The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, December 01, 1892, Image 7

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Kotatlon tba Rrmrdr Tli Tonr Firna
07 Butter Without Working
Sheep Shearing and Ilouie
hold Iljlp,.
The Management of I'aitnrn.
This is a matter that is giving' con
siderable concern to many fanners, for
. in the present state of the markets
and of values, they are apt to over
stock the pastures and more than half
destroy them in an effort to keep down
expenses and save the grain crop.
This kind of work is of the penny wise
order and must eventuate in serious, if
not permanent loss to those who
practice it The Manchester, X. II.
Union, has a few suf jestive remarks
on the subject which we present be
low: I Now stop and think the matter all
.'over. Those steers that you have
turned into fall feed. th;it is, the mow
ing fields, re growing faster than
they have b fore tins season, and the
cows are doing better in proportion to
o r conditions, .lust think where
you would have V-en if they could
have had such feed all summer: ( an
you afford to supply Mich feed or can
you afford to ilo without it? Watjh
the cattlo feed whs re they can yet a
mouthful at every b.le and then go
into the pasture wlu-ra they have been
all summer and calculate as nearly as
you can how many motions they must
make and how much ground they
must cover to till their stomachs so
they will be ready to lie down and
chew their cuds. About half of this
difference is on
out of your
grass need not
you aud coming
povket. 1'asture
b.; more than
if it is tine and
two inches
thick for stock to do well and if it is
kept down to about, that length it is
better than field gras-i wiiL-li grows
tall enough to shade itself. Kut in our
fifty-acre pastures on piainsor hillsides
there are not more tliin 'Ive acres on
an average that would produce such
feed if they were not, overstocked, aud
as our pastures are too often stocked
according to the acres they contain
rather than the feed they produce the
green spots are gnawed close to the
ground, and cattle wo"k hard all day
and come tip lank at night. There
should be some change in the system
and each man njust decide for himself
"how he will change it. Everyman
who conducts what is called mixed
farming needs all the manure he can
make on his fields, and as he needi to
spend the most of his labor there as
well, the pastures are left to take
their chances.
There are several systems of rotation
which may be adopted to advantage
under proper conditions. Where any
considerable part of the pasture land
can be plowed, plowing and re-seeding
with a light manuring will make a
great change for a few years, and one
field may be pastured while another is
being :ultivated. Another plan of ro
tation is to make the pasture into
three parts and keep sheep in one of
them two years and let the cattle have
the others one or two weeks alternate
ly, depending on how fast the grass
grows. Then take the sheep pasture
for cattle and give the sheep one of
the others. The object of this is to
feed the pastures more closely with
sheep than could be done with profit
by cattle. Sheep want a greater va
riety of food and when grass fails will
eat other plants and kid out many
weeds that cattle would not touch.
For pasturing in this way six or
seven sheep may take the plae of a
common cow, and more may be counted
on if there are more weeds and bushes
than grass. Horses are more particu
lar what they eat than cattle or sheep
and a pasture where colts have run
until the golden rod and blackberry
vines have almost taken possession,
can be cleaned out and brought into
clean grass in two years by stocking it
heavily with sheep.
Much may be done with pigs when
there are co ws enough kept to feed a
good herd of swine and it is not desira
ble nor convenient to keep sheep.
Pigs will work m wet places and dig
out every plant that has a succulent
root. Their work will ba mora thor
ough aud rapid than that of sheep, but
if they are fed with slops from the
dairy it is not so convenient to have
them in distant pasture-;.
The Poor Farmer Hoy,
You may talk of the hardships aud
torments of the army mule, but they
are trivial compared with those en
dured by the farmer boy. I liave been
reminded of this by tho disposition of
the hands about the thresh ! 11 g machine.
As you know, the hardest, hottest po
sitions are upon the straw stack; and
if there aro any boys about the machine
and there always an you may safe
ly bet your bottom dollar thev are on
i iie straw stack, i ot the farmer vvon-
ders why the straw is stacked so noor-
'iy, and gets mad about it. The bovs
syfacn me sirengm to Handle tne straw;
give them the easy places and put the
men on the stack. I have said that
boys can always be found upon the
straw stack. I will make one excep
tion; if tho wind blows the dirt out
from the cylinder, the boy is put to
tt bands.
' In harvest the boy is expected to
keep out of the way of the reapjr, do
his work well (if a bundle is found
open, it is always blam.i on the boy)
'fetch the water, go after the inonkey
i wrench, and hunt up the oil-can, and
- ho can slop the pigs, fetch hay for the
horses, and pump water for the cattle,
while the men are cracking jokes in
me snaae alter ainner.
When a boy is sent out to plow, he
Is given a plow that a man will not
use, and the oldest, meanest team on
the plaee. If there is a dull hoe, the
boy has it; if an axe has been broken
tnd ground thick, it is given to tho
boy: if thrra is an old, rusty hovel. It
U-lori,--. t the bjy. The boy is set to
mowing vteil ; n f.n:-c? corner with
the hiii tvira to Ue.-p off the breeze,
Il:1 not the August sun: and if that
were i.ot enough he is always given
worn-out scythe. If it is broken and
loose m the Miatb, that is all tie bet
ter. Tne b.iy is expected to pitch as
much hay as any body, with astraight
tined. inllexib'.e-handled fork, and
scolded if he duesn't. That boy is
6cnt out to cut fodder with a knifa
that would do to split rails, were it
not so dull, and set to grubbing with
a mattock that would bo treasured by
When there is nothing else for him
to do, he burn brush in summer, and
sorts potatoes in winter under a shed.
He is expected to turn the grindstone,
catch the chickens, run the pig out
of the corn, weed the garden and go
to the store ("but dont stay a minute
Jimmy"; for exercise. If there is a
picnic he is given the ugliest horse on
j the place (a mnle. if possible) to ride,
i l.c to spend anil told it is hoped ha
j won't expe.'t another holiday for four
months; and he is continually reinind
j ed that he hai had a holiday till the
j four months are passed. If be hap
pens to break anything, a hubbub is
made as if he had knocked out the un
derpinning of the universe.
This not exaggeration. I appeal
to your honest, can lid self if this is
not about the a v?r i j ; lot of the far
mer boy. N'o the boy wishes
lie were a man a man that he might
leave the farm. O.i, mothers and
fathers that wonder why boys hate
the farm, too often are you. as Hetsy
Trot wood said, blind: blind! blind!
Cor. American (iranjfe Hulletin.
Itut'er lout Working.
In these days of progress in the
dairy room, much working of the
butter has come to be viewed as not
only unnecessary, but an absolute in
jjry to the grain, and its finer quali
ties. The Indiana Farmer says: Many
advanced dairy people are of the
opinion that the butter worker will in
the near time become a feature of the
past, and its use altogether dispensed
with as it is well known thH too
much working will spoil butter in its
finest form, destroying its solidity and
producing a salvy and unpalatable
condition. A correspondent in the
Oh'o Farmer describes his plan of
packing batter sun-essf ,i!iy without
working it at all.
ing in the churn,
rated, through
fork or butter
furred directly
A f ter thorough wash
arid the salt incorpo
the butter, with a
paddle it is trans
to the packages
in small quantities, pressing it
firmly down: tip the package
over to drain, as the water accumu
lates on top of the butter, while pack
ing. Fill the crock or firkins more
than even full, then with a silk thread
cut the butter off to a level with the
edge of the package. This will leave
the granules exposed on the surface
and the purchaser can see at a glance
that the package, contains granular
butter instead of a salvy, worked-to-death
compound of buttermilk rancid
cream, with a very little butter fat in
it If sure tiiat the butter is such that
you can warrant it to be strictly gilt
edge, say so on a label fastened on the
package with .your name and address.
This warrant is a wonderful stimulant
to urge one to do his best The maker
stands out in full liirht, with nothing
to shield him from the consumer of his
butter. Tho consumer knows who
made the butter, and if as warranted,
more orders are sure to follow.
Sheep Sheiirintr.
Do not feci breeding sheep to highly
nutritious food, as it is highly injuri
ous. If the farm products are fed on the
farm, some sheep can be kept to an ad
vantage. Value of the lambs largely depends
upon keeping the ewes in a good thrif
ty conditiou.
Sheep bear a strong relationship to
mixed husbandry, and any attempt to
separate will generally prova disas
trous. The tendency to improve the mutton
will also improve the form and hardi
ness of the animals to the same ex
tent. Keeping sheep over-fat at any time
is injurious and should always be
avoided, and especially the breeding
Household HeijM.
Hot wnter is an excellent remedy for
Never use strong or rancid butter in
seasoning vegetables.
A correspondent asks what to do for
a fresh bunion. Try painting it with
iodine and wearing u loose shoe.
Headache, toothache, backache or
most any joint ache will be relieved by
heating the feet thoroughly with the
shoes on.
For a disagreeable breath, put a few
drops of tincture of myrrh in a tum
blerful of water and thoroughly rinse
the mouth with it.
Ma.iy a man, and perhaps more
women, would have been saved from
insanity if they had resolutely ob
tained sufficient sleep.
A white cashmere or chudda may be
nicely and easily cleaned at home by
using snip-bark, which may be ob
tained at any druggist's.
In washing black-wool goods before
making them over use five cents worth
of soap-bark to a pailful of water, bet
it stand until cold. Iron on the wrong
Housekeepers should caution their
maids against the use of kerosene in
laundering shirts. The oil is likely to
remain in the garment, lending a dis
agreeable odor not enjoyed by the
To take grease spots out of carpets,
mix a little soap into a gallon of warm
water, then add half an ounce of
water; wash the part well with a dean
cloth, and the grease or dirty spot'will
l"nclSam lia .'nw sili; mills.
atling guns yre now tired bv
trieit v.
All ancient a -t rs wore masks with
metal mouthpieces 10 avt as speakinj
A process for making artificial mica
sheets for electrical insulation is a late
(Vainesville. Fla.. lay claim to the
largest and finest Japan persimmon
grove in this country.
Stockings were first used in the
eleventh century: before that cloth
bandages were used on the feet
Iigers are worth from $1,500 to
S2,."00. Jack, wii.i the liarnum show.
the largest tigei in captivity, is said
to have cost 8, ioo.
Somebody claims that an electric
plant has been discovered in India
which will influence a magnetic needle
twenty feet distant
M. Grand in, the French pedestrian
who recently walked from l'aris to
St Petersburg, set out soon after he
reached tne uussiaa capital tor a
tramp to Moscow.
A freight car thirty-six feet long has
been built of steel in Manchester for
the Mexican railway company. It is
said to be heavier than a thirty-four
foot wooden car, and will hold nearly
three times as much, with no more
dead weight.
One of the attractions at an indus
trial exhibition recently held in Metz
was the chaise in which Napoleon
traveled from Paris to Moscow in 1812.
It was bequeathed to Ilaron de llunol-
stein, who sold it to a man in Metz
upon condition that it should nev be
considered as an article of commerce.
A school boy was reading in his
Scottish history that at the battle of
Bannockburn, "when the English
army saw the new army on the hill
behind, their spirits b ame damp,
and the teacher asked wiiat was meant
by "damping their spir s," to which
the little Scotchman at once replied:
'Pittin' water in their whusky."
The rosin weed, a species of sil-
phiuiu, and first cousin to the burdock,
is a natural compass. It grows every
where in the West, and wherever it is
found in open ground, that is, in
ground not shaded by trees, houses or
fences, its leaves point directly north
and south. This peculiarity has given
it several names applied in different
localities, and it is variously called the
compass plant, the pilot weed and the
polar plant.
Robinson Crusoe's island, Juan Fer
nandez, is inhabited by about 00 per
sons, who att d to the herds of cattle
that gr re.
The isles comprise no fewer
than 1 parate islands and islets,
without counting mere jutting rocks
or isolated pinnacles.
The cultivation of the pineapple in
the Bahamas is a very profitable un
dertaking. At two pence each an
acre of pine apples returns 200 to
The new variety of sugar cane re
ported from the Upper Niger is of
gigantic size, and very rich in sugar.
Moreover, it differs from the ordinary
sugar cano in possessing seeds, from
which the plant can be raised.
There are 40,000 unoccupied dwell
ings in Berlin that cannot bo rented.
A paper that has made this subject of
house renting a study and a specialty,
attributed the cause to the depressed
economical situation throughout the
The cost of shouting "Vive la
France"' one time in Alsace-Lorraine
lias been fixed at twenty marks.
Joseph Eugene Lemoine, a journalist
who lives in France, but gave utter
ance to his patriotic feelings in Metz,
found this out
The Aeronautic society of Berlin has
decided that the gift of 50, dOO marks
made by Emperor William shall be de
voted to the construction of a colossal
balloon for scientific purposes. It will
be sixteen metres in diameter, with a
capacity of 2.528 cubic metres. It is
the calculation that it will be practic
able to make observations at the
height of 10,000 metres.
A physician says practice at singing
wards off consumption.
If the small end turns up when an
egg is dropped in water the egg is
The sunflower bears 5,000 seeds, t.oe
poppy 32,1)00 and the tobacco plant
70, 112U.
Knives will not rust if, in laying
them away, they are rubbed with a
little sweet oil and wrapped in tissue
Electricity, theoretically and ap
plied, is taught in the evening classes
at several scholastic and similar insti
tutions in Boston.
John Currion, who lives near Cottage
(irove, Ore., claims to have discovered
on his farm an apparently inexhausti
ble ledge of rich cinnabar.
In certain parts of India cocoanut
trees, once almost lifeless in appear
ance, have been made to yield abund
antly by placing salt at the roots.
One of the uses of skimmed milk is
in the manufacture of an artificial
ivory which, in every respect, resem
bles the original. Tho milk is mixed
with borax, and subjected to a high
pressure. The product is well suited
for combs, billiard balls aud pipe
mouth pieces.
(ilucinum has been suggested as a
promising metal for electrical appar
atus. It is a better conductor than
silver, is lighter than aluminum, re
sists oxidation and has great tensile
strength, rigidity and malleability. It
is quite rare; but it is believed that its
cost, making allowance for its light
ness, would be considerably less than
that of silver. 1
Tho G. 11. 5'. Cma-l Do ll Again.
An active independent worker in the
It -publican Valley writer TliK Alli
AXCE-lKDKf ENUKXT a follow-:
I fully fully agree with your editorial
in lat pap:r es to the duty of indcic-n-dents
at tne eosion of this winter.
You will no: ice the vote of this
county n amendment to constitution
as to rchool fund and if the amendment
had proioM.'d to loan school fund on
farm lands this vote would have been
much larger. I think this would be a
good issue for independents to go be
fore the voters of this state with. I
ant of the opinion that we (our party)
can elect governor and a good majority
in both houses of legislature on a three
cornered fight when presidential pres
sure is out of our way. Democrats may
mend their ranks but republicans will
never poll as large a vote in this state
again unless they answer the demands
ot people.
A Friend In Need.
Man in Water (drowing.) Throw me
(puff, puff) a life-preserver, quick!
Tapely (a clerk on shore) Er er
what is j'our waist measurement
Where the Tug; Come.
Little Boy Don't Quakers ever
Mamma Xo, my dear.
Little Boy (after reflection) I should
think it would be awful hard for a real
big Quaker to be a Quaker.
A lirlght Publication.
Little Dot Papa says this new
children's magazine is a bright publi
cation, n hat does that mean?
Little Dick Can't you see? The
paper glistens so you can hardly read
A Broadway Merchant
Mr. Hayseed These New Yorkers
jes' rush ttieirselves to death. Why on
'arth do they kill theirselves that way?
Mrs. Hayseed Land sakes! they've
got to. Think of the rents they pay".
A Folnter for Pa.
Bank Director Why didn't you in
vite our cashier's little girl to your
Small Daughter She always wears
such awfully 'xpensive clothes it makes
everybody else feel ashamed.
Seventy-five Poland China pigs, April
and May farrow. Sired by Virginia
Lad 8457 S: he bv Business 20489: dam
Virginia 32588 by Tecumseh 4339. Sows
by Geo. Wilkes, Equality, Tecumseh
and many other noted sires. There are
none better bred. Will breed a few
sows for sale to Groom 17G87 O, A Grand
King Tecumseh boar and Square Busi
ness 2nd for spring litters.
L. II. Andrews, Kearney, Neb.
For Sale.
1G0 acres improved land in Webster
county, all fenced, good buildings, wind
mill and 13-acre hog lot, two miles from
Rosempnt, six miles from Blue Hill.
Address, C. Lyon,
Rosemont, Nebr.
Oregon, Washington ami the North-
Western Coast.
The constant demand of the traveling
public to the far west for a comfortable
and at the same time an economical
mode of traveling, has led te the estab
lishment of what is known as Pullman
Colonist Sleepers.
These cars are built on the same gen
eral plan as the regular first-class Pull
man Sleepers, the only difference being
that they are not upholstered.
They are furnished complete with
good comfortable hair mattresses, warm
blankets, snow white linen curtains,
plenty of towels, combs, brushes, etc.,
which secure to the occupant of a berth
as much privacy as is to bo had in first
class sleepers. There are also separate
toilet rooms lor ladies and gentlemen,
and smoking is absolutely prohibited.
For full information semi for Pullman
Colonu t Sleeper Leaflet.
J. T. MnsTiN, C T. A. 1044 O. St.,
E. B. Si.osson, Gen. Agt.
Lincoln, Neb.
Send ten cunls in stmps to John Se
bfistaip, Gon'l Ticket and Pass. Agt,
C, R. i. & P. H'y- Chicago, for a pack
of Ibe "Rock Island" Playing Cards.
They are acknowledged the best, and
worth five times the cost. Send money
order or postal note for 50c, and we
will send five packs by express, prepaid.
Homes and Irrigated Farms, Gardens
end Orchards in the Celebrated Bear
River Valle f on the Main Lines ot the
Union Pacilic and Central Pacific R. R.
near Corinne and ,gden, Utah.
Splendid location for business and in
dustries of all kinds in the well kown
city of Corinne, situated in tho middle
of the valley on the Central Pacific R.U.
The lands of the Uear River valley are
now thrown open to settlement by the
construction of the mammoth system of
irrigation from the Bear lake and river,
just csmpleted by the Bear River Canal
Co., at a cost of $3,009,000. Th com
pany controls 100,000 acres of these fine
ands and owns many lols av.d business
locations in tho city f Corinne, and is
now prepared to sell on easy terms to
settlers and celenies. The climate, soil,
and irrigating facilities are pronou:iced
unsurpassed by competent judges who
declare tho valley ta be the Paradise of
the Farmer, Fruit Grower and Stock
Raiser. Nice social surroundings, good
schools and churches at Corinne City,
and Heme Markets exist for every kind
of f!irm and garden produce in the
Dr'nhboring cities of Ogden and Salt
Lr.le, and in the great ininiag camps.
Lands will be shown from the local of
fice f the Company at Corinne. 15tf
Perclieron and French Coach
Maple Grove. Farm.
Champion First Premium and Sweepstakes Herd
For tae States of Kansas and Nebraska.
The Nebraska State Fair Herd Premium, for best show, all Draft breeds con,
peting, was again awarded to my horses, making the fifth year in succession
that my herd has been the recipient of this much coveted prize.
A Nebraska bred horse, raised on Maple Grove Farm, was this year awarded
the First Premium and Sweepstakes at the Kansas State Fair in competition
with twenty-five head of horses from five different states, 150 head of registered,
imported and homo bred l'ercheron horses and mares.
A large portion of my present stock on hand, has been raised on my Farm and'
Will be Sold at prices below the reach of any importer in America.
I am in a position to give my patrons the benefit of not having paid any fixed
6um, or expensive buying and transportation charges in order to own my horses.
I cordially invite a carefnl inspection of my horses, and will guarantee the
buyer that my stoek cannot bo equaled in America, either in the quality or the?
prices that I am asking.
Write for catalogue, and don't fall to inspect my Btock before buying.
Breeding and Importing Establishment, One Mile from Depo Cieston, Iowa.
200 Full-Blooded Percheron, English Shire, English Hackney,.
Belgian French Coach, Cleveland Bays and Standard Bred Horses.
Cambridge, Furnaa County, Nebraska.
1 7(M Shire. Clvde. Pprrhnritn 'Rplirlan
ft'l lltnt W,! IS '
mmtSStSZfi Yorkshire
We Handle More Horses Thaa Any Firm
We Import onr own homes thus saving the customer the middle man's profit Buyei
have the advantage of comparing all breeds side by side at our stables.
Wc Have 40 Geod Young Acclimated Horses on Hand.
Another Importation of 40 will arrive about October 1. We fuarantee all our horses
every respect. We make farmers companies a specialty, having a system whereby we
can organize companies and Insure absolute success.
We Will Send a Man to Any Part of the
On application to aosist In organizing companies. We give long time thus enabling p
chashers t pay for horses from services. Correspondence promptly answered. Me
THKSF. .laelrs are from 1 t,o B vpars
lfi bands hiffh. These. JafiKs were selected
breeder, and imported by him in person.
Mention this paper. BELLEVILLE, KANSAS.
1 1 X111U u
Finest Offer Ever Made in the West.
I will sell to the highest bidder a-dralt of Imported and Ameri
caa Bred full blooded and recorded PERCHERON and FRENCH
ervation, everything goes.
Two year's time at 8 per cent. 5 per cent off for cash. Send for
catalogue. JA1VJES SCHULZ,
COL. F. M. WOOD, Auctioneer, Yutan, Nebraska,
Makes sales in Nebraska ami ther states. Rest
nf references. Fourteen y nra experience.
Prices reasonable, correspond 1 1 isolicited aud
satisfaction guaranteed
Lon? deep bodied
U.S. P.O.
Good color, short legs,
broad back, good feci
Hiid bead. Alliance
prices, satisfaction
uaranteed Mlf
Kearney, Neb.
All kind etiei.T Ibtu .-
where. Krfiirs y.u bor,
wnd lump for (tlm. w
1 M iUta CltaMM
X have the largest assortment of Eu
ropean Breeds of any man In America;
1 handle none but reeordt-d stock; I do
not permit a mouthful of hot feed to be
given; my hortK-s are not pampered and
are properly exercised, and fed cool,
food, which I think are the main reas
ons why my horses Jhave always been
successful breeders.
Come and visit my establishment.
I am always glad to show my stock.
When arriving at Creston visitor!
will please telephone to the Crest City '
Farm and I will drive In after them.
I am prepared to give long time t
respoiulbie parties.
Every horse guaranteed a breeder and
must be as represented.
j o ,
Coach , and Cleveland! -Bay Stallions.
in Nebraska.
CO., Cambridge, Neb.
old. black with mealy points. 14 to-
bv Mr. J. B. Hogate tho well known
Address or call at their stab'es.
IP.MRF.Ii 1 W. T P. .
v. dirnqe Pn Herri
t.. ...insfpai. Alt aires lthpp
l lllirounirrrus ritiu.?imj- "o
sex. Sows bred. Stock guaranteed as repre
sented. I'riees right. Mention this paper.
ll. S. WILLIAMSON, 1'rop'r.
Ilreeder and ship- V
per of recorded l'o- r -Di&pw f
land China Hogs. ' " I
Choice breeding 1
stock for sale. .?lk3 " V
Write for wants, f,. J6
Mention Aluanck. VbtljWtWi'! Y
reeder of fancy Fo- J
nd China swine -:W4itf3
A,V""' ' UW&l
toruv 01 pia Micu
by Free Trades Best, remainder by Paddys Chip
Free Trade, the great show ho? thai was sold
for !, being fhe highest priced hog in ex
istence. Had a full sister to Fre Trade in my
herd for S years and haye many fiiw sows from
er L. H. SO lEK.