwuirey oi
ecu tor for
The late Archbishop of New3ityof
Magee, according to Canon enuired
used to divide speakers Inr'JEfJ
the speaker you can nterprlslnff
spoakeryou can lis-' i510!. formerly
you cannot.hejn Oi the rustlers of the
Gen. Jil
manvoare of directors of the Hast-
jt . M. C. A. at their annual meet-
elected the following officers for the
ensuing year: E. E. Ferris, presi
dent; George F. Work, vice president;
H. B. Cornelius, recording secretary;
L. J. Gillis, treasurer.
Jim West of Grand Island was fined
$20 for allowing minors to play pool
In violation of the. statutes, yet large,
juicy plugs of eating tobacco aro sold
to boys under fifteen, every day, with
out a murmur from thoso who should
see that the law ia enforced.
The fiva-weeks-old child of a Mr.
and Mrs. Ed McKinsey of Omaha was
smothered to death last night. The
mother had been careleBs in covering
it wheu she went to sleep and in the
morning found it dead. Coroner Maul
dectlisdan inquest unnecssary.
Lincoln special: Most convincing
proof of the fertility of tho" so-called
sand hills cf central west Nebraska
were brought' to this city by a Hol
lander possessing the name of John G.
W.-F. Fleeming. Mr. Flecming lives
in Chase county not far from Cham
6fcon, He has lived there six years
TW.omes back arrayed in fine linen,
lifio fish; fine samples of corn raised in
weight conays by himself. Samples
A female engclve inches long from
regularly employe bushels' to the acre
Kanawha Volley rtuonsidered of little
'7Xiru was grown
The ISotre Hnm P....!...
has the lartrest ball in a . "ua'lx
34.7S0 pounds, ia oi ht. f .
diameter and six feet high. PnfinecL, at
Anthony W. r.nno-hii tnovR
Wash., reofintlc- n,. .. li . . rv
now W
moving train. The
Gothenburg is still goinif been
Improvements, and its buridate8
have no fears for its fnt.,Manc.
facturing center. f -cided-
fnr ",. i . 22S a resolution
for the last fiscalgn of the Eale
HCe 10 De rallnl nnnT. Tinonln
class with a salope did srd it pass-
Enterprisir wlU BNt&r ln the
are building
village. T?on of Grand Islard, V.
specula'' of Omaha and J. M. De-Bol"-'8x
evidently do not believe
that tbe longest pole knocks the
ligbtmcg may strike a little giant.
The Lincoln 1 ypegrapical Unicn has
elected Representative Beal atd Sena
ator Darner honorary members of that
body on account of the fight these two
gentlemen made for the adeption cf
the resolution cocdemniEg the Journal
end Call.
Lawyer Thummel of Grand Island,
lobby-master-general fcr the teet su
gar factory is here to help the inde
pendents select their candidate for
United States senator. He is making
a special fight against McKeigtan for
obvious reasons.
Cess oi JUougiass on inday got a
resolution through the house requiring
thatbedytodo six days work every
week frm this on to the end of the ses
sion. That's rather bard on the fel
lows with frco passes who like to spend
Saturdays and Sundays at home
Light Brahma fowls for sale aa good
as the best $4.00 per trio. $2.50 for
simrla cockerel. Nothine but first class
Wrda shinned .Send order at once. Safe
arrival lornnranteed. . ROSA D. 1UD,
1 1 TUT-l NT,V.-
,.- ttUUU, ilBUl.,
To those of our readers
read the Dakota Hurallst
paper) we can sav6 nearly half vSc wb-J7
scrlption by ordering that paper with
your renewal to the Alliance-Inde-pendeht.
We will send both papers
one year to the same or different ad
dresses for only $1.60. Send all sub
scriptions to THE ALLIANCE rXJB. UO.,
Lincoln Nebraska.
iderSV ho wlsb, to
allst (FrsJ'Loucks
laorln Vialf P'.CftuK-
1 flGEL
f tacker 6c f
iaes. 25c
lDlmPU nDnLT uies50d
tOc. ; :'
1 W i
uaoz- j
Bt Panl, Neb., is on the B. & M. aad U. P. rallroada. St. Paul. Nebrasta.,
General Passenger Agent,
City Passenger Agent,
SOft (1 ftftft
i i J w,nll inmm nn . T'V.x'-ili nvPT1 hOrrOWfii-
to pay In instailmeiits and stop interest. Money always H- f
Write or.calfon us. RTUIiLi BROS., "i'- 'A
11TH JVNO NJBTSw tdrt-'-'
When I turn my Footsteps Home
ward. A new song dedicated to work
ingmen. Single copies 25 cents, one
dozen or more 15 cents. Sent postpaid
cn receipt cf price. A. H. UorK, 11
fcouth Ludlow st., Daytcn, Ohio.
rhillips-Itock Island Tersonaly Con
ducted Excursions,
They in a very satisfactory way, meet
the demands of the public for a Quick
Trip at Cheap Rate, and you can
make this trip with your family, or
send your friends by tbi3 route, and
depend upon it, they will bo properly
cared for.
This is an old established company
and has carried more people than all
othtr exclusion companies combined
Tho conductors appointed by. this ex
curtion company are men who con be
trusted and relied upon, and will lock
after your every comfort.
Our next Personally Conducted
exci'rfeion will leave Des MoinesFrl
Aav sit. 8:18 a. m.. December VthacA
i two weeks thereafter lis per fol
bad not --wH0,n- -ad.-ihindSl9. ? '
th.'r voute of this ti mt car , is. wot
and theHwato OmiAa; leaving' that
and all is wton- and Lincoln, Neb., at
(iJatei .k above meu
i'Sil ft-'sscrviilion In
tw .i ce le4B- Ue made the
Sh ?i?. in? ent.erins th0 house w" et
with tho information that the brother had
died twenty-four hours before. . .
Winter Tourist Rates.
Special low round trip rates are now
In effect to Austin, El Paso,- Houston,
Lampasas, Corpus Christi, Galveston,
Laredo, Rockpoat, San Antonio and V e
lasco,. Texas; also to Deming or Eddy,
N. M.; and to New Orleans and Lake
Charles, La. These tickets are good
for return until June 1, 1893. For
tickets and further Information apply
to aeent B. & M. depot, or city office,
corner O and Tenth streets.
City Passenger Agent.
C. T.
133 S 12th St., Lincoln.
First class table
Lunches & flVhors,
lias writen under the above title
The Book of the 0 entury .
The grandest reform book now is
print. Every thinking voter snouiu
read it. Price, $1.50. For sde at this
office. 47tf
Sendfor our complete book L;3t.
T. Gk PEPPARD, 1400-1402 UX1GM AY
.r-i. : . .'. 1 . j.-
Timothy, Bine Grass, Orchard Grass, Reo If A W i GITY. MD.
Top, Onion Sets. Tree Seeds, Cane Seed. Wl I 1 1 mm
Columbia National Baank
For Wind breaks. Ornaments, etc. Hardiest
varieties. Nursery Grown Scotch Pines, 2 to 3
feet $10 per 1(H) Scotch and Austrian Tine seed
lings, 12 to 15 inches, $10 per 1000. Other sizes
and varieties in proportion. Over 10 million for
sale. Good Local Agents Wanted.
D. HILL, Evergreen Specialist, Dundee, 111.
Catalogue Free. Send for It.
8eed Potatoes, Fruit Trees, Plants
and Vines of Old & New Varieties.
is a common sensa book for com
mon sense people. A plain talk
aboutthe best seeds, etc., and hon
est prices. Every planter should
see it at once. Sent Free.
FRANK I'OBD & SOJi.Kavenna.O.
J. H. M'CAX.asmer
oo, v
Nebraska Mngs
13 and O Et., Lincoln.
Capital C250iO
Write Us and s We will Prove
Five per cent interest a ving8 ao
Special rates on time deposits.
Write us or call for neat vest pocket me:
ranauin dook. '.v i ,
J. G. Socthwick. , B.R.TINOLBT
President. Cashiei
iWorku onipttber Stanillna '1'ijr.ber cr Stiiro. Palll
SEED C0EN Early'whtffDen
Yellow Dent iextra eariv) and Early Mastodon
three of tbe largest and best early varieties of
seed com in tbe world. Write for catalogue.
J u. KATEKIN, Shenandoah, Fuse Co., Iowa.
SWEET POTATOES sent out to be sprouted
on shares. No experience required. Direc
tions for sprouting nee.
Columbus, Kan.
Eat at Jr vines
Get a "Well Cooked
First-class Meal.
Cigars end Tobacco a Specialty.
1312 O STREET.
: ' ?m
i' AJl Hrpfider of cholRRat strains of fcJi-
:) tm 11- T iJ
riymouxn a o c
Light BrahmaChicken
And Mammoth Bronze Turkeys.
They are pure and fine.
Mrs. Z. S. BRANSON, Waverly, Neb;
(1st Edition of 5,000 all sold.)
190 Pages Heavy Paper, Sow Ready
Price, paper 25e: cloth $100.
Address Theo Alliance Pub. Co., Lincoln, Neb)
"Money Monopoly, bv K. K. Baker, is pro
nounced by representative leaders in the reform
cause to be the most comprehensive work ever
puuiisiien on me money question, isverv asser
tion backed up by undeniable proofs. Truly the
Gatling gun of wase-slavery against plutocratic
oppression. - town TriDunr, uen. weaver s pa
per. - . ., .
Nursery Grown Ash 65c osr 1000.
Ash and Box Eleier larger $1 10 per 1000.
Fruit Trees. Grape Vines, Small Frnits and
Evergreens, Osage and Honef Locust Hedge.
Ewy Tree, Vine and SliM a Bargain.
Satisfaction guaranteed. Scd t;f0r price list.
Address Jansen Nursery or
I lute
do. .