THE ALLIANCE - IND '..PENDENT. THE FARM AND HOME. VALUABLE POINTS ON THE MATTER OF PLOWING. On of tho EMlMt rartt of Farm Work Th'Delrable 8le Making Com pott Farm Nolo and Home Hints. - Point on Plowing. Hero aro a few points which if well carried out make of plowing one of the easiest as well as pleasantest parts of farm work. The first thing1 must be a good team one that can be made to work right toselhor, and not be half a length apart; team quick and easy to the bit and that when you strike a stoae do not either bet back in the coilar or lunge ahead, but steadily hold onto their pull on your plow, buch a learn an this can be driven as straight as a line can be drawn. Next to a perfect team comes a good plow, and in this day one can not well go amisa for the skill of manufacturers has given us a first class plow select of whom you may. To many and perhaps most farmers the team and plow in perfection would seem to be all that was re quired, and to take the field and go ahead is all right, and a tine piece of of plowing would be easily done. . Hut there are several things yet that if not heeded would spoil the whole of the first two points. The manner of hitching to a plow and how you han dle it are of far more importance than all other things combined. A short time since I saw a farmer plowing, and to watch his motions one would .think he was training for a wrestling match by the positions he toott with legs and arms. Becoming somewhat interested I went into his field to see where the trouble lay, says a writer in the Country Gentleman. He had a plow that was mada to cut a furrow of from 14 to 10 inchea and was using a set of whiHetrees that had an evener 4 feet 2 inches long. His team drawing from a center were calling for that plow to take a fur row at least 24 inches wide, and to avoid this he was running the plow rooted on to the landscape to keep it somewhere nea its width of furrow. Besides, his team were as near the plow as possible and not hit the whufietrees with their heels, and to get the depth he wanted he had hitched his team next to the notch of thfe plow clevis, which his plow on the point at the move. Here were two mistakes that if remedied would make such a differ ence that this man could step in be hind the same plow and team and hardly realize he was doing any work except to walk along and start in at th end of his furrow. His opinion of plowing was that it was the har work on the farm. To convince to the. contrary I sawed his evener down to 28 inches in length, and let out his traces or tugs two holes, mak ing from G to 8 inches in length. This gave us a chance to put the whiffletrees into tne hole in the plow clevis that drew from near the lower side of the beam and still get the depth wanted. The shorter evener left his plow to set level to the ground and tho draft" at plow clevis leveled it in tne other direction. The look of astonishment on the man's face when he cut his next furrow showed cnmalhinir rf wlmt. ho t.hnnfrht. n.hmit. a little study on the matter of how to hitch to a plow. Here is a good outline for getting' ready to plow: Measure your plow jrom tne rear oi moia-Doara to tne width of land-side this gives width of furrows it cuts; use an evener twice the length of this measure. Set the wheel in notch that gives the 6 depth you want Let your team out j t .. .1 j i i .i m uarneas bo mtnr urau unngs me wheel just fairly solid to the soil and y'ou are in shape, prG?UJgJ ygjj have top put. first rdgst Mm a good team to do good work easily. Never attempt to lay out a land to plow without measuring it off first and set stakes to line your first furrows. Make yourself believe if possible that a straight furrow or a straight row of corn or potatoes will grow a better crop and you will soon become an expert plowman. I would not plow land and go around it especially to turn to left, and with my team (when the foil is just turned up light and soft) tread it all down so hard that it is never harrowed suflciently to make it mellow like the rest of the field. Never quit a piece until you have put the earth furrow up in the dead fur row. Jn starting a back furrow tho first two furrows should be cut only about ono half the depth that you in tend to plow. This does away with leaving a ridge across the field; do the same witu the two sod furrows, and your dead furrow does not leave a ditch in the field, and when seeded down you will have a smooth, even surface for mowing machine or Reaper. The Desirable Size. Is a large size always deslrableP A Western writer says: 'Randall said that carcass is the first point to be regarded, even in fine-wooled sheep, for on its form and constitution de pends the health of the animal" That whs a very true saying, and. while I admire large sheep, my experience baa ben that medium-sized sueep generally have the best constitution, and they consume food in proportion to their size. Then, if three of me dium size produce as much or more wool and mutton than two of large size, do they not pay equally as wellP 1 fear that some of our sheep men are running wild on size, as they did a few years ago on folds or wriukles. Fineness, style, evenness of quality through the fleece, density and length of staple, are ail very essential to constitute a good fleece. It is, and always has been, admitted by fine wool sheep-breeders . that a certain amount of yolk is necessary, and enough of the white or cream color to produce a dark surface is very de sirable, but the yellow or beeswax gum is very objectionable. Although a gummy sheep may shear thirty or forty pounds. I have no use for him. The real intrinsic value is in the amount and quality of scoured wool produced by the sheep. Miking 'mp:st. The French farmers have been in the habit of turning every kind of rubbish on the farms, and that can be gathered from any other sources, into fertilizers for the abundant crops they produce. And this habit ex plains why the average products of those farms are two or three times as large as those on this side of the wa ter. Even the brushwood is collected with the coarse weeds and burned slowly in heaps covered with earth, so as to collect the nitrogenous mat ters contained. Thus the ashes af ford soluble fertilizer immediately available, without the loss of the nitro gen or the otherwise wasted matters. This is a useful hint to farmers who are willing to study economy in every way and make valuable use of every waste thing around them. The methods of making a compost is this: A layer of the materials gathered is spread on some suitable place and liberally sprinkled with lime, Some stable manure is then spread on this. This acts as the fer ment to start the decomposition, which is rapid once it begins. Then another layer of the stuff is spread, and earth from a field or some place where the soil is rich in vegetable matter that is partly de composed, then the lime, and then the manure. As even a mixture is made as possible for the purpose of securing the mutual action of one upon another, which has been ex- plained Thjg ft important for tbif Our Book List. T Our list of choice literature is made up of the best and most reliable reform books, by the most noted writers. If you want to keep posted on the great questions before the American people you should consult the authorities, We name below a number of the best books published. PAPER. CLOTH. Gen. J. B. Weaver, A Call to Action. A valuable book that should be read by every one, send for a copy. Cloth and Gold 81.50 Stickney, The Railroad Problem. The greatest sensation of the year is this great book on the railway problem by a railway president. Cloth edition has 14 illustrative diagrams $.50 $2.00 Hamlin Garland. Mr. Garland is one of the brilliant writer of our times, and his pan speaks eloquently in behalf of the toiling masses. The following are some of his best works: "Jason Edwards," Treating of Farm and Factory, $ .50 $1.25 'Main Travelled Road,' Six short stories, 50 125 'A Member of the Third House." The lobby in politics, 50 1.25 Ignatius Donnelly, Caesers Column, The book of the century. .50 . i.zd "Dr. Huguet," Southern story with moral, : 50 l.ta Opie P. Read. Among American humorists Mr Read stands at the head, and "as a little humor now and then, is relished by the best of men" we add two of his books to our list. They s are clean and pure, and are worthy of a place ia every library. . "A Kentucky Colonel," 50 1.25 "Emmet Bonlore." A newspaper man, 50 1.25 Copley Square Series, Comprising the following four excellent books: "Bond Holders and Bread Winners," King 25 "Money, Land and Transportation," three essays 25 "Industrial Freedom," Four articles irom noted autnors x "PcQii n TViq Ranlropa ViMlm " Rlnnrl 25 1.25 1.00 1.25 100 1.00 1.00 1.25 Esau, or The Bankers Victim," Bland 2o Miscellaneous and special. "Whither are we Drifting," Willey, 50 "The Farmers' Side," Senator Peffer of Kansas, "The Coming Climax," Hubbard, 50 "The Great Red Dragon," Woolfolk, 50 "Looking Backward," Bellamy, 50 "A Financial Catechism," Brice .50 "A Tramp in Society," Cowdtry 50 "Pizarro and John Sherman," Mrs. Todd 25 "Money Monopoly," Baker..: 25 "Labor and Capital," Kellogg 20 "'In Office," Bogy 25 "Ten Men of Money Island", Norton .10 " " " " " German edition 10 "Geld, Schilling," German edition 10 "Seven Financial Conspiracies," Emery 10 Songs and Music. "Songs of the People." Gibson. Words only 10 "Songs of the People," Published in sheet music. send for catalogue and prices. They are number one. "Labor and Alliance Songster," words only 10 " " " " Music edition 20 " " " " " " " " b'd covers. .25 "Sonsrs of Industry," Howe 25 Parliamentary Guides "Cushing's" Manual paper .25 cloth .50 "Smith's" Diagram and Rules 50 "Roberts" Rules of Order 75 Any book on this list sent post paid on receipt of price. Liberal discounts to Alliances or clubs wishing to purchase a library. We are offering the Alliance-Independent one year, and any 50c book on the list for only $1.35. Address. Alliance Publishing Co, Lincoln, Nebr., per doz. by ex (( 14 $1.10 2.00 2.50 2.50 NORTH BEND NURSERIES. LARGE SUPPLY OF Trees, Plants, Ornamental Trees, Shrubs Evergreens. Large Stock of Best Old and New sorts of Strawberry Plants. Forest Trees for Claims) at Low Prices. Write for SPECIAL prices on large orders, tablished in 1882. Send for price list to NORTH BEM) NUKMKK1 K8, North Bend. Dodge County, Nebraska. Es- Have You Read "Sights and scenes in Colorado?" "Sights and scenes in Idaho and Montana?" " Sigts and scenes in Utah?" " Sights 'and scenes in California?" "Sights and scenes in Oregon and Washington?" " Sights and -scenes in Alaska? This is a set of six books, beautifully illustrated, full ofrtory and legend as well as valuable infoamation for the tourist, published by the Passenger De partment of the Union Pacific system. Sent free on application and the receipt of 2c for each book to cover postage. J. T. Mastin, C. T. A., 1044 O St. E. B. SLOSSON, Gen. Agt , Lincoln. Neb. WANTED SALESMEN n l, Nnrum stru-k Seed and Seed To- tatoes. Fine opening for a few pushing men at food wages. Apply quick, stating age. - .. I MAT aCO.. w-seryman, Florist and gsedmen. St f aul, USB HOWARD FACE DI LCAflH ukkHun ig Dark, Sallow AND SUNBURNED-:-COMPLEXIONS. This Bleach removes all discoloratiocs and irnDUrities from ihe skin, nnnh an FronlrleB Moth Patches, Sunburn, SallowneeB, Flesh worms, and. Pimples where they are diseases of the skin, as they often are. For Sals by all First-Class Druggists, Prlcafl.50 pe BoBIt