The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, December 29, 1892, Image 3

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.1. proposal That the National Got
eminent Undertake (ircat Work
of Internal Improvement,
unaer ine direction and manage
moat of the engineer corps of the
army and navy (a department of gov
jernment free from taint of corruption
' or partisanship, and of world wide
fame for efficiency), a million or more
of laborers may be most profitably em
ployed fur years to come on such public
works as the building of the Cape Cod
Canal, too Hennepin Canal, the Mica
ragua canai, tne permanent in: prove
meat 01 tne Mississippi river, the vast
Irrigation works needed in the arid
regions of the west, the drainage of
Vch large swamp tracts as the Kanka
kee swamp, (where, at a coat of two
million dollars, more than twcntv
' million dollars of land can bo redeem
d), the great swamps of the south, and
last but not least, the construction of
pood systems of public highways in all
sections of nearly every state, (for
wmcD. were is an urgent demand.)
' The labor problem stands before us a
pectre of possible and probable revolu
- tion. The continued appeal for work
to do, goes up to that God whose ear is
always open to the needy when thev
try. The million of idle men are needy
nu smaii consumers, tmpioyea, they
rouia 03 gooa consumers, ana every
ne of production would be stimulated,
v W. The relief to the nver-e rnwrlad lutww
ibarket woulu oe nko a safety valve,
, until a peaceful evolution of a satisfac
tory solution can be arrived at.
, The government now employs 150,000
men in postollice and civil ser
vice. It employs thousands in tho
army and navy.
In the manufacture of navAl nrrl
I nance and army supplies government
lnhops are models of efficiency and suc-
' ces6f ul industry.
The proposed employment of labor
on great works of permanent wealth
will not interfere with skilled labor
now employed; but will bj a great
stimulus to all other lines of labor and
Thirty yean ago the srovernment
.ompioyea a million 01 men, whose voca
tion was the destruction cf wealth. If
that vftf t power had been turned to the
production or woalth and could have
J' ien continued to this day, what a
ectacle of accomplishment we could
I I day show to the world.
K I "Paternalism" some will say. A
I trange objection for "a government of
tne people, by the people, for the peo
ple," when it offers profitable employ
ment to the people who need labor to
"Increased immigration" says an
other. What matter how rapid immi
gration of labor, so we have the means
, 01 turning it (labor) to profitable ac
I . count in producing pormanent works
M ofjnational wealth?
f "Corruption" says another. Let all,
t make money to take its plac, you
w.ll see that that p r ijn our platform
mat fays "the natiou ij on the wrgeof
financial ruin" is true. Tho fir.cial
question will be the next political irsue
and the sooner the n.-op'.-'s utiei-.iuni
is called to it the better,
the monetary confer
amount to anything as
that tha Amerie ui h-v
ip for America, Vi''. n .
world. The people larou 'le.::
vise their rc-preseutalif
nv.j wil! n -i
i tiodms!
NVbraska til-
s to join with
tho democrat:! aad !,-. a U S. senator
for they have nothing to expert from
tbo tyrannical rm-aring republicans,
f there is a fiu'!.; iv.ider of your pi
per who ever knew a republican official
to keep his promise let lnm ho d up
his hands. A listener.
Ilo-.v il.n:k 'i;rl, tins I5I- o t!iirtr
f'otvboj- :ame to Sulcriic TSjc
ourt Iloimo Kins Allrr llie Z:i(or
Ks-alp Weekly Crop ol' Mi:;:iori.ti
us was put at the head of
municipal affairs and we say
plainly that we moan to get there.
If tins rin sees tit to oppose us the
memj!;Tti:.'-rHf nm-.t abido the cmise-nen-.:cs.
As t.lho city print inc, that
u lit vf urA' iv.:u- to I'.e Kicker, ami
liie-c v.
to be
IS a s
.1 also e c -nsiderable iob work
ni:, however, i of semd-
What the pvople want euiuitcu i:i::u on;
Mori Suup lor Hie Toilers.
Editor Alliance-Independent:
1 happened to read in the Oaiiha
Bee December 7, an article headed
"The Problem of Good Roads." Now
my dear fellow toilers, this is just tho
soup wo need to fatten on. Wo are
told that with good roads we can haul
double tbo loads. The trouble with
the farmers has not been in raising
crops oi- hauling them off, but in get
ting living prices.
Aow I am a lover of good roads and
am not kicking against thorn, but
against tho Bee's idea of putting tho
good roads agitation to tho front while
issues of vital importance to our liberty
ana prosperity are unsettled. The
Bee says: "Today the matter of good
roads is being agitated all over our
broad laud. The daily and weekly
press, both secular and religious, and
the monthly periodicils are dlscussin?
the question in all its bearings."
ssow l nave no aouoi oi thi3. but the
fact itself is a suspicious circumstance.
The "Almighty Dallar" is bihind it.
The plutocrats are seeking through
bonding of counties and districts to set
a more absolute hold on our farms.
The batter the roads are built, the
nicer it will b3 for those fellows when
they close us out fa front of our so-
called temples of justice, (court houses).
rney wouia oina tne whiu slaves of
our land more securely by fastening a
heavier debt up m them. J
lhls is undoubiedly Mr. I3e water's
idea. He w.uits the national e-ovarn-
ment to tako hold of the work. Of
course this would Involve the isme of
more bonds, pavable in gold, interest
and principal. Taen the gold-bugs can
buy the bonds, perhaps at a discount.
The will come the everlasting drain
of interest which must be paid from
the products of our toil.
Now if these fellow3 are determined
to have good roads, let's have the gov
ernment issue legal tender notes to pay
the expanse. We have no more me
fop bonds. Yours for justice,
it D Henrv Hgitholt.
Brewster, Neb.
'"(ilvil service reform and
v trwariA oefr una Hnn ttwxr
i oivil service.
i. B)ii
,nd It
. I
.otcoc rmejoi
may bo the
ds a purified
Such a system of enlarged industrial
activity will necessitate an increase of
circulating medium.
Let the labor be paid.
First By issue of full legal tender
greenbacks to the extent of fifty dollars
per capita of total population.
Second By long time taxation of
adjacent pro erty to be benefitted by
.internal improvements.
Let a monster petition ro the next
ongress for immediate steps to em-
loy idle labor. Lot a bill be presented
r such action as will secure this "first
tep." S. H. Comings,
St. Joseph. Mich.
Hcurd by a Listener.
Watertcwn, Neb., Dec. 20, 1892,
pMR Editok: Sinee election it is
quite interesting to hear the leadei'3 of
the od parties talk over the situation.
At first it looked as though the demo
crats would have it all their own way,
but the g. o. p. never gives up while
there is a ghost of.a show for them and
they now come, out boldly and claim
they will have a majority in the U. S
senate. I heard a leading republican
say a few days ago that they would buy
legislators, supremo courts or anything
ciso ukii fciu'.;u ui i ueir way it it took
rwa .Tunica
Pi:;:m.u- We never speak o! i,urc"f
in tho columns tA our own paper v.v.t u
we can pos-iUy avoid it. it is n.;t in
goodta:,te for an editor tf a -ricui
journal t j do so. Ve shouldn't do so
on this occasion if not forced to in
order to sot certain minors at riv-t.
About a year ao .Maicr A. ilovt
Dudley struck this town i h his fam
ily, lie subscrilxnl for the Kickor aad
all wcut well for a time. 11c was made
Assistant County Clerk, and it was not
until he began to get drunk and light
his cigars with deeds and mortgages
that we had anything to say. lie
felt revengeful for our remarks,
and in order to get even with
ns gave a prand party one
night last week and cut us dead. Not
only that, but he bragged of it and .so
did his wife. The idea was to belit tle
and desrrade us in a social wav. but we
don't think anyone will try it on
again. We telegraphed up to Juliet
that the Major was here, and day be
fore yesterday he was taken back to
serve out the otuer two years of his
service. We understand that his wife
is furious because we also learned that
she used to perform iu a beer hall con
cert in Philadelphia, but we can't help
it. They set out to s!ay and got slaved,
and must make the best of it. "We
never attack any one, but if stepped on
we always seek to make it hot for the
A few plaix wonusBeinc on this
subject and not wishing to refer to it
again, we wish to say a few words to
our home readers. The quest ion is
often asked, "Who is the leader of
society in this town?" We desire to
settle that question right here and
now. We are. There isn't the slight
est doubt that we are the
oniy man in trus town using per
fumed soap, a tooth-brush, and having a
white shirt which buttons behind. We
are the only one, so far as we can
learn, who has regular summer socks,
eats with a fork, or knows to what use
to put a table napkin. We don't brag
of these things. We were brought up
that way. and it's perfectly natural.
We ar gentle and refined. No one
ever saw us exepectorate on the floor
while dancing, and we don't want a
brick-layer's trowel to eat ice cream
with. Ve trust this will settle the
question at once and forever.
The Other Side. We understand
that Hank Curtis is telling everybody
in town, t hat we tried to murder him
the other day because he refused to re
new his subscription o the Kicker,
ew.) i.l 1 rr:i:e the hnl!.- r.f i
tr to It, id u.iv.n the chair of a governor
. They i;ivc f .un-.l s.u'n a m;n in its, an 1
jV.e -,h:i!l La nominated and elected
i without doubt.
the last c ji;f
ve ujtva-.:y I
hi iuor.tana,
several ether &fu'.c i
publicans w
vvi i:
. ay they
vi ; of
sett iv-
tcd. Tiiev
.re dicing tne cuancfs oi wreckim thn
government, for vhcQ-i'vei- the people
lose confidence in our courts and oar
judiciary gets corrupt, then the nation
is in a critical condition. Nothing will
disrupt a government mora quickly
than corrupt courts. In almost every
instahC3 when a oas comes before our
supreme courts between corporations
and labor the courts side wi;h the cor
porations as in Homestead. Buffalo and
IHoVir. ilrtm 1 -li . .
triv. iwi. mi- oeopie win siana
emains to bo seen. .
heard an aristocratic politician say
. other day in sneakin" a limit, t.;,,.
Kiegraphers strike on the R.-ck Island
that they ought to call out thn ninlit.i
and make them go back to work. These
same aristocrats sav the manufacturers
'and corporations oujrht to cut thn I
wages of their workmen richt, down
one-half this winter and starvo them to
iU They know that cold and hunger
with star1" v.-ife and children nnri
the mail.. U do what thev failed to
-jat election, i. c, protect the infant
he old parties seem to ba somewhat
seemed about the financial condition
he country and how to raise suffioi-"enli-e
venue. They already have a bil 1
. tbio away with the silver law which
- Will make $5-1, 000, OOO less per year al
. ihigh Banuy says we must have mon-'
;i to do the business of the world .
'gh.t hei-e I would like to s:iy a few
,'son tho inovev oucsi.ion. D;m
fif your readers know of a nation
rarth that was ever iniured h-j- nr.
y production of money V Tho actual
oi tnis nation is SfiS.nort nnn nnn
have nbout $1,500,000 to measure
great wealth andout of this small
From the f aoiuo J
DD3PAL03, Marced Co., Cal., D jc. 1?,
1892. I notie-i'ia a late issue that you
invite correspondence. I will give
you a few item' from my hom on the
coast. After battling with the bliz
zards and snow storou of Nebraska for
fourteen years, I can hardly realize
that lam in a land where winter never
comes. Tha order of things hero is to
plow, sow and plant for the bjnaSt of
Shylock and his minions tvelva
months in the year instead of six a iu
Nebraska. Bat thi peopie are biinj
awakened h8re a3 never b3fore on th
great curse of the aje, our fa's? So un
cial system.
You should sell as many of 'B -ice's
financial catechism'' a possible for it
is a great eye-opsn-jr. 1" have a $1.00
greenback which I have hjen saving
for six months, but I will send it to
you for another year's subscription, so
1 can keep posted on the doin js of thj
legislature. I can't bi theej at the
opening of the legislature as i ivi t wi
years ago. I hope all our tn "n-
tors ana repres3iitative3 wa
the middle of the road.
Yours for equal ti
E. A.,
r--ri i -t-L'-' 777- .e 1 a
An liiuo-jtiter on i'obb's Corner.
There w:;s t!i usntl throng swarm
ir.g on ( olid.s corner waiting for -a
c-r." Ju the inid-t of this, near the
cnrb-struo, st od a maiden with trust
ful, soulful eyes v. ho kked as if she
might have passed a sore of summers
wituout hanily any winters to ncak
of. vl her mamiLr of dealing with a
troublesome insect of a well-known
species was such as to call forth the
lights and shadows produced bv con
trasts, and to sufficiently demonstrate
the crushing cumulative force of mild
He approached her with an ingra
tiating air.
"Was you waiting for a car'.'"
"Yes, sir," replied the unstuiwctin?
"Where was you going?"
"I am going home."
"Ah!" Pause, accompanied hr a'
doubtful fflance.
"What car was you going to Uke?''
".The si' that will take me home."
Longer pause.
Was you going to Lynn?"
"Oh, no," in gently-surprised aocjtuK
"I don't live in Lynn."
A change of tactics.
"Are you sure you know which er
yon want to take?"
"Oh, yes, sir."
"If you are not sure nerhar. T mirrhi.
help you." '
on are very good."
A Candid rlile.
"WelL what do you think of iny pict
ure at the academy of design?" asked
young Mahlstick of Jones the other
"Fair, dear boy, fair; but now you
ask me I mut confess I liked tout
earlier style better."
"Earlier style?" .
"Yes; when you didu't pint at all,
yon know."
Br Installment.
Miss Prentice What do all thone
signs I see in the ears mean? How do
you "Get a Home on the Installment
Tom DewittPirst you get a house,
then you get a wife, and then the
installments complete the hom.
J. W. CASTOR. Pre.
J. P. IMJUSE. Vic-lres.
W.R. LrNCH. Pry.
PAUMKCa, wc- invite your attention t
Company .f Nebraska. If you are i
afford to injure in nnv other company
now. write and gtt a copy of our Ry
an; iunn;r anvwav.
Kcmembr we are for Farmers only
to tho Farmers' Mutual Insurance
in want of Insurance you can not
pany, and if you do not want Insurance
laws and Constitution and learn what we
Koom 407 ftrae Uuttdlug.
45 tf
W: MOSFIER, Tresldent,
H. J. WALSH. Vico-PresMent.
K. C. OUTCALT, Cashier.
J. W. MAXWELL, A.sistant Cashier.
c. w. Mosnm
Ad J lug intuit to Injury.
Train Eobber ("going througli" Pas
senger) JVell, I swowl Got a gun in
SattrM,Lw j,'.' li x. hani'l lor
my I'vcia&g engagements I'd turn ye
over to up town authorities Just ahead,
for carrying' concealed weapons with
out a permit ' -
A Cltauge for the Setter.
Morrison Essex How is that
of real estate you had?
Eutherfold Paterson Oh my,
that has been taken off my hands!
Morrison Essex Ah I Have
used ?
Banks, Bankers and Merchants,
Our Fall and Winter
Purchases of Clothing are
Now Complete.
. The Addition to our stock is composed of the most
durable, handsomest and newest styles in clothing and
Gents Furnishing goods wo ha vo ever had in stock and
our prices are lower than ever. The fact is evident that
You Should Invest Now
While the stock is new and complete and not wait un
til annter is on and then take tho pick of what is left
Call and See us anyway
Grains in Fall and Winter nvan
Wo havfi ftomft
gains in Fall and Winter overcoats and suits.
exceptional bar-
BAKEft CUOTHIHQ H USE, 1125 0 SI ., Lincoln. Nek.
A Faliie DlaguoU. '
.Miss Cropper. How do they lell the
2e of a horse!
Jack Crupper. By the teeth. '
" Miss Cropper. Oh, yes; whether thev
are ariifleia) or no!.'
n " L n. - . ' .-t
i tut
There may ho a
who don'- know liar in A.r!.
iM'neflt wc viili ;
IV w t.
Vi ' )
III Uie Vernacular.
Dr. liridjyman liar, ewrteil tiie Hup-
Yi's; lie's ;-ol. io out of U-,- VVet at
ell to All for Cash and to
All for the Same
Low Price.
We guarantee the price on every arti
cle in our store and will refund the money
to those who think they have paid too
much. If that is tho way you like to W
business wo want your trade. We want
those who cannot C&U at B w erA
for samples. Yours. Etc..
5 ! I.
Uurt County Vtlianc
Kditor ALLiAvcE-lNDHPayp-The
Bart County AUkm
at Tekamah'at 1 o'ebr-k ,
1 SO.t, for tbe parpo .
auditing ac3)uiii
other business that : . :
the. rasetiig.
1? th'3 d ' ' .
i:i l'v : ;'. I:'. '.I
A. .M-;
l'vivx." il:v,.'iT,
told hi
that- he
h'im to
n ir:.t h
!PC.I I)
1 .,
:i :
" : in iow n
I;:n! 1-. the j
J of 'the j
! av.-m;-? ami j
i ;"-tio3i e.v
hnr.l i, J
! more
i ii;;!.ii j
i ; . '!-
I till JUKI
In ig 'Wnoii -l'arlf.
Tie w-ir,;m iliat (
Tlu 'o or of duty-
tin- f
Mnlaji ;-.( time--l;
oi the (ti.:- n ?i.
- IS li' t.
nniit on J
n i" ix-iit
or in Man iv
v ;ui:
I o.Ter my i-u-m of 2'.V) a-j: two and
a quarter m'ls ir)?th of W'ahoi), h r
sale. A go .hi two story iiouoj, four
roams down stairs, throa np, pantry
and ihvaa el nhm pr.s-js, a r ioi co'lar
18x28: six mrm of bi:"in orch u-J aad
plonty of small fruit; two wells, one
wind mill, horse baru :5 x:; , roj.n for
fifteen or twenty tons of hay: cattle
shed 82 ft. ro m for 41 tons of Iviy,
wiia sion.3 touaiation. .uiny otajr
improvements. Tit-ins, on 3 half e is 1
down or all, ui' to suit oui-clisner. l)
per a-re. II. II. Vrh:.u
ceivc-1 iv very ::
O'XciU, who hoc.j
saloon on t'a tus :
was to subscribe f
Kirker and to inr-i-!
- . i"".ert
.-. !he (
r, evoM'.
r tuo
t the ;.-l
i 1 !Mll! I 1)1.
t'i-h a K::;-!a
ipios ov the
. ut iv-imnn
v- 1
,t;.: v 0:1c i
;;ihv s'.ivc v
- x;;s it?"
" Jiis higr
. ed h;m in
VO Villi.' "
lo th
:.' n-;;:,one!;in(l
1 ;;;;siiicion
;i i.'H-l in-iiuv.
im 1 ho lie di
"Udl, he was
:t vavns, and
tlu- eve, nad
So Charles Dudley .Warner happily
terms California, an i for a winter re
sort that glorious stato is without a
The dry pure air. soft and ha!
. j.v lm3 su-ouy man ana a
vonderfal streng-thener for thn wei
:ind sufterinj. Tha arranem-Jils for
'bis fall and winter tour, via Uiron
t-aeme ana southern PaeiU
ire porr, et, lee ij.i.-nexr h
ic sr.-
vith the
'n ' eviafort.
;ounimust 00 tiken the loss by fire,
,v str and other causes. It is a 'onder
SJIfcare not more failures. Now il
"press repeals the present silver law
i".:r : it.n '. ' i,
m.h r'K ... r;;,;t
Ooiihins, To;i!ou-i
and T,ir-s. W;
.u-. WiiifePlym-
J 'ia-ujs, Pai'trid.T,',
' O:eso, White FTo:
:ite Guineis, l'okiu
js m season. Prices low.
W. A. B vtks, Jit ,
Fremont, Neb.
THRALLtA-LvDiif o&n jiiT f ro n
iow till January 1. jsoi tr.- t nn
on tire fourtli p::;;o. but i
came out ihat-wo puu ed him in a i'ale
position before tin: public last week. It
will be 'remembered thai we had an
Kem abort I a man havins? his
ea-r bitten oft in the saloon,
ana 01 eaumqr tne pi arc a hell-hole
anuioi.ueui a. cl-.iher who onr!it to
ue swiijg up u a jiniL). It seems we
were mistaken, 'j he man hail his car
bitten oil by a mule over at Ur.i-ss 'al
ley, and Col. O'Neill -;ive hi:;i v.hikv
to bathe tho wound , -is he came alon'o
to the salo-.m. Ti:e (ioiden Kajyle also
turns out to be a tir.-t-class place, and is
ruu as quietly and iieeently as a cotton
factory. We aie glad to hear this, and
take this opportunity of correcting the
error which we fell mlo.
Wk shall m:k We nnderstand that
tbe court-house ring1, which has vainly
tried to use this paper as an organ, has
declared that we shall never hold an
oiiioe in this town. It may be proper
for us, in view of this declaration, to
dH'me our position. We are lil ted by
nature and edueaiicn to make tbe best
ma3 or this town ever hud or will have
it we don't fret it. We want the oiliee.
It properly belongs to ns, because
we have tae dignity and education
to frrace it. If ue were mayor and the
governor came here lie would be re
ceived in a manner to do him proud,
ami to make our own people proud of
its mayor. All our mayors for fivs
years past hare been a set of drunken
orrl fwnn, r-.-.' . - '-
10 a man s cour-i-w
of voice be emnloys
.lies to the oflce-boy. Wait
r bins address his wife.
tber. the dentist, is very
torturing at pnllinir out
ie is. but vou see he's
a -re 1
u:ti! yc
New i i
teeth." '-f know
rich ana only fouows the business for
the pleasure it gives him." Fliesrende
We will give
a 12-yard Dress Pat
Black Gros Grain
We will give you a 12-yard Dress Pat-
tern of our wear-resisting Black Satin
v)Vf Ithsdzimer.
CiKo Sasaeily
h7- iuyc
We will give tou a
Tatteru of our All-silk
12-yard Dress
Crystal Benga-
FOIi ye will give you a 12-yard Dress Pat-
1 ffiem of our All-silk Black Reversible
Drap d'Alma,
We will crive vou a 1 3-v.-i.rd Dmpco Paf-
1 O A tern of extra Sood quality Black FaiUe
PvJ.- Francaise Silk.
1 1
Antonio fw.'-ihinff to buv street fruit-
4 ,1 ; Lt 1 j t i .
aniHii.) jnu now muon-a ao
make.inp, dnx2- , ,
No better values have ever been shown in this city at prices
Samples cheerfully sent to out-of-town customers.
mm -