The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, November 17, 1892, Page 4, Image 4

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What Has Been Shown.
Cook, Neb , Nov. 14, '92.
Editor Alliance-Independent:
After the fcrnoke of the battle has
cleared away and the political sky be
como clear ajrain there is much that
the people's party can rejoice over.
First It has demonstra ed the fact
that the great sham bat.lo kept up by
the two old frauds over the tariff
arnouuts to nothingthat it is simply a
grand farce to humbug the people with.
Senator It. G. Horr said in an article
in the New York Tribune of October
31. 'w2: "The .protectionists do not,
and never dd claim that the high
tariff increased wages."
Second It has shown conclusively
that the gold standard advocates have
won a victory and not democracy.
Third It has given positive proof
that the gold standard men dare not
let the election of president go to the
house for fear of "the silver craze."
Fourth It has proven exactly what
both parties have declared through
their lealers oer and over again, that
they would go together before they
would risk any "change in the money
Fifth It has demonstrated the fact
that the money power can elect who
they please as long as the fool people
will hi. rrah for Ben and Grover
Sixth It is very evident that it was
easier for them to elect Grover at this
time from the fact that tbsy were un
certain as to what the stiver party
might do, and whilo they were backed
by the gold bugs of Europe and the vast
power of foreign investments, the tariff
was dropped out of sight and repuoli
cans flocked by the thousands to the
support of Grover. That great line of
elevators from Minneapolis to Chicago
controlled by English gold, Phil Ar
mour's great packing houses run by Eng
lish capital are always In line to serve
the gold standard cause which explains
tho lar?e maiorits given by Chicago to
Cleveland. There is no issue betwoen
the two old parties on the money ques
tion and were not the great mass of
people blinded by party prejudice they
could not or would not be fooled again.
So let us on with the battle.
W. P. Brooks.
A Democratic Blowout.
The democrats of Lincoln had a grand
ratification meeting on Saturday even
ing. They had an immense procession
of men on foot with torches, and a fnw
on horseback and a number of wagons.
Banners with appropriate mottoes
were numerous. One ot the wagons
were loaded with "free lumber," and
another with "free coal." Along cof
fin supposed to contain the rorpse of
the republican party was carried on
another wagon.
The procession paraded tho princi
pal streets firing Roman candles,
cheering and blowing horns. Finally
the crowd collected in front of the Lin
coln hotel and listened to a very nice
speech from Mr. Bryan. He congratu
lated the democrats on their victory,
and thanked them for their faithful
support. He also returned thanks to
hundreds of republicans and independ
ents without whose support he &aid he
never could have been elected.
A great throng of spectators witness
ed the parade, and everybody was will
ing to conceed that it was a success.
A New Thing in Politics.
Nebraska is confronted with a new
"thing" in politics. An organization
has sprung up in Omaha that promises
to be as powerful in this state as Tam
many in New York. It is known as the
A. P. A. It was organized for the pur
pose of opposing the dictates as they
siy of the Pope of Rome whom they
claim is fast getting his clutches on the
free institutions of this country. If the
i.boK his own with corporations
tion in order to keep its hand in casts
about to see how much there is in it for
them in a financial way. Word comes
from Omaha that all three parties were
given a change to bid for the vo'e. It
fell to Crounse But how to deliver the
goods. Money in great quantities was
sent out over the s'ato and wagered
that Crounse would be elected.
Every member o t the inside was given
the "sinch" an i be could bet his money
wltu absolute certainty that he would
win. The organization was bound to
stick to i he delivery of the bargain,
and the organization would have been
an imperfect one if they did not, and as
a result the balance of power they held
made them the winners.
This is not idle talk. A band of men
in Omaha today are in power in Neb
braska. They will be from this time
on in a position to name every man
who will bold office hereafter in Neb
raska. Whether or not there is a ne
cessity for the organization we will not
venture an opinion. That there is one
with power behind it we are well assur
ed. The Fullerton Post.
A Call to Action.
Arouse yourselves, ye discouraged.
Don't give up the fight because you
have not won. You must fight whether
you want to or not. Don't be like the
toad charmed by a snake, which jumps
right into his mouth. Do you think
that because you cannot defeat your
robbers; it will be better for you to
vote with them? Not by a long shot!
The speculator aad gambler will have
no more regard for you if you act with
him than if you voted against him. Do
you think you will convert the robbers
and tricksters by voting with them?
No, you will only make them worse.
The more kindness you show toward
swindlers, the more they will you do.
You cannot help yourselves, you must
fight. Why not fight an honorable fight?
Why not fight a bold light? "Give me
liberty or give me death!"
We must fight, there are three cours
es for you. One of those three will
come upon you. You will either fall in
a noble fight, or you will fall In a dis
graceful retreat, or you will win. One
of two things must happen. You will
either fall or win the battle. Which
will you choose? You cannot win with
out a fight. Farmer Patriot, Crete.
An essay by Billy Blow after the style of
Josh hillings.
Dogs were invented about the time of
the Christian era; excepting Newfound
land dogs which were discovered by
Cnristopher Columbus in 1776.
Dogs are very useful.
Their hides are good to cover foot
balls and to make dog skin gloves out
Their legt are very good to make
dogleg tobacker. They are also used
to travel with.
Dogwood ii good for sick folks, and
dogs bark is good to scare away bur
glars. When dogs get too old for any other
use they make good sassidge meat.
Dogs are of various colors but yaller
The poet says; "I like to see a little
dog," and I agree with him. I would
much rather see a Utile dog than a big
one, especially if my girl's father don't
like me and sets the dog on me.
Dogs can't talk but they express
their melancholy feelings by howling.
Dogs eat bread, meat and other dead
Dogs can swim, and they are taxable
property and the more a man has of
'em te poorer he is.
A barking dog never bites, but a
biting dog sometimes barks a feller's
Brag was a good dog but FTang-on was
A dog's tail was made to wag and his
ears were got up for the especial bene-
t. or ticks. - J
iJf t-'of t;
Tf you want to see what despair looks
like when free from all adulteration,
just hunt up the nearest postmaster
and examine him closely, even as Dr.
Billings would examine a germ.
The independent party of Clay county
has done well considering the odis it
had to contend with. It is in good shape
for the co filet next year. Great credit
is due Chairman Graham and Secretary
Shike for this; the campaign was well
managed. Clay County Pj ogress.
The independents are not as success
ful as they had hoped to be. but they
have one consolation They made a
clean fight and have no dirty tricks to
cover up in she future. Neither of the
old parties can say as much. The
campaign has demonstrated that the
people's party is pure in its methods
and that bribing, bulldozing and intim
idation were not its game. There Is
honor in defeat where a clean fight has
been waged against chicanery and un
principled practices of an opponent.
David City Banner.
You can get returns lrom Georgia
sooenr than from any other state in the
union. The way they do down there is
as soon as the polls are closed the
managers send out whatever demo
cratic majority they may have agreed
upon and then count the ballots after
wards. Tuesday night the figures sent
out were 75,000 democratic Madison
The prominent republican leaders of
the nation are making a pitiful specta
cle in passing their time in bemoaning
a result which is a national providence,
in that the discipline was useful to ad
monish those in power and those who
may come into power that only when
they are true to the principle of equal
ity and justice for the poor man as well
as the rich man will their acts be ap
proved. St. Paul News.
And How to Enjoy the Christmas
Those who have good teeth can enjoy
Thanksgiving and Christmas to the
highest degree. Not so with those
whom age has left with boneless gums;
they sit one side, soak their bread in
tea or coffee and take only hash and
spoon vituals.
Mr. A. Moore of Naponee has been in
a babyhood condition for several years
past. After exhausting the skill of all
the western dentists and spending a
heap of money for worthless teeth, he
came 175 miles to get a set of teeth last
week of Dr. A. P. Burrus, 1208 0 street.
The Doctor made him as fine a set as
ever grew, and he went home rejoicing
that he had found a man who could
fit him. He will take his turkey
straight this year and bid farewell to
hash and baby fodder.
Mrs. Sidel of 27th street, East Lin
coin, had a similar experience, and
after exhausting the skill of three emi
nent dentists and her purse in getting
five sets of teeth, she went to Dr. Bur
rus and got the finest set of teeth to be
had, and no one is able to distinguish
them from natural teeth.
Mrs. Schneitzer of Fremont was told
by a dentist of high standing in the
State Dental Association, that her
mouth was so fiat that teeth could not
be made that she could wear. Last
Saturday she got as nice a set of Dr.
Burrus as can be found. She will en
joy herturkey.
i" -. . .fanall,to.
Closely following the election comes
that bst and most American of all holi
daysThanksgiving day. Who in this
broad land, where wealth and happiness
are so widely and so profusely distribut
ed, does nt feel a thrill of joy as he
thinks of the last Thursday in Novem
ber? Season of family reunions, stuffed
turkey, cranberry sauce and plum pud
ding! But all these are only outward
tokens of happy hearts and prosperous
homes. Iowa Register.
An Elegant Souvenir.
"The Western Resort Book," a finely
illustrated publication descriptive of all
the western reports along tb line of the
Union Pacific System. Sent free upon
receipt of 6c in stamps. Address
J. T. Mastin, C. T. A., 1044 O St.,
E. B. Slosson, Gen. Agt.,
Lincoln, Neb. 1
Homes and Irrigated Farms, Gardens
and Orchards in the Celebrated Bear
River Valle f on the Main Lines ot tho
Union Pacific and Central Pacific R. R.
near Corinne and gden, Utah.
Splendid location for business and in
dustries of all kinds in the well known
city of Corinne, situated in the middle
of the valley on the Central Pacific R.R.
The lands of the Bear River valley are
now thrown open to settlement by the
construction of the mammoth system of
irrigatioH from the Bear lake and river,
just completed by the Bear River Canal
Co., at a cost of $3,000,000. Th com
pany controls 100,000 acres of these fine
anas and owns many lots arcd business
locations in the city of Corinne, and is
now prepared to sell on easy terms to
settlers and colonies. The climate, soil,
and irrigating facilities are pronounced
unsurpassed by competent judges who
declare the valley to be the Paradise of
the Farmer, Fruit Grower and Stock
Raiser. N ice social surroundings, good
schools and churches at Corinne City,
and Home Markets exist for every kind
of farm and garden produce in the
neighboring cities of Ogden and Salt
Lake, and in the great mining camps.
Lands will be shown from the local of
fice of the Company at Corinne. 15tf
Makes sales in Nebraska and
of references. Fourteen y
Prices reasonable, correspond
satisfaction guaranteed
ther states. Best
ars experience.
r solicited and
Long deep bodied
U.S. P.O.
Good color, short legs,
broad back, good feet
and head. Alliance
prices, satisfaction
uaranteed 13tf
Kearney, Neb.
"n Furnas Co. Herd,
Thoroughbreds exclusively. All ages, either
sex. Sows bred. Stock guaranteed as repre
sented. Prices right. Mention this paper.
ureeaer ana snip-
per of recorded Po- if
i&na uniHa nogs. ,
Choice breeding
stocK tor sale.
Write for wants.
Mention Alliance.
Keligh, Neb,
Breeder of fancy Po
land China swine
and P. It. fowls. Ma- 45Wjf".J-
InHtv rtf nicra araA nlft,Ii.
by Free Trade Rpst romuinrW in, TaMvs Chin
and Lytles Dandy. Free Trades Best Is sired by
ree iTaae, tae great show hog that was old
-""""Vn, nurnnst Dncei tog in
4 '