r 41 " ' I1 . V u .. . v "T fHKERTOXS SCOREL' THREE DARK CRIMES 1. FENSE OF HOMESTEAD MUR AN EPIDEMIC Or DARK TRACE DIES IN THE NORTHWEST, DER TRIALS OPENED. IE OF. DEFENSE HIPPED ODI. A FATHERS TERBIBLB DEED. . t n m 'I V I I 1 Attorneys for the Accused Indulj A Milwaukee Bookkeeper KUU Ilto VtlTa, HI Child aad Ifinueir A Cbieagoaa Trie to AnnihUate Ilia Family . Three Victim of Jealousy la )liiiuota A Mother Kill J Her Children. . ' 1 In Very rialu Lang-oaKe The Advent of tha Detectives Treated as an Armed Invasion of a Hostile Force Carnegie and Frick Censured. lllltl "Ill r.H" t t .1 - a'' 2 iillJVy 1 Jr. I i . . mt- ... . t jFf 1 I i - u 4-1 1 - U A"r 1 Ifl II lv .11 j- i si I ft PlTTSBuno, Pa., Nor. 22. John Mai s' was the first witness called in the Atchlow Homestead riot case to-day nd testified that he saw the defend t on July 6 standing1 at the pump use at 8 a. in., and after the surren- he was going into the barges. At times he had a gun in is band. On cross examina tion witness said he was in the employ of the Pinkcrtons. When he aw Critchlow witness was standing' in the bow of the boat. There were four or five men with Critchlow. Major Montooth. who conducted the cross examination, succeeded in getting him to admit that about all that he knew about the case had been told to him. A number of photographs were then offered in evidence and bullets dug out of the barges by Captain Cooper were presented The commonwealth then rested and W. J. Brennan said the attorneys for the defense desired to go into consultation. This was agreed to and the defendant's counsel retired. After a consultation George W. Argo of Sioux City opened for the defense, saying: To me is assigned the important duty of opening the defense in this most extra 'ordinary case. I ought to explain the pr nce of Mr. Irwin and myself here. V (ere sent here by the laboring men of t jrthwest to aid so far as we can fendant. Argo then d the story of the nding of the Pinkcrtons to Home- ad, and c mm tied: iit .. . v. . : .. i wlgn armed f e, an assault on the county, Jan assault on he commonwealth, an as sault on the s te and an assault on you and all the people of this county and state. This armed body of men who invaded this state were not employed as laborers. They , were men who could not have been made deputy sheriffs; thoy were emissaries for a purpose. When they reached Homestead they mide an attack o"w people of that county and state. So oas bsen shown they were not there ct proerty. There, is no evideuce w what they were doing there, were met by the pood citizens of .:aptead and whou they attempted laUd they were met with re- ance.- We say all persons on the ks of the river when this armed body mpted to land had a rifrht there; that cu had a right to defend himself and ,11 others present; that all had a right to use deadly weapons when attacked by such weapons as these people oa shore were at- lAnlrAfi t.hpv hail n. riirht. ict riAfntiri t.hnm- Iselves and each other. j Attorney Irwin then addressed the Jury. He said: Thj theory of the prosecution is that therrfwas a riot. That is a doubly damned BctiottV If tterc was a riot, Critchlow on ne .4Kb is guilty and those on the other tide Squally guilty. This is a ictitiV's attempt to ' shut out the fV -wh from the Jury. They Wish M hide the cowardly, tyrannical and ansr)-upulotis conduct of Carnegie and tru.; .it hou uiey exiiuui mis court w nub as is..- nil..: XT ; .u J a has there been such a hard heurted. a ., f liiooaea man as this man r tick, it is if, Wost disgraceful thine to note that Je this yeoman, this skilled worker here on trial for murder, . 171I-.l. I l 1 ii i j i tuau r i luu wuu una causeu an 1110 t fouble. Is hobnobbing with the heads of our government. Tnis man t rick, this rutal tyrant, dared to commit treason by (rinsing into the borders of this state an rmod body of men for his private pur bses. i iEEKING THEIR OLD PLACES. Many of the Homestead Striker. Taken Back aad Many Turned Away. PiTTBBURvi, Pa., Nov. 22. The long rike of the Carnegie workmen at Dinestead asrainst a reduction in .litres was declared off yesterday and F I m j J is morning the men who went out r'A June 29 and who engaged in bloody .ttle with Pinkertons July 6 marched the mills and applied for work. The te in the Amalgamated Association raestead lodge in favor of ending struggle was 101 for and 91 linst. As early as 6 o'cloek the rush at I ' mestead began and it kept the I lice busy handling the crowd. By I I 'clock the crowding was over, but 1 -y continued to go in twos and ees all day long. A large number Bo ,A t.,irnH rwjlv. Home with cnnH ispocts of securing their old posi- ns soon, wmie many were miormea .t they would be given no work ler any condition. It is now plainly lent that the black list is quite ,g, and those whose names appear the list will be forced to seek work where. he firm is inclined to favor the oid bb much as possible and there has ady been a large numbfer of col- l men discharged to make room for employes. The condition of the Us is such tha repairs will have to "narli OTloii olo ",nin bnvn hnnn i w i t- it the1. J ante given "iheir old posi- Ins after retnirs are comr'ted. irhe Btrike ! at one time ed Harly 10,000 men and the loss in face's will reach, it is said, in the neighborhood of $2,000,000. Then Chorals the immense loss to the firm. Lwhich cannot be estimated, but which f conservative people put at least double I the amop&tr lost by tno men in wao&L i To this v can be added ' neaf y 8-r-00,000 paid to the state trod" and the cost to the county of Alf'gheny for the riot, trea son and obhefl cases growing out of the . , . .1 .. ll,.tn.K.. flaafha StrinC At fcaov v .i i. L -n v, ucaviia 1 were directlyVpr indirectly caused by Lh f i.ilr nlhfl attemDted (issassina- 'J Von of Ohairrnlaii Prick of the Carnegie jmpany is ao indirectly credited to strike. M 1 ny fopu''' 'ffand Prohibition leaders of -uuucdi discussing too aavisauiuty itheir issues in luturo em- VOL. IV. A The Republicans Flan to Steal Six Seata in the Legislature and Elect a United States Senator- THE 8UPSEatE 00URT BEQUESTED To Issue a Mandamus Elder and John son All Right Other Seats Claimed. Outline of the Scheme. After the smoke of the battle cleared away, and the republicans found that they were only three members 6hort of a majority in each house, they boldly conspired together to bteal six seats to which independents were fairly and honestly elected. The organization and control of bjth houses and the election of a United States Benator were the motivas that impelled them to under take such a desperate scheme. Just a week after tho election iho first evidence of this conspiracy ap peared in the State Journal and Omaha Bee. The conspirators laid a plan to prevent S. M. Elder member-elect of the house from Clay, and L. L. John son senator-elect from Clay and Hamil ton from getting their certificates. Toe duty of issuing these certificates lay with the county clerk of Clay, and he was on the side of the Bchemars. Fearing that the clerk would issue the certificates to the "epublican claim ants, Elder and Johnson sought a mandamus from district judge Hastings to compel him to issue certificates to them. The republican claimants im mediately rushed to Lincoln and asked a mandamus from the supreme court to compel the clerk to issue to certificates to them. They based their claim on fact that the names of Elder and John son had appeared twice on the tickets in Clay county. Each had been nomi nated by the independents and indorsed by the democrats. The name of each was placed on the ballot twice, once as an independent and once as a demo cratic nominee. Although there was nothing fraudulent in either the voting or the counting, and each independent candidate had a clear majority of over 200, the republican candidates demand ed that the certificates be issued to them. But they were doomed to fail ure. The supreme court set Tuesday November 22, as the date for hearing the case. Meanwhile Judge Hastings heard the case und issued a mandamus compelling the issue of certificates to E d?r and Johnson and armed with these they are sure of their seats. The schemers next turned their at tention to Uobson of It illmore wno was elected by a small majority. They set up tho claim that lead pencil marked ballots cast for the republican had been thrown out. The charge appears to be entirelye trumped up for the occa sion. The Fchemers next turned toward Hsmilton county where Fred Newberry was elected by a plurality of one A contest is threatened but upon what grounds does not appear. The only real grounds for the contest in this case is the same as in all the others that the republicans want hi s seat, and want it bad. Tbe democratic county clerk qf Hamilton, doubtless will (if he has not already done so) arm Mr. Newberry with the proper certifl cate of election. The most absurd attempt of all is to beat Representative Kruse of Knox county out of his election. The fight was a close three-cornered one and Kruse won by forty-two v tes. But Boyd county just west of Knox has been organized since the last appor tionment was made, and it is not specifically included in any district But the Boyd countyitoa were deter mined to be represented, so they voted for the Knox county nominees, and most or them voed tne republican ticket. The republican nominee for representative In Knox got about 300 majority in lioyd county ana nence claims he is elected. According to latest reports Kruse has his certificate. Tn order to get the control of tho senate, it is rumored that the con spirators will try to deprive Harris of Nemaha and Johnson, and Dirner of the large district comprising Dawson, Lincoln, Cheyenne, etc., of their seats. The only charge that can possibly be substantiated in either case is that these senators-elect have small ma jorities. If the conspirators can . get the assistance of tbe supreme court, no such trifling thing as small majorities will be allowed to stand in the way of electing a republican United States senator. DESPERATE sera LINCOLN, NEB., THURSDAY, Got What They Pay For. Nebraska Citt, Neb., Nov. 22. The first case under the valued policy law passed by the last legislature baa been on trial in this city for several days. The history of the case briefly is that last February the store building of Henry Bachler was burned. He was insured in the insurance company of North America for $1,500. The company refused payment on the ground that the building was not en tirely destroyed and could be repaired at a nominal cost A verdict was brought in tonight awarding the plaintiff the f .'U amount with Interest from the date of the fire. Suicide at Kearney. Eearket, Neb., Nov. 22. Henry Heinetz committed suicide at his boarding house Sunday by hanging himself. He tied two handkerchiefs together, put the noose over the bed post, got down on his knees, put his bead through and choked to death. He had been drinking very heavy since election and is thought to have partially deranged. He was intend ing to start back to Germany today. He was a painter by trade and lived here about ten years. Under Control. Stoart, Neb., Nov. 22. The prairie fire which originated near Bassett Sunday swept southeast fifty miles. The last twenty miles is sparsely settled and comparatively little dam age was done. A strong south wind yesterday brought the fire back within ten miles of town. The people of Newport, Stuart and surrounding country turned out en masse and con trolled the fire. The danger is now over, prompt action of citizens saving the valley from the fire's terrible rav ages. There was no loss of life. Boyd Seller Killed. Chadron, Neb., Nov. 22. Boyd Sellers, one of the best known railroad conductors on the Northwestern road, fell between two cars last night at Orin Junction, Wyo., and was instantly killed . He had worked here for the past five years and has a large num ber of friends. His remains arrived here this afternoon on a special train, and will be buried beside his brother, who was killed here about a year ago. His relatives live in Lowell, Ind. He was to be married to one of Chadron's leading young ladies about Christmas. Smashed Into Kindling. Nebraska Citt, Nov. 22. General Van Wyck's team created more ex ment in this city yesterday afternoon than he did on election day. They ran away and collided with a buggy, in which were seated Nick Smith and two ladies at the corner of Twelfth street and Central avenue. Smith and his companions were badly bruised. Both vehicles were reduced to kind ling wood, hut the general and his driver escaped unhurt. Died In the Koad. Diller, Neb., Nov. 22. Rev. J. O. Rewicker, pastor of the German Luth eran church at this place, was found dead in the wagon road about two miles southwest at sundown last even ing by one of John Hendrick's boys. He had been visiting with one of his church members and had started home and gone about half a mile, where he was found, having evidently died of heart trouble He was an old man and had no relatives in these parts. The coroner has been notified. OverTwo Millions. Grand Island, Neb., Nov., 22. The Oxnard Beet Sugar company has just closed its run on beets for the year 1892. It has been a highly suc cessful year for beets and Mr. Oxnard does not fear the future. The Grand Island factory consumed in round num bers 12,000 tons of beets, making 2,110,100 pounds of sugar. The exact figures as to the wages paid out during the season and the general acreage and per cent of sugar have hot yet been computed. Took Rough on Rats. Lexington. Neb., Nov.' 22. L. A. Bidwell. aged sixty-nine years, a pio neer of this county, Hed yesterday morning from the effet 'a of a dose of Rough on Rats, admit 'stored by his own hand. Mr. Bidwtl; had been a consumptive for the .ast four years and unable to work. As a result of this malady he became despondent and low spirited, of ten expressing him self as being tired of life and intimat ing that death would be welcome. Bonds CW( T i Akslet. Neb., Nov. 2'' if special election to bond the towr .'or water works in tho sum of $4,000 carried yesterday There was only seven votes rgainst the proposition. Follow ing the electric lights this gives the town a boom. i ' NOVEMBER 24, 1892. Achieved in Western States Populist Returns From the South and East (Joeing by Slow Freight. WE WILL MOW ' BY OHBISTMAS, Perhaps, the Total Vote Counted for the People's Candidates A Lady Attorney General in Montana. The election returns of the people's party have begun, coming in by slow freight Along jabout Christmas wo will be able to state with some cer tainty about tho number of indepen dent "votes "counted in the differ ent states, but perhaps no one will ever know how many were cast, especially in the southern sta'es. The Assojiated press managers boldly announced before the election that they would pay no attention to ' the vote cast for the people's candi dates. In a few of the western states where the party is very strong they could not avoid it, but for the vote cast in other states we muf-t await the official count, and then get the results through the weekly reform press. Tbe following is a brief summary of results so far received: IN IDAHO , The Weaver ticket is elected by about 2,500. . IN KKVADA. The Weaver ticket carried every county. Newiands, independent, is elected to congress, and benator btew art will be returned as an independ ent. The populists elected their whole state ticket by handsome pluralities, both congressmen, and probably a ma jority in the legislature. The Weaver electoral ticket has about 14,000 votes over the Harrison ticket. IN NORTH DAKOTA, Which was first reported to have gone republican, the populists have matte al most a clean sweep eleetlng governor and all other state officers except sec retary of state. The republ cans Rot that offl er and one congressman. The electoral vote is for Weaver. IN CALIFORNIA. The Weaver ticket rev;ved about 23,000 votes. Marion Cann u ii elected to congress, He will be remembered as the tall gray-headed m ii who raised such a storm of enthi .-la'-in at the Omaha convention by t.'eclaring that tbe day would come when we the peo ple will own the U. P. railroad. IN WYOMING. According to the most reliable re ports, the Weaver tisket is elected, and the populists wH hold a balance of power in the legislature, and may thus be able to dictate the election of a U. S. senator. IN INDIANA. The returns show that the people's candidate for governor polled about 22,000 votes, and several populists have been elected to the legislature. IN KANSAS. The populists elected their whole state ticket, the Weaver electors, and a clear majori'y in the legislature which insures the election of a populist U. &. senator, and the passage of a froight law. IN TEXAS. The populists cut down the demo cratic majority of 180,000 to a plurality of not over 25,000, and elected many members of the legislature. IN SOUTH CAROLINA. It is reported that four populist con gressmen are elected. They are really alliance men chosen on the democratic ticket and it remains to be seen whether or not they will act with the populists or democrats in congress. IN MONTANA The people's party did something no party ever accomp'ished before: They elected a woman to the office of attor ney general. Miss Ella Knowles is the lady's name. They also elected a number of members of the legislature. IN OTHER STATES. What fragmentary news can be gathered from other states indicates that the new party has polled a large vote. It is a very significant fact that in nearlv all the reports from all Darts of the country it Is stated that this or that candidate was elected by a plural ity, instead of a majority. ' This indi cates that the people's party has gained BtreDgtb enough to hold tne balance of power between the two old parties. The Democrats will have a ma Wit of 92 over all opposition in the next house, giving the . Republicans the benefits of all contests. Thnrn will iw. only nine Populist, and at least seven oi tnese win work with the Demo crats, v TOE GLORIOUS RESULTS NO. 24. KANSAS RETURNS. The fata of the ConiUtntlonal CouTeo tloo Vet In Doubt. Toi-kka, Kan.. Nov. 22. Every county in the sta has now sent in its election returns the secretary of state. The voie r congressman-at-largc, with four counties whoso re turns had not been tabulated yet to be ineludinl, has been footed up, giv ing Harris, Populist, 5,077 majority over Anthony, Kepublican. The counties not included will make Har ris' majority over 6,000. Lewelling's majority will be about 4,500. The majority for or against the constitutional convention will be less than 300. Saturday evening 103 coun ties had given 1,050 majority for the convention, but the returns from the four counties received this morning give about an equal majority against it. There were 100,000 voter who neglected to vote on tbe proposition. Tho lawyers disagree in their inter pretation it the law of the convention. Attorney General Ives holds that the law which reads: "If a majority of all the electors voting at such an elec tion shall vote for a convention, the legislature shall, at the next session, provide for calling the same," means the vote on the constitutional proposi tion and not tho total vote cast. Chief Justico llorton and other lawyers in terpret the law to mean a majority of all the electors voting. Tbe question will undoubtedly be taken into court for settlement , ttAman TlAinfaJimtBt fir crtanlw. N. Nkw YonK, Nov. 23. The Woman National Democratic Influence club has been incorporated nnder the laws of the District of Columbia at Wash ington. Tbe club and its branches are to continue the work done during the campaign. The club's object as stated in the charter is to disseminate Democratie principles and the study of political economy. Death of Cbarlei Bead the Actor. Boston, Nov. 22. Charles Eeed, the actor, died last night of hf art disease in this city. The latest play in which he appeared was witu tVitiiam Collier iu "lloss and IIoss. " NEWS IN BRIEF. Mrs. R. E. liozier, wife of the county clerk at Carrollton, Mo., 1b dead. All the ports of Hawaii have been thrown open to commerce without re strictions of any kind. Railroad and steamship traffic on the Pacific coast is demoralized by heavy rains and high winds. E. D. Miles, a pioneer shoe dealer of Wichita, Kan., fell dead in a restau rant from heart disease. In a city in Russian Poland nineteen bodies of people who had been mur dered were found buried in a cellar. ( Secretary Tracy has given Lieuten ant Peary three years' leave of ab sence, and he will go to the Arctic ocean again. Thomas A. Nixon, an o'd time miner of Joplin, Mo., had all his clothes torn off in a revolving shaft but was not seriously injured. The Desha lumber and planing com pany's lumber mill burned at Arkan sas City, Ark. Loss between 5500,000 and $700,000; no insurance. It is charged at Denison, Tex., 'hat both the Clark and Hogg wiogs of the Democratic party will knife Senator Mills in his race for the senate. The new Holmes comet is not the Bicla comet, and instead of coming nearer the earth it is receding and is now over 100,000,000 miles away. Two Chinese highbinder orders of San Francisco are at open war and the police of that city are having a hard time to prevent bloody deeds. Thirty sheds in Chicago containing 220,000 barrels of salt belonging to the Michigan salt company were alnost totally destroyed by lire. Loss, JJ50, 000. A movement is on foot among the veterans of the Army of the Tennessee to purchase General W. T. Sherman's old home in fit. Louis for Grand Army purposes. The San Francisco Examiner de clares that Hawaii is ripe for annexa tion to the United States. The princi pal objection is to a territorial form of government. President Harrison has issued a proclamation restoring to the public domain a large tract of land in the western part of Utah believed to bo rich in minerals. . The lead and zinc sales of South west Missouri and Southeast Kaosas last week aggregated !):!. C0U. 50. Of this Aurora furnished $14,083.50, Jop- 1 lin 828,383 and Galena ?18,995. J. II. .Oliver, a well-known colored politician and stump speaker of Texas who worked for the Hogg faction dur ing the recent election, was found murdered near Hallettsville. . - At Chicago a crazy German named Seigler borrowed a breechloading shotgun and fifteen loaded shells of his brother, went home, killed his wife's father and mother, shot his wife and after a desperate fight with the police and a mob was captured, but not till ho was shot and bad also' wounded an officer. - Milwaukee, Wis., N0v. 23. William R. Hinder, bookkeeper for the Lieders dorf tobacco company, shot and killed his wife, his 7-year-old daughter and himself this morning at the home of the family. The hired girl employed bv the fami ly is the only person who knows any thing about the way the tragedy oc curred. She arose, she said, about 1 : 30 or 5:45 o'clock and heard Mr. Hinder stirring in the bath room. She went down stairs and while at work heard reports which sounded like ex plosions, but paid no attention to them. . When she went to call the family to breakfast she found ' the three members in the bed room covered with blood. , All the victims were shot behind the left ear. Binder and wife were foand lying on one bed and the child oa a smaller bed in the same room- Kinder was a steady; and respected man, but the consolidation of the firm by which he had been employed with the Merchants' tobacco works and the fear that he would have to assume a subordinate position in the office af fected his mind, tie was 38 years of age, his wife about 33 and the child 7. Deed of m Maniac. Chicago, Nov. S3. Herman Slegler, a German living with his wlfa and three children at the home of his wife's parents, Henry and Caroline Siles, 733 North Pauline street, became insane yesterday afternoon ana shot and killed M ra. Siles and ber husband and seriously wouneed bis wife. The police officer who placed 1 him under , arrest was also wounded and Siegler himself was wounded by the officer before he was overpowered. Three Victim of Jealousy. Fkazer, Minn., Nov. 83. T. I Vnn sickler, during a quarrel last night, shot his wife through the wrist with a revolver and twice through tbe body with a rifle. One bullet passed .through her heart, killing her instant rj. lie then put a bullet through his ow-a lungs. Then he shot V. C. llrown oi rta-go tnrougn tne, nips ana again shot iKTiself in the Month, blowing the top of his head off, ' V r- Arrenteti forMUualu& Fund. St. Joskpii. Mo., Nov.'?. R. J. Yougal, traveling agent of tie Indus trial insurance company, was arrested at the instance of J. E. IIalsteid, tha TnnAtf ft A.crAnfc. phurirpd with Am ment lie admitted that he had Pent some of the company's money, claimed that be did it in tne comp Interest. Bnrg-lan Blow Open a Bank. Jacksonville. I1L. Nov. 83. V9 bank of Ashland, in the southern Pw t of Cass county, was blown up with d J nanitte by burglars last mgnt. It said that the thieves secured a lards amount of valuables, which the loaded on a wagon and escaped. A Mother KUU Her Children. Paris, Nov. 21. Near Muhlhausen in Alsace, Mrs. Kerr, seeing her four children starving, took them to a cemetery in a wheelbarrow and cut their throats with a knife. 0 . SALVATION ARMY PARADES. The I'lrst Continental Congress In New York anil It Feature. Nkw York, Nov. 23. Several thou sand Salvation army men and women paraded to-night in honor of the or der's first continental congress. Gen eral Ballington Booth and Mrs. Booth rode in carriages over the route of the parade. The first rendezvous of the accred ited delegates occurred in Lenox lyceum this afternoon at 5 o'clock. when they sat down to a banquet at which General Booth, the central fig ure of the congress, presided. The delegates joined the procession at this point, and about 7 o clock it moved with the music of brass bands, the ting of tambourines and the shouts of Salvation choruses to the Carnegie music hall, where the first two formal sessions of the congress are to be held this and to-morrow nights. , The Earade moved in six divisions. At its ead, with the American flag were carried the original stand of colors brought to this country as the gift of Mrs. General William Booth, when the pioneers of the army landed here fourteen years ago. In the Carnegie hall Mrs. Uallington Bcoth delivered an address to the con gress, following which Miss Carrie Smith, the fifteen hundredth officer of the army was commissioned a lieuten ant She has been a Salvation army worker tor six years. Ensign fcdith Marshall received a banner to commem orate her services in having enlisted an ' auxiliary corps of f00 troops during the year. Theii the German edition of the War Cry was launched, the cer emony consisting of the hoisting of a white flag with the name of the paper in German letters from the top of a flag pole. s " The parade will be repeated on to morrow evening and at the session to follow three-weeks-old Myrtle Thora Booth will be carried upon the stage by her mother and plaeed in the arms of General Booth, who, surrounded by his general staff, will consecrate the in fant to tbe service of God. The child is to be attired in the clothes worn brTen eral Booth himself upon the occasion of his own dedication when a child, by his father. General Wiiliam Booth, in England. - - ' The Amalgamated ir-es employed at Carnegie's Beaver Falls mills have de cided to so back to work. , ' it v 1 . i 0 L J