The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, December 01, 1892, Image 5

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    A T T T I VPU TITT? VfWi lired
AliiilAlLl!i lilJtJlitlUlVl !
Nebraska Farmers' Alliance.
J. H. Powers, President Cornell.
W. a. Povntm, Vk-e-Pres , Albion,
J. M. Thohpsow, State Sec'y, Lincoln.
W. H. Dech, Lecturer, Wataoo.
a. C. Fairciuld, Ibi Au't Lecturer, Oak
dale. W. r. Wright, M Asa't Lecturer, Bethany
B. F. Allen, Chairman, Ex. Com., Wabaah.
In the beauty of the UWca
Christ wal born ecror the aea.
With a glory in bis bweoin
That transfigure you and we.
As he ttroye to make bibi hoi"
Let in strive to mate them tree.
Since God is m.u chlug oa.
-Julia ward Howe.
Thi rionartment will be under the direction
t i M Tiiiimnatin. slate secretary. Short
items from Alliance on matters of treneral
inumt nnt-jiiini.R when diguuls have ariiten.
and any news bcarin, upon the great work of
our organization will be welcomed by the
iuiitnr Writu nlHiniv. on one Side of the
paper only, and address "All ane Depart
We would be triad to m-t Hems from every
county in the sute u cujdniou of the Ala
ance work.
There is no possibility of conception
of the wondrous lueebanicism of trie
human machine. That the body is
merely a machine, however, requires
no very extended proof. Few persons
but are now able to ay t hat it matters
not what disposition shall be made of
their bodies when th-y are through
with them. Why should one care if
it go into the fence corner with the
wornout mower, or lie in the turn row
with the broken plow. Clearly I am a
thing apart from this mtoiiinn. i run,
and 60me day I sha'l be tarough wi h
the machine then, why, I care not what
is done with it.
But yet it is truly a wonderful ma
chine. The physicitu who knows mi st
about it stands in awe be fire it. It
has no flaws but of our own making.
Each hinge and joint are perfect, it is
self-oiling and i-elf-ivpairing. While
the best locomotive .may render avail
able but 25 percent of the energy of
the coal, this machine represent.-, an
availability of 100 per cern on the fed
Indeed, what greater wonder can
"there be? And et there is a greater.
rWe firnrifrin tb4jptn(1 tnat i)Perat's
th machine. vvats a momentous
lesson to us farmeraj Our bodies mere
ly represent a capac ty j for so many
days of labor, amounting to three score
years and ten. Ttoa efficiency of that
labor depends upon lae 6K111 wun wmcn
we are able to direcjt our bodily efforts.
Can we find in thfc no ,; incentive, for
mutual consultation and assistance
such as the AUianc-a should afford?
The simpla cog-wheel answers the
definition of a machine as well as does
the harvester, but tJio former can do
very little alone, onfy when in co-operation
with all the other wheels can it
cut the grain, or witj: still further co
operation also bind it. f
We miss the lsso there is in this.
Wo can see that the bankers are so
united that they opqtnly; declare their
ability to defeat an y hostile legislation
hv thia union: wa observe ihe railroads
have traffic associations, east and
west; we note the exceeding strength
of the '-political machine,'' but we
" lose sight of the importance of our own
union. Every debt tr ust bo paid by la
bor, and when we sijt, this through to
the bottom, a mortgage is simply a
deed of ownership td ouf bodies an as
signment of our rirht to direct the la
bor of theee bodily machines to some
one else. Perhaps ; is just as well.
The assignment of 1he ' right implies
that the others ability to direct is
greater than our ow)i. The fault lies
in our allowing such p. thing to be pos
sible. If we could oji y see that time
for mental work, for1 comparing ideas
with our neighbors, for gaining higher
intelligence and thus wider power, is
as necessary as time ;tc plow or sow or
sleep or eat, designing men would; not
be able to obtain the! right to work us
as their machines, to run us by whole
sale or in "blocks of 3iveV'
The season for speoial'activity in Al
liance work is here again. The city
man has his club on every corner, and
here he meets his friend and finds new
thoughts and new jnethods for further
effort. Are farmers machines, only
without the capacity to co-operate, to
(plearn, in fine to rise to newer heights
and fuller life? j; 1
Oakdale, Neb , Nov. 21, 1892.
Editor Alliance Department:
Permit me throtifh ' your paper to
urge all alliance people throughout the
northern district of Jjjbraska to stand
firm by the principled of our grand and
noble order, which. jU the basis and
' strength of the great; reform movenent
that is now sweeping over our country,
and which will preserve the homes of
the people and liberty to mankind.
Every alliance man j should see to it
that his alliance is represented at the
next annual meeting jef the state alli
ance which is soon, to convene. This
should be the gathering of the strong,
true and tried men and t women of re
form, who love justice, truth and
humanity above everything else and
have the courage of tjielr convictions.
T ..4. . ..A 4.1.1.. An,!nra tiw(ii..i ... . f , V a
" crTandon and mnct. nVKln effort, on Olir
fm wimv a, uutA uivu avvsw ---.. - --
part, and for an advance movement all
along the line. The people everywhere
are now in conditiorl to receive the
truth if carefully andi thoughtfully pre
sented to them. With these grand
opportunities at hand let us meet the
demand and arise Withe God given
f privileges and acquit ourselves like nen.
' To this end let all duq3 he paid at once
and delegates elected for the above
meeting. Respectfully.
S. C. Fairchild,
Assistant .State Lecturer.
If this is worth the- spfleo please pub
lish with request that re)'rm papers in
northern district please Copy.
y 4 Yours,
: JJ S.C.F.
Ilesolutiok " Condolence.
The following are resolutions of con
dolence passed by Red Cliff Alliance No
1686, at a special meeting held at Greely
County, Nebraska, Njy. 21, 1892.
Whereat: It has pleased the Divine
Father to remove from the home of our
beloved brother W. RiReed, the belov-
t -
wife and mother. Therefore be it
katolvt; That this alliance extend
to the bereaved ones our heart feltym
athy an this their h ur of borrow, snd
be it further
Resulted. That the alliance has lot
a faithful and devoted member and the
community a true frit-nd, and while we
bow in submission to a higher will let
i8 in memory of the departed one strive
to be more fiithful in the discharge of
the duties devoloed on at as members of
the orJer and in all relations of life. Be
it further
Resolved, That a copy of these reso
lutions be sent to Brother lleed and
family, also a copy to The Alliance
Independent at" Lincoln for publica
tion, and a copy to the local papers of
the count v.
A E Knox,
a. E Karris.
B. V. Jeffers.
W. J. Karris.
Mrs. W. J. Karris.
Brashox. Neb., Nov. 21. 1S92.
Resolution of condolence by Spring-
valley Alliance No bl!.
Whereas it has pleased the Di
Providence to remove by death fr.Vi'
our midst our beloved brother and es
teemed neighbor, E. W. Ellis and
wherea his life's work has been for the
bettering of the human family and the
uplifting of mankind, having given
some of tle best years of his life in the
services of hiscoua'iy for the preserva
tion of the union and ever using his in
fluence to spread the glad tidings of the
gospel of salvation. Resolved while we
deeply mourn his deatfi, we extend to
tiis family our sympathies in this tntir
saddest bereavement an 1 that a copy of
these resolutions be published in THE
Alliance lxLEi'i:NDNT and a copy
furnished the family.
A. M. Johnson.
N. Bacmoakdner.
E. Banister. Pres.
The Kpitaph of the G. O. 1.
The Tribune, printed at Hoi ton, Kan
sas, says: "The republican paity is
dead. We say it without bitterne6fe,
without any partisan feeling, with
nothing but blessing for its grand work
of the past. I', was inaugurated as a
party of progress and in ttie interest of
humanity, it did the unc great work
of abo ishing slavery and then it be
came conservative and now it has re
ceived its death blow.
Lincoln Took t im otir.-K Out. of llltn.
"I had the distinguished honor tf,
be the companion of Abraham Lincoln
in one 01 his Hat-boating expeditions,"
said David (!. Stephens, one of the
pioneers of Illinois, who was spending
a few days in St. Louis.
"Furthermore the great martyr
President became my champion and
thrashed a man on my account, and
thrashed him good. I was a boj' of 15,
rather delicate, and my father, who
loved Lincoln as a Son. sent ine on
the trip with hitn, hoping that
roughing it would improve my
health. We had tied up one night at
a small landing where there was a tav
ern. A fellow who called himself the
bull of the woods.and who had several
snifters of corn juice under his belt,
came aboard looking for trouble. Lin
coln was lying down asleep on the
soft side of a pine plank with one
brawny arm for a pillow. I was wash
ing out a hickory shirt and the in
truder tried to souse my head into a
bucket of soapy water.
"Lincoln awoke and told him to let
me alone. He paid no attention to the
future great, but picked up the pail
and jammed it down over my head, al
most drowning me. When I got the
soapsuds out of my eyes sufficiently to
see Lincoln had him by the collar, was
holding him so that his toes just
touched the deck, and was planting
terrific kieks under his coat-tail with
his No. 11 cowhide boot. I visited
Lincoln at the WThite House shortly
after the outbreak of the war. He
presented me with a Captain's commis
sion, remarking: "The bull of th
woods has broke loose again."
Fixed for Life.
Mrs. Puggs How is your son get
ting along, Mrs. Muggs?
Mrs. Muggs Fine. He's making
money hand over fist, as a champion
bicycle rider.
"But what will he do when that fad
runs out?"
"By that time he expects to be
Dubledup so that he can travel aroundd
as a freak."
An Observlnc Vog.
Little oy My dog knows when
Sunday comes. Every week day he
frisks around, waitin' for me to go out
an' play with him, but on Sunday he
Minister That is very remarkable.
How do you suppose he can tell?
Little Boy 1 don't know, unless he
notices how gloomy everybody is.
A Rising Young; Man.
Mother Do you think that young
man who is calling to see our daughter
is industrious enough to make his liv
ing "
Father He's all right.
"Do you know him?"
"Then how do you know?"
"II g at the knees."
A I'IhuxIIjI Story.
Lady Why are you wandering
around the country, I should like to
know, instead of staying at home and
taking care of your family?
Tramp You see, mum, my wife had
a very good servant girl a regular
jewel, mum.
"That doesn't seem possible."
"There was never but one perfect
girl, and my wife had her, mum."
"Mercy! What a lucky woman!"
"Yes, mum, so my wife often said.
But, you see, mum, the girl didn't like
"She didn't?"
"No, mum. She said my wife would
have to discharge her or me, so she
discharged me."
"O, I see. Here's some money."
Con tin utd from 1st page.
to that point the alliance men present
were a good deal pleased with Yeaman,
but that was 100 much. His antimono
polv reputation collapsed at once.
Following this a young lady from
Iowa "spoke apiece." Then "Farmer"
Lunn who edits the Beet Sugar Enter
prise, published at Lincoln, came for
ward like a bashful boy and began talk
ing about sugar. It was the usual story:
So many tons to the acre, such a per
cent of sugar, so much per ton, aod big
money for the farmer. After he had
talked some three-quarters of an hour
the chairman rapped loudly and waken
ed up the members whereupon they
adjourned for supper.
In the evening Mrs. A. J. Sawyer of
L'ncoln read an excellent paper on
"Farming a realized alchemy." This
was one of the best and most sensible
things delivered at the conference.
- Then came a discussion of Yeaman's
address on transportation and agricul
ture. The only remarkable thing in
the discussion was that in this farmers'
congress four-fifths of the speeches
were on the side of the railroads and
against tV.e farmers. In fact if it hadn't
been for Calamity Weller of Iowa, and
McCarthy an honorary member from
Nebraska, it would have been unani
mous for the corporations. Most of the
speakers thought the farmers were get
ting on very well, especially if they at
tended to farming and kept out of poli
tics, and that they had better let the
railroads alone. The character of the
speeches may well be judged from the
btate Journal's commeuts:
"A more sensible and hopeful lot of
speeches, with the exception noted
above, have seldom been crowded into
one meeting."
The Nebraska delegation who were
named by Governor Thayer several
months ago were;
W. S. Delano, M. W. Mussloman,
Falls Citv; C. C. Turner, Ceresco: J. C.
F. McKesson, Emerald; Edward Mcln
tyre. Seward; John Jenen, Geneva; II.
E. Heath and John N. Glenn, Lincoln.
The committee on resolutions re
ported and the real work of the con
gress began. The first resolution ad
opted was one introduced by the Illinois
delegation. Just here it may be re
marked that the controlling men on the
Illinois delegation were an agricultural
editor from Quincy, another from
Chicago and two board of trade gamb
lers. They knew what they were there
for. The resolution provided for the
appointment of a "national board of
agriculture" to be appointed by this
farmers' congress, one member from
each state, and the principal business
of the board is to attend the sessions of
congress at Washington and speak for
the farmers of the United States. Good
sized scheme, isn't it? Think of such
a board speaking for the farmers of this
The next resolution was for good
cov.ntry roads, road improvement etc.
Every plug-hatted farmer present was
for the resolution with all his heart.
Calamity Weller wanted to amend' it
by having the government issue full
legal tender paper money $3 per capita
for seven years in succession to be used
in road improvement. It was voted
down of course. Then McCarthy of
Seward. Nebraska an honorary member
arose. He couldn't exactly understand
what this congress was for any way.
He didn't see why men who were so
well dressed, who looked like they'd
never done a day's'work in their lives,
should assume to represent the farmers
of this country. He thought the best
credentials a farmer could have were
rough calloused hands, and he didn't
think many members of this congress
Drought that kind of credentials (great
applause by actual farmers. )
Finally the good roads resolution was
adopted. The third resolution was one
severely condemning option dealing,
grain gambling, etc. The committee
reported against adopting it, because
they "had adopted one just like it last
year! It wasn't necessary to encumber
the records," etc. But old Farmer
Stubbs of Iowa, an old-line greenbacker,
saw through the scheme. He moved
to non-concur in the report. Then the
war began. Every farmer who wore a
plug hat and gold-rimmed spectacles
was up in arms to defend option deal
ing, and condemn ail legislation
against it. Not a solitary member
save Stubbs and Weller of Iowa, both
old-line greenbackers, had a word to
say against optiop dealing. One Smith
Caldwell of Nuckolls county, ex-oil in
spector of Nebraska, spoke strongly in
favor of option dealing and claimed to
represent the actual farmers of Ne
braska. Gilchrist, ex-secretary of the
board of transportation, seconded his
efforts. These are two-: of the rankest
railroad tools in Nebraska.
Finally the resolution went over to
The editor of The Alliance-Independent
asked permission to say a few
words which was granted. He said
that the men who had spoken did
not represent the farmers of Nebraska,
who were almost unanimous againt
option dealing. There was a suspicion
abroad that this congress does not truly
represent the farmers. To vote down
this anti-option resolution would simply
confirm that suspicion into a convic
tion. The resolution was then put to vote.
Twenty-four members voted to con
demn option dealing, and twenty-two
voted to support the committee. The
resolution was saved by two majority.
Of the members chosen as members of
the national board to represent the
farmers at Washington, more than tiro
thirds voted in favor of option dealing.
The next thing was an essay on roads
by Editor Stahl of Quincy, 111. He
had a pale, thin Y. M. C. A. appear
ance and a piping voice. He appealed
for good country roads in the name of
all the school children, fine horses,
farmers' wives and churches. He said
thousands of souls were damned
every year because bad roads kept peo
ple away from the mercy seat. He
thought the farmers would act more
wisely in improving the country roads
than in trying to get control of the
railroads and the finances of the nation.
(Applause). Public opinion should be
turned from railways to highways. He
took particular pains to score the
"farmers who want to pay their debts
lawfully but not honestly."
Then Editor Heath of the Nebraska
b armer came forward instead of Mr,
D lai o (who had a bad cold) md read
another long -say on "Roads." covet
in pretty much the same ground as
ine other.
Then was introduced Colonel Diniel
Needhamof Boston. If judged by his
appearance Col. Needham should be stt
down as a cross between a city preacher
and an English dude. He has an ele
gant siik tile and a beautiful pair of
burnsides. He Is a millionaire manu
facturer of Boston. His only claim
to be called a tiller of the soil,
so far as could be ascertainel, was that
a great many years ago his grand father
raised a patch of baked b -ans on the
sunny side of Bunker Hill. He gave
the conres an exaggerated 4th of July
speech, and ended up with a defense of
the "credit strengthening act" "re
sumption of specie payment" etc.
At the evening session Prof. Fur
nold of Maine told some very interest
ing facts about "Science and Agricul
ture." Then the Oklahoma member
gave his adopted territory a great
send-off. Finally L. P. Weller was in
troduced. He is one of the old green
back warhorses who servedna term in
congress ten years ago. He is known
the world over as "Calamity" Weller.
He talked on "Money." A majority of
those present never heard so much
truth in such a short time before. How
he did pour hot shot into the Wall
street crew! He handled the question
with a master hand. The silk
hat fellows tried to confuse
him but they were discomfited
at everv turn. The old man
kept them till nearly midnight listenirg
to his unanswerable logic.
To give a detailed account of the last
day s work would be tedious and use
Resolutions were adopted (1) asking
consrres to amend the interstate com
merce law and enlarge the powers of
the commission; (2) Encouraging scien
tific agricultural work in colleges and
universities: CI) Declaring that this
congress has no connection with the
Farmers' Alliance or any such organi
zation, (4) Urging states to make a
good display at the World's fair; (5)
Asking that toe World's fair be opened
on Sunday': (C) ravonng government
aid to irrigation in the west.
A resolution opposing the issuance of
bonds for road improvement was laid on
the tab e.
A resolution favoring government
ownership of railroads and telegraph
was laid over till next mntma.
Calamity Weller offered a resolution
that hereafter at least two-thirds of
the members of the farmers' congress
should be farmers. teas rotea aoun.
It was decided to hold the next meet
ing at Savannah. Georgia.
Finally about neon of Thursday the
24. this Farmers' co lgress unanimously
passed a resolution that reflected great
credit on the body to adjourn sine die.
Thus ended tl e greatest farce in the
name of a farmers' meeting ihit Neb
raska has ever seen, and let up hope
the only one of the kind she will ever
The White House Again the Scene of
Deep Mourning.
Washington, Nov. 30. The shadow
of death was over the Executive man
sion again to-day and the president
and his family spent nearly the
entire day at the bedside of Dr.
Scott, the president's venerable father-in-law,
awaiting the close of life,
which, owing to the unexpected vi
tality displayed by the invalid, did
not occur as soon as was anticipated.
Populist Will Dance.
Topeka, Kan., Nov. 30. The state
house gossips have decided that the
People's party will give a "house
warming" in the north wing of the
capitol building, which has just
been completed, and the cor
ridor of which is just the
place for an inaugural ball.
Governor-elect Lewelling is contem
plating moving his family to Topeka
during his term and an inaugural
ball will be the very thing to intro
duce them to the 400, provided the
committee on invitations is properly
chosen. It is hinted that all Repub
lican state officials are to be boycotted
when the invitations for the ball are
given out.
Took a Short Cut.
MADisox.Neb., Nov. 30. Monday at
noon Ambrose Malone and Rindgelej
Wagner were drowned. They at
tempted to take a short cut to th
Bchoolhouse by crossing a stream on
the ice to avoid being late at school
and broke through. The bodies were
recovered within An hour.
Drank an Ounce.
David City, Neb., Nov. 30. Yes
terday afternoon while the family of L.
II. Hinds, who lives about three miles
from town- were visiting at a neigh
bor's, their three-year-old child got
possession of a bottle containing a
solution of morphine and carbolic acid
and drank about an ounce. Medical
assistance was summoned at once, but
arrived too late, as the child died in
about two hours.
Frank Hnrrington Dead.
Kearney, Neb., Nov. 30. Francis
Harrington, son of J. S. Harrington,
committed suicide yesterday morning
by shooting himself through the heart
while sitting on the edge of his bed.
He was a young man, twenty-six yeare
old and despair over a love affair,
together with business troubles, is
supposed to have been the cause. He
died instantly and left no word.
Bulldozed Nine Times.
A wealthy gentleman of Broken Bow
got nine sets t f teeth made, all worth
ies', and finally camo to Lincoln to try
aain and was introduced to try Dr.
Burris. 1208 O street, who takes all
difficult cases. Mr. F. had received a
blow on the side of the face with a crow
bar which had deformed the upper jaw
(maxilera bone). Dr. Burris made him
a fine fit! He can now nip the turkey
with the greatest of pleasure!
An Elegant Souvenir.
"The Western Resort Book," a finely
illustrated publication descriptive of all
the western resorts along the line of the
ITiion Pacific System. Sent free upon
receipt of 60 in stamps. Address
J. T. Mastin, C. T. A., 1044 O St.,
E. B. Slosson, Gen. Agt,
Lincoln, Neb.
")G piece tea sot $3.49 100 piece dinner set $10.
L'3 in. Bisque Doll 20 j 30 inch Bisque Doll 40
Large Bisque Doll head 10 cents.
A thousand other bargains too numerous to mention at
Trees, Plants, Ornamental Trees, Shrubs Evergreens"
jEj&V?$r. Large Stock of Best Old and New sorts of Strawberry Plants.
ForrKt TrM for ritilm. at Low Prices. Write for SPECIAL prices on large orders. E
tabllnhed iu 18Hi Seud (or price list to NOBIU Bfc-MJ NGKNUK1E8,
North Brad. Dmlire Coaatr. Kebraaka.
Frorn the Saw to theBuifdipg Direct.
j.t.johnson. Farmers Alliance Men Please take Notice. .
wholesale Complete Bills for Houses and Barns a Specialty
RETAIL Writp 11s for Delivered Prinps. tffm
dOPPSOT UU1VIBER GOWPANYa Offict 1001 0 St. Lincoln. Ntl
Write us for bill of LUMBER fer your houae and bam, delivered at your station. By
dealing Direct with Va we can save you 15 per cent,
Thamped'flla Tradacer.
El Reno, Ok., Nov. 30. W. R. Kirk
patrick was considerably disfigured
ys prday afternoon in an encounter
with Captain Levey of the town site
board, who had, it is alleged, been
helping the cause of the Oklahoma
Homestead and Town company of
which es-Governor Crittenden of Mis
souri is president and George V. Glick
of Kansas, vice president. Levey ac
cused Kirkpatrick of circulating1 sto
ries against him. Kirkpatrick, who
was eeated, denied this and Levey
struck him twice before he could be
stopped. Levey was fined.
Mr. Harrison May Write a Book.
Indianapolis, Ind., Nor. 30. It is
reported that after March 4 next
President Harrison will return
here and renew his law partner
ship with Miller, Elam and Winters !
but he will appear in court only on
cases of great importance. He pro
poses to visit Europe to study economic
conditions with a view to writing a
book on the American tariff.
No Keasouable Exciine.
First Little Boy How did you break
your arm?"
Second Little Boy Fell oft a chest
nut treo.
"Was you playin' hooky?"
'Was it on Sunday?"
"Huh! You must be awfully awk
ward." Light Brahma fowls for sale as good
as the best $4.00 per trio. $2.50 for
single cockerel.' Nothing but first class
birds shipped .Send order at once. Safe
arrival 'guaranteed. Rosa D Hand.
Wahoo, Nebr.,
For Sale.
Lord Lambert English Hackney
stallion, winner of first prize at Lincoln
state fair 1890, and Imported Shire Stal
lion Stonf.henge, now owned by the
Greenwood Horse Co., Greenwood, Ne
braska. Will sell cheap or exchange
for land or live stock. Address,
C. D. Curyea, Sec'y,
Greenwood, Neb.
Nebraska SavingsBank
13 and O St., Lincoln.
Capital $250,000.
Write Us and We will Prove it.
Five per cent Interest on savings accounts.
Special rutes on time deposits.
Write us or cail for nest vest pocket memo
randum book.
J. G. Southwick, E. R. TlNOl.KT
President. Cashier.
For Information and free ITandbook write to
Ml" N.N A CX., '.l Bkoadwat, New York.
Oldest bureau for securing patents In America.
Kvery patent tRken out by us is brought before
the public, by a notice given free of charge in the
cittttific American
Largest circulation of any scientific paper In the
world. Splendidly illustrated. No intelligent
man should be without It. Weekly. 93.09 a
year; f 1.60 six months. Address MUNN A CO.,
tmuaxKS, 361 Broadway, flew York City.
4 Scientific American
r am r
W. C. T. U.
138 S 12th St., Lincoln.
MEALS 25o.
First class table and attendance.
Lunches at all hours. 80tf
L. A. BELTZER, Mg'r.
Send in orders for spring. Agents wanted.
Osceola, : : : Nebraska.
The leading reform paper
of the west. It advocates
the principles of the Peo
ple's Party. It exposes
fraud and corruption. It
voices the rights of the
toiling masses.
The Alliance-Independent
will fee better than
ever. Many improve
ments will be made. It
will contain more general
news; more choice miscel
laneous matter, stcries,
etc. But its greatest fea
ture for the coming winter
will be its
The coming session of the
Legislature is sure to be
marked with exciting
scenes and incidents, and
matters of great pith and
moment will transpire.
The Alliance-Independent
will give full and
fair reports of all these
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