THE FIELD OF COLD. Ob, my beautiful Beld of flower-fold-Waving- your wealth to free From out of to rreat and (ray a (tore, Just (pare one bloom to m So when I sea in some future day ' The flower's faded face, It will bring back all to my memory This forgeoua, blooming place! I will remember each glowing bead That bends before the breete la the meadow Land where I roam to-day Amid toe flowers and trees. And the dreams I dream on this autumn aay Caaties I build so fair - Will they be crumbled end fallen down. Turned back agaia to air? Will naught be left of their gleaming gold iw tiuxio built uiweri Will naught be left of my brightest hopes Bat Just a faded flower? Inter Ocean. SHE WA8JTT PRACTICAL. ft Ne4! Ned! Where are you. Ned?" Wile Colebrldge's tone was one of anikms impatlonee aa she came lni the lilting room of her pretty country .nous . ; ' The window curtains parted, re if i .1 t . Twiog iu toe aeep winaow seat a little figure ourled up, poring over an open book.- What la the matter?" inquired neo, in a tieepy drawling voice. Matter?" tald Ellie, dolefully. Tead that letter. No. you will go . to aleep over It I'll tell you what'e .in it The Ctaitons are coming this afternoon." ' s'! thought they were to come next .V W I luuniar . w 'So they were, and here Charley baa gone for a week . to Boston, and Maggie left this morning. She is only the eleventh girl I have had la iz weeks." Ned puckered up a pretty rosebud of n mouth, and it must be recorded, hocking as it is Ned whistled. 'There's nae luck about the house." aa clearly as a boy. Oh. Ned. what can I do?" said : Kill "there are four people, and how can I entertain them and do all the work and cooking for such a family." FourP' . "Mr. and Mrs. Claxton, their son Barry and daughter Laura." . "11 m yes. I've heard Charley talk of them!" v- "Don't you know thorn?" EUle uked. amazed. ! thought they were Charley's most intimate friends. " "Very true; but though Charley is my brother. iyou must remember, while ;, he was at Harvard forming the ac quaintance of the Claxtons and various other people. I. was with aunt Jane at Baltimore going to school and learning housekeeping oh!" cried Ned, as a sudden idea seemed to strike her. Oh, Nellie, have you got some calico dreBses and bipr aprons?" Of course J have!" ) "Soihave I where had his anchor Aland mn anmn where the Dutchman r athonJa! But Ellio. water and may other things pertf -w log tqf the harbor,,. ,ff ; to v" "ki 0 m0ro W J? fhe Vextweel, by the Br . : aia rather wo wav. t w. .1 al,J ma"rkable nner0 was a streak morally convincoler ot insanity fuL Charley made shristenoi iiu--- ar 0ld. l Lr You wiU be late.'' mv dear l. ,-,iK,.1 irrc The dainty table, sparkling la the Morning light was spread temptingly. Aew laid eggs, like gold balls. ' were fried upon slices ot ruby colored ham; a breakfast to tempt an eplcura chops. broiled tender and juicy, flanked tho bam and eg?s; water cresses, all sparkling with dewdrops; potatoes, fried to a crisp brown; aromatic cof fee, fragrant tea and muffins of golden tint waited noon rood aoDetltea. Mrs. Claxton could opt restrain her admiration. . "What a treasure 7 ou must have In the kitchen," she cried. 4f you did not come down until we did." "I have not seea her this morn. She Clax. MAKING FORTUNES. ParadU of tha Brat and the Gold Mia of the BmUer. "The offer of an athletia club of a purse of 180,000 for a brace of prize ngnts between popular bruisers is a sad commentary on modern elviliza. tloo," said Professor Felix Howard to a reporter. ' ln the same paper in which I read this o'ffer I saw a state ment that thn uinn nt Kimn.l T Randal C the great commoner, during nis long public life, scarce aggregated 1300. 'After navintr his 'fniipril Vr. penses and setting aside $3(Kf there ... .a'ili.m 1 . . . r i ii : . . uvtuiug ic i l, aaiu ine wiaowcim ply in making her report as executrix to the court. 'Men make lanre fortnnfta In a kin. trie nifi-ht bv catering to a. public taste by descending below the level oi tne orate while those who devote their lives to the public service and scorn its doubtful perquisites die in poverty. "America boasts that she is the moat enlightened and progressive nation on the globe that she is 'heir of all the ages and foremost in the flies of time' yet nowhere is the professional slmr- ger so well rewarded. It is the para dise of tbe brute. ''Patrons of the prize-flzht delisrht to compare these exhibitions with those of ancient Greece and Rome, for getting that the cestus was most in vogue in Greece before the vise of Hellenic civilization, the cladiatnr'a sword iu Rome when the emnire wm tottering to its falL It was when the proletarian rabble ruled the mistress of tho world, when it raced throno-h her streets shrlekin? for blood and bread; when Greek ideals were trans formed by the Circe of atheism into brutish beasts: when learnintr had yielded place to lust, which gnawed line a ravenous cancer at the imperial heart that professional thuo's nra rewarded as they are in America to- aay. A PECULIAR ANIMAL. 8eema to Be a Cront Between a 'Coon and Something Else. While O huntine- recentiv James B. Peckham. a well known resident of Preston, near Norwich, Conn., killed a peculiar animal, the exact pedigree of which ho is very curious to learn. He was tramping through the woods when his attention was attracted to the animal, which somewhat resem bled the polecat Carefully approach ing it. in tlm vrt. . I. ,1 J i - l.lii 1 - vug r . ou.wcucu IU ill 11- others round the table less tempting, ing it with a club and br.'j.ih't' the Henry Claxton only knew the parlor freak.bome. ' - had gained a now charm. The animal is ahmit rihtn Ho knew that Edmonia wa tnlonta hn unti. . and pretty he found hnr hgti-i ,!! i and modest as a violet Th ii. L ... .... , . . . , , . "iuun ui uiiin Kiay cotor, iippea wita beside her. in the tardea in t k... mu?u.i . . i , ,,. uiun u. juoueau mou very pecui- lor. on the moonlit Dorch nvi h. .i ...i.i. . , onlmS Hey -outh and nose and ears'that closely I hey learned-d, -,u tn.M- ,i I . " thov would I: V,".;:' leein are y U(f and -harp and ' ? m "2. r:- "iuK i9J..lverT rnfrwi it ".T Virw-u-nf a a is l 2 - rz. i0nrth.- wi5 a 11 ex. u -4a.-cr-r77;i?5 ontie t. cues "---, The ieet m Rmlttio currouu - . -,i-ish white m ' , . . .,ftaml,5 cre r .. r ninistui v?w i .1.. artifiH ia mr--t rii . louu , - VairlBSS 10 ,..,o IS ing" was the truthful reolv. is a treasure!" Five days went ov. and Mm ton said to tllte. Do you know. Mrs! " Colebrid have never seen your treasure? She does the rooms whil wo are at breakfast and 1 never saw such neat rooms; and she sets a table so nerfect. ly you never have to ring for any. thing." 'You will see her to-nlcrht" M Ellie; for Ned had actually made time to go to town and secure a twelfth domestic, who was belnrr trained while Ellio spoke: "and I hall have the nleasura tan nf in. troducing Charley's sister. Kdmonla," An: This was from Harrv Clnvtnn nh looked up from the newspaper. -I want to meet her so much," said Laura; "we heard of her very often when Mr. Colebridca M m Cambridge." "bheis very talented. Is she not?" Harry asked. . "We think so." Ellie answered. "She plays on the niano hot to any amateur I ever heard, and sings remarkably well , She was the best scholar in the school whan aha YraH- uated. and she don't tall hAf T you writes poetrv. real nontrv nt merely rhyming lines. " U m!" thought Harry. "A tall, raw-boned, strong-minded femala" , And while the thought was in his mind there entered a lirtln hmr.. eyed mite, with lonir complexion like a blush-rose. and sort full draperies of blue and white muslin. A little creatura with i sweet voice, and eyes full of dreamy beauty. , There was undeniablv a fninn A In the cullnarv denarimnt Ned and Ellie slipped away often to Bupenotenu ine performances of "No. as Ned called her; but if the Good Words From Montana, Wiles City, Mont, Dec. 16, 1892. Editob Alliance-Independent: Your fayor of the 7 th received. Ac cept my thanks for your kindness in placing my request before the news paper men. Tnclnaeri find nnn itatlai. for another year's subscription to The d'Allemand sent me your paper of No vember 17th. and T thinV It 1 ih grandest, best written people's party paper i. nave seen. i nope your clrcu lation Will double in tha-naxt efr months.' v Yours truly In the work of reform, ' A. P. Flanagan. t Have Yon Read "Sight and scenes in Colerador ' ' "Sights and scenes in IdabC and Montana?" "Sights and scenes in Utah?" "Sights and scenes in California?" "Sights and scenes in Oregon and Washington?" "Sights and scenes in Alaska?" ThislB a set of aix hnnlra hAaiittfullv illustrated, iuu of story and legend as well as valuable information for thn tourist, published by the passenger de partment oi me union racino system. Sent free on application and the receipt of 2c for each book to cover postage. J.. X. MASTIN, V T. A., 1044 O St E. B. Slosson, Gen. Agt, Lincoln, Neb. . To arista Trips. Round trips to to the Paofgc Coast Short trips to the Mountain Resorts of Colorado. ' t Tlio flaai Colt T .1.. Yellowstone National Park thn wonderful spot on this continent Puget Sound, the Mediterranean of the Pacific coast And all reached via thnTTntnn TuIA System. For detailed information call on or address, J. T. Mastik, C. T. A., 1044 O St., E. B. Slosson, Gen. Agt.. Lincoln, Nek Pure Bred Poultry. Whiin Plrm. Outh Rock. Whitn flumtta Ptlnm Cochins, Toulouse Geese, ,Whlte Hol land Turkeys, "White Guineas, Pekin uucks. ar.ggs in season, rrices low. W. A. BATHS, JR., 36tf ( 'Fremont, Neb. rr UMCQUUNTE0 WITH THE BEOfiMFHT OfTHISMUIIThiN.- HUM VALUABLE INFORMATION FR0U A STUDY OF THIS MAP Of f There W Mrs. Colebrlgo Very mum""""- tha station. very u- ,,, the swuw brought her gues u with During her - A aCel bttd exactly He bad told bis in the ca ISea . tnd oi booKs; Ja hat dreamy and fond o 1 As Kill dv. till tne . ,nrt in anrine at the rare - well PtoMe. "lace rested a shadow oi matronly face ro extend anxiety. V be n the having clover threo weews, b(jar. leH for a Por breaking the sama ua", Bho . -av0 love jjeQ's coniesai""."" for love. ' tnn : KUie's room And Mrs. y -; ,ow up0Q old fashioned tint, of a sknl s probably of I thvw accot her brow. 1 Aonv I am ..youseo. in eau- in my " V wlve9 and bousoKeap tbe caU8 g rarlor companions. ih, ers as well as for taugbt Boon-as uam ther BU. . l,n..n ClU,wa, - j ,uii lonsr. - Tnere the body similar tho animui specie. ..k,nd before in tne . ' learn just tho annuo,. , .h cu P'rJ3ne"nt place, occupy ' .r-AIIITl. 1 " wuwww - ser ,a Ke Can't Atioru C that was ever and Mr- seen I o'eck- Kwhat are to ciosity a nis lent. marder MODERN SURGERY IN ALL ITS BR DR. THAD H. WOODWARD, SURGEON IN CHARGE. 2 Oouth 4th Lip beg 1 ire! lWo hi : : rrr OBTAIN CHICAGO PSICES FOB ALL! PRODUCE. Thewar tothliiltHa shin rnur n.. Wpol, Hides, Beans, Broom Corn, Green and Dried Friiits. Vc w iwi wh job bv ut mi selling these sr for years Is no reason that von abouid mnHmu tn An t wv u vu wwt urtu mtlt make a specialty of receiving shipments direct from FARMERS AND PC "w rii naae in mis way or any bouse in this market are looking- around for the eheapest market In whieh to buy your goods, and t lng in that war. It will oertalnlr nav YAH tA rlrA Am A O ttbtitlnn .1.. V . able way of olspesing or your preduoe. Ws Invite correspor denoe from N p ALLIANCES, CLUBS, and all erganUaUoas who fit aire to ship their pi this market. If requeued, we will send you free at eharge eur dally market ping directions and such information as will be of service to you, If yeu conk ping. Wv ( requested proceeds for shiDmenta will b a iwu,i A h. , wwneaaiv oouae in VUMSCO. Lt Bi hear from von. v an ha di' fol . vc i duziziERs Morrison & Co... COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 174 South Water Street, C Reference: Metropolitan V s Sal Bank, Chicago. ' 'i THE DOLT JlR TYPE WRIT, ABCDEFGHI JKLMNOPQRS TUVWXY PATINTS PENDING. TOaSlKr- 1 TnTiS'SiroX'nPEHHKnfCQS' . camaraer There was a cfP"" thA bridge ace vvlio warrr: " a Supposed once Ibv bis i worid. but eamy and .ouu A, Mgfi cau either su- cAfi. serpent. a on " , a man who saw ouc ff . Till ' . when he . lal. novci. guess; oP"7fr, wh0 confessea & ElUebad. un; nav " . pircurasia"" . .v.- nruiure oi Circuit H"v .- car- requi." . aa A ., oheis noi mo - think." , Rhe ta a8 lovely a -You are ...,1 hail t ' KlUe ttEtai .L, worries si ihnr. in n aata ... over - : wjitimiii u vuv v- - nnwar. XVd "her guest, to pretty a d descended to the kitchen. uwmodest ana , a u, U iuu . bearV w rooms u-r- .tB I onco , an1 Put t!a 7 - who sa . knewau m to a uui' , Ho was a ca P 'emplyers dis harbor nis "-"fl. j ti,.. came co tv.ev t rti:ili3v. v misseu - couldn t n - - - tlj . i. t.nau aruun- - r.V ft the pre--.- for as V wv; leant rm going beWw sea serpent 4 laid they lO ffot BO sport of as friends a liar as idfather. rd to see LfS ButsbeseeuisW no tin ets anet Onot noto but w cost.' lakes : would ; higher : ployes tain leng ud was thera w. - fc a.. Bussw-- .a,, twW into. , J.-- -d; fcbio Wess & 5Vw have vittea in . HOW , rt,t folks Ukenbstor . vnowtbe origin oi IC , looking na hidden under a tran9form i "nr.v.V.atert oi servants.,; iBsnertnw -'-, pan 0I ots rr the table stooo. a p . ' .rtbtasdowa broiru . I UUU !-. m IrlTTRIl IU I I .rtT aad long (Wif. beP curled up to hooking name- ; ik. window seat her .Jf- " - d8 Goodncne - be looking miles away. --u - oaoK - and long MUro ratner ww-. . t naU ww- m. ver eyos eoi": -- . rr.rva, urer oi me the winaow --nd her nanus w"" 'i- os sen Pqiuk ohacKeu t"- . ., miles , , tnreo wv 1 niuucu .. .. ..lig. ip&ujiui" i. . nnii. dear. aroew . -T .fa- had some - ed therewith. Ui, wile ha nol atKA U aa a " A. Tlir Bi i S.y0u re . . wee SO not to come ,-bearted dreamy. anld. Ellie smueu. nup invisible first cut"Di ,i here wuou j-- j nave wonaereu Yes. my .- - The one why you Lomoai-etoher, iyou have now u-.- - - Wny d a Inrrrnid she drink, after alir- sne . i-aye. bne v hrWgft . , he astonished Mv aeari v" . , . . old lady. are jokvog- I was never more , terw Ue4 mo." said ElUe, and gave a d account ol ner v devotion. , , ouid dream she i '-We"' der that sleepy hid so mucu ufted the oniy manner. Yo 1 ,1 can care irom iuj - w wittt mj congratulate "-''ft Shields in Texas v I whole heart. aA Slitings. EUle swindler la .jMblng. W""" m the ntlnwthe dlning.roT ft - . tt At P.nU atawaw a- , silver best cow- a.k oon saewy damas-n -. not. tho Rraoat HV?Siin 1C1L calhept, oo?s part mat weal tfralroadi aspoils for elUare ant ihe People L I WIN8IDE, Ktor Alliakce- the table, . gaowy ii-M as a leather, i askets ot . cake cream glass Bowls oi itcher. and and sugar l ! green there. . , .AmPinc. while Ned Wghe stood "Kef and blsculU , co" the bell . ott want me, " she ..You can ring jo - tne tea 4 putting courtesy j..tin fore vanisnia . ,. Xniai"' n Cue8ts. w present Ned .15' v Noting that 5 not touch tTTt'1- M,A-ment o! ts. et breaW her i tVill vou kindlv hi,. . " - ... an evi ... . , aere " . V some KicKing. r. x. ,ir tare anwus" -- " iald ."the-DeoDlelovetobehlie i"y t?ndl. l.a.V -t' t .j tne. loiiowios u uu.x u. Aiuiuo v porounuou Wi" ve- blue ev that he knew what he was Uv.ii rjugo, niov about However I am getting bo ,; J that I don't enjoy it as well as sonfe do. . ' - rnin?. and? until the usiv at o XO tiua. s Vrauce. H l that they w-V kind ot api. - ri"l"7at RibstO i ... ! Pfl. Two ol tne p'F' .k! were derived al trees in "S'" from cauea - place, r- pip in- " mandy. sent at, pins, but s funny- ir Henrv ns, had him from supposed very fine took the garden of 'orksbire. from the ibston ap- frnit was lish birth- e original from Nor ma 8nrce A Maine man wtj lng a cornel dio -r.a Dersevering tenr.bitonanov tmt, lor ua - mifftriSl B cicit sot well under v. tion wo w - Vol nonoo ui . Job caused a n mnsii- ... v. ..ntJbv a esncSr a oound of v-i" . . wa9( same ronna was re pea tea roslt wjok me ninu irlng-. ed of hear- ambitious illed ama arettinsr a' player was as he had an in ques- r, called for rosin. This cessation of but a few net playing unC E'ectrlclty and where In the Nebraska Farmn t1 tho .Ituvii Nnnmtwii T fin1 alrnn. T tne K00" Ihls case and the case urn utiuriL The wav of the offiaial just o ginning to jrros the bills allowS k C.B-t-. a philanthropist, who is de in a smoking car occa- , cAprcsseu nis inienuonoi ilund for the assistant 'nf Umoke and yet are too poor p. tobacco. His purpose is by h standard of the wlfelsed travsls at the4Mace& We doubt, h.l ftver, .Sithnv ltd Travel unretaraoa The Direct Rout to and from CHICXGO, ROCK """"i "JitniBI, BEa MOINES, COUNCIL BLUFFS, OMAHA, LINCOLN. WATEETOWN SIODX FALLS. MINNEAPOLIS, 8T. PAUL, ST JOSEPH, ATCHISON. LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS CITY. TOPEKA, DENVER, COLORADO SPRINGS, and PUEBLO. Free Reclining Chair Cats to and from CHICAGO. CALDWELL. HUTCHTSSOW DODGE CITY, and Palace Sleeping Cars between miL&viu, iwiliA and HUTCHINSOS. SOLID VESTIBULE EXPRESS TRAINS ?Hb.Ss,SM't?- Fr Reclining Chair ir': 'ys.iween Chicago. DRi muiajiB, yuuMUii, BLUFFS, OMAHA and LIN COLN, and between CHICAGO and DKNVEP COLORADO SPRINGS and PUEBLOvla StTjoeeDb? orKanjM CityandTopeka. &cuom dallSS "i"""" voojy ""r ,""n nal ie, rortiand. Lot AmrelnandSan Franclaco. The Dlreit Mn. tAtSt ftom Plke'e Pea. Maniton, Garden of Che Godau U Via The Albert Lea Route. MlnneaU and St. Paul, wiOi THROUGH Reclining Chair Can FREE, to and from those point and Kan! KLlt',i-.lhJwLn Chair Car and Sleener tetwem rwiK-opira un am BMz jraus via Bock bland. The Favorite Line to Watertown, Sioax Falle, tbe 8uoimer Rnorta and HuatlDs and FiaUaa GrsuulaiS tbeNorttiweet w.ituua .Tick?U1U,:,sJyd,!,JiOT dedred loformattna l.r T j lrlTMTf1 nr annreai C ST. JOHN JOHN SEBASTIAN, vWIMnoaeet. . : Genl Tkt a Paaa, Agt, AI A MTCH Te dlri of all sol- r w aL (lien who bAet4 - - - mmmm un SOLDIERS s ed a lesa number ot acre loan leg before tS' ' "lu aae nnai proof on the came. MUMHSTFiinR , UIDLAW DALE-TIE CO. MANUFACTURERS OF I in i i AD0U8TABLE WIRE BALE-TIE A. Hsadquartars for this Class ef Goods WBOT FOR PKICES. i tafionA, Kansas City, Us :uYon will lie a long tine Head To Be Happy Buy A WttkeraphlH Bon. Ox Kuir M Hill i Mi Miwun u4U wimmJ M UM ham, thu otiM. bHIi .i, . ..... . , . . . , , . , . . kMk.n. Tha Du Kal TM It . (NT inri M m.juikm.1 mnud fin. w4 ta. te w ksn nr Mm Ttr bn.17, mm.,, ud duuLi, ittowuL THEOIIAHA.HAY PRESS iHanofactured by the MARTIN A MORRISSY MAKUFG CO., OMAHA, NEB. ATFull Circle, All Steal, Rapid, Dur able and Light Runner. ALL PRESSES FULLY WARANTED SEND FOR CIRCULAR.' r t . tnfliioricoB, rlte oI28 000 afethat &l problem, is r 18 Oi coujv . . wvArv ia. unable tn.lim w to'M-.PJJSsrht because Wtf wh vVpa i--hatreforrlghUluWe UjX Nnea's eyes ViSCr' ru V V Subscribe A wondprfHlly cheap, novel and useful machliie.'.doiiiff the nrinan Ivna nrrita nJ t . U : ,i i i , i .. " .. . i""""J v' V. . i " "l"'" rapiuiiy. wiieg a tun letter sheet. anY' ww.Don,aoiKiius weuasa worm or victor. Feeo and nks automaticallv t Price $1.00 Each, bv Mail 15c Extra. T. J. THORP & CO., 320 S. I I tl In Just the Thing for a Christmas Present. LINCOLN 1 rCQTCAl I PflH Pfl General Produce Merg, representatives of Y State Alliaace and well known in NAhraaira n .lu. r . 1 Ty war uoa( Potatoes. Onions, Apples, Cabbage, Hay and Oats. Wti have a heavy game trade in Nebraska and Wyoming. We have an estab?tt trade ior all the above meationed artioes, and by shipping direct to us yout get all the value there is in the goods. Write tot prices and shipping instl "0n8-. . Befepence: j MetropoUtan National Bank, Kansas City, Md ACOT C A I I rrKKAirrimt iJLS w L-i- i rnuL ywivimioolUIN UU 423 Walnut St. Kansaa Cltv 1 A NORTH BEND NURSERIES. $ ? LAROC 8UPPLY OF y Trees, Plants, Ornamental Trees, fehrubs R Evergreens ' Large Stock of Best Old and New sort! of Strawberry Plants. Peraat Tratta for Claims at law Prima. Write for SPfdiAL ttMDNI tabllshed U 1882. Snd for price list to MOUTH BKMI . lortk Ba4 Icm on IHMiftCMatr.Iabraaka. TO. 8acosaor to BADGER LUMBER CC Wholesale 1 Retail Uumber , TELEPHONE 70.. 0 ST. BETWEEN 7TH AND 8TH L! jfcoiN, NEB ISLAND 1 DOUGLAS HANUFiCTURKNG CO., St. Louis, Mo. rVTBOrlaw' I a-' ' est. ) 1 1 1 reslocHEsViMJ known. lower reslocHEg she co it? A hat is a synon Shuck Shelter. Onlv one made that successfully rf j bicycles $18 II 3lls corn with the shuok on as well TWTl1l'ti. . .11' IllllW5agn3 CORNER THIRTEENTH V . A1 STREETS. LINCOLNA Bttor. yn kar, IThE POWIU CiniEIIT (vX 1)9 J 1 MOfe ds' nrsco All Kindaee oajiry Work. KIMBAIempl EALIC er m 1629 0 8t. ,,nort, allcl AS flUl nower 1. r . . a 11 toao loted. anil el A WW 1T1 Vnl a Peaitivc Cora ftlker, J . lag Iuihing. Caw lorlr. i muTOiBeroin- ' t vm.rn.thMi Kfl. J. Xi never bean knot Sergea ovmaii. wnvu.M.. i. a written jrnsr T, ' , to refund toeo. n.csui iam a I V ir . t , ! JuAKKLi 1 1 naaa 1 r 1 1 tCoiiH.ireB. 1 ... 'rlWTTV i 1 xm i- -. IS": J I icle ptpm the p yon can 1 I - I J