The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, December 01, 1892, Image 1

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.- 7
i f-! 1 T I ir . .
j, )&i:uuoi larasars uougTofiS AietU in
U ffoipla Coatrolled by Wall
(a) Street Fanners and Dndes.
r . n Dealing: Ooenlv Defended Road
Improvement the Only Reform
-"Calamity" Weller Makes a Great Speech
on Money 1 he Congress Sits
Down Hard on All Calam- 1
ity Howlers. j
brief Account of the Meeting.
The farmers of the United States are
i 'certainly rising in the world. They are
jf being recognized 89 a political factor.
Why only a short time ago, the office
1 of Secretary of agriculture was created
and Uncle Jerry Rusk appointed to fill
j it. And Wall street was kind enough
to permit this without protest. And
why noi? Certainly so long as Wall
street has the president, and the secre
tary of the treasury, it should not ob
ject to the farmers having Uncle Jerry
in the cabinet to collect statistics, dis
tribute garden seeds, and quarrel with
DtlBillings about hog cholera germs.
Cut this is not all by any means: The
farmers now have a congress. Just
how they got it, whether it was dis
covered or invented and if so by whom,
' 1 4. . . r..Hmr.M in inn KMUQnrl
rl what, it ia for. is' as Lord
w)undreary would say, "one of those
1 things which no fellow can find out."
f But the farmers have got a congress,
that's certain, for it met in Lincoln last
'we.kjjr And as far as we have heard no
r. Infections have" been rsiser4-b the gold
Aues and protected manufacturers of
tkrest. In fact they all seem very much
Jleased that the farmers should have a
ingress of their own. The other fel
lows have a congress that meets at
f Wiington every winter to look after
ivflMntere6ts, and so long as the farm
I don't Interfere with their congress,
sse gold-bugs,, tariff -barons, and rail-
ijfeiyad kings will encourage the farmers
.Miave a congress oi meir owu. m
jleed the railroads have shown their
lympatby by transporting many of the
teadinar members hundreds of miles
'free gratis." And the gold-bugs,
manufacturers, grain gamblers and
t i ji i i
railroad Kings an snowea meir Durning
interest in the farmers by sending some
01 their friends, nice slick talkers, to
loll the farmers what a grand and
jjljftnous business thejy were in, what a
M-nderful, aflu'pf osperous country this
is, and urge them to reform the only
thing that meeds reforming In the
nation thi country roads'. Surely the
Tanner's ftture is before him; he is
coming man!
i But about this meeting. About
t) ye 'igori? was announced that the
Ml farmers' congress had docidod to hold
its next meeting In Lincoln. But the
people had forgotten pretty much all
about it, especially the farmers. You
see it is such a well regulated, self
adjusting affair that it doesn't require
a particle of attention on the part of
- V fnmvinwi Ta MnAvmta in nlnnt i it
' salaries to pay. The governor of each
- state kindly elects .one member from
i each congressional district, and he usu-
. ally selects Fellows to whom the ex
pense is a snail matter. Then all in
the world tie farmer has to do is to
. W attend the meetings and let his bosom
swell with rj'ide and patriotism
So the matting at Lincoln had to be
announced aid heralded a good deal by
the news-papers, especially the republi
tan papers Jho were particular to say
that this confess was a "non-partisan"
affair. Fearing the farmers wouldn't
hear of it, (for most of them have quit
reading the republican papers) Hon,
ex-Governor R. W. Furnas, Secretary-
of-agriculture-at-large for Nebraska
f gent out special invitations to a large
number of farmers asking them to at
tend as honorary members. He even
'.. included several alliance men.
So on the appointed day November 22,
at 10 o'clock in the morning, the con-
gress met. There were delegates pres-
V ent as follows: Illinois 8, Iowa 13, Kan
ifji ssas 5, Nebraska 8, Maine 2, Massachus
ftl ?tts 1, Rhode Island 1, Georgia 1, Okla
f ihoma 1, Colorado 1. There were also
Jf 4 number of visitors present, and about
! ,fcwo dozen honorary members who could
make remarks ut had no right to vote.
;lj What the congress lacked in num
bers, was made up by the polish and
dignity of its leading members. Most
at them wore the finest dress suits,
jshining plug hats, an air of superlative
dignity, and had "Hon." neatly' tacked
on to the front end of their names.
There were some actual farmers
present. We are willing to vouch for
.that. We found one in the Illinois
delegation: the delegate from Colorado
was a farmer; several of the Iowa men
were farmers, and most of Nebraska's
delegates were actual farmers of the
li "nnn-nart.tfcftn" vnvtatv.
r . " I . ...
kO6 president of the congross is the
(JfeiFberX. W. Smith, governor of Kansas,
it ieterrniffint'present. So far as could
Therefore vi no waa BUffering from a
.tnnlnvona Yd 7
aeration le of Political collapse which
Mir& 'iM . it"1 mm
occurred November 8. The vice-presi
dent, Hon. D. G. Purse of Savannah,
Georgia, called the meeting to order.
He is a short chunky man with a very
bald head, a benevolent forehead, and
an air of the most supreme dignity and
self-satisfaction. His farming is
mostly of a political character, al
though it was rumored that he owus a
plantation. After Col. Purse had
made a few remarks, Rev. G. W. Crofts
of Beatrice offered prayer. Then the
University band played, a medley.
Then Governor Boyd was introduced,
and delivered a very glowing address
of welcome. He regarded the farmers
as the strength and bulwark of the
nation. He said the tiller of the soil
was the prime influence in elevating
us as a nation to the proud destiny and
splendor. He then went back to the
days of Adam and Noah when agricul -
Romans, and finally got back to Ne-
braskTTalTaiii. r -Xh followin
g are his
remarks on
And I may say Votfrou, that while Ne
braska is yet a youWf state, with thous
sands of acres of soil yet unbroken and
unturned by man, jits magnitude, it
productive capacity! Its marvelous re
sources are bejond lie appreciation of
even those who people Its vast expanse.
Within the boundaries of this state
there are 48,758, 400jacres of which 34.
000,000 acres yet rlmain unimproved;
and of this vast arei 11,000,000 still be
long to the public drmain and yet ac
cessible to those vrhQ desire to avail
themselves of the tuition's bounty. The
value of land under) Cultivation at the
low estimate of $15 Ter acred is $210,
000,000, while the land uncultivated at
the low estimate of 13 per acre approxi
mates $100,000,000.(1 I
But the greatest: surprise comes ia
studying the magnitude of its farm
products. In the year8 1891 the farmers
of Nebraska raised. 1251,895,996 bushels
of corn, the value lot which approxi
mated $50,000,000. jln 1891 only threH
states exceeded this In the same year
they raised 10.571,C59 busheb of wheat,
valued at $6,000,000r 43.843,640 bushels
of oats valued at $11,000,000; and of
rye, barley, potatoes and hay, a proper
ty whose value was' $10,000,000. In all
gentlemen, showing a total value of
farm output amounting to $77,000,000.
The department I of .j agriculture, for
the year 1891, furnishes the following
figures in rouad ounr.bers, regarding
the value of our faytn animals: Horses
and mules, $40,000,000; cattle $37,000,000
hogs, $13,000,000; sheep $709,000; a total
of over $90,000,000. j These might be re
garded as stupendous , results for any
state, but especially so for Nebraska,
when it is recalled tiat less than one-
third of its territory is - under cultiva
tion, and but a short spell ago it was
comparatively unknown. And for this
reason I do not wish you to consider me
vain when I say, toyou representatives
of other vast and (fertile empires of
land, that our beloted state claims an
equal honor with your own to share in
the nations splendid crown.
In the senate halt at the other end of
this building you find a unique dis
play of the agricultural products of Ne
braska; of creals and grasses, native and
cultivated, goods manufactured from its
products, notably, beet sugar, chicorv.
oils, binding twine f Nebraska tanned
and manufactured leather goods; also a
handsome floral display, to which your
inspection is invitejej. i
Governor Boyd then touched on some
needed reforms in 4 'distant "non-partisan"
sort of away.JjHe was 'evidently
laboring under a misapprehension. He
seemed to think thtj congress had met
to discuss economic problems and de-
mand reforms.
was evidently
judging from his 01
1 experience
ask a, for he
the farmers of Nel
gested that the iaj
s governing
mon carriers need!
id reforming;
:od thing for
tbe tariff wasn't a
tern farmers, and
the consumer
Daid the tariff, as well as the over
charge on the railroads, etc. He
then finished his address in the foilow-
ng words: j j
"I have no doubt that all such fea
tures of our national economy will re
ceive your Intelligent consideration. I
am pleased to note also, the thoroughly
non-partisan spirit! in which you are
assembled to deliberate upon them.
A national congtfass of farmers aloof
and above political sentiment and de
sire of political si'ccess seems some
what anamalous at "this time, when a
party, whose flag W the interest of the
farmer, has made ihich a showing of
strength and importance in our na
tional unairs. iiutil say to you, this
anomaly is very weliome just the same.
In behalf of the people of the state, let
me again say, you ate welcome."
Tl I - - 1 Al 1- 1
lb is a suggestive; tuouga paimui
fact that Governor jBoyd mistook the
character of that congress. It didn't
even come up to hii ideas of reform.
Hon. Pope Yeamaa Of Missouri then
responded to Goftxnor Boyd in a
labored and very dignified way. He
spoke of farming as the "high God
oidiined occupation of tilling the soil,"
relerred to the "marvelous develop
ment of th8 great west," and the
"world conquering civilization of the
United States."
This Hon. Yeamans is the gentleman
who worked with U. S. Hall of Mis
souri last year in the effort to split the
southern alliance by getting up on
anti-subtreasury convention.
Mayor Weir was next introduced.
He welcomed the congress to Lincoln
"the best city on the continent." He
"The city is yours. The locks are
broken. The gates are otf their hinges
and stand wide open. Not a key will
be turned on anything an J, in the
language of the classic, "if you don't
see what you want, ask for it," aud you
' wil1 fiQd our resources equal to almost
socially from
the university to the
If there is one element in our country
that lies at the very foundation of ail
our prosperity, it is found in the farmer
class. One of the first lessons my
father taught me was that when the
farmer was prosperous everybody was
prosperous. When the farmer was
struggling with hard times, business of
every kind was depressed. And I have
found these sayings to be oracles in my
own experience. Hence, I believe
every effort to develop the farmers' in
terests, is an effort in the direction of
the entire country's best welfare,"
Rev. W. F. Crofts of Beatrice then
came forward and read a very Lice
welcome in poetry which started out as
Hull benefactors of our race,
Of brain and brawn and honest face,
. for you my harp I gladly string,
And Join this hearty welcoming.
Then Farmer C. A. Atkinson, secre
tary of Lincoln's board of trade, last of
the welcomers gave Lincoln as big a
boom as he could. He thought farming
was the "basis of every other industry,
and the farmers were the bone and
sinew of the nation." He said it took
some brains and energy to farm. "The
man who whittles dry goods boxes,
prates about politics, and spends most
of his time in telling how the whole
country should be run, never succeeds
at farming." He evidently intended
this as a delicate compliment to the
alliance men present, and it was re
ceived with applause by the fellows
who wore the plug hats. After show
ing some ears of self-pipping corn, Mr.
Atkinson subsided.
Col. Daniel Needhatn of Boston re
sponded. He will bo described farther
on. He gave his imagination and
eloquence full scope in describing the
greatness of this country all of which
he attributed to the farmers.
It took all forenoon for these "repre.
sentative farmers" to get through wel
coming and being welcomed, and ex
patiating on tne wonderful progress
and development of this country, and
the great dignity of farming.
All this time the alliance farmers pres
ent sar. there with eyes and mouths
open taking it all in. Their bosoms
didn't heave with gratitude to any
alarming extent. They looked like
country boys listening to a fairy st jry
or a myth.
A committee of one from each state
was appointed on resolutions. A
number of resolutions were presented,
and then Hon. Pope Yeamans of anti
subtreasury fame was introduced to
read a paper oa the "Inter-dependence
of a Agriculture and Transportation."
He said all industries depend on one
another to a certain extent, and this is
especially true of agriculture and
transportation. He thought agricul
ture was the more independent of the
two for farmers could get along after a
fashion without the railroads, but the
railroads couldn't well get along if they
didn't have farm products to carry.
Under such circumstances he didn't
see why agriculture should bo made
subservient to the corporations. He
referred to railroad discrimination,
corruption or legislatures, etc. Pro
ducers are struggling to make ends
meet and there must be something out
of joint in this country. .Capital invested
in farming is paying only one per cent,
while capital engaged in manufactur
ing is making an average of eleven per
Mr. Yeamans went on at some length
with very good anti-monopoly talW.
Several Nebraska railroad tools look
ed very glua while the old man wan
talking against the roads, but he soon
put them all in good hutnor by showing
that his reform ideas were toothless.
He was opposed to government owner
ship of railroads. It was too ridiculous
to consider. (A Jplause.) Finally he canae
to the solutif .v'of the railroad problem,
and it was''-; 'water navigation, im
provement o'j 'rivers and harbors." Up
A Favorable Committee Selected to Pat
I'poa I)e KotliHrliiliU' I'ruillion
The 1'Ian of I'reHiUeut Levi and
I'roftiHor Noetlcr Alo to lie
Coiiildereil Amrrlran Del
egates Kiic-ouraifed.
Brussels, Nov. 30. The committee
appointed by the international mone
tary conference to consider the pro
posals of Alfred de Rothschild, which
were presented to the conference yes
terday, is made up as follows: Sir C.
Freemantle.Great Kritain; Sir Guilford
L. Moleswortb,lndia:IIenry W.Cannon,
United States M. de Foville, Frauee;
Signor Sianolti, Italy; C. F. Tietjen,
Denmark; N.'l'. van der Bsrg, Neth
erlands; Hans L. Torsell, Sweden and
Norway; Senor Osina, Spain;, M.
Cramer Neeey, Switzerland; M. Sain
etletto, Belgium, and M. Uaffalovitch,
Russia. Alfred de Rothschild. Great
Britain, and M. Moutetiore Levi, presi
dent of the conference, are ex-oflicio
members of the committee. The com
mittee will also consider the plans
suggested by M. Levi and Erof, AdolpU
The plan of Mr. de Roth ild is, in
brief, that a syndicate of e nations
be formed to make yearly purchases
of silver to the amount of 5,00,000
poTmds sterling, and that America
continue her pui'chases of silver as at
present In the event of the price of
silver risiu .ove 41d per ounce, the
purchases are to be at once suspended.
Prof. Soetber's plan is to establish
one gramme of fine gold as the inter
national unit of value and to stop the
minting of coins containing less than
5.80(35 grammes of pure gold worth
about $H. The circulation of coin of
foreign countries of less than this
standard will be prohibited by the
countries signing the agreement and
Sold coin of inferior value will
be withdrawn within five
years. Private individuals will be al
lowed to coin gold on the pavment of
an agreed seigniorage. Gn'd certifi
cates may be issued against mid held
in reserve. The coinage
the proportion of twenty
of that metal to one of g
but private individuals v.
lowed free coinage of si"
Of the committee tha'
the proposals five rncmb..
. . silver in
'"lits value
''I is included
.. not be al
r. vill consider
j are avowed
bimetallists, six monnmetal lists and
one doubtful. The com.iiittcu will sit
twice each day.
The American delegates have strong
reasons to be satisfied with the recog
nition by the advocates of monomet
allism of the seriousness of the dan
gers arising from a further fall in
silver. They are disposed to support
M. de Rothschild's proposals on the
principle that half a loaf is better
than no bread.
The American delegates believe that
the continuous absorption of 30,000,
000 ounces of silver by Europe would
bring about artificially a condition of
the silver market which international
bimetallism could establish perma
nently and scientifically.
Th delegates are combining some
pleasure with their work, the inter
change of dinners proceeding almost
nightly. At the conclusion of the con
ference the burgomaster contemplates
Civing a grand municipal ball in honor
of the delegates.
They Decide to Have Increased
Pay or
Go On a Strike.
St. Joski'H, Mo., Nov. 30. The com
mittee of the Order of Railway
Telegraphers which had been for two
weeks working on a schedule of wages
for Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific
employes, completed its work yester
day and left last night for Chicago to
present the schedule to the heads
of the road. It calls for a mini
mum of $45 per month on both main
line and branches and for an increase
of from 85 to $15 per month for all men
now receiving $45 or over. In all
oftices where but one operator is em
ployed and when he is compelled to do
extra work, pa is asked "for at tho
rate per hour as is paid for regular
work. For extra work done at night
they ask one and oue-third the scale
paid for day work.
In case the request of the committee
of telegraphers is not granted arrange
ments have been completed to order a
strike over the entire Bock IslancJ
Restricted Immigration Proposed.
New York, Nov. 30. An evening
paper says that the senate, immigra
tion committee has passed a resolution
that congress be asked to restrict im
niigration to this country from March
1, H'jX
Wna He I'oieoned?
David Citv, Neb., Nov. SO. A jury
in the Armagost poisoning case has
been secured after occupying the time
of the court for four days and exhaust
ing the regular pantl aud special
venires of 180 names. The only wit
ness put on the stand so far is Dr. A.
J. Chamberlain of Ulysses, who at
tended Mr. Roberts during his last ill
ness. He was called February 20,
1887, and diagnosed the case as a bil
ious attack. Mrs. Roberts expressed
the opinion that bor husband would
not recover. Tho patient was suffer
ing from pains in tbe bowels, head
ache and pain In the right side. The
doctor left the medicine usual for such
cases and returned the next day. He
was surprised that they had not had
the desired elTect. He found the
patient suffering from impaction
of the bowels, and, as he thought,
bilious colic. The doctor described
the symptons produced by arpenical
poison and said they were the symp
toms of tho case of A. J. Roberts. He
had inquired particularly t the time
of the second visit in reg rd to what
the patient had been eating, and at
the time Mrs. Roberts told him that
hci husband had eaten a large quan
tity of cabbage a few days before; that
he had on former occasions had eick
spells similar to this from eating cab
bage and that the doctors had told him
that if he ever ate cabbage again it
would kill him. Mrs. Roberta was
the only person to whom directions for
giving medicines prescribed were,
The time of the court was taken up
this forenoon in proving the death and
burial of the victim, the identification
of the grave and the testimony of Cor
oner Roys in regard to exhuming the
body and delivering certain parts to
Prof. Mueller for analysis. The after
noon wr.3 taken up by the expert tea
timony of Prof. MarUn Mueller, who
made the chemical, analysis of the
parts. He described tbe manner of
making the analysis and said over a
grain of white arsenic was found in tbe
parts tested.
Badly Hurt.
UMAHA, isov. 30. K. S. Hart, a
brakeman on the Union Pacific, met
with an accident that came near re
sulting very seriously for him. He
was on a stock train between Omaha
and South Omaha, when something
about the brake under one of the cars
got out of order. He stooped down
and stuck his head out at the side of
the car to make an investigation. Just
as he rajsed hU her.d a switch lever
struck him and knocked him headlong
fiom the train. He was picked up
unconscious and brought to his home,
1707 Sixth avenue. A huge gash had
been cut in the back of his head, and
had to be sewed up. His injuries are
not considered dangerous.
Burglary and Fir a.
Verdigree, Neb., Nov. 30. A dis
astrous fire occurred here at 3 o'clock
yesterday morning, destrying tho gen
eral store of Pavlik & Beran, J. K.
Schmidt's hardware and furniture
store. Vac Jedlicka's store building
and the central hotel. The losses were
as follows: Pavlik & Beran, $6,000,
insurance, $3,000; Schmid's. $2,000,
insurance, $1,000; Jedlicka, $700, in
surance, $500; Central hotel, $2,500,
insurance. $1,500. Burglars cracked
Palik & Beran's safe, securing $75, and
fired the building to cover their tracks,
the fire spreading to adjoining build
ings. All the buildings and stocks
were insured in the Home Fire of
George Gets a Whipping.
Omaha, Nov. 80. Miss Lottie
Shields, a well known young lady,
created something of a sensation about
6 o'clock last evening by calling George
M. Winkleman, a clerk in the First
National bank, outside the counting
room and giving him an artistic whip
ping with a nice new buggy whip, ac
companying her actions with a torrent
of burning words. Winkleman had
been engaged to the young lady, but
had jilted her for another.
McCook In It.
McCook. Neb., Nov. 30. The
merchant tailoring establishment of
H. Kapke was burglarized last night,
goods to tbe amount of over $100 being
stolen, and included an overcoat and
a number of suitings. A young man
by the name of Allen Rice has been
arrested on suspicion and is now con
fined in the city jail. He is the indi
vidual who figured in the robbery of a
way car a few mouths since and broke
ThkAlliance-Indepesoent from
now till January 1, 1S94, for only $1.00.
Subscribe now. .
The Family of William Crawley Stricken
hy Arsenical Poisoning One Child
Already Dead and the Father Not
Expected to Live Other Mem
bers of the Family 111
.Much Excitement
Ixdianapolis, Ind., Nov. 30. There
is much excitement at Liberty, Ind.,
over a poisoning case that has already
resulted in one death and will prob
ably result in at least one more. Some
weeks ago William Crawley, with his
wife and 6-year-old son, was taken
suddenly ilL Two weeks later the
child died.
The sickness of the family was diag
nosed by attendant physicians as due
to arsenical poisoning. Two weeks
ago Crawley and his wife were again
stricken and Crawley is now lying at
the point of death. The first poison
ing came from tbo drinking water, the
second from bread eaten by Crawley
and his wife. Others who ate of the
bread were also taken sick, bat not
dangerously. A portion of this bread
has been analyzed aod was found to
contain a large amount of arsenic.
The body of the child will be exhumed
for further investigation.
Held I'p a Policeman.
CmcAoo, Nov. 30. Details of police
are scouring the country and suburbs
southwest ii the city for two masked
highwaymen, who are matting the res
idents of Riverside, Berwin, Haw
thorne, Lyons and Clyde feel very un
comfortable. The boldest piece of
work charged to this gang is the hold
ing up and robbing of Policeman
Keefe, of Cicero. He was relieved of
all his small change and his pistL
William Dalton Kills a Deputy Marshall.
Muskogee, Ok., Nov. 3 0. Word
comes that William Dalton, a brother
of the notorious bandits, shot and
killed Deputy Marshal Chapman in a
quarrel yesterday. The shooting oc
curred about forty miles west of here.
The trouble grew out of a dispute
over a horse Emmet Dalton had
bought, or claimed to have bought,
from Chapman before tho Coffeyvillo
Arrested on the Strength of a Dream.'
St. Locis, Mo., Jyov.30. The police
have arrested George Demand, sus
pected of being the mui'derer of Josie
Simmons on October 11 last A peculiar
feature of the arrest is that Demand
was arrested at the instance of August
Wossman, the lover of the murdered
girl, who told the police he had
dreamed Demand was the murderer.
Shot Two Negroes.
Marshall, Mo., Nov. At Arrow
Rock, Saturday night, Elias Shannon,
a young man, shot two negroes, Will
and Harvey Parker, with a shotgun.
seriously and probably fatally wound
ing the former. The cause of the
trouble is nOl linown.
Senators Perkins and Hlgglns Not In Faror
of Ousting tits Intruders.
Guthrie, Ok., Nov. DO. Senators
Perkins of Kansas, and Iliggins of
Delaware, spent yesterday in Guthrie.
They are members of a special senate
committee to investigate the Cherokee
intruder question and come from the
Cherokee capital here.
They feel that it would be unwise
for congress to comply with the de
mauds of the Cherokees for the re
moval of the 7,000 intruders, many of
whom have been there for twenty
years, from that nation, and think the
stipulation to that effect in the Chero
kee strip treaty will be stricken out
This will necessitate the referringof
the treaty back to the Cherokee coun
cil. Senator Perkins says, however,
that both houses of congress will un
doubtedly ratify the treaty very early
in the coming session, with this single
espceptjon, and the Cherokees will then
act in time for the land to be opened .
early in the spring.
Wreck on the Missouri Pacific.
Rich Hill, Ma, Nov. 30 At 1
o'clock yesterday morning a serious
freight wreck occurred on the Missouri
Pacific railway, ten miles south of
here. A freight train was running
south in two sections. The first sec
tion broke in two and the second sec
tion, which was running at a high
rate of speed, crashed into it tele
scoping five cars and completely
wrecking them as well as the engine
of the second section. The men who
were in the caboose of the first sec
tion jumped and escaped serious in
juries, but Fireman Turner, of the
second section, was badly hurt
Ghastly Find at Pittsburg.
Pittsburg, Kan., Nov. ao. The body
of a dead and badly decomposed man'
was accidentally found by some boys
who were out on a hunting trip about
three miles from this city. The man Vfis
about 70 years of age and rather neav
ly dressed. There was blood on his
shirt and overcoat By his side were
found an empty bottle, two knives and
several other things. On searching
the pockets nothing was discovered to
lead to his identity. It is a very mys
terious affair. The coroner is investi
gating. Killed by Poisonous Berries.
Gcthrie, Ok., Nov. 3 0. The three
children of a farmer named Landes,
living twenty miles north of here,
went hunting blackhaws on Saturday,
and ate a number of other strange
berries which they found on vines.
All were taken very sick and two of
them died yesterday. The third child
is very low, but may recover.
Wants to Be Labor Commissioner.
Jefferson' City, Ma, Nov. 30. Hon
Albert W. Florea, of Nodaway county,
isinthecity. He has announced to
his friends that he will be an appli
cant for commissioner of labor statis
tics under Governor-elect Stone.
(Con'-tnued on 'th page )
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