1 V THE I CansoUdatloa ot the tinners AiliinceebrisU Independent Ptblishid Etkbt Thoksdat bt Tkjs Alliance Publkiuno Co. Cor. 11th and M Bt., Lincoln, Neb. BOAKD Or DrftBCTWU. 8 R. Tboiiwtob, rTee. B. A. MunRr, Sec'y. .J. r. MsrnsD, Ttom. J. 11. Taujuraoa, .. tiOLL. Subscription One Dollar per Year .IimiTaiuimi. MkutllDZ Editor Jons P. Mbpfehd, Buslueiw Manager . A. Murhat Advertising Ug't X L P. A. OUR AVERAGE Circulation for Six Month Ending Sept. 29th, 22,034. Publisher Announcement. Th subscription pric of the Alliakce-IK-dependent Is tl.UUuer Twir. Invariably In ad vance. Paper will be promptly discontinued at expiration of time paid for uuleu we re- celv Borders to continue. Agints tn RolicltlnK Hubdcrlptlons should be very carelul that all name are correctly BPelled and proper postofflce given. Blanks for return subscription, return envelopes, etc,, can be had on application to this omce. . Always stun your name. No matter bow often you write us do not neglect this Import aut matter. Every week we receive letters with incomplete ad cheeses or without sign tunw and it la sometimes difficult to locate them. Chapgcop address. Subscriber wishing to change their postoluce address must always rive their former as well as their present aa dress when change will be promptly made. Address oil letters and make all remittances payable to THEALLUNUKPURCO., Lincoln, Neb, A ANOTHER HOG OFFER. Mr. H. S. Williamson, proprietor o( the Furnas oounty herd of Big Berk ehires, of Beaver City makes the fol lowing offer: lie will ship to tbe per son sending the lareest list of subscrlb ors tooTHE Alliance-Independent by March-1st, 1893, a first-class big Berkshire pig (of either sex) of Septem ber farrowing, worth at least $20. He also has a fine lot of young males large enough for service for sole. Also forty sows t be bred for spring farrowing to Echo's Duke IX 23227, Monmouth Duke 15548. lie invites all who want something good in the hog line at very reasonable prices to correspond with him. The Alliance-Independent fully appreciates Mr. Williamson's Kindness pting this liberal offer, be- REFOR-4 AND INVISTIGATIOS. The present legislature of Nebraska has many Important tasks to perform. Standing high among them is the task of reforming abuses that have become established in the legislature itself. Reform like charity should begin at home The shameless extravagance ot ia & notorious fact. While the legislature of 18!tl made a recoru for economy that was fair indeed when compared with that of its predecessors, it fell far 6hort of tne mark it should have made. This was due largely to the inexperience of the independent members, and ,the action of the demo- republican combine which encouraged extravagance. Now the circumstances are different. The independents have an opportunity ty retrieve their mistakes of two years go, and set a pattern for all future legislatures. It is true tbe independents have not amsjorlty in either house, but they are nevertheless in a position to shape the action of both, houses in the matter of legislative economy. ' In the house, by combining with the antimonoply wing of the democratic party, tho in dependents have secured the organiza tien. They have full control of that body so fer as the matter of employees and other incidental expenses is con cernod. In the senate tho mouopoly wing of the democratic party has com bined with the republicans, but that body will not dare leave a record for extravagance to be contrasted with that of the house in the next two cam paigns. Therefore the independents hold tho key to tho situation, and on their heads will fall either tho credit or the blame for the manner in which it is ued. In the matter of employees the house has made an excellent be ginning. So far provision has been made for only forty-four emp oyee, less than half the number usually employed Of course several more will hav3 to be employed in the enrolling and engross ing room later on. But these will not be employed uu neeaeu. ine BTfallfu tory of past legislatures in this matter will be repeated by the present one. Independents and democrats who are aaxiousto reform the abuses whica have grown up nndcr republican rule, should begin at once on this matter of legislative supplies. A committee should be appointed by each house to take charge of ordering supplies, with instructions to take a careful inventory of everything received, to see that no eoods are paid for unless ordered and delivered, and to see that the goods aro bouzht at the lowest market prices. This committee should be instrncted to confine its purchases, both as to quantity and kind, to such as are neces- bary for the actual use of members and nffW.ra In the performance of their duties. Tne next duty of the legislature after reforming the abuses that have grown up within itself, is to look beyond Itself, It will not hive far to go. . Several of the executive departments demand at tention. During tho past four months tho air has been thick with rumors and charges of crookedness, disregard or law, and scandalous negligence on the part of certain state officers. As members of the "opposition both democratic and independent mem' bers should unite in the investigation of these offices. All h'-nest republican! should join in this effort. No party ran afford to shield evil-doers In its ranks. THE STATE TREASURY. Probably no department In our state government has been administered with as much disregard of the interests of the people and the statutes of the state as the treasury. The chief object of state treasurers in the past has been to enrich themselves regardless of their duty to the state. Vast sums of public money have been put out in favored banks, the interest invariably going In to the pocket of tho treasurer. The law requiring the permanent school fund to be invested ia state (warrants has been absolutely ignored, and thus the tax-payers have been robbed of about $35,000 per annum. Two years ago the state treasurer refused to give formation regarding tho treasury to tins n1 mr mi4-a4 wtoaln tt AmnnwflFL.Ht a V. speaker to discharge any M away often to13! committee appointed to inquire Of course I have!" 1 "So have I where the Dutchman had his anchor at home! But EM la .lend me r-vouV?v v I owaVtime ana c8 indepelvW quarters. fails to nerform his dutil forma"ces of -No. Another matter f? but the , ... - . , J the table less tempting, legislatures have Jrfoa oaly knew lho arl Inexcusable eyed a now charm. LEOjatnew that Edmonia was talented Secreta,- pretty; he found her beautilul theexaj"" wouess as a vioiet ino Jiours oesiue ner. in mo earaen. la tne nap- lor, on the moonlit porca'spod by like minutes, and tjva party lingered on till Charley carrie. They learned- duets hoy would. ' 'rwatcr and mlay oua the cen& excitement. ..t tnUh WW.' Pitoi and iw Lincoln, where V. 1nr to the harboc'-pttol and th? Lincoln, wh I, r i.Tv nana Hn mosB-nnoriv(iit Viuva mnn iur.it r 1 , tq rest, r ry quiet, Bt the lobby of the T ..There. J alklng statesnfa and politicians plT3veek- -A VftWe le.irman Blake anSecrotary Pir lB8, rftVly cond Issued a call the independ . t in9anVty lembers to meet (the Llndell on cYiristene i fty December 30tl fho evening 15 etf ot iat day found a lam maj ri'y of There "members on hand.iA large num eabt ot tlj0 loadinS meof tho party OVU olof nraoant. lilt InHatinn concluded of advico raemirs so Yiuinsel. In the evenid -rlfte held. The He Wat they would take a 'v 6tart with, so they cijcd on the va Tw"ous leading lights oillie party to xpress their views. Kmong those jho spoke were Judgt'Noville and gxVlien, W. L. Green, C. frihrader, W. f.Ll. Dech, W. A. Poyinteri .V. Wolfo. ' - IV. 0. Strickler, Dr. Craiif Beatrice, ' f J.'vffi. Edgerton and other The bur- leufH)l these speeches was sat the in 1,Ndf)eudents should if posble secure , tire organization of the legislature, The supreme importanco j this was bmatter. ingh to be seen .whether the ing it" controlled hymen with freak baine.jfBcient to do their Tne amin without eelay in length, t comtteo to in lts tail, is, , of a darte tr8ury under brown. '9 statutes which reads iar shaptirtll.."r'ivi mouth, and nose and ears that cl resemble those oty a'i raccocf:a should be made to lay bare all the re cords and transactions of his office to tho end that the truth may be brought to light regardless of consequcacea. The following are some of the im portant matters that call for investiga tion in connection with the secretary of states' office: First The payment of large 6ums of money to W. H. Dorgan, the penlten tlary contractor, from the appropria tion for building a new cell-house at the penitentiary, in a most loose, unbusiness like manner, and under clrcun stances that excite the strongest suspicion. Second-Tbo approval of forged vouch ers for supplies for state institutions. Three The disappearance from the state house of furniture of which he is custodian Fourth The whole matter of purchas- lug supplies for state institutions should bo thoroughly investigated. THE ASYLUM THIEVES. . The work of exposing the crooked ness of men connected with the Lincoln insace asylum, and the state penlten tlary was pushed most vigorously by Son. E. C. Rewlck, The Alliance-in dependent, the World-Herald and others during the past campaign. After election it was taken up by a grand jury, the charges reduced to de finite form, the evidence collected, and at least some of the guilty parties in dicted. Now tho people of the whole state are interested in seeing tho facts brought to light in open court and the guilty parties brought to justice. v-' This is a matter in which tne vr.noie state is deeply interested. It is cer tainly tho right and duty of the legis lature to take a hand in this matter. It is highly important that the best legal talent should be employed to assist the county attorney of Lancaster county In the prosecution of the in dicted parties. In view of the fact that it Is the state that has been robbed, why should not tho state bear at least a portion of the burden? It would certainly be in order for the legislature to pay for the cm ployment of competent counsel to assist in the prosecution. There is good pre' cedent for 6iich action. Previous legta latures have appropriated money to assist in prosecuting cases of far less importance to the state as a whole. This is a proposition that sheuld re ceive the earnest and prompt considera tion of the legislature. 'STAND UP FOR NEBRA8K A" was the watchword ef the republt during the past campaign. The repu i.i a m i learned; duets togothejtnjJiyv sU3fi.pjW !fJVifZZnA ..J IUides. 'He at least, i too old and ro5 ntfid ou t- in various jigh It might be necessary to maB a tempo vary combination with thdemocrats in order to do this, but thj would be entirely justifiable under e' circum stances.. : ' - . Of course there was somebposition. Representative Stevens ofirrcas op posed it as being in tho nat) of "fu sion." Uthers thought it cid not be called "fusion." It was sity an ex pedicnt lor doing sometninthat had to be done, but which nolo party could do. Not a particle olirinciple need be sacrificed. There w ia fact nothing to lose and every the to gain. If the republicans succeeded trganiz ing both houses, they woufcontrol all appointments, all commies, all legislation and perhaps elect jUnited gran.0aVnaw;3 senal0P- many a votf the the u, visitors present was taken, amho dc folt. &xn,.ij i ..t , ! 1 . - -a; .jiuu wcm iuiujsi uuauiuiuiis JiaVOr I i ' f Oi 1 . not hut cost, i - lakes would " - higher ployea- tainleni swindle r li not! theL .- 1 r $ andila 1 . that Y jf such a combination. 1 Then the visitors retired i the members held a secret caucj The character and results of theirhiber atlons were not made public, i Sat urday they caucused again, aihgain on Monday. The members kefthelr secrets well, and no detailed ports can be given But it appea that every caucus meeting was prfetive Strni v, of much good in harmonizing t Uni- n. re- and ooir's pa- meif th arfl gteh dt b! Che itor ! noma tdyl11? e members, and the nfts if. f ult shows that absolute harnr.oi B , unity were iinauy Becureo. Besides the distinguished ders umwvu was ui;a and tne n. or. lobby antl gal, cry w.s jammed i suf foca ion with spectators E der Howe then prayeii and the i rouble began. L. P.ljLudden was appointed tempo rary tle k and was directed to call the roll. This proceeded in peace and quiet until he called tht name of Ches ter Norton, the r-publican contestant from K,uox cou ty. ma a ttorm arose. (1mm diately ,Wrter, sf Mur rick, and Jap r" Butler, were on their feij:t for(4.point (ii order. Potter was recognized. ' "1 deruand,' said Mr. . .Porter in his piercing vol e, '"to know by what au- luumji i"B imma ui air. JNortion is piaeea upon that roll." Th jervjtary ot t .to replied that it was because of a mand to from the su preme ourt "I deny," said Mr. Porter, "the right of th ' supremo court to settlu elction c ntests iis this house" He thun turned to that pari of the consti tution plroli provides that all E lec tion cl)ntets ia t'iiher'house shall bo dtcidejl by that house " No ion r had Mr Porter taken hu seat tlfan Johuny Watson tried to an swer him, but it. was a weak attempt. Then Charley Camper, of Butler, c nio to hixreet. Lin said that th 8 decis ion off tho cour was an at smpt to e- aistnet the state and that was a func tion o! the legislature alone. On the priatld roll w hich had bt n furnished meniio s' neither Mr. Kruse's nor Mr. JNorup's name appeared. lhty had hetn promised that this was ui roll that would "o used, an t were agreed to abide hy i. But siuoo that rolo had been prepared, they ha t attempt a to serre.puously mser the namdot Mr. Not to-. .He demanded that Mr Not ton's name bis stricken from the roll. Things were b coming interesting bv this time and Secretary A leu wax evi dently badly rattled Again youug Mr. Potter, of Merrick count, came to hi feet and demanded to know what Allen intended to do Allen cimo o himself then and said ho intended to use the roli as made out-. " the I aopeal from tar, th rLnu. ion of the chair," shouted Po ter "J cannot entertain an appual duri -a roll call." replied Allen "Will you put it after rotl ra!l'" Porter I will se about it." said th lican seerotary "Then I shall nut it, uivself." sai.r Porter, and he did. He dee.lare.-l ir. carried. , The secretary of state. hoewr. derf d th call to proceed. After it. was finished he refused to entertain any motion whatsoever . This wa-. a jjikuo oi iyranu-.- t.ucri as 4ias never een attempted in this state." oxa nt perhaps by tha infamous Moiklejonn two years ago. ; But the vote came on temuorarv speaker. The tepublicans named Church Howe, the independents I. A. Sshetirtan. of lt"d Willow The res it ff the brdlot wis, Sheri lan. fl: FT 48. Sheridan took bis seat mid deaf ening applause. He made a few wo 1-choi-en remarks, and call- d for nomlfia- uons iar temporary cl rk. Eri John son was nominated Chur.h Wn.- moved that he be elect- d by a claroa tion, remarking that the republicans TEE BESiTOESHIP. NextTuesday is the day set for the first vote on candidates for TJniUi btates senator. On that date the two houses will vote separately. If no candidate has a majority In both houses they will meet in joint convention on Wednes day. After that at least one ballot must be taken every day until a sen ator is elected. The election of a United States sena tor is a matter of supreme importance to the state, and the election of an in dependent is a matter of supreme im portance to the new party. The office of senator is the highest within the gift of the state. It is the most imDortant elective office in the United States except that of president. The term of office is longer by two years than that of president, and three times that of a member of the lower house; The power of tho senate is equal to if not greater than that of the house, yet it contains only a little more than one-fourth as many members, The power of the individual senator be ing four times as great and his term oi office three times as long, tho import ance of electin? a senator is twelve times as great as the importance electing a member of the lower house The eold hues, the shy locks, the o railroad kings, the protected manufac turers and the grain gamblers fully re alize the 'supreme importance of elect ing a United States senator. They know that forty-six senators can block all reform legislation. Is it any won der that they are willing to pay well for the election of senators? The com bined legal robbers of the nation could well afford to nay a million dollars apiece for senators. If there is an independent member of the present legislature who does not realize the supreme importance of this matter, it is time he gavo the subject his serious consideration. The elec tion of an independent senator is worth more to the stata and to the new party than all the laws that will ' ba enacted by the present legislature We believe the independents in the present legislature can elect 'a senator of their political faith if they stand firmly and solidly together, banish fac tionalism from their ranks and hold personal preferences in abeyance The greatest danger of the present time is that some members may let the importance of electing some independ ent be overshadowed in their minds by the importance of electing some particular candidate. Such a 'mistake 'f made) may prove fatal to success superior merit PRESS COMMENTS. nan What ihe Papers Had to Say Abo The Senate. Approves the Deal. The State Journal, the mouth-piece of the corporations, the apologist loi all that corrupts and degrades our pol itics. the ally of all who live by robbing ' .1 tha nroducers and tax-payers approved Norta the demo-republican aJiance in the following language: Tha reDublicans in the legislature have so far showed themselves worthy nf tha trust that their constituents- have reposed in them, lhey nave tfiirp.n tha matter of orffaoization cooly, and have refused to mane any coalition in either house that would Hamper their actions as a party or as Individ uals on any matter that may hereafter come up. . i The wild ravings of the Omaho liee, a paper that pretenus w oo repuuu can, to the contrary notwithstanding, the fourteen repuoucans in tne senate have used every honest means to break the deadlock, get the house to organize and proceed to business. They offered to the representatives of the democrat ic and the populist parties the same fair terms, and have baen ready to or ganize on a fair basis irom tne nrsi aay of the session. To either party that would join with them tney agreed to . concede an equal division of the officers of the senate. Kosewater put. in sev eral days of his valuable time in en- . deavoring to induce tnreo or iour re- -j m df 3 U mot Velt We B n he "1 13 ac4 GvJ publicans to abandon the republican i caucus, and make personal terms with tho populists mat wouiu give men places on sundry committees. At one time it was proclaimed that such a sell out had been actually accomplished, but the delivery was never made. The- democrats finally got so fall of disgust at the porcine propensities oi the pops that some of them concluded to elsct Mr. Correll president pro tem and take their chances with the party that , offered fair terms. The organization i was made without any coalition and J without any pledges. . Tho houses are therefore organized without any stultification of the prin ciples of any republican member. No man is pledged on any matter oi legis lation and will vote on all measures ac- ,' cording to his own judgment and his promise to his constituents, mat i as it should bo. The Dead-Lock. I On Friday morning a few hours be-l fore the "unholy alliance" between the! ppnuhliaans and democrats broke the dead-lock, the following editorial ap4 ( 1 peared in the One aha Bee: 1 The people of Nebraska are beginning' to realize the significance of the dead- lock in the state senate. It is nothing more nor less than a treasonable plot on on the oart of the confederated corpo rations to dominate the state by block? . -.1 1 - - I .1 . .1 HA4 VkAAf ing ail legislation uiuh uucb ub mcvy - their approval. The infamous bargain -impe MANY LINES COMPLAIN, unaaian Discrimination Against Amur. on nnrl J - MUM veiiera ue to 0 dishonest". It will be; remembered that Maxwell dissented ia the Kruse-Nortou contest and said that lc Railroads May Soon Knd. 1 Was a matter wi h uihlnh Von.n. Wr. Vnn. t . t court had no right to interfere. f and shippers are eagerly watching for After thrt ro wua a onA t 4, r . b . : ""'""s ior oath administered came tho p rmanent organization. iai ry, of Greeley, in an eloquent little epeech nominated James N. GaSin of Saunders. . Tnen came another of tho remarkable scenes ! tne day Ex-Speaker Elder in a most graceful ouu uiuub npeecn seeondod the nomi nation. Eider in this act surprised his enemies and pleaded hU friends. In the way he did 1 , i sho-wed someth n" of the hero, aud the audience cheered aa though it apprecia d tttit fact Tn-- republicans nominal d John Jen sen nd t he votn was t .ken. Gaffin re ceived 52 vo's, Jensen. 48. When the new speaker conducted to the chair, the irapres.-ion he made wa-f ivora'do iu the hiifhi-st degree, t he happy speech th-U he made6till heijrh'-ued this favorable--impression. And the courteous, posse-sed and man ly manner of the man insnired all with coutidcncH and r espect,. The indepen dents made no mistake in th ir selec tion of ., eaker. . Ef Johnsoa wa4 erected chief clerk by aoclamation and tho houA aA ,.,l-f.. j.... " tne outcome of President Harris' recent demand upon the departments of State and treasury for all the in- lurmauoa m tneir power relative to freights coming into the United States ty way oi tne Canadian Pacific rail way. Ho imtatinc and a Canadian discrimination beeu against iimerican railroads that Hiere is a steadily increasing pressure upon the authorities at Washingto i to find some relief. The retai; ;tory step taken by the president Ust August, imposing a toll of twenty cents a ton on all freights passing, through the Sault Ste. Mario cana; bound for Caradian ports, was no: sufficient to put a stop to the evil. : is the abuse of the consular seal svstem by the Canadian Pacific road that causes the chief annoyance and loss to the rail roads in this country. Under that law. wl in the senate. In order to preserve the Rnr.af..-.i!Ml dignity, a door-keeper was stationed at me aoor to Keep out all except ttie fclect, and such others as hal special privileges. Tho common herd was relegated to the gallerv. But the erod idn'tcare. it wasn't interest ed in th-j senate ail way. Ton house was the center of law-rust. At 12:15 Lieutenant-governor Maj ra rapped the sennte to order, and Cnaplain Gear hart offered prayer. Ery Sena or was in his seat. Majors then cal ed for n -iniuatioiis for to uporary secretary. C. EI Pirtio was na u.d as the inde pendent candidal, Prank Wilson as tiie tvpuij iean, and Fr.mij Mo rissy as the dotnocrati-! ca didat'. A i'isinr Vote tnow, d 1'irtle 14,-Wilson 14. Mor rUsey 5 A sec in 1 vo'e taken with the same result. Senator Mo ire then moved tha tha oresidui officer ap point a secretary. Morion loi . Ma j irs said he w uld keep the minutes him&elf. A thtrd vnti was then taken ior see etary with no b jtter result. A Mot,i u was t.heti carried t-o talce a ro c-t-s till 3 o'eloek. On reassembling sev ral ballots wure tvken, but, all tesuited s before Sen atorial nenity was t, n laid .side and several mum bers indulged in witty r marks and humorous sugg-jstion-i. Sevi-ral motions whph otT..fi.d hut. i.. j ifs i-u ed t at no business could be ttiiiiae'ed ill a temporary organiza tion a been formed. .Finally the senate adjourned till 10 o'clock on Ve'netlav. Stnate Organized . Friday morning the senate "met and three democrats, Ma tes of O e, North of Platte and IUhoock i f Oma ha voted with the republicans, electing Correll, republican president pro-tern. I be senate then adjourned till Tuesday. Cler that law. which wrnu by congress iu 1864, merchandise of all kinds is shipped from Canada direct to interior points in this country pro tected in the Canadian Pacific cars by a consular seal. The United States consul at the place of shipment merely lino . . ; r . i. . ,1. .... wLiuy iuai manliest is cor rect, and that he has sealed and closed the car. Such certification carries the merchandise to its consignee without inspection or delay at the border. By degrees the scope of the law has been enlarged by the Canadian Pacific road. ou uwt bow is js Bumciently com- prenensive to nrmg into this country over the . Canadian border cargoes irom China and Japan larg-e cargoes of raw k L-s nJ other Chinese and Japanese goods are oruugai across the 1'acific ocean to Vancouver. British Columbia, loaded into Canadian Pacific cars there, and brought into this country under the consular seal system. From one to two day's time is saved, as well as the cost of rehandling the freight In that way imports irom china and Japan can be brought through in bulk quick- n uiiu ui ucner conaition tnan over tne American routes, for the reason that the law does not extend the privi leges of the consular seal system to the American roads., Even while enioyinc this nreat' ad vantage, extended by United States law, the Canadian people calmly de vised a law of their own still further ti ycjure the American railroads. A discriminating duty on all coff esand tea imported into Canada from the United States has been put into the Canadian tariff. These necessary commodities are admitted free into Canada from all countries except the United States. m tho manufacture of quiniiie there if quite as much misery as in tho disease il alleviates. Tho making produces cntane sou eruptions accompanied by a fever, the vapor from boiling solutions being the chief cause. Some can wot work In cin ohona. a weighing machine has been invented -U w ighB cars at the rate of six per : -uito. the cars being moved along the ""MA device automatically records " ri on a piece of tana similar tn "h a UCkfir mnehlnn of ions r.n rti'- S 'established nrefipdp-nf ivliiv. gives the member holding the ccrtifi- caie me seat. In the senate the exercises were even briefer. It required only a few minutes for the senators-elect and the hold over members to enter upon the pleasant duty of drawing salary from the state. The Democratic members in caucus nominated by acclamation Thomas M. Mabrey of Eipley county, for speaker. He will be tho youngest speaker who ever presided over a Missouri assem bly. About fifteen years ago Mr. Mabrey came up from llipley county as a page in the house. He has been coming back to the bien nial sessions for several years as a memoer, ana this time he captured without apparent effort the richest prize iu the general assembly. The speakership out of the way in terest centers in the make-up of the house committees. There are several questions that will enter into the ar rangement of those on ways and means and on appropriations. Thosr on criminal jurisprudence and judici ary, which have heretofore been re garded as the important dwarfed by the other tVO Ll'lT.lISi-. if the financial difficultie to be overcome. It is a 'serious question whether the present assembly may conclude its ses sion and pass all the appropriation bills that will bo presented without creating a deficit in the general reve nue fund. The reduction of the tax levy from 20 cents to 15 cents, on the S100 valuation has made- possible a condition of affairs where an empty treasury may stare big appropriations in the face. Representative Davidson of Marion will probably be chairman of the wavs and means committee. No one hns rnt. been suggested for appropriations. The falling off in the peneral reve nue, caused by the reduction of the tax levy will make necessary an abridgment of appropriation bills and a general economic line of action. The state university, the agricultural col lege, the state normal colleges and the various eleemosynary and other insti tutions will have to scale their de mands to the minimum limit The state university wants $300,000, but it cannot hope for more than half that amount. Indeed, it is likely that tho assembly will cut even that. Illinois Democrats la Clover. Sprixg field. 111., Jan. 5. A large crowu witnesseu the opening of the Thirty-eighth general assembly at noon to-day. . There were many old time Democrats among the throngs in the galleries who had' gathered from all parts of the state to realize their dreams of a quarter of a century. Clay ton E. Crafts, nominee of the Demo cratic caucus of last ntcht. was chosen speaker of the house. The senate like wise organized With tho election rt the Democratic caucus nominees. W -r-X Marthal Toe Writes of With the GaK WASHixGTOtr, Jan.,5. AS eral Miller being asked if 1 further information with the truth of the dispat,chP' feyville, Kan., to the cfttS '' Dalton and Bill Lipsey we deputy United States marsj. , "I have word from ..the mai Kansas, of the western district, Kansas, Oklahoma, the Indiai tory and the eastern district of and all deny that "Bill" Dalton member of the Dalton family or " ccu oppoiuiea, or oeen aC aeputy united States marshal f,.r of these districts for more than years past, and each denies that lipsey has ever acted under Marsnal Yoes of the Western ot Arkansas says: 'The Daltc, oaicers under my predeeessi uunea uras Dalton until M ixobert and Emmet Dalton ('"'"- ""..o iu xo.iv, assisieil 1 ing three noted desnerndne were all considered trustwmi until the. fall of 1890, when t unlawful acts beg-uii.' Soms gang were employed by me sif i tunc. 11 i ' m M Mnl II ' 'I nlf n.CUUa s uouaitlon IfuueleTM: .... ..-i.,, uau. u. inc conaition is hopeless. No recovery is held of Senator Kenna hope of his ultimate out by his physicians. LegUlatire Notes. The Colorado lecrislnfin-o .:n v. llhlV 1 J v " Pr- Democrats and Populists. . The Democrats and Populists in J Montana combined and organized the I legislature. The combination has a majority on joint ballot. It is be- S lievcd the senator will be a Democrat j in California the I)mni. ' . ;.. J it. v , - - m- gaucu me nouse ana the Kcpublicans wio oeiiui,e. xne ropnrists hold theN uauKM vx power on joint ballot. Murder and Suicide by a. Girl. Whitehall, N. Y., Jan. 5. -Monday night Nora Bott shot and instantly killed Edward Smith to whom she was betrothed, and then blew her own brains out. The couple had quarreled during tho day. That night they at tended a party and in the midst of it the tragedy occurred. f . . . - i Nebraska's Sinato Deadlorked. Lixcoln, Neb., Jan. 5. The Ne braska senate deadlock remains un broken. . Frank Wilson, Republican, was elected temporary secretary this morning, but it was a prearranged plan to make a show of nrocrress. Th members were regularly seated and sworn, in after which an adjournment was taken at 3 o'clock. The house continued the work of organizing, the Independents taking all of the offices except one. Aimed at the Tlnkerton. WAS7tiNOTo,v,Jan.5. Senator Chand-. ler introduced to-day a short bill to prohibit unlawful military organiza tions. The bill is aimed at the Pinker tons. Mr. Chandler also introduced a bill restrictive of immigration de signed to supplement or supplant his ' bill introduced srTr time nov, v- . ,, HoorEB, Noii.,' Jan. 5. D. L. Dir. 1 moad of Omaha, who has been stop- ping nt the Wickwire for t!ie past week, was arrested hsro yesterday foi malpractice. He has advertised quiu freely in the county papers as an ex perienced dentist, but an investigation proved that he has no diploma. IU was awaro that detectives were on hie track, but mud no effort to get away. , rrobablV the Itu-cest meteor tht. reached the surface of the earth lios f the plains of Incnman in South Amerkl where it fell. It measure 7 feet I i a I -"O - vwvnwu II IUIU I " j, that 4 f do.. In " fH. v ' ' 1 AiTHi STREETS, THIRTEEN... tiV