The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, January 12, 1893, Image 7

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onaadVelasoo Vividly Described
1 Nebraska Traveler who Vir
( ited Those Places.
'3f orth and South Trunk Lin of Rail
way 8hould b Built by
Uncle" Sam.
.An Itereatinlietter,
iUod. Ole Bredeson, of Polk county,
luiWUnftnln last week to attend the
fcnfeience of the independent leaders,
Wife here he called our attention to
Le following interesting letter; writ
in by himself which we reprint from
flu- TT01!V.
ixih nHHiinvun.
ri . . . , w k i a i ci r u fit
4 "Wnue tne toners vi iu
reduce the
freight rates to the east, the political
bloody shirt has been hiding tne young
and blooming maiden sisters on the
Gulf shores. I refer to Galveston and
elasco. They are not jealous of each
her knowing that the tollers can .
produce enough for both. We hope
for a speedy union between the west
and southwest. The result would be
happy homes and fat babies. And a
divorce from eastern vampires would
follow this union. A mother who de
vours her offspring is not worthy of an
honest companion. ;jl
One of the grandest acts of coxgress
was the appropriation for the jetty
Trks at Galveston, and Velasco should
. - ! A 4t,et fat.VlAI
also nave ner snare.
will not assist his older and stronger
children by crushing the younger and
and weaker ones. That in the near
future all crops used in the great west
rain be, escorted through the jiiii,
re can be no doubt, but it win re
re brains and muscle to assist nature
its work. t
a ttrincr at. Calves ton. I was sur
prised to see a fleet of such large
ships, from nearly every nation. On
the 16th of November last, the English
steamer Bando, from Liverpool, bore
me across the bay of Galveston. She
was loaded with 9,695 bales of cotton,
and drew fifteen feet, two inches of
water without touching the bar. .It
it was high noon when I boarded the
boat where I spent the rest of the day.
The most of the crew were of my own
' nationality, seamen trained in a severe
and practical school. They spared no
trouble in showing me the othe
to free themselves from the corn-stalk
disease or germ. Please say to the Dr.
for me and others that nine old nay
seeds out of ten can tell him how to
remedy it in half the words it took him
to tell it, and in words tnat tne aver
age granger can understand. Here is
the remedy: Have a gooaeweu nu
tank in the center of the field. Keep
the tank full of water. Have salt con
venient and instruct your corn picker
to leave the nubbins wnicn no gen
erally does without instruction, especi
ally ft picking by the bushel. This is
a dead shot on all corn-stalk germs. I
hmi annui eattie amctea Wlta we
germ but they found it in a pond that
was frozen almost solid. t
We'have other humbugs' all over the
land in the shape of Farmers ; won
imiuoi. onnA road confrresses farm
ere institutes, composed principallyof
who farm tho farmers. We
real of some of them pesing as farmer
ntfnonui Viotnra our house committee
in Washington fighting the AnU-Op-tion
bill. God save us from such farm
ers. They are the men who have been
nnr nnr business all these years.
Many of them at a salary of 5,000 a
year, and who have brought us so much
of Senator Padock's and Benny Harri
son' "unbounded prosperity.", now
long dear Lord, oh, how long can the
npnnle be made to swallow such slush.'
It has long since sourea uu mj owm-
ache, and I for one propose w use
nothing but Gen. J. B. Weaver's reme
dythink for myseii, ao my
inir and be srovernea ncuoruiugiv,
Away with the subsidized press, corpo
ration tools, and Quack cow doctors
Yours for equal taxation and equal
justice toall. Yours truly, -.
, H. B. MU.LER.
s Note We are) glad to get just such
letters as the above. We wouia do
glad to have other farmers write giv
ing ti, a!, a ytwH prices in reeard to
ILi vuia. 'Jf-' - '
stock diseases and the like. Editoe.
. . . . .. ,.f cv,all Vva reserved.
I again ask. wnat is the object of tho
court, and I answer that the object
should ba to secure exact justice to lit
igants. Do our courts do thto.
wth me into i law office: in comes a
, tAr advice: ho is ignorant of tech-
nicallties of law; he is m trouoie, u
states hU cafe; the lawyer questions
and cross questions him upon his evi
dence. TMn he says to himself, "III
don't take this man's case, somo other
fellow will I have spent my life fitting
mvself for fcho profession, and the pro-
(.inn owU mu a living; lawyers are
ffooa oi
About Money.
Eustis, Neb. Dec. 25, 1892.
Editor Alliance Independekt:
In a recent issue of your paper you
ask if any of your old-line greenback
readers can give you the necessary data
with regard to the genuineness of the
T7a79rd olmnlar. I am not as old a
greenbacker as some. The democratic
party was a greenback party in loots
but it gradually slil away till it fell On
its knees before the money power in
1872. Since that time it has gradually
fell in line till now it is on the single
ocMK atandard. If the Hazard circular
was published in 1862 or even during
t.hp. war it is Droof in itself of its genu
ineness, Horace Greely notwithstand
ing. We do know that slavery was but the
of labor and carried with it the
care tor tho labdren .whether England
was in favor of it or not. We-do know
that the bonds were made a banking,and that .ouljr a year af ter
hn m been creat. me buu,
nt.innnus and bitter, but the worst is
over, and tho outpost? at least have ,
at least been captured. It now remains
for the army of freedom to gird its lo.u
for the linal conflict. How shall it re
cruit its ranks, strengthen its lines an 1
i j. ant nnw the nUOJ
increase lws ei"""3"-j
tions pressing upon its leaderstnp ami
its rank and file for solution, i no an
swer readily suggests itself to everyob-
servantmind. With wise management,
sound doctrines and a true missionary
-i ..! i the, gallant cohorts that marcneu
"1"""' ' . .u- nA
to tho polls on aovenner iuu
recorded their protest so loamy .
false economic aid Tfual 3svith. " 1
h. inwMwii to many millwn
KJ iUV 1
Benefits and Special Privilege Bettowed
rpoa the Few.
It Is quite evident that the great
blessings of paternalism, as at present
practiced by the covernment are not
fully understood or appreciated by
the people. Paternalism is only ob
jectionable to the class that is crying
out so loudly against it. when it is
proposed to extend it so as to embrace
all the people in the enjoyment of
the privileges it bestows, wnen lim
ited to a few favorites it is entirely
satisfactory. We could ask, no better
illustration of this fact than is afforded
by our present custom house system.
What proportion oi tne people oi
the United States understand this
system? Evidently it is very small
otherwise a cry would go up against
it which ceuld not fail to sooner or
later, command a hearing. It affords
an example of special privilege
almost without a parallel in the busi
ness affairs of any nation or time.
What Is a custom house? asks tne
Topeka Advocate and Tribune. It is
a nublio building erected by the gov
ernment at the expense of the whole
What purnose uoes it serve, ana 10
what use is it devoted? It contains
the offices of local custom house offi'
eiala. and sonce for the storage" oi
imported goods under their custody
and care - ,
So lone as a tariff system is main-.
taioed, it will not be denied that local
officers are necessary, nor will tbe
propriety of covernment ownership
of r the offices necessary . for their
accommodation be call in question.
As we do not now cont , .plate a dis
cussion of this feature o. the system,
allUhat'Telaterto it may be dismissed
for the present , It is only 'proposed
at this time to discuss tbo paternal
features of our custom house system
as practiced ,- for : the benefit of the
favored lew.
Tho importer of goods from foreign
ports has the privilege of storage in
the ' custom houses of the United
States, under the regulations pro
vided. for the term ' of three years
from date of importation, during all
of which time the duty on the goods
mav remain unpaid.- Here is
special privilege of immense benoBt
to tbe importer, were it not ior ims
privilege two things would be necos
First He would be under the neceS'
sity of erecting warehouses at his own
expense for the storage of bis own
goods. This would necessitate the
investment of his private capital
where now the money of the people
is invested for his benefit.
Second As he would then tako
possession of and store his own goods
in his own warehouse immediately on
their arrival in this country the
safety of the revenue would
J. W. CASTOR, Pres.
J. P. ROUSE, Vic Pres.
W. B. LIVCH, Seey.
nklng safety of the revenue would JVwlil it
r thJ the immediate jjoiliectionof J.ffij oecarJ1 0f x
uggle has been Pf ia SM ., Jlln'ssian official nPrc.
Pin-siwromtuullof it. On the way
back the czar wanted a cup ot tea. oui
owing to a sGdden jerk of the railway
carriage the tea was upset The next
morning (so goes the story) the wliole
line between St Potor.sbury and Izora
was carefully searched by numbers or
men, ordered to find out what had
rkedthe czar s teacup! kvery time
the czar goes up ana down io rcwruui
the steamers have to ftccoraieu,
traffic is susoentlecl on the river, and
occasionally even the loading of
iteamcrs is stopped.
The Infallible Jadge Private Boadsmra
for Public Official.
This is the ace in which 'Wind
eyes are opened," and very especially
are they opened to errors in govern
menusv A falsehood worthy of the
dark ages, is that or tbe lniaiiiouiiy
of the court Tbe decisions oi the
judge, with all his reasons therefor,
are preserved and form that mysteri
ous law library whose numerous vol
umes in, wonderful array awe tneir
humble clients to obedient and un
questioning faith.' The court pre
sumed to be infallible, must necessa
rily become the supreme dictator to
future courts. The veneraoie pasi
robed in . immaculate justice, , steps
into the court room of to-day. ana
lawyers abd clients tremble at its
voice. Lawyer Brown rises wita tne
righteous decision of ono of the for
mer infallible judges, whicn ne inter
prets to apply in favor of his client
Tnen lawyer Jones comes lorwara
with the decision of another infallible
Interpreter of the law which proves
that his client is the innocent ana
persecuted party. mmtOt
Then the present iniatiiDie occupant
of tho bench has the most wonderful
duty to perform of making an Infalli
ble decision without clouding the
infallibility of his predecessors on the
same bench. What ordinary mortal
could be equal to such a superhuman
task! Kinc Solomon would five it
up! t
... a
When the plain, common people oi
this ago dietate the laws, the legal
fraternity will be forbidden to em
Darrass the judges with precedents,
writes Mary M. Clardy in the Econo-mist
; Every representative of the people
on tbe bench will be sworn to decide
on his own judgment according to the
law and the evidence. The ghosts or
dead judges will not be called upon
to decide the cases of people now
living on tho earth. -
Another venerable fraud will also
be eliminated from disgracing the
administration of our government
That fraud is the demanding of pri
vate bondsmen from public officials.
To illustrate. The voters f Bun
combe county, havo for tleir own
satisfaction, elected as couuty treas
urer, the social clever Colonel Top
knot He is just faultless. Every
body has confidence in him. The
letter of tho law demands that he
6hall give bond for the exact handling
of tbe people s money, bo, his neign
bors. farmers Strong and McLain,
and the retired merchant and the
successful saddler, all 6ign the bond.
By and by. through isome careless
nesa the people s money has van
Ishcd from tho treasury. The voters
of Buncombe county made a great
blunder in electing Colonel Topknot
But they have a law behind ' which
screen their backs. J. be
the wives and children of
'''fr.C-attJ I
inwpauirday a numberof "pairs"
A r, announced. A rumor was
ARMBKS, we invite your attention to the Farmers' Mutual Insurance
Company of Nebraska, If you are in want of Insurance you can not
afford to insure in any other company, and ll you do not want insurance
now, write and get a copy of our By-laws and Constitution and learn what we
are doing any way, 1
RememVer we are for Farmer! only..
principal orrice.
Boom 401 Brae Building.
CAPITAL : : : : : r $3U0,uuu.uu.
C. W: MOSHER, President, tf
H. J, WALSH, Vioe-Presldent. '
B. C. OUTCALT, Cashier.
J. v7, ilAXWELL, Assistant Cashier.
W. W. HOLMES ;..
Banks, Bankers and Merchants.
Our Fall and Winter
Purchases of Clothing are
Now Complete.
The Addition to our stock is composed of the most
durable, handsomest and newest styles in clothing and
Gents Furnishing goods we have ever had in stock and
i our prices are lower than ever. The fact is evident that
You Should Invest Now
' While the stock is new and complete and not wait un
til winter is on and then take the pick of what is left
Call and Oee US anyway- We have some exceptional bar
gains in Fall and Winter overcoats and suits. f
BAKEF eUTHn flOagEi 11250 St , Lincoln, Neb.
tnn thick in this town for the
fJ! nnnrav nd nOW nO DUfJ-
ines, can, be lost lather reat quadrennial election rol .
Here, my irienu, - -- vn iha 8iLTniflcant signs
an mnkf it not ior mo umc uruuuu. -
an mase lk . .... t.i i-, n.,i ni words
, .-oi nn-hft n hA limes, tvoau. un
more than tne inwun. oiwjmui"""' a---
and we
his la
the district
Tbo case ia ap- Denver!
in xne uiu. - - . . , ,
nt court revorses tne stecnDan, ropjrou , - r-r-
c ,, ia aitid hV JUUZO uaiuwiu
.. . r,A uti i ir-n rim uuui i rjco v u w w w uw-- j j
uecissou; tney w ,Kt .u ow Mh of this city. Even as
tod4M9mXl-' i, handod U3 rom
uevefrhal anything w "i- ftm.t wl,ich con
ftaofthe litieanto; each man naa ttna promiuouw tw.. -
Its 01 ino i'iDtIv' ... ...1. . .1..,n niugrniinl sfttitonce
ii,,':.rtiP1v several times me tains iuo w""" T
bant of the original claim and court
3D1 v to test the skill of tho attorneys.
M . t in bar aro w-wju wj
ii wftfPaion wltn mo fcoiu uujw
ginning the case, and the rights of
1 I.. 1. nnt HI V OS, bl"IH VI.
,H'1Ka,nla ' PU
nM at all hazards has polluted
Cassis .... . men and
JAStaw : h-13-! i;su ktauuiw-j i .
p. . ,
mil. ...... aotnllprl lUStlCO.
immeaiatelf Lrrible charires are theso made
ner UrifflthU a irWtwn of iustico. What
? When our wise men
i1 t.n ffivo us wnat our wuBum.
wnnli twinli hnia " rlffht to L.UO, IAO-
- -a uiouwww, - o
there was ar i a fh Pursuit of Happiness,
must turn to the people.
Vonular governments will only ad-
.0't.hA onle are educated. Ed-
lion will alvrays rise with opportun-
hmH Ijesiaes jrivinir him the usual
pute etfect that the republi
wo jliTrpnea an tnetr mem
were a UlCPt 00 Monday. Inas-tion-s
of ihoW.denta who had
in l an-o of theird back till
v, the reason we ?&kfSg
ch alone con-
icial districts,
ittornev. who
ficial terms of
,500 per year
isual fens n tv
" v"Tvuuu ui cruuiuais. it reduces
the salary of county attorney in
each county one-third, and with
draws all fees in certain
classes of cases. Yeater, of Pettis, in
troduced a bill providing-for an elec
tion to be held on the 5th day of next
ucyLcuiuer, suDmiuing to the people
the flilfist.inn! "Khali .. :..rl. r ,
"A11 for Cash ar
onearer and Smith. John fi
ceived votes from Senators Armsfromr.
Dumbauld. Helm. nTni t TJ
True fetate Chairman John W. Breid
enthal also received six votes as fol
lows: inatora Bowling, Dwmifjon,
Householder, Reed, Rcillejr and 8
Ihere were three scattering vot
the question: "Shall a constitutional j M,T,r, TIor voting for 8. S. TiSag,
convention be called in i.ha Bf I -Mr. DUlard, the Fort Scott nTnrJ
A Uargat ntcated, I the purpose of revising- and amending -M;cieverty and Ed OTftyan
L ... T,.nl iti"" iuo um nxes tne a ----- a. aSKnu-r.
ine v ' -or tbe manner or noidmg such convention
papers in Wayne county, J and the election of delegates thereto.
offered ior sum at ' m. " 10 is tne Hatch an
cs ... oilitnr nnd proprietor, -.4on bill m i
A Lego"1 About Cltolr.
Here is an Eastern lejend that is
timely: ...
One day tho Angel ot uaatn visitea
a country in Asia. Tlin king oi the
country asked him what plague he
had brought under Ins sable wings.
"The , cholera," . answered . tne
"1" " ih and for this reason U.
offers his plant for sale at a bargain.
Terms to suit. Addles,
C. W. Simon, WBync, Ieh
was endorsed hv iht
, new bills introduced
victims will the
the director he remedy?
on looking
that the ba1
liable, for q,
stocir, tney
the capital!
JXeitner Moi
to meet thi
other etocl
the deman
One re
lain A ia
aci ion
was the c
"rHaiinvrt the democrats will redeem
everv pledge they have mde. If they
do not. there sta ft great fact-over
1.000,000 vote, tWoaty-imir .
t.h ftlectoral college and after March 4,
half a dozen United States senators, an iota So wri'es Judgu Baldwin,
wbo lately supnorieo. -oieveianu, uu
su ih fatliiA; of reform nromlsea
ako still another charge. The desire 8Undg to come to the third party.
And as he tains no mtojouu
thousands of others tilking who hav
crown heart-neK ana weary iu wn.nau
f or ronei iroui v" uiuvib"-
These men aro au wun u iu vu.
tials. They tmnicasweuo, .
j .t 5x11p1 hv that hone dtferr-i
which maltetn tne aB-'
eventually yote as we do. They should
ark of the covenant, but mado thrice
welcome when xney wu.
The fruit is npo ior tno Piucmug. .-1
harvest is ready for the gleaner. Lven
now can be heard tne nois m iuo
nttriotic song: "We are coming Father
Abraham, three hundred thousand
more." $o stumbling blocks should be
placed in their way; no chilly greeting
should cool their ardor or check their
enthusiasm. Make the way easy ,e.wna
"And how many
plague claim?"
"Six thousand."
Cholera raged throughout the king s
domains. Twenty - five thousand
people died.
Some time after the king saw the
Angel of Death again.
"You did not keep your word," he
said; "you promised me the cholera
would take but 6.000 of my subjects, I
have lost 25,0()!."
"I did keep my word," answered
the somber enemy. ".noiera uuic
hut. ivotio in vour kingdom."
"And tho other l'J.OOf), of what did
they die?"
"Of fear."
t .. :u .on cHhrr nf mv fine 2-year-old
DOU1-.-. A ""J - ., -r . , tn'iho
finest, H not winM '
T7 -roHo-u R Rt is sired by
'hat grc t sbo'w hog Free Trade that
JHO. L.H.SutR, Nellgn.iNeD.
UU XJA X X. corporations;
THESE Jacks are"!3. stop
1 6 hands high. These J ajjRam
biecder, and imported by him t.
Mention this paper
a. J - ' "M65"l.
Alter the vato wn f0un o
Lucien Baker moved to ad
journ until tho Populists knew
where they were at" This was done.
I he Republican house call ad the roll -for
a ballot on United States sentftor
as the clock was striking 13. Sixtv-six
responded, Ady receiving 62, Ed
O'Brvan 2. Kd Carrn iW "ri.a
Wilson Republican, was not in the ,
4 U;v T?Chauil','rs ani Rosenthal voted
for O Bryan, Meagher for Carroll and
Sherman, Republican, for Iwvs.
.iTr -"Rthal wanted to vote for John
HOC A I t, UKVIwas subjected to coiwifter-
' !Tl?nt by promuwiit
BuLUtV stvWho pulled And
Subscribe for THE
Opportunity can como from the
ite aiouo
tt ns educate our people in the law.
Aia will oe aon -" r-" , feUoW9alp. Demoa
aw,tiotstintingiy, nut wx.u , .r"; merits ot your cause.
.'' iJ.,.it them above the unities of rate em ei rus , demand8.
1 rwi help. This d mo. et us . - , catholicity of your principles,
'abolish the appellate -jurisdiction of
Mohamtncdttu Judgment Day.
The Koran, sura LXXXl., has this
to say concerning the general "Judg
ment Day," which nearly all religions
teach in common: "When the sua
shall bo folded up; and when the stars
shall fall; and when the mountain
shall be made to pass away; and when
the wild beasts shall ba gathered to
gether: and when the seas shall boil;
souls shall acrain be ioined
to their bodies; and wlieu the girl who
hath been buried alive .shall ask for
what crime she was put to death, and
when the books shall be laid open;
and when the heavens shall be re
moved; and when hell shall burn
fiercely; and when Paradise shall bt
brought near, then shall every son',
know what it hath wrought."
t-...i ,ni in (.tmns to John Se-
-3M I It Kf.Ti HIJU J. CCD. v.
C , H. I. & P. R'y -Chicago, for a pack
of tbe "Keck Island" Plajing Cards.
nn. , nnirnnwledfrod the ,best, ana
m J. . . , .v. Cnnil mnnnt
order or postal note ior &0c, and we
will tend rive pacKs iy
' llurlinaton Bonte riajlnc Coids.
tvt. icna. rnund ccrners, flexible
linen stock, peunanent colors, worth 50
cents. Wc turthcra at 15 cents Good
v v,v ft tow packs, might noed
ihom this winter. Eucher. whist, high
five etc. A.C.Z1ENE,
' City Passenger Agent.
Hon. and Irrigated Fsims. Gardens
nd Orhards in the Celebrated Bear
River Valle7 on tne mam
Union Paciuc ana v.eFnai rnm- v.
neat Coilnnt and gaen, wwn
State Agent quotes prices
on the followng goods.
ourcour's. , .
Then give us compulsory arbitration.
The people are ready now for a com
pulsory arbitration law, such a law as
will with alacicity settle differences be
tween litfgantuPm purely equitable
principles. SuValaw " wlU
ii .int. nn minor maiieri, siae if
narelir theoretical.
fundamentaU those
ereat truths which affect the right of
Kr.ti in t.h abstract and itio con
crete those immutable principles
which do not change with the rUnd
faU of parties, but wnoso correct uppit-
cation is indispenwaoie w wo
Tho outlook U aupift-
i ralculatcd to chppr thl
. Art M, 100
A good common iiour at w uia. Fv.
White Rose flcur at 81,50 per 100.
Silver Leaf " ! " "
Prime Brow Sugar 84.00 per iw.
Best Granulated sugar v
Fine Uncolored Japan Tea ssc Fr l0
, .. " 12ic " "
Good Coffee 20c per lb.
A full line of Spices, pepper, u
mon, Cloves, Ginger, Mustaru,
snifio. etc.. at 20c per lb.
One gallon best coal oil with glass can
40 cents.
- - -T
2j per
Soda, and Butter cracker 6c pci
40 Grain vinegar in iugs,
Lemon extract 2 02. bottle:
Vanilla "
Finest full cream V A
A rood Overall for.p,
An extra good
Rockford hition. Governor
forward as a dark
Snlendid location for business and in
dustries of all kinds in the well known I
Work ou Earth Rn
' Ind., Jan. 21. ThelTcBclh
ue works, the largest of the
in the world, were hnrnl W.
warehouse was saved
. ... .
city of Corinne, situaica m ui0 miu are thrown out of employment Th.
ef the valley on tho Central raanc - , . JDrasswia-f 9 1 estnntd at loo,ooo; f ally -io-
The 2andsof the JJcar civcr-vauey ,
Spoke Louder Thtn Wonli.
A colored man entered a Richmond
fish store, came to a pile of shad, and
v;ncr uvniRwhat skeptical as to tbeir
freshness, he raised one to his face.
Tho dealer asked him indijfnantly:
"What da von mean bv smelling of
that fish?" "Didn't neber smell'i ob do
fish no how, massa.. Only spea.fln' to
!,?. "Ah. indeed and what aid he
ATTnTTnxnr."R'Pht- TLe
jTA U VIA A vr.M ne are orisriuated from too fcl
fQtm I natural gas pressure. Over
600 'men
PTt mil pi Rt.
construction of the mammoth system of yg STOC r, is the
irrigation Sroni me urar u'p g.
iust cf mpleted by the Bar River Canal Makes val
to at a COSt Of $3,00,CC0. Th" com of refers. Rucker Gone.
psi-y cot-troJS JUU.W!" i 1 w v.. . ,,Vi. -Colonel William
Vs and owns many ots a d bu,ine,s y departmdnt of the
lectin -ns m mo - -"u"" ""-"yes
Tivprnrea 10 ecu uu wi", .
setups snc c&H-Dies, x u ie uncle of Mrs. Philip Sheridan
8Dd Srvipntine iitonuvn io -unsurpassed
by ccmpetont
declr-i" ihe valley to be l.r
thp 1 Miner, Fruit ', 111 ?- ' i
Teamster. Indulg. la a Fatal Quarrel.
Kaxsas Cmr, Mo., Jan. ji.'WiD
Chester Ree of the Market Sguaiv
grocery company, shot and Jnortallv
wounded J. O. Wade, a w.m i
i for the M idland Dairy company. Th
two men were drivino wnyi. ,
army, died yesterday of . met in a narrow alley, and thre .wn'f
" years 01 age uwause Wade wouldn't
iet Keets pass.
tacve t-
schools RV. V