The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, November 17, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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The Eepulicans Fail to Capture Either
House, and Hence Cannot Elect
a United States Senator.
Very Few Democrats Elected Republic
cans Gain Some, and Indepen
, dents Lose.
Summary of the Results.
The returns from the various coun
ties in the state show that the next
house will contain
Republicans 48
Independents......; 41
Democrats , 11
The senate will stand:
Independents.... 14
Republicans 14
Democrats.. 5
On joint ballot for the election of a
United States senator the legislature
will stand:
Republicans. 62
Independents. 53
Democrats 16
If the independents and democrats
pull together they will have a majority
of seven on joint ballot.
It is interesting to inquire into the
taature and causes of the changes that
have occurred since the election of
1890. At first sight it would appear
that the republicans have made great
gains at the expense of the indepen
dents, but a close inspection of the re
sults will show that this is not true to
any great extent.
In the last senate the independents
had eighteen including the traitors,
Taylor and Collins.
Gage county sends a republican in
stead of Collins.
Two years ago in Burt and Coming
the independents nominated Beck and
the democrats endorsed, and the same
was true of Turner of Saline. This
year there was a three-cornered fight
in Burt and Cuming, and the republi
cans won. In Saline, the democrats
endorsed, but there was a large ele
ment of corporation democrats led on
by such men as Tobe Castor, who
helped the republicans to eltct a sena
tor by a small majority.
In Adams the democrats helped
elect Hill in 1890, but this year there
was a three-cornered tight and the
republicans won.
In York and Fillmore the republi
cans have gained a senator by main
strength from the independents. But
the independents haye got even by
electing H. G. Stewart in the north
west corner of the state which went re
publican in 1890. Then the republi
cans have won a senator from the dem
crats in Seward and Butler.
In the house the independents have
gained from the republicans one mem
ber from Richardson, one in Sheridan,
Dawes, Box Butte and Sioux, and one
in Cherry and Keya Paha. The re
publicans have gained a number of dis
tricts in three-cornered fights, which
they lost two years ago, because the
democrats endorsed the independent
nominations. But the moat signal
gains of the republicans have been in
democratic districts; for instance,
-even members from Douglas, two
b tan ton and
one from
from Cuming, one
Wayne, two
The plan of the corporations every
where seems to have been to stand by
the republican nominees. While they
encouraged the democrats to put up
tickets to hold the ami-monopoly dem
ocrats in line, they swung the corpora
tion democrats to the republican nom
inees. .
In Hall county the democrats and in
" dependents stood together ana elected
parties'on account of the greater in
terest in the state and congressional
The republicans are as much sur
prised at the results as either the dem
crats or independents The Bee com
menting on the results says: "They
are very gratifying because unex
pected." The independents would doubtless
have won in many close districsif
they had forced the fighting on state
issues, and more fully shown up the
republican rottenness at the state Capitol.
The Next Senate.
The following is a list of the senators
with the names of counties from which
they are elected:
1. Independents, 14.
J. E. Harris, Nemaha and Johnson.
Wm. Sanders, Saunders and Sarpy. J.
P. Mullen, Holt, Garfield and Wheeler.
Sam'l. J. Packwood, Boone, Greeley,
and Antelope. H G. Stewart, Cherry,
Sheridan, Dawes, Sioux, Box Butte,
Brown and Rock. Wm Gray, Valley,
Custer, Loup. Geo. N Smith, Sher
man and Buffalo. , T. E. McCarthy,
Holt and Howard. J. N. Campbell,
Nance, Merrick and Polk. L. L John
son, Clay and Hamilton. Wm. Djsart,
Nuckolls, Webster and Franklin. W.
F. Da)e, Kearney, Phelps and Harlan.
L W. Young, Furnas, Red Willow,
Hitchcock, Dundy, Gasper, Frontier,
Chase and Hayes. J. H. Darner, Daw
son, Lincoln, Perkins, Keith, Deuel,
Cheyenne, Kimbill, Banner, Scotts
Bluff, McPherson, Grant, Arthur,
Blaine, Thomas, Hooker and Logan.
2. Democrats, 5.
John Mattes, Otoe. W. N. Babcock,
Douglas. John Thompson, Washington
and Dodge. Jas. E North, Platte and
Colfax. F. J. Hale, Madison Pierce,
Wayne and Stanton.
3. Republicans, 14.
A. It. Scott, Pawnee and Richardson.
Orlando Tef t, Cass. C. O. Lobeck and
C. A. Clarke, Douglas. Fremont Ever
ett, Burt and Cuming. B. F. McDonald
Thurston, Dakota, Dixon and Knox.
Geo. W. Lowley, Seward and Butler.
R. E. Moore and G. W Eggleston, Lan
caster. Alex Graham, Gage. John D.
Pope, Saline. E. M, Correll, Thayer
and Jefferson. J. P. Miller, York and
Fillmore. Leopold Hahn, Adams.
The Next House.
1. Independents.
Julius Smith, Richardson.
B. J. Johnson, Nemaha.
J. G. Kruse, Knox.
L. H. Suter, Antelope.
W. A. McCutcheon, Boone.
Wm. Schelp, Platte.
W J. Irwin, Platte and Nance.
J N. Gaffin and P. B. Olson, Saun
ders. Richard Dobson, Fillmore.
W. F. Porter, Merrick.
Fred Newberry, Hamilton.
S. M. E der and E. A. McVey, Clay.
G. A. Felton, Nuckolls.
Austin Riley, Webster.
Frank A. Harman, Adams, and Web
ster (float).
Henry Schlotfeldt and J. L. Johnson,
Charles Grammer. Howard.
P. H. Barry, Greeley, Garfield,
Wheeler. Loup and Blaine.
H. R. Henry and G. C. smith, Holt.
J. B. Farns worth, Cherry and Keya
J. D Woods, Dawes, Sioux and Box
G. C. Lingenfelter, Lincoln, Keith,
Cheyenne, Duel, Banner, Scotts Bluffs,
Kimball and Perkins.
H. F. Rhodes, Valley.
C. W. Beal, W. P. Higgins, Custer.
Albert Dickerson, Sherman.
A. J. Scott Buffalo.
Edward Krick, Kearney!
J. M. Dimmick, Franklin.
Samuel Fulton, Harlan.
E. Soderman, Phelps.
John Stevens, Furnas.
Philips, Ford,Gosper and Frontier
L. G. Ruggles. Dundy, Chase, Hitch-
cock ana Hayes.
J. S. Sheridan, Red Willow.
George Horst, Polk.
J. O. Lynch, Dawson.
J. S Dot, Johnson.
T. Smith, Johnson and Nemaha,
Church Howe, Nemaha.
John Cv" Watson, Otoe and Cass,
John "A. Daviess and A. S. Cooley,
Cass. - -nHr,
C. E. Keyes, Sarpy.
A. L Sutton, W. N. Nason, M. O
Ricketts, J H Kyner, C. A. Goss, A.
Lickner and T. D. Crane, Douglas.
W. D. Haller, Washington.
John F. Kessler, Burt,
c E. E. Sisson, Burt, Washington,(float)
B. R. Goldsmith, Cuming,
R.. F. Kloke,-; Cuming, Thurston and
Dakota, (float.)
F. S. Goss. Wayne and Stanton.
E. E.Ellis, Dixon. -
Geo. R. Col ton, Butler.
D. J Brownr R. C. Rhea. Seward.
R H. Oakley, Joe Burns, Al Cornish
J. C. F. McKesson, E. R. Spencer, Lan
caster. -. --vui: -:
Wm. Kanp and J. R. Vanduyn, Saline.
C. B. Hinds. P. H. James, and H J.
Merrick, Gage.
J. A. Wardlow, Gage and Saline,
G. J. Carpenter, Jefferson.
E. H. Jenkins, Thayer.
J. Jensen, Fillmore.
C. Keckley and N. Johnson, York,
John B. Caio, Hamilton.
Peter Griffith, Adams.
Chas. Robinson, Rock and Brown.
John Wilson, Buffalo.
Gmrge Cross, Thayer and Jefferson,
Democrats, 11.
Henry Gerdes, Richardson.
J Sinclair and G. W. Leigigh, Otoe.
G. W. Ames and C. Withnell,
N. P. Nelson, John Farrell, Dodge.
A. Eickoff, Cedar and Pierce.
G. A. Link hart, Madison.
John Van Housen, Colfax.
C. D. Caspar, Butler.
The delegates from a number of dis
tricts are considerably mixed owing to
scratching, and combinations.
Richsrdson sends a democrat, a re
publican and an independent.
Nemaha sends Church Howe and an
Douglas elected seven republicans
and two democrats.
Fillmore sends back Dobson indepen
dent and a republican colleague.
Buffalo sends A. J. fccott independent
and John Wilson a republican who de
feated John Stebbins.
In Hamilton, Fred Newberry of rail
road fame is elected by one plurality,
while Vorhis was defeated by a republi
North South--East West.
Extend the lines of the great South
west system comprising the Missouri
Pacific railwav and Iron Mountain
route from Omaha on tho north to the
Texas line on the south, St. Louis on
the east to the mountain walled cities
of Colorado on the west, covering nine
great states and touching the most
important commercial trade centers
between the Mississippi Valley, Rocky
Mountains and tne territory lying
north and south thereof. St. Louis,
Kansas City, Leavenworth, Atchison,
St. Joseph, Lincoln. Omaha, Wichita,
Denver, Pueblo, Cairo, Memphis, Little
Rock, Hot Springs, Ft. Smith and
Tflxarkana. are a Dartial list of the biff
cities directly on the line of this great
railway system, and are reached everv
day in the year oy irom two to nve iast
express trains drawing the handsomest
equipment of modern railway travel.
For copies of pamphlets on Kansas,
Missouri, Arkansas, Texas, illustrated
and descriptive books on the greatest
health and pleasure resort of the
present age, Hot Springs, Ark., (the
Carlsbad of America) address H. C.
Townsead, Gen'l. Pass, and T'kt. Agi.,
St. Louis.
Low Rates for Nebraska State Teach
ers Association.
The Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific
Railwav will sell Tickets to Lincoln at
low rates on certificate plan. Ask your
Ticket Agent for particulars.
Jno. Sebastian, G. T. & P. A.
Chicago, U. S. A.
Remember Jenning's Hotel" is
A Fins Voliry,
Four billiona of dollars have been
paid on the national debt, either as
principal or interest since 1866, yet
to-day. as a result of Republican leg
islation, it would take more bushels
of wheat to pay the balance than It
would have taken to pay the whole in
1866. In reality as great a burden in
the form of a national debt now faces
the farmer (by whom the greater
part of it must be paid) as at the
close of the war nearly thirty years
ago. lour billions of dollars paid,'
and yet a debt which, when compared
with the price of wheat remains as
large as ever, is the record of the Re
publican party on the national debt
What a glowing tribute to that glo
rious financial policy!" Salem Her
ald. -.- :
An important sale of Jersey cattle and
Poland China hogs, will be held at
Rlverdale Stock Farm, one mile west
of the state penitentiary on Nov. 22.
1892. 20 head of registered Jerseys and
75 head of Poland Chinas will be sold
without reserve and an especially favor
able opportunity is thus given for buy
ing improved stock. The herd is ex
ceptionally well bred and contains some
choice prize animals now owned and
bred by the Lincoln Jersey Cattle Co,,
Z. S Branson the popular auctioneer
will conduct the sale which will be one
of the most important ones of the season.
Low Rates for National Farmer's
The Chicago, Rock Island and Paciffc
Railway will sell tickets from points in
Nebraska to Lincoln at low rates on
certificate plan. Ask Ticket Agent at
your station for particulars.
Chicago, U. S. A.
"Our Italy,"
So Charles Dudley Warner happily
terms California, and for a winter re
sort that glorious state is without a
peer. The dry pure air, soft and balmy,
is a iov for the strong man and a
wonderful strengthener for the weak
and suffering. The arrangements for
this fall and winter tour, via Union
Pacific and Southern Pacific systems,
are perfect, the journey being made
with the greatest ease and comfort.
For Sale.
160 acres improved land in Webster
county, all fenced, good buildings, wind
mill and 13-acre hog lot, two miles from
Rosemont, six miles from Blue Hill.
Address, C. Lyok,
Rosemont, Nebr.
All Kinds of Cemetery Work.
1629 0 St.
A new an Complete Treatment. consisting of Sup
positories. Ointment in Capsules, also in Box and Pills;
a Positive Cure for External, Internal, Blind or Bleed
ing Itching. Chronic, Recent or Hereditary Piles, and
many other diseases and female weaknesses: it is al
ways a great benefit to the general health. The first
discovery of a medical cure rendering an operation
with the Kniie unnecessary nerenner. this remeay nai
never been known to faiL fl per box 6 for $5: sent
by mail. Why suffer from this terrible disease when
a written guarantee is positively given with 6 boxes,
to refund the money If not cured. Send stamp for
free sample. Guarantee issued by J. H. Harley, drutf
gist, sole agent. 11th and O streets. Lincoln. Neb.
Headquarters for this Class of Goods
station A. Kansas City, Po.
All kin ilt etirapor ibao ala.
Breech Leader
Vhere. . Before ou hot, .