The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, December 08, 1892, Image 3
H. 50 .25 .25i MBLICiiTRM T publican Tricks in Sunny K&nsaa xiifj cusai iwo conia ib uie Legislature. PEOPLE WOITT STAND IT. AhlG. O.P. Tryine to Steal a United k. -J rf Sutti Senator in Wyoming L - Osborne, Democrat, Takes 1 the Governor' Office. i Trying tf Steal a Senator in Kansas, Topeka, Kas., Dec. 1. The execu tive council sitting as a board of can vassers this afternoon cast lots to decide he legislative tie in Coffey county, ana o!anger, republican, was chosen. The Vibret session and Attorney General Ives, the only democrat on the board, refused to take any part in it. By this decision the republicans gain control of Vj' the lower house of the legislature, and y Breidenthar, chairman of the populist Aatate central committee, openly charges 't the board with fraud.. It was imposs ible to get statements from the various f membars composing the retiring board this. f ternooa which did not conflict. I Secretary Higgins stated that Treasur ies Stover drew the ballots and the auditor declared that it was Secretary Higgins. The town was in a state of excitement tonight over the announce ment, and the fusion politicians declare tnat they will not submit to what they term "the outrage." After having decided the legislative tie for the republicans the state board I canvassers counted out isosenmai, m. and seated Swan, rep. from Has- 11 county. The county clerk from Haskell in certifying the returns had simnlv transposed the votes. Rosen- thai had received 100 votes ana awttn 23. The returns as certified showed hat Swan had received 156 and Rosen hal 123. Rosenthal was the man whom ,e three democrats, who thought they d the balance of power before the irinr board eot in its work, had creed uoon as their candidate for beaker. There will be no end to the ndignation meetings which will follow n the state. A meeting ol the popu- ist press was called tonight for Decem ber 2(krand dispatches were sent all iverjt'e state reciting the facts. Chair natff Breidentnal said tonight there f Wild be 20,000 populists in lopeka I w hen the legislature met. He still f AJms that the populists will organize i "J house, but will noS tell the methods lich will be employed. he populists have sua a large ouh majority in the senate to give era a majority on jumii uaimu, uu lua insure the election of a United ;t,aul "senator. If the republicans inden ke to unseat populists elected the house, the populists threaten to etaliate and unseat as many republi an senators. THE RAPE OF WYOMING. The republicans are also making a eeoerate attempt to steal a majority the Wyoming legislature aim Bieui. reDublican senator. vine world ilera'.d of December 2, gives the fol win? account ol the move: There is every indication tnat, ai- ough the democrats have honestly arried the legislature of Wyoming, e republican machine of the state tends by hook or crook or both to tam control ot that DOdy, ana anow or Warern to succeed himself. ding to the popular vote, the rats have a majority oi Doth s of the legislature, and if estlv counted, the vote would give party a majority oi three on joint - ...... ... Tiiot, securing the election or a aemo- atic United States senator. It is not to be supposed, however, at the gang which runs 'the politics d evervthiug else in ithat state will low this to occur. It has already be- n tactics which, if carried out, will 3at enough democratic legislators ut the republicans in control. In Verse county the canvassing Doard already unseated one democrat Iwfullv elected by the people to the hirer house,- by taking advantage of a trical error of the judges, in caroon unty the judges in lour or hve pre fects failed to mi in aii tne oiantcs in .e poll books and returns, in the re- iWitian nrecincts the judges were inweu to come in a correct all techm ' and clerical errors, but in Hanna cinct, which gave heavy Jdemocratic aiotMes, this privilege was reiuseo ttljrDOaru, W111U11 UCUU.U liU kUIUlY e vote out. Aaraocrats made such a sturdy latest that a hearing was finally given (J the vote Ol me j.reuiuub was uc 4ed, Carbon county thus electing e democratic and one republican ember of the assemwy. luesday, wpver. the repuoucans resorted to jther subterfuge, and the clerk of county, in certiiying tne returns ,he state board of canvassers, omit- the vote of Manna precinct, thus tine the entire republican delega- arnon county ana placing lature in the hands ot that hese unscrupulous schemers nd to prevent Osborne, the lie erovernor-elect. from taking .t, m the lace ot his 1,5-JO major- . i : . ... . itil alter the legislative session osed. )SBORNK TaKES the office. tt r ' . i . j nn Hi. usuurne, me democratic Irnor-eL' t of Wyoming on Decem creattO a great sensation in that 'ng cotR eiwealth by inaugurating self as governor, lie was elected Ol the vacancy caused by the elec- cWarren to the senate a year They have no lieutenant gov- nr in Wyoming, and Barber, the retary of state has been acting gov- fcor.' . . . . he law does not appear to he clear to the time lor the naw goveriaor to publicans were scheming to Keep jfcit altogether, went to the state fand entered the executive office window. n issued a proclamation, re- ue facts, declaring himself gov- hd asking all loyal citizens to him, It Is likely no trouble e, af Osborne is elected by a of over 1,500. Klementa or Industrial Peace. We have suffered ao much from in dustrial war, that a calm and intelli gent discussion of the remedies should command the respectful attention of every thoughtful citizen of the United States. We have had a of proof 4 that he wage war is du3 to the malcontent ..f tUe overfed and Utopian coiidit'pn o' the laboring class, that, a. a fact, said class has no real grievance or ground for discontent, tbat it ha. biinply "waxed fat,:' and '"kicks." 't may be that its average condition is an improvement on former days why not? Shall other human condi tions improve, and honest toil alone re main sialic, or worse, retrograde? The vast majority of would-1 e philoso phic and "brilliant writers" on econo mic questions, themselves well housed, sleek and well fed, know very litttle about the sufferings of the toiling masses, and are simply fitted to give us a little poetry on "The simple annals of the poor." I shall try and write from the stand point of the working men, and with genuine sympathy for them. The first avowed aim of the Knights of Labor is: ''To make industrial aad moral worth the standard of individual and national greatness," which de mands a radical change in our social ideas, and is the prime coadition of in dustrial peace. At present the common aim is to get wealth. It should be the production of men of high character and integrity. Whan this high idel is once firmly established, all other questions, such as sanitation, improved dwellings for the masses, Sabbath observance, educa tion, recreation, proper distribution of wealth, child labor, etc., will naturally adjust themselves. If we continue to make money our ideal, and shape our policy therewith, then do we become pagans, worshipping material things, and the wrath of God will be kindled against us. The following are a few of the things necessary to the establishment of in dustrial peace: 1. We need a great number of peace makers, men who shall seek to promote harmony among all men. Some influential parties are seeking, through the press, to sow seeds of dis cord among working men, unions and reformers are arrayed against each other; labor troubles are grossly ex aggerated, and speedy catastrophe prophesied. The press, generally speaking, must change its attitude. A great part of it is owned and controlled by wealth Labor interests and organizations are treated with less than common decency. When the interests of the poor are at issue, newspapers lose regard for truth. A "capitalistic press" necessitates an off-set by a "labor press" things of such unfortunate tendencies as to in tensify the division of the American people into two bitterly hostile camps. 2 A general diffusion of knowledge of social and political science is needed. Leaders, reformers, followers, teachers and the taught, will do well to heed this suggestion. 3 There should be no new martyrs to this noble causo. We should punish assassins, and rid ourselves of anar chists, but limit severe punishment to crime, and not vent ire on the expres sion of honest opinion. 4 Kiimer-treatment of employes is imperative. "Making bricks without straw," is anart which the American can never master. Englishmen have expressed surprise at the contemptuous treatment working people receive in this land of the free. Caste is becoming unendurable, and the phrases, "Elite," "Four Hundred," "Plutocracy," "Aristocracy," "'Upper Ten," "Toiling Masses," "Common People," etc.. abound. There never can be, there never should be industrial peace so long as toilers are treated as Inferiors. The air of superiority assumed by persons with far more money than brains, is simply intolerable. On election day only, and then to be insulted by threats and offers of bribery, may the poor man come into the majestic.presence of the nabob. Have we forgotten that Jesus was the son of toil? Is the distance of years between us and the founders of this republic so great that we fail to remember that the Puritans and Colonial heroes were not Croesses and Napoleons? that they came not to con quer and enslave, but as seekers after liberty and equality? They were filled with the celestial thought that men are created free and equal; they were poor, but of sturdy morality, devoted to popular education; lovers of constitutional liberty; be lievers in the sacredness of human life and the higher law of God. The universal brotherhood of man is a pretty phrase (in print) but, unfor tunately, there its force seems to end. Until we come to a proper recogni tion of the great principle of human equality, we shall be cursed with Hay market, Buffalo and Homestead riots; and the wealthy class may well organ ize a standing army of private detec tives and police to guard their persons and interests. 5 An honest and impartial adminis tration of law, bearing equally on rich and poor, master and servant, pri vate individual and corporation. The police power of this country is controlifd by wealth, and "courts of justice largely so. Of all dangers threatening our institutions, this is paramount. 6 More money and greater service for the amelioration of the condition of the poor. I would not encourage needless pau perism, but provide for the unfortun ate in a discriminating and unostenta tious manner. 7 The establishing of savings banks and the appropriation of natural mon opolies, like gas supplies, water works, streetcar lines, and railways of course with compensation for already acquired rights and their management in the interest of the whole people. 5 f rotecuen against foreign emigra tion. A large per cent of f eign in flux degrades labor and f iswrs crime. tk-iug antagonistic fc Am-iicin labor, and bbould b m-H with 1. giala ion of tne sterner kind. Lalj he application of prac tical chrisiiimty; not ct-d. deuomLnat onali-m or wet, but tender Christlike pyinpaihy for the poor and toiling. The t?reU secret i tne worderful hold f the 1 torn an Catholic church "n the masses is i s interest in all ranks and cla-se ; it knows no color or con dition except as a helper. Herschoo's, churches and cathedra's are open to all. It U a pity that much of the Christianity of today u!t ma'es in os tentation, cos ly edifices, and a dudish clergy, whose eyery gesture is cut after the latent fashion pla e, and lacks true masculinity. The humble and poor ara treated with supercilious contempt; or if charity is dispensed, it is diffused bo condescendingly, that poor recipients, enjoying just a little self-respect, spurn such offers of help and are driven well nigh into cursing. Turn, and behold the conduct of the holy Nazarene, who went about doing good, meeting sin and want, sorrow and misfortune with tearful love! Until the church learns to applv her Christianity after the manner of Christ and His Apostles, her influence on the masses will be narrow and weak. Church and state need learn the truth that co-operation, fraternity and equity among its entire citizenship, tend to perpetuate a free government. Pyrrhus, a Greek mei chant, once compassionately bought ac old man enslaved by pirates. Having freed him frcm slavery he next pitied his poverty, and so bsught his little all, a few barrels of pitch. Touched by this double act of disinter estedness, the redeemed ciptive re vealed to Pyuhus the secret that an immense treasure was hidden in the apparently worthless mass. There proved to be enough and more than enough to make them both ex ceedingly rich. Let us learn. Mrs Alice Baughmak. meteoric showers. Uk-j- Ara of I'rcqnent Occurrence, but Tliey Are liirHly Notloed. Any clear night if the watcher has pnlienee. he may see one or more shooting stars,'' or meteors. These are not stars at all but often are more brilliant than any star, because they are so near to us that their fric tion against the earth's atmosphere either causes them to glow at white heat or to l!ame up like a torch. Even a very small meteor, one not much larger than a pin head, might become distinctly visible in this way. and seen against a background of constellation outshine the North star. The whole solar system, astrono mers suy. is strewn with particles of matter known as star dust while larger bodies known as meteoroids chase one another about the sun at intervals of a few miles. Usually when these meteoroids encounter the earth's atmosphere they break into small fragments and fall harmlessly to the ground. It is thought that only six or seven hundred of these meteoric stones roach the surface of the earth unbroken in the course of a year, while the number of small par ticles which fall has been estimated at 2. 004 000 a day. If the air did not act as a cushion, no casualty would be more common than being hit by a meteorite. Meteorites are usually composed of iron, silicon and oxygen, the three elements which are most common in the earth, and as no new elements have been found in these visitors from space, it is believed that the solar systeta and perhaps the universe, are mado out of the same material as the earth. The motion of falling meteors is very curious. One has been known to travel on a line almost parallel with the earth's surface, and from sixty to 100 miles above it all the way from Indian territory to Central New York, where it is supposed to have fallen in fragments. Another passed from Michigan across New York state and out to sea betweeu New York City and New Haven. These meteors travel 600 or 700 miles an hours after they become visible. Meteors are most common about August 10 and December 7. when the earth annually encounters long droves of meteoroids as they journey -around the sun. Once in thirty-three years the earth crosses the thin stream of Leonides which seems to come from the constellation Lea and is so long that six or eight years are required for this flock of meteors, traveling twenty-six miles a second to pass a given point. When the earth meets this great torchlight proces sion these is a display worth seeing, says Harper's Young People. The next one will take place in Novem ber. 1899. Where meteors come from is not known. Whether they are fragments of a bursted plant or collected star dust can only be surmised. Once it was thought that they kept ud the sun's supply of he-t by running into him but that theory has been aban doned. What is certain is that the planets are becoming somewhat larger and heavier every year through the shower of metoors and star dust that is constantly falling. Thus it happens that while it never rains pitchforks, yet iron enough to make a pitchfork rains upon the earth every day. "Our Italy," So Charles Dudley Warner happily terms California, and for a winter re sort that glorious state is without a peer. The dry pure air, soft and balmy, ia a joy for the strong man and a wonderful strengthener for the weak and suffering. The arrangements for this fall and winter tour, via Union Pacific and Southern Pacific systems, are perfect., the journey being made with the greatest easefand comfort. WHAT ARB LABOR'S RICHTST Worker Ar Wanting la Xotkfnff Bat I'nlty of Action. In all controversy relating to the r laiois of nipiul and labor, the iuelion almost invaluably asked is Wuai risihU h;n capital? The own ers cam the right to employ when, how and as they please; by t-hop or working rulei fix the p.tymcnt and daily hours of labor; to discharge the workmen when they please; em ploy whom they choose; and, finally, set up the broad claim that every man has a right U do with his own as he thinks proper. Abstractly these claims 1 believe are correct Km capital accumulated by labor and dependent upon it for its maintenance, profit and interest occupies a very different position when it assumes. In its relation to labor, the do as-you please method; the relations become strained and differences arise. Labor claims that in this relation it is a producer, a maker to some ex tent; of capital when it is accumulated by construction, maintenance and production. In such instances labor claims a share of the profits arising from the sale of the product I think this, in belief, is a fair statement of the claims or each party, and from the differences of these claims has arisen the contest between them. A number of merchants, manufacturers, etc have recognized the justness of the claim of labor and have adopted a co operative system in division of profits. Mr. Robert Mitchell of Cincinnati employed nearly 4, 000 men in manu facturing furniture. The men struck for higher wages. The younger mem ber of the firm was in favor of a lockout But when several employes came to him, and he found that their relation of employer and employe had existed for more than forty years, he stated to them, repeat ng the expres sion of the men, Yes, boy a it is our factory, and let us try and keep it ours." The strike ended. The owner saw that while he had the legal right to do as he pleased but by doing it the faith and confidence of his men would be lost moral obligations for once vs lrped legal rights. The relations of rights of ownership in industries is most pitiable and sym pathetic, it is the sublime faith of a body of men in the generosity and moral obligations of one man. So long as moral rights of ownership are recognized generosity arising from this rignt is exercised, and all is bar raony and prosperity. But when a little less profit than usual is made, or men require a slight increase of pay. the pleasant relations are sev ered confidence is lost and old friends become passionate enemies. A political party organized for the express and specific purpose of per manently settling the difficulties ex isting between capital and labor, without any alliances or entangle ments with any other party, will not only be certain of success, but be of inestimable benefit to the peace and perpetuity of the republic. A little time to educate and har monize the elements of labor will be necessary before l.e party becomes dominant writes SR. Beckwith, M.D., in the Journal of the Knights of Labor. During the last thirty years the government states, municipalities and townships have paid more than three billion of debts, and notwithstanding this wealth has increased tour-fold. The value of labor has only increased a small percentae. and gained that by losing 1100. 000,000. in wages alonej from strikes, boycotts and lockouts. This is an unfair proportion and should be more equitably ad; usted. As mat ters now stand, the breach between capital and labor instantly widens. Neither will conse ii. to a settlement from any proposi' n that has been offered. The inl rent love of wealth, the inordinate v.- ity of display and foolish pride of .lintaining soc'al re lations are such uat capital will con tinue to prevent iin increase in the price of labor Labor to secure its claims has united in forming unions and organization.-', and thoy in turn have adopted measures which produce distress and suffering among working men and their families, impair busi ness, lessen the value of capi tal and increase the fierceness of the 'contest It must be evident to every workingman that combined capital has recently determined to destroy labor organisations, thereby forcing labor to compel its represen tatives to negotiate individually with capital in the price of labor. This force cannot be resisted unless labor adopts an opposite course of proced ure and assumes to exercise a power that capital cannot resist a power of the government Labor, with its true and fast friends, constitutes 80 per cent of all the voters; it has never assumed governmental con trol because it believed its cause just and its means of securing justice were adequate. The cause remains just, but the means have failed, Tariff for revenue or high tariff cannot alter the false value of corporations and trusts or reduce interest and salariei This evrl Is on the increase, and t price of labor must decrease in the same ratio. Labor is wanting in nothing but unity of action. Com bined capital will crush out the weak unions first and move on in the at tack until the strongest and wealthl esrlabor union will be the weakest As soon as the move commences, pro vided no radical change in the present successful management of the govern ment is proposed, political parties and the people will vie with each other in their haste to be foremost in assisting in a just peaceful settlement of a ques tion that every reflective mind sees is momentous to the interest of the coun try, and the elevation and improve ment of 80 per cent of its citizens. I remember when a tramp was so rare as to be a curiosity, and it was equally hard to find a man so wealthy that he could afford to support his family in idleness; dudes were un known; the rich were industrious; labor was dignified, and had no griev ances with caoltaL J. W. CASTOR.TWH. J. P. ROUSE. Vlco-iri. f . i. M0TT, THE FARMERS MUTUAL INSURANCE CO. OP NEBRASKA. INSURES ONLY FARM PROPERTY AGAINST -"""5-r- n he, HG1ITNIHQ OR TDTTTT T1 riO.ji. i J' Dont ivnew your inxurtur wllh the old line eompaniei and pay thre time what It Is worta w heuroucan write, with the Farmer! Mutual and gt bettor iniorauce at cost. tWrlte tor Circular. fRivnp-L orFirK. Kuom 401 Bre HmMinr. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. CAPITAL : : : : : : $300,000.00. C. W: MOSHER, President, 45tf H. J. WALSH, Vice-President. R. C. OUTCALT, Cashier. J. W. MAXWELL, Assistant Cashier. -DIRECTORS: W. W. HOLMES, R. C. PHILLIPS, D. E. THOMPSON, E. P. HAMER, A. P. S. AOOOUNT8 Banks, Bankers The Addition to our stock is composed of the most durable, handsomest and newest styles in clothing and Gents Furnishing goods we have ever had in stock and our prices are lower than ever. The fact is evident that You Should Invest Now While the stock is new and complete and not wait un til winter is on and then take the pick of what . ia left Call and See U8 anyway. We have some exceptional bar gains in Fall and Winter overcoats and suits. BAKER GUOTHTNQ HOUSE, 1125 G SI , Lincoln, Nek. WHERE DOYOUBUY DRY We cle in to those much. CUTTING PRICES. SILK DEPARTMENT. WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING SPECIAL LOTS OF New Fall Silks B ELOW MARKET VALUE. FOR We will $10 tern of Silk. FOR $10.80 FOR We will -4 7. Pattern t!!pX'':itvy line. FOR We will M -4 f f tern of our All-silk Black Reversible tfp JL O . J J Drap d'Alma. FOR We will give you a 12-yard Dress Pat- Aj-4 T ry J tern of extra-good quality Black Faille 5fp L O . j Francaise Silk. No better values have ever been shown in this city at prices named. . Samples cheerfully sent to out-of-town customers. HAYDEN BROS.. blNDCbt : H0Teb. INDEPENDENT HEADQUARTEBS. CORNER THIRTEENTH AND M STREETS, LINCOLN, NEB. Three blocks from Capitol building. Lincoln's newest, neatest and 'best up-town hotel. Eighty new rooms just completed, including large committee rooms, making 150 rooms in all. tf A. L. HOOVER & SON, Prop'rs. W. B. MNCH, Saer. A. GREENAMYREHTma. 8TATE AGENT. LINCOLN. NEB. C, W. MOSHER. C. E. YATES, STUART. BOLIOITBO. and Merchants. Our Fall and Winter Purchases ot Clothing are Now Complete. We Sell to All for Cash and to All for the Same Low Price. guarantee the price on every arti our store and will refund the money who think they have paid teo If that is the way you like to do business we want your trade. We want those who cannot call at the store to send for samples. Yours, Etc., MILLER & PAINE, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. give you a 12-yard Dress Pat- elegant Black Uros (iram We will give you a 12-yard Dresa Pat tern of our wear-resisting Black Satin Rhadzimer. give jou a 12-yard Dress of our All-silk Crystal Benga- rive vou a 12-vard Dress Pat-