The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, December 08, 1892, Image 1
COED OBSEQUIES. 'The International Monetary Conference 61MVLE SH RV1CES OVESt THE RAILWAY KINC DEAD Controlled by the Jews No Chance for Bi-Metallism- THE CEREMONIES VEST UKST. fVSOTHSOHILD PREDICTS A PANIC X America's Gold-Bug Delegates Working f tn Harmony With Rothschild schemes to Degrade Silver - , Considered in Secret Sessions. Many Men Dint uk the. Tina cial and Kailw? World Vreeeat t Pay Their Last Beepeete ta the Memory of the Great Depart d Many Late Arrivals I'aable to Get In. wlYLOCK TO TDE FRONT TVv . -- Wit NO JBOSrECT OF GOOD EESULTS- 1A Repe-rt of the Proceedings Proposals Made and Considered Comments and Opinions The Roths, childs as "Sight-Seers" in the United States. The present international monetary conference really. grew out oi the agi nation for the free coinage of silver in the United States. The proposition to call it took definite form about the time of the contest over the Bland bill in N the houae last spring. It was proposed by President Harrison. It was also 1 favored by ex-President Cleveland, and i ihe gold-standard leaders of his party I Hence a resoultion providing for the I calling of the conference passed both ' houses of congress almost without oppo- sition. Secretary Fostt,. went to Eng- k Jand last summer to secure the co-oper- " ation of the British government. Cor "Kdial invitations were sent to all the European governments urging them to send delegates. Mo6t of them acceded to the requesst, and & time and place for the meeting were set. l The object of the present aamimstra- Jtf tion in calling the conference was ( t without doubt to prevent, or at least I . to postpone, the triumph of the silver I movement in the United States, j While the delegation appointed by ! garrison to represent the United ! Tates is unfriendly to the free and un- limited coinage of silver at the present L - ratio, it really favors any halfway measure that will tend to relieve the "0 present strain, and quiet the present agitation of the money question in the United States. Other nations have sent delegates iainly out of courtesy to the United tates. ' In Europe as in the United States l'or twenty years all financial legisla tion has been in the direction of more fully establishing a gold standard, There is practically no agitation of the silver question there. Under such conditions there has baen no reason to hope that the con ference could accomplish any good And no intelligent observer will be surprised at its complete failure to ac complish anything. THE CONFERENCE MEETS. On November 22, the conference met Brussels, the capital of Belgium Delegates representing the following nations were present: Austria-Hungary, Belgium, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Italy, Thj9 Netherlands, Portugal, Roumania, Russia, Servia, Spain, Sweden, Norway, Switzerland, India, Denmark and ilexico. The United States is repre sented by five regular delegates as fol lows: Senator W. B. Allison of Iowa, Sen tor Jones of Nevada, Congressman McCreary of Kentucky, H. W. Cannon, president of the Chase National bank of Chicago, and O. E. Leech, director of the mint. Of these Jones is the only radical free coinage man, Mc Creary leans that way but is not very radical. The others are strongly opposed to free and unlimited coniage at the present ratio. Besides these tegular delegates, the United States is auso represented at the conference by E -B. Andrews, president of Brown University, Prof. Faulkner of the Uni versity of Pennsylvania, Thos. W, Cutler, Thos. Keller and Jas. T. Mor gan. Several of these men are pro nounced gold standard men, and not one of them is a pronounced friend of silver. The delegates from Great Britain are: Sir William Houldsworth, M. P., V Northwest Manchester; Bertram Irrie, partner in the bank of Messrs. Jtjfnn, Mills, Currie & Co.; Sir Charles Ijtnantle. K. C. H.. dflnutv irmmrnnr : 1 , r j a ' " ,f tne mini! Alfrorl rlo T?rti I ." - 7 -w v vv xUUOVUUU KJLL Mr. Beernart, prime minister of Bel- 'gium called the conference together, and delivered an address of welcome. He spoke of the importance of the money question, and expressed the hope that much good would result from the Conference. He said it was fitting that ihe conference should be held in one of the states belonging to the Latin Union but it was the duty of the American delegates to put forward their views and explain how they proposed to carry them into effect. Montefiore Levi, a Jewish financier, me of tho Belgium delegates was then nimously chosen president. the conference then adjourned until iday November 26 The man who nominated Levi, the w, for presideat of the congress, was Hen. E. Terrell of the United VOL. IV. States minister to Belgium. The, Jewish papers of Europe are rejoicing because three of the most prominent members of the conference are Jews. Levi and Rothschild are two of them. In the evening the delegates at tended a grand banquet given by M. Beernaert. SECOND SITTING. On Friday the 25th, the conference re-assembled. The fi rst difference that arose was in regard to the sittings. The English delegates wanted to meet every day. The American delegates and others opposed this. They argued that it would be impossible for dele gates speaking so many different languages, to intelligently follow the discussions, if daily meetings were held. Time was required for transla tion and study, also for committee meetings. Neariy all the other dele gates opposed the idea of daily sittings. It was decided to meet every other day. The effort of the English delegates created much surprise and was thought to indicate a desire to break up the conference. Senators Allison and Jones tttfn lulh mitted the AMERICAN PROPOSAlLSf , They submitted a resolution declar ing that in the opinion of the confer ence it is desirable that means be found for an increasing use of silver in the currency systems of the nations. A document prepared by the American delegates and presented with the reso lution explained that they wished that an opportunity be afforded to cons'dcr their plans. At the same time they submitted a general plan on bimetal lism offered by the United States showing, first, that the establishm( nt and maintenance of a fixed parity be tween gold and silver and the con tinued use of both as coined money of full debt-paying power would be pro ductlve of important benefit to the world. The proposal made by the American delegates were printed in parallel columns, one in English and the other fin French, and were distributed among the delegates, each receiving a copy as he entered the con forence room. They called attention to the deprecia tion in the price of silver, and violent fluctuations in the price of gold, and claimed that these had been injurious tdinBIJommerclal and other economic interests of all civilized nations, and had caused serious inconveninces to trade. They said the people of the United States were almost unanimously in favor of a full and equal use of gold and silver at a fixed ratio to be agreed upon by the great commercial nations. They were aware that some other na tions were not in accord with the Unit ed States in this matter. As delegates from the United States they would be glad to hear and consider the proposals of other nations. In order to put some thing before the conference for conside ration and action they submitted the following resolution; "That, in the opinion of this confer ence, it is desirable that means be found for increasing the use of silver in the currency systems of the nations of tho world." The delegates of other nations then proceeded to discuss this exceedingly mild resolution. Sir Charles Rivers Wilson speakirg for the English delegates favored the resolution. Mr. Tiernrd speaking for the French criticised the American delegates for their want of promptness and firmness in setting forth their proposals. "He wished to say for himself and his colleagues that they had come to the conference with an earnest desire to consider most cordially every proposal tending to rehabilitate silver. They were conscious of the great injury re- esuiHDg to me commerce or the world from the depreciation of silver. The Austrian and German delegates intimated that they had been instructed to say that they could not assent to any modification of their existing monetary laws. The Dutch, Spanish, and Mexican delegates stated that they were ready to vote favorably on the American res olution, while thd Russian, Roumanian Italian, Swiss and Greek delegates de clare that under their instructions they were not permitted to vote on the reso lution. The conference ultimately resolved, in accordance with the rtauestof Senator Allison to postpone action on the-Ameri can proposals until a latter stage of the proceedings and to meet Monday to con LINCOLN, NEB., THURSDAY, liier the proposals submitted by Roths- J child of the British delegation. The American delegates expressea themselves as entirely satisfied with the result of the day's proceedings. OLD SHYLOCK SPEAKS. On Monday November 28, the third sitting of the conference occurred, and Alfred de Rothschild, the Jewish banker of London, chief of the English delegates submitted his proposals. Ho argued at great length that bi metallism in Great Britain is absolutely Imnossible. and suggested that the question arises whether it is not pos sible to extend the use of silver gen nr&llv. and bv this means assist in ftheckinE' a further fall in values. Mr de Rothschild said he did not claim that his proposals would prove a final solution of the question, but he did cluim tbat they would prove a pallia tive Summed up, his proposals are that America should continue her present purchases of silver, and the European powers Should continue to buy an amount equal to 5,000,000 ($24,330,000) sterling a year for five years at 430 (8U cents per ounce). If silver should rise above that price the purchases are to be immediately suspended. ' The dl'.paoh continues as follows: The submission of Mr. do Kothschild's plan was preceded by an explanatory memorandum, quoting his correspon dence with the goveracr cf the Bank of England. In this correspondenC6 the Governor says he is always Opposed, on principle, to bimetallism and that Mr. de Rothschild's plan is merely a monetary palliative of ih crisis which the fall in silctr has provoked. The Governor adds tbat, nevertheless, the expression of opinion is purely personal. All other British delegates except Bertram Currie are known to approve the plan proposed by Mr. Rothschild, and it is now confirmed that Mr. Rothschild and the American delegates are working together. , A DANISH GOLD-BUG. A uanisn delegate, who is a mono metalllst, will propose the coinage of silver 5 franc, 4 shilling, or dollar pieces, rated to gold according to the price of silver in the year previous to the adoption of an international agreement, with a seignorage of 10 per cent. He will also propose the appoint ment of a permanent international commission to fix the initial prices. Should tbe price of silver fall to 5 per cent below the coinage ratio the com mission will have authority to fix a new ratio and order the recoinage of the pieces. These coins will be legal tender internationally, banks to keep them as a reserve against notes and to have the right to demand gold in ex change for them at any time from the government issuing the particular coin held. A COMMITTEE OF TWELVE. The Russian delegate. M. Raafial, moved that the propasal he referred to a small committee to consider, together wiin ooeioer s and ievrs schemes. He wanted this committee to discuss these proposals in secret and report to the conference. The Dutch delegate, Herr Bersrmas seconded the motion and it was unani mously adopted. A committee of twelve was appointed including Sir G. freeman tie. British Guilford L. Molesworth, India; H. W. Cannon, United States; M. Foville, r ranae; Jsignor simonom. italv and M Roffolovith, with Alfred de Rothschild and M. Levi, ex-onicio members. The conference adjourned until t ri day. I he United States was represented on mis committee by Henry w. Can non, president of the Chase Nationil bank of Chicago, a. gold-bug of tne strictest sect. Senator Stewart of Nevada in a speech at Denver a few days ago spoki as follows concerning the conference, and the man who represents us on the com mittee on resolutions: INTERNATIONAL FRAUD. 'The fraudulent device which has al ways been resorted to has been to pre tend to settle this matter by interna tional agreement. Every time the peo ple becorre restless they are told that me mometary question must be settled by an international conference, and the president of the United States recently rcpeuwju mat louy. i aaid so at th time he presented this in his inaugural mstage. President Harrison said that independentftction by the United States wouiu ue injurious to us and beneficial to the outside world. But he also said that in any agreement it should be pro vided that enough of silver must be put into the established dollar to make it equal to a gold dcllar. The president hai appointed delega tes to the international conference. It is true that there are two silver men on tho delegation. But the majority aro gold mou ard they will declare for the others or silence them altogether. The United States is put before that con gress as in favor of monometallism. iou recollect the various propositions which It is now shown are to be put for ward before that coDgress. Thrjutrh a subtle scheme it is arranged that the memoers oi tne Relegations are not to know what is going on but that the business is to be talked over and decid ed upon by commissioners, one from Continikd on fifth Page.) , DECEMBER 8, 1892. coulb TOOK THE BONDS. How the Wall Street Wlitaril Obtained the Wyaudotte and Northwentero. Kaxsas Citv, Ma. Dec 5. Superin tendent C F. Urotherton of the Kan sas City, Wyandotte and Northwestern says the death of Jay Gould will not affect the transfer of the road. It is now practically owned by the Gould interest, although the formal transfer has not yet been made. The history of this transaction is well known. Gould was forced into taking the road seemingly against his will. In J 8l0 he contracted to buy from the Northwestern con struction company, which built the road, a,bout $650,000 worth of the con struction company's bonds. Of this amount $150,000 was turned over to him. ' The remaining $500,000 were offered to him, but he refused to take them on the ground that they had been mutilated. The construction com pany, however, claimed that Gould knew this when he made the contract, and it brought suit to compel him to fulfill his contract . The attorneys garni she;d the lissouri Pacific and Union Pacific roads and made them parties to the suit. This plan bade fair to show up all of Gould s inter ests in these two roads and make the whole thin? public. Gould's attorneys asked for extensions of time in vhiuh to make answer for the two roads sev- eral times pending an attempt at a set tlement of th ;;:'i!8j;;,ji Tot the construction couipauy insisted on Gould talcing the bonds, and finally he did so rather than have his Mis souri Pacific and Unto Pacific hold ings made public. The State Hank Matte Washington. Dac. 5. The state bank plank in the Democratic plat form it likely to be the cause of a good deal more trouble than was an ticlpated "by-' the convention which adopted ' it Talks with a n um bel' ot Demosratic representatives show that & great difference exists on this question. Many Democrats from the East and West are absolutely opposed to doing anything whatever with reference . to state banks, while many representatives voicing the de mands of their constituents for a larger currency insist that the plank in the Democratic plat form shall be given practical effect Representative Livingston of Georgia said to-day that he was in favor of keeping this and every other pledge given to the people. The peo ple, he added, were now studying pol itics, and the party that did not keep its pledges would b ; left behind at the polls. A Ktuaas FhIi- Appropriation Sure. " Wichita, Kan Dec. 6. W. II. Smith, secretary to thp board cf managers of the Kansas wo Id's fair association, has many lettr from newly elected members of the legislature in response 10 a direct query as to how each tnomberof the two houses stood on the matter of a state appro priation for world's fair purposes. Governor-elect Lewelling has also , re ceived letteTs from twenty-two senators elect and fifty-six members elect of the lower house, all but two of whom have expressed themselves as ready to support the proposed ap propriation. A Leavenworth Pioneer at Beat. Leavenwoeth, Kan., Dec. 5. Dr. Samuel Few, one of Leaven worth's pioneers, died this morning at the age of 71 years, flo was born in Woodstock, Va., settled here in 1854 and was one of the original incorpor ators of Leavenworth city. H'e had been city physician the past twelve years. A Temperance Editor Dead. Chicago, Dec. 5. A dispatch was re ceived to-day from Tokio, Japan, an nouncing the death, on last Thursday, of Miss Mary Allen West, senior editor of the Union Signal, the organ of the W. a T. D. An Kxtra Session Likely. New Yokk. Dec. 5. A mong well in formed Democrats the impression ex ists that President-elect Cleveland has practically made up his mind that an extra session of congress will be nec essary. NEWS IN BRIEF. Joe McGrecror, an attorney of mysteriously Waynesville, Ma, has disappeared. Cardinal Gibbons has written a let ter favoring the Sunday opening of the world's fair. A man at Springfield, O . surrendered to the police, claiming he had killed five people in 25 years. The miners' convention at El Paso next week will be the largest gather ing of the kind ever held in the West. By the accidental disjharce of a shotgun Charles Anderson of Dover, Ok., instantly killed his 10-year-old sister. Near Ealeiffh, N. C. a nesrro robber shot and killed one aged lady, mortal ly wounded a sister and robbed the brother. Thomns Henersav Hovd. editor of the Olympic, at Olvmnia. Wash., waa shot by his wife in a saloon after a NO. 20. Jack Howland Dead. Omaiia. Dec. 6. Jack Howland, worthless sort of a fellow, who eked out an existence by doing odd jobs about saloons, was found dead in shanty on the alley between Fifteenth and Sixteenth and Webster and Burt streets. John Mack, a character similar to himself, was his roommate and the shanty has been occupied jointly by the two men for some time It contained one room and one bed. and when Howland's bod? was found yes terday morning he was sitting on the floor with his hsad leaning against the bed. About noon Sergeants Hayes and Graves were informed that a man had been seen dragging Howland's body into the shanty enrly yesterday morn lug, They set out to Investigate and as a result John Mack . Is' in the oity jail awaiting the preferment of the charge of murder. The offloeri rOund Mack In a saloon at Twenty-fourth and Cuming streets ant considerably the worso for liquor. The bartender said Mack had been there since 8 o'clock. He seoluded himself in a dark corner and did not seem anxious to be interviewed by tho officers. It was from his own story that the offi cers concluded that be might be the murderer of bis partner. Jye Hnoflred Dollar Lfe, - Omaha, Dec. 6. A quiet investiga tion by interested parties develops the fact that Clara Allen, who swore she saw Charles Hayes shoot Mayor Mil ler, has fled from the, probablo conse quences of perjury. She left the court room Saturday, telling her friends she was going to visit her old home in Jowa, and . has not been seen since. Deputy Sheriff Thompson, who has tmiAPd ni hi,.' lover, went to the Bouse where the Allen froma iaien BtBIV ing and toid net- landlady ucr baffffnf 9 would be called for today, but tip to a lato hour tonight no one has called tot it. Several of Allen's associates in the burnt district eay she told she was to get $500 for swearing she saw Hayes kill Miller, and that she offered at least two others like sums if they would join her in her perjury. Lew Scott, who keeps the house where Allen was staying at tho time of the murder, saji thi??! wttftMf was at breakfast in the basement at' the time she said she saw the shooting. On Bogus Notes. Sciicyler, Neb., Dec. S.-'-Thesher in oi umax county iook zrs a very peuitent man with hiui lal nigbl, to- wit, F. W. Duvorak of Schuyler. The yOUrig man is quite a politician and is very well known in Colfax county. He was charged with having swindled a number of his friends on bogus notes Duvorak came to this city some weeks ago and after a little detective work he was located at 23 West Madison street. where be gave up without a struggle. The young man has a wife living in Schuyler. There are five separate charges against him. A Family Row. Grand Island, Dec. 6. Mrs. R. E. Hudson of Snohomish, Wash., has been visiting her brother and mother in this city for some weeks. Saturday night a family row took place, during which her brother ordered her out of the bouse. She then swallowed an ounce of arsenio which she had been using for her complexion, walked to the Jamison house, a distance of over half a mile, went to bed and informed the management of her situation. Physi cians wore called, applied a stomach pump, administered an antidote and the woman is now out of danger. Her husband lives in Washington. Saved Her Daughter. Arapahoe, Neb., Dec. 6. The five-year-old daughter of William Pax ton of this city, while playing with otber children around a pile of burn ing rubbish, got so near the blaze that her clothes caught fire, which burned her severely about the hips and back before it was extinguished. Her mother's hands were badly burned In the attempt to save her child, who in a few moments more woukl have been burned beyond recovery. Abont January 4. Hastings, Neb., Dec. 6. Cards have been issued announcing the wedding of Mr. Abe Hirsh of Quincy, 111., to Miss Rosa Weinberg, the ac complished daughter ofM. Weinburg of this city. The wedding occurs January 4, at the Bostwick hotel, and will bo followed by a grand banquet and reception. Over 500 invitations have been issued. It promises to be the most elaborate event of the season. President Ileidt of the lfeidt lum. ber company of Birmingham, Ala., was found dead in his otfice: a bullet through his head and a pistol by his side. It is not known, whether it was suicide or an accident. New Yokk. Dec. 4. Men distiiv guished in financial centers and pow ers in the railroad world gathered at the late residence oi th master of them all, this afternoon at 4 o'clock, to do honor to the great financier and magnate. The rooms were too wall to contain the gathering and many of the later arrivals were unable to evea listen to t remonies. The hou. .v as undraped aad only the parlors .n the center of which, tho coffin reposed gave evidence ot mourning. In these were some of tha magnificent palms in which the de ceased took great pride and there were) also many most beautiful plants. Out side of this there was no display of any kind. The casket was of plain oak covered with black broadcloth and, was severe in its simplicity. The family mourners were Mr. and Mrs. George J. Gould, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Gould, Miss Helen M. Gould, Mr. Howard Uould, Miss Annie Gould, Frank Gould, the children and Abra ham Gould, the brother, and Mrs. Malen and Mrs. Harris, Bisters who live near Philadelphia. Many prominent railroad men of the Gould system of the West, including S. 1L H. Clark, president of the Union Pacific, railroad, were present at the funeraL Every effort was made to carry out the wishes of Mr. Gould that the fu neral would be plain and unostenta tious in every way. The services began at 4 o'clock. The family and intimate friends of the deceased financier were in, the front parlor and the adjoining dinning room. The music was at the foot of the stairway. The Kev. Johq B. Pax ton, the pastor of the West Presby terian church, was the officiating clergyman. The pFOgFsmmt was a follows: ; ,--.r... li; JkPjft,B; anthem. "Blessed Are the Diia.ii uo Die in the lord." 2 Invocation by tho R;v. Dr. Roderick Terry of the South Reformed church. 8. The reading of a portion of the EpUco- Sal service for the dead, including the inth psalm. 4. Cardinal Newman's hymn, "Lead Kindly Light 6. Conclusion of the burial sarvloo with the reading of ihe nfteonth chapter of the Corinthians. 6. Praver by Chancellor McCracken, 7. "Nearer My God to Tbee." , , 8. Benediction by Dr. Paxton. After the funeral srWs t rjj?m- . r Derf of the family tdolf their lust loon at the feature of the deaa nsanw1 - To-morrow morning the body ' mil be taken to Woodlawa cemetery: and placed in the family vault beside that of his wife, whose death he never ceased to mourn. the Graven Appeal Arcaed. Denver, Col.; Dec 6 The Decem ber term of the supreme court con vened at noon to-day with L. M. God- -dard, the new jndge, as chief justice. The case of Dr. Graves, tho famous poisoner, now nnder sentence of death, came up for argument at 2 o'clock this afternoon on the motion for an appeal to the supreme court. eii raro Vlu an Impoit tot Cut. Washington, Dec 6. The United States supreme court to-day affirmed the judgment of the circuit court in the Chicago lake front cases. The lower court decided in favor of the local authorities and held the Illinois Central did not have a right to use the submerged lands along the lake front for wharves and piers. , Missouri Pacific Employe Mourn. Atchison, Kan., Dec 6. The Mis souri Pacific employes here held serr lies this afternoon in memory of the late Jay Gould. Several addresses were made and appropriate resolutions adopted. The headquarters of the company here are draped In mourning. A Llszle Borden Reporter Dead. Hamilton, O., Dec. 6 Eenry Trickey, the Boston reporter, who wrote the sensational story about the Lizzie Borden murder case and was under indictment, was killed in at tempting to catch a moving train at the Grand Trunk station here yester day. . ' Osborne Still Holds the Fort. Cheyenne, Wyo., Dec. 6 Governor elect Osborne is spending day and night in the executive rooms, a bed having been put in through the win dow by which he entered. A Millionaire Coal Slan Dead. Pittsburg, Pa., Dec 6. Joseph Walton, the millionaire coal operator, died suddenly of appolexy at 10:45 this morning at his home in Alleghe- any, tie was 7 ') years oi age Senator Clbson Very Low. Hot Springs, Ark., Dec. 6. Senator Gibson of Louisiana is barely alive. and that is all that can be said of his condition. The doctors think he can not possibly live another day. Embezzler Kerr Reaches New York. New York, Dec 6. Kerr, the Kan sas City defaulter, is on board the steamer Aurania, which arrived this morning from Liverpool Ho is in charge of a Chicago dete.tive. . rrison Officer Will Not Strike, Leavenworth, Kan., Dec 6. Offi cers at the state penitentiary deny most positively that they propose to walk out in a body whenever Warden Case retires. A Leavenworth Candidate for Marshal. Leavenworth, Kan., Dec 1. Under Sheriff Chauncey Flora is a candidate for United States marshal nnder the Democratic administration. bitter quarrel.