The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, January 12, 1893, Image 1

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le Alliance-Independent
Is iht btilS
. Advertising medium
in the west. It U especi
ally valuable is a mean
of reaching 'he farmers.
' Its circulation ls as large
in Nebraska as the cir-
; . eolation of all tbe farm
jocrnala" combined. .
Give The . Allunce
' Ikdkpindeiit a trial it
you want good reeujts. ,
The Alliance-Independent
Advocatei t5--
The fre and unlimited
coinage of silver and gold
at the present ratio of
sixteen to one;
The issue of enough
legal tender parx-r money
to rake ihe vulurne of
" eonrency in tbe Unl'ed
. butos to 0 per capita;
That every debt should
be payable In any kind
of money.
Which Occurred in the Orgaaization of
the Legiikture.--BepttblicaM Com-
.- pletelf Knocked Out
Iview of the Werk Dose Last Week.
. f-K Lfat of Officers and Employes.
t' 7 Senatorial Situation.
. Torn finimviflAII.
If' " " -
The first week of the legislature be-
gan with a surprise and ended with a
f ifl. a a ..1 fwAm Vi a
surprise, xoe uraii reomiic, '
, perfect harmony and unity with which
tne lnaepenaeniis nu uulukum
. , . . . fTL
bined to organize me nouse. au
ieoond resulted from the unexpected
combination of republicans and demo
crats to organize the senate.
tt rnir Ira rrllTT tVnCPENnF.V'TS.
I x xjm: ama . -
I ' The independents made every effort
Consistent with their principles to or
Ikniza both houses. They were ira-
d) yjelkd to this by two potent reasons.
r ii ab, uicjr w;uoiuiiv.i
for electing a United States senator
would ba much firreater if they secured
tbe principal officials in both branches
... . 1 . . L '
foi tne legislature. - V,Q.T Vl 111 fTl t W P.OT1 trollt U .
f3GWXlU, " - "J w O 1
MUtnno 4m aaili tknncA tilPVV
f could advance legislation in the inter
ests of the people.
With these beliefs uppermost in
both houses invited and encouraged
!emembers of the other parties toj
scqsg or Eatiaia,
commeuui .
still creaWais wwPKa wo inviaauon
. . sm :
II 'il . !
- I K V '-X . W SI
n ' 11 "JIL11 c i . j tr v irTl 1 -a 1
II .:- , . " M - .
l 8Sv -, f :aA . J' UJf-r
W &MSm mSBtfSSL: .
the independents, nd his views on the
tariff make him acceptable to the
democrats. "
J. W. Edgerton is quite prominent as
a ftk nil Ma v a am) Mnw tmlanAm wfn
w VHUuiupfOj iiuti MAmm iwu saavuuv w a
claim that ho is not only highly deserv-
mg out weu equippea ior sucn a nign
position. i
A number of others are talked of as
candidates, among whom may be men-
tlnnait InAtra MavIHa rt Kth Platta
and Judge Allen of Madison. It is en-
I 1 t . 1 ILIHil
ureiy wimin tne range 01 poraioiuuea
strike 84 me good independent who has
uu yet ueeu uiouviuueu lur kuo jmto.
The armv of nlace hunters is some
what diminished. The-swearing train
went out last Friday afternoon.
Mrs. M. R. Mort?an. of the Alma
News-Reporter, was one of the disci
ples "of the quill who gladdened this
office by her presence last Monday.
S. E. Keene, time keeper of the house
has also been made custodian of all the
rooms. This makes Mr. Keene one of
the most important employes about the
state house. And he deserves it all
too. He is one of the brightest -oung
newspaper men in the state.
The editors have not been forgotten
by the independents in their distribu
tion of patronage. Eric Johnson, chief
e'erk, and Ed. J. Hall, first assistant
clerk In the house, S. E. Keene, time
keper in the 6amo body, B. S. Little
field, second assistant cecretary of the
senate, and various other dUctples of
the quill have ben rooogn:zcd.
Ex-peaktr Elder still sticks lo his
famous expression, "Stay by 'er, boys."
And he Is one ol the boys who is stay
ing uy ner, too.
Mr. o. f. forter, the new mall car
rl&vcf the house, is a brother of the
famous Porter who downed Church
Howe the cter day.
.Th!0. 1((rlHlnfci!rA appma t la Dtontinr.
out with the prodlso of more good leg
islation man aay, uamng me last one,
Sblll Sltuf? ....
and impi-ov'itation, and that bo
L l : a i i. i
ner counjBrjrgiuiaeu, uuu i.
years remt Most of the officers
ers th -e independents, but a
perfect intj.monOp0y democn
,M, t J
ad i
ven positions. In ms
retrenchment and
boenTere aPPears to entire har
with between the independents and
sumf'crats in the house, and there is
cerna number of anti-monopoly repub-
iOWis who will stand with the Inde
' 5flpnts in tlipo matters
of in 'itiii ocAifi
fie indeperYlents invited the co-opera-
ilon of either or both the old parties
fa the organization of that body on an
ti-monopoly lines. This offer was con
sidered by both democrats and repub
licans. At different times during the
week, the independ ntsfelt that their
success was assured, but arrangements
were no sooner made llan broken. ,( On
Thursday night four republican sena
tors arranged to vote and work with
the independents, but on Friday morn
ing they were found ' votiD solidly
i H. A. Ech
Farmer Church Howe, the (ffiampi-ttW his political fences.
From Western Life. J
Neither of Them Tfma DUpoiod of. How
var, aod WUI Bav to b The V
Attain Tha If onsa Ibhi th Dis
trict of Columbia Approprl ,
tlon BUI Mr, Car III
Talk Capital Note.
WABHixoTOff, Jan. 11. The aenata
was In session j'esterday forover'fiva
hours. Half of the time was spent on
McPherson'a joint resolution authoriz
ing and directing the secretary of the
treasure in aiianem all nnr nt
. rf r r
6ilver under tho fciherman act, and the
other half on the bill granting ad
ditional quarantine powers and impos
ing additional duties upon the marine
hospital service. Mr. McFherson ad
dressed the senate at length in support
of his joint resolution, and when he re
sumed his seat Mr. Aldripr;ave notice
of a substitute, which' 'proposed to
offer to it, and asked urjiutmOTis con
sentin order to test the sincerity of
the Democratic side of the chamber
wmen ire ateuspa tl T,'iuasqTleraflIng"-
to have a vote taken on tho substitute
and, tlu priinal measure to-morrow.
Objection caiuii Icom Mr. Danio an
the matter went oref indefinitely an
withoutiny agreemeni v
The discussion of the quarantine1 bill
took plswe on an amendment offered
by Mr. White limiting its operation tJ
tl---Lu " Tail J -BTni n
secretary of thb ssnatA a .ZZlTi , reached on the flmtwim
man. Ha waJ a7.iV:. " .?.uu". is to be tal ' "1 TT 1 '
with their party, and three democrats
were found voting with thora, and Cor
rell was elected president proatem.
The independents arc taking' thf
cooly and philosophically. They re
alize that they have done their dutv
They know that tbey have done, and
are doing, everything in their power as
a minority party,' to accomplish that
wnicu only a majority can acc irnplish.
They have used eVery means consistent
witn tneir principles to draw ov,er
onougn irom enner or Doth old parties
iu luiiau up a iua.juritr boat win work
: it. i . ... . i
in uio iiiujiesis iul ine people.
THE week's wnuv
In the house jthe work was necessarily
liuuuiicu iu uictiiera jwriaining to the
i((oui.iuu. I mo uoasuiution Drn-
"ura u'uff-Biurnsoi tne last elec
tion must beilfcanvassed immediate'?
after the orgflAzatlon, and before ani
other business done. The dead-lock
u..u rcuttwjf eventea tne joint con-
vcuuuu unu p ,3 prevented all progress
In the house However the house held
day and Tbr Day and one on Friday.
A commitlHf.i employees was appoint
a,uu aui wr on rillpa Tho
oyees consisted of Cas-
id lieckloy. This com-
a a list 01 emn noiuD
'ecommendeH tho
. ' vuuv iiuc
iwed to fill all jxtsltions
imcu eiecuon, and that
C w uisuuarge pmpioyees
ri ii'iiowing is ft list of
awJEployees chosen up to
'nror, GaffiBo' Saunders Co.
'U2rie Jon"n; Mrat-ass't.
oin: Cheblaln. R -v. W n
t-at-armW. O. Dungan
postmaster: Norman n,
mittee oq
per, Por
nefded ;.
speaker 1
not a rec
i "
iia uar
wno laijj
whs auu
-m i
I date: f.
'iBci 5:9
Assistant. Mrs. M. .T
' nun,. .'lail
carrier. G. P. PnpiPr- n ,.i., r
JJockhorn; Custodian of cloakroom, O,
N. Sullivan: Aaslctunt a t o j. i
Janitors. C. Marshall W I? Vii
K. a. bhaplmid. W. Winaior tv,
Arnoiu, j. tfallagher, Price Sanders.
Nieht-WHtchman. .T Shm-f- DD:.i .
r . m. oou; i-ages, t'. Shannon. Will
McCune, Ed. Fountaine, Chas. Felton.
Leonard Elder. Sr-.nt.t, RnffnrH r?o fi
ton, Ray .Carpaoter, Nfis Torstensen,
t.d. liohiMTtRrrfOATiirtin n,.,i . j
Oscar Newberry. Book-keeper, vv. F.
Wright,: Trnfl.wi'liDo trinsn. it! j.
and liewey.
The COinmitt.Pft nn riiloc nalo o
. ...nviu t par
tial reDOrt. h'lt nnthlno-nf imnnnf.r
was done. .
IO thfi KPnafO TinfllirKV nror.
- J "".nu -no 41UUU1UU-
lisnea save the fileM'
secretary till Friday morning. . At that
time threo rlfmnf-ia. TJuK,.1, -nt .v
and Mattes, voted for Correll, republi-
van, U li W ill H flfTPn. ThO U iHn.
pendents and one democrat, Thompson
or jurs. jd.aie tne other demo
crat, voted i for Mattes. Immediately
as Lcr mis ...e senate aujourned till Tues
day, tho independents voting gol'dv
airainst it. . 4
Tho house followed suit and
j.uvma.v. iuuss 01 me in
dependents Stronfflv nnnnsnrl t(n orl
n-rf bill. u-
journment. i
The democrats assist th. independents in
completing the organization of the senate.
The third surprise of the sossinn fa!T.
on Wednesday morning. The chanire
of front on the part of tho dAttmnrotf
v, aia w a yo
unuouoteaiy resulted from the roasting
mey received from the pi-ess and lead
ers or tht-ir na,r. Thoir 'nni.i.u
stand the pressure, and wereexropiUnfr.
, . . . &
iy anxious to break with the renuhH.
cans, and atonefor the past by assisting
the . iidependents in orsanizinc thn
The independent victory in th
nization'of tho legislature is at last
complete. On Wednesday morning the
independents with the aid of thn dmn.
crats completed the organization of the
senate. -
It was plain to the most ohfusA
holder Wednesday mornincr t.w. any
thing was in the wind. In fact, it had
been rumored all the
and that mornlnsr that the indWnnf
- r
auu uemocrats of the eenate had come
to an understanding. The rphnhH-
were in a terrible flutter. Tom Main
was consulting first with soma wn..hi.
cans and thn with Matte?, of Otoe.
At last, half an hour later than proper
time, Tom pulled himself tojrotw.-..
called the senate to order and thMhhe
mn Degan. me republicans iwWrti.
ately- began fillibustering. But that
wouldn't work. Then they made an
open offer to the democrats to organize
the senate with t,hm . tkq ,i,
moved to lay this proposition on the
mu waicn wa3 immediately done.
Then thev trfp? nnnihm. i...
. . f . . mwvh.i I UL. !Y i 1 1 1 L
were whippsd in that. .And the upshot
u, Mjaiyiii, anour a(ter the
trouble begara: the independents and
democrats had completed the organiza
tion or the body and an enthusiastic 1
uemuuswaiion orannrnrnl fnllnwo.i n,
: -rr--' iuuwii via ItlU
announcement of the result,
The following flr tha mn
officers elected:
H. A. Edwards of firanH Taloni c.
retary. G. K. Douo-htv Bai!'i L
. - ... O Jl uw W
tary. B. 8.-LittlefiAM. nf pAi.tia n
second ass t. s-cretary. Rev. J. M.
onyaer. or hherman unnntu
. o. Alliv. Siiriru!ii.i).,..,n, it-
Ludden, of Polk county, ass't. Sergeant
dimo. ik u. xvossi-er, second ass't.
serjeant-at-arms. J w n,.nxio
SLJu16 ife .GaD?er' engrossing
yaiiniv iuornssey, enrolling
c,IerTk- A- " anmer, door-keeper. W.
A. J. Eaura, posf-master,
Some minor officers were "chosen, ar
rangements mario hv nrllinli e
house should preside over joint sessions
and the senate adjourned till after din-
il ir? i' S care of the fam-
"owoorry diii ror nearly a week.
ha came down to Lincoln on Thursday
vv a u n i i ui. ii inn unj-t a sf . . . a
make Inrpafnitfr T)o.-.. i .
county chairman of t.hA 1
e probably twn nn .1 . Privileses and Elentinna Th..ui..
- . uim. some republicans m- , u oavea me expense and
wiessairreatdGal-hf u.LjT?!," trouble Mr.Barrv will
n.n f u; ' auuiira- r that
I?m heic "rvice inthe litl.fdntomrtthaK
K'S"' ..iorton. evidently still .?unEy editor. ad
,1 -s'v.iucoi ui brie reT)UD110ftni 1 tt s U.101UOU,
expl would rather sr.! iho t, oramy men who has deserted lai,n
doomsday thru, that th demo- n.? and-taken Passage on the new
ouuuiu uuite with t.h Iml.n. i-r- " uicr.
and elect m Independent for ' i,natorl Paddock has changed his
I States sena .! r..L. :i.'lr4 headquarters from tho T.1niS i,fi
A IIUU1U I 1 1 1. .1 r . - VWM UU UUl
edemocrats the rennhiinnJ,w no Vin?eI, Ho wants to be wher
- ILI "U
' if it is impossible
which seems pro-
A3 rflTSMS tho olnnHnnl f - T-!i-1
c -w viwU1uu ui a uuneu
taws senator, tne si uatmn Ar,,a
appear u oe ma'erially changed. The
independents am Vinucf,,!
VVUlle thfv httra nnfLimm.: J
j .v "unuoiunumcuuaitny
Una 1 1 1 maIau 1 1 '
..uu ui autiijii. fir wp m.i n a , .1 ;
. " -hub num iiiey win
in PStluna on,l ant oa mi. .
u. . vi o a uuiii. L
r.cpuunuans are very much d
senator Paddock has a good many
Ktrona supporters, and some very bitter
opposition. C-ounse and Majors are
both candidates, but it is generally
understood. that. tv.o -i.t !V
. vw i numimr LU
ire ther. and whon . .! "
comes Majors will withdraw and throw
his strength to Crounse. - John M.
Thurston is alan tulb.1 -
v.ttcu ui a a a tauai-
It is an open secret that efforts have
been mad to corrupt independent mora
oers. One indfnoniioni . i .
1 . . t u lucmuur ui liQe
bouse waa visifoi . v .
i .i 7 i-uum mug ooiore
rituiJiOIl. ov nari.lfa nrnrlrlnn l u i
. i 1 ..... n.ii m u'J 1U-
terest of the Majors-Crounse comb!na
Uon.and offered, the superintendency
01 the Grand Island Soldiers' Home. OP
i i, i" ia ine gat or the gover-
u iio yruuiu vnter tne combination.
Many others have been approached. It
Si a . "9 ngn $3'0I)0 has been
offered for a vote for sena or.
. 'irof tho democrats would
ftk WboforBrynn f.-r senator,
f they hat any hopes of success As it
is they realize that thoy have no possi
ble show of su cess. Mr. Brvan is not
narhnrinor m v.ln ... . .
,1at- 1J "pcs nir no lert
for Wa-hington so soon as the three
democrat In annatmu .1.
publicans. . re-
Morton 1 talked of as a sort-fJTS" ejd-
see thlting asenat
i n ila -Mi-
a uicit, a aemocraD
to eieci
bable.'fuld seem from tlm iin,. ,t T
It WOlr haa tVinn A . nuaii o.
5 foi.ii n uciuoeratic senators
oteruniljntro . or riM i,o v ......
in h'"a iI 0 laal' "10-ay.
At tiLrr1" John.H.
j-vuiowwiaiQeieaa. lie has
other iipaIt, v"- k "b reac aeal t0
p7oXaD!, thQ indenTmemP:
te wTl? the,:e area ffood many
;h,r,,iVI"T "nw ?e t0 make him the
miBB. Lnev h'lwo n ...-.
m tiju 11 11 1 it in tma 1 r -r-r . -
iftnr o-ii'irtr. wurm-uera'd of
1 .'"miaifle."
It is said that Governor Hogg of Texas
the senate. l SUeeeeU flIUls in
The railroads f ii,
Of P-nnatrl . 1. """'n PPgion
fleree lB oiocuaaea by
wholesale shoe dealers, n,; V.. Z'
. ' 'o"-l "1UI
IS tO be t.lkon nn o: a
the. morning hour and continuecfifntil
t ens 3 0'elock, when the antitjuon
bill win have the precedence, uXr
ashbum. whn i,u u s -v.' .iuf:
.... ;ii .i. .Aau uui aiso went
over till the morning hour of Wednes-
" a7 "
The senate then adjourned.
ID. thn nonce. ftl,A r.:a. - .
--- .mT.,4Uua UJU was passed
Then an hour was consumed ?n the
consideration of a bill to promote thi
efficiency of the militia. But ther?
l uuvoiea to the con-
comnanv i L uw. """
Columbia. It wentovfvr " 01
John Will Please Ulmsolt
WASHINGTOy. X-iTi 11 xr T.,
i. V, vore,uv aiternoon em
phatically denied tho published state
ment purporting to beOU her author.
h iCnairi.Carlis,e has m"de up
his mind to decline the invitation of
urv .toJ!- treas!
ci 1 r, 7 ' ottiu mat nn tn
Kiiii ;r. . . . ne was
1 I 1 1 1 . ft M- J .1 J
i.u.V il T0"8) but asserts that
wou S inacpendents'
rwo I af ni8 candidacy, and
Kiratand that ,n' cer-
UliXt II 1. P I AO Anm..U i
tain nonrinr r ?"vua. rePUDUcans
u-iii :"'" ."sure nis electioa.
MetVXlf TiL a9.1?3' republicans
T.-? candidatege't
any helo fmm XT L'ir8' " only
fro-n the demo;;na6Aaa lndePe-
.nt candidate eanirr f, l?e
hZZZL ;r:c'Lllon oa the tariff he
fl'ueciared that "there
havingfrequentlyfriffqueation .. tner
Mc&10 Khe 4mo very warm sup
McKeighan has s but a Irreat m3
porters for on!it , .. ?5el1 man7
obiect to hl ,"u lae erouQd
thfa .....1 I ." .1" mat the
fori-iea in th oL :fV.uloa- 1 aey also
r,!;V ".u! . "growers w mid un-
ni.niKi -ji.r r: VI "uo uemocru-s
because of hia attltn,!
Grt-eno haa
ia. no a uauii M.LH.
VA i . . .
Ufl fin rro rr ij tttt
- v v a uuvi 40 UI
good deal nt
ud some claim
n. Ilia treunt
d Id hia favor.
8400,000 liabilities,
A lllll line 1. ...... ... . . .
unu luirocnicpfi in ..Ti
gress tO authori7.n n "
cayatc a navigable channel in Galveston
j . -The
Five War Knnfit i 1.
, ...u.., aa ROne into tne hands of
cern. ,ee a S-rcat eon-
alT11- of sever-
iaak mim lUWIlS arf tfi la
1 .
IS IS (lUite npnlvililn ! a ai.
on.mcf iv uie cases
ubuAuou ll ll" IT V m mn'anc't aim.!1M
to be dismissed on account of inability
to secure a iurv. wuiy
Mr. Fredericks and wife, nil;
les, were sanrlimmi j , .r
nmni,Q i ai. :,'!'" "uu roooea m
. uc i-iiny evening on a nromi
nent thoroughfare P
JOSTOh . unt.-mii n , . . .
dn rru. " J!??"1?"1"-' w lound
-v' Aiirm nnu airiionAn ii i i
a ;:.Ar " "vc "uune was
- -.iiuuvi outrviiuon,
to rr ' vi"'fi' ir tne San
Juan Ilenry mountains. andtheGrn
n. 1 1 1 1 I Jil -l a a. i
ii i i : i in n ivnA hn i -a
platf V; - l..le.u "Pon the
works at Newark, N. J., was killed by
?as and hi&lwiir i;tau . i u PJ
.In r . A ,
v,iarK, son of the trreat
thread mm.A. ... , ... v. ferta'
r,,n,T"::iX"r" kuiwl in a
oprma-s. A s s.
n.rsarauaxter, died iu Boston
about the same time. . wston
Martin n f- "i?-npw treasurer,
Martin a Lewis. Ex-Trfasn, p
Ml Will Tint l " ,LV'vla ,
Of shorta ,rlneamoVnV
son, - 8ouisi ni
The limlw ...
. . ... iui.. mnriT i I a. ii- .
Jie Wsc. T. n. ,ci " 1
Japan, hasbwn forwarded
"Sira t ; f
'It Ls said tliaf ' ..
... j,uu upp0se tae sen
ator coino- int iT,u .
the rcporterT r '. "r--marKea
fi'K'T t 6 "'Pon WI would pre
ler that John rf.m-.;. i . . .
personal y I haTe no very great obiec-
7, s l" 1,110 caoinet. llo
does not know wimi 1, j ... .. . .
SSL? teh'l .ow,n: -ay
up his mind wh 'Y!a aes
me, or anv one pIsa n-iii.n. i...
or not." v...a o iik
Fenalon 7
.T ........ .1.' !
WAsmxoTos, Jan. ll.-ConimL!.
er of Pensirma P
ice of the honsn
an(i pla w
first Ttloiir iv- " . lencies- Di
nrst estimate for this
over 810,000,000 and the committee waa
somewhat surprised when he informed
them that lo nnrt- i 3 r .
. vonuuuu.-u mis de-
hciency at something over $13,800,000.
firtf r?th.GA?ension Foments for the
nrst half of the vpar ami nA
. . . " ttv4o aii ar
gument to show that if the pavmpnta
' j . '"-j ouia nave
be increased by over 53,000,000.
A Comblnutlon of Itepubllcana and Podu
- ii.... ...ii. . .
"A. control everything.
GfTHRIE. Ok.. Jan. 11 TT. 3 .'
. .... " DVVUUU s
legislative assemblv of OL-Uhnn,n ,!
ritory will copvene in this city tb'
afternoon. ,,Tlie
tain seven Republicans and six
ui lower nouse twelve t"1
cans, ninft I)nmtc nT,J an;
and four populists. The f
wui per p- .-..--v n tho
Inove t
; whoi
sable toTJu
W ' -. J k. ..... - .
u vriaiUU canaiaate. ' m'r;
l"na a. KAor
tweonliuganti upon pureiy yqu
. .akw" . 7-1
. Only s pea
society. Tho out! I
principles. Such a iaw , "
o1 1 11 1
. . AA All I
.1 nn.l t
,1 u-oii paier.iaT,-11