The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, November 17, 1892, Page 13, Image 13

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J 'I.C
Colombia Welcome.
Columbia, child of tbe setting sun.
Her course four hundred years now run,
Chief of the western lands,
Holds forth her w looming hands
And smiling bids the nations come.
1 Come to her feast now spread
, Jn memory of him long dead,
Who, through appalling darkness,
Of superstition, doubt and fear,
Sailed westward to this hemisphere
And placed his seal upon It f
Come nations that were old and gray, K
Oil that, Columbia's natal day,
Send treasures from afar.
Send your men of wisdom vaunted, V:4
Send your warriors never daunted,
Proudly show your strength. i
Youth with reverence for your age.
Bids you read the added page, .
Added to earth's history.
Bids you see the gathered stores, -
Products of these western shores, '
Wealth in all profusion.
Wealth of forest, field, and sea,
Science, Art, and History,
-Glittering gems of thought.
Pages traced in deeds of blood, '
Where freemen for the bondsmen stood,
" ' And yielded all, but victory.
Handicraft of freeman's hand,
Moving at no ki ng's command,
Save the sovereign peoples'
Columbia great, by Heaven blessed.
iLooks toward the world's oppressed
And bids the nations come.
H F. Cabbolu
Chicago. Oct. 15, '92.
Knew He Was a Presbyterian. -
A pleasing little episode took place
esterday afternoon in the corridors
f the Virginia hotel in which mem
bers of two historic American families
drawn here to the world's fair met,
shook hands, iand exchanged pleas
antries. Gen. J. C. Breckinridge, Inspector
General of the United States army,
who, "by the way, is abrother of the
Hon. W. C P. Breckinridge of Ken
tucky, stood talking with - Lieut.-Gov.
Bestow of Iowa when in sta-ode a tall,
gray-bearded man, straight as an
arrow, and with striking features.
Breckinridge said to Bestow:
"That man must be a Sherman. He
has the family features. ' ' Gov.
Bestow at once introduced Gen. Breck
inridge to the new-comer. Maj. Hoyt
Sherman, a brother of Senator and the
. late Gen. Sherman. Gen. Breckin
ridge's remark being repeated Maj.
Sherman retorted, "Yes, we Shermans
TPSIlare the mark of the beast on us."
- After the laugh had gone round Maj.
Sherman continued: "You may not
know it, General, but your family, too,
has an identifying trait. In the minds
of many people the name Breckinridge
and Presby terianism are closely identi
fied," to which Gen. Breckenridge
pleasantly replied: "That is unques
tionably true, and I believe it shines out
through our features. Let me inflict
a little story on you. I stood recently
on the street of a Western mining
city. A gentleman came along, stopped,
glanced, then turned and darted a
steady look into my face. Uneasy un
der it I said, 'Well, sir?" He said, 'What
is the chief end of man?' I thought
swiftly back through the forty years
during which I had not seen the
Shorter Catechism. Memory rushed
into action, and I answered him, 'Man's
chief end is to glorify God and
enjoy him forever. He grasped
tTtd, Bhook it warmly, and fer-
Presbyterian. I can teli a Presbyter
ian as far as I can see him,' and the
strangest part of it was that he, too,
was an army officer."
Gov. Bestow looked at Maj. Sherman
and said: "O, I'll buy the cigars on
that story." The Major replied: "I'll
purchase anything on that," and the
three went laughingly away to the
cigar stand to burn some wrapped
tobacco V the author of the story of
the two army officers and the Shorter
Human Mood Flowing Like Water.
St Louis Globe Democrat: "That
hole in my head was made at the bat
tle of Missionary Ridge," said Ezra
Whipple to the writer. "The John
nies' were pouring lead into us, and
we were advancing in an irregular
manner, every man taking care of him
self. I dropped behind a stump that
had been burned until but a shell of
one side was standing. I was loading
my gun and had the ramrod about half
drawn when I saw a grand pyrotechnio
display and felt my arm straighten
out. I lay unconscious a few minutes,
then I got up and started to the rear.
The fight was at its hottest and, the
bullets sounded like a swarm of bees.
The hollow stump through which the
ball came that struck me had been
shot to pieces above me. The bullets
were cutting the bushes all around me
like a mighty hail storm. It seemed
Impossible that any human creature
could stand upright a moment without
being shot to fragments. I felt weak
and sick and sat down on a bowlder
and watched the bullets clip the rocks
and tear the bushes, but that another
of them would touch me never occurred
to me. I believed that the ball went
clear through my ' head, and laughed
when I recalled the epigram that when
the brains were out the man would
die. The roar of the guns and the
cheers of the combatants sounded like
the crash of worlds, but did not inter-'
est me in the least. A tall sergeant
near me was shot through the breast
and fell across my feet, the blood spurt
Ingup from the wound like a tiny
fountain, and I sat there watching it
with an idle intert until I n""n be
came unconscious. The ball had pene
trated my skull and lodged against the
tissue that covers the brain."
A Kentucky Confederate Reunion.
t What is known in Kentucky as the
Orphan Brigade held a reunion at
Paris, Ky. The Kentucky Leader of
Sept. 20, published at Lexington, gives
a full account of the reunion and prints
in full the speeches made. Among
them was the address of CoL William
Clark. He said:
"Overthrown, but not whipped, and
not disgraced. Overpowered by force
of numbers, but not crushed in spirit
or in manliness.
And, blessed be God, it is not yours
to hear of a member of this command,
whose achievements and deeds of valor
will be written for generations to
come, making abject apologies for
service in the war.
We believed we were right when the
clouds burst and the tocsin of war
summoned us to the discharge of duty
we believed we were right in faith
ful continuance in the service as long
as the struggle was prolonged.
We still believe yea, we know that
we were right and, God helping us i
we will never, by word, deed or thought
make explanation of our conduct that
would compromise our lofty standard
of honor and right, bring reproach upon
the memory of our fallen heroes, or en
deavor by canting words of a cringing
suppliant to ingratiate ourselves with
those who did not have the moral or
physical courage to go out and battle
for principle and truth, or whose con
ception of right and wrong were of
such a nature as to prefer ignominious
submission to a manly strife for the
glorious blessings of civil liberty."
Jennings' hotel of Omaha is the only
"People's party hoteL" Remember
" 1 i f lSb.tli
Percheron and French Coach
Maple Grove Farm.
Champion First Premium and Sweepstakes Herd
For tbe States of Kansas and
The Nebraska State Fair Herd Premium, for best show, all Draft breeds com
peting, was again awarded to my horses, making the fifth year in succession
that my herd has been the recipient of this much coveted prize.
A Nebraska bred horse, raised on Maple Grove Farm, was this year awarded
the First Premium and Sweepstakes at the Kansas State Fair, in competition
with twenty-five head of horses from five different states, 150 head of registered,
imported and home bred Percheron horses and mares.
A large portion of my present stock on band, has been raised on my Farm and
Will be Sold at prices below the read of any importer in America.
I am in a position to give my patrons the benefit of not having paid anv fixed
sum, or expensive buying snd transportation charges in order to own ray horses.
I cordially invite a carefnl inspection of my horses, and will guarantee the
buyer that my stock cannot be equaled in America, either in the quality or the
prices that I am asking.
Write for catalogue, and don't fail to inspect my stock before buying.
Breeding and Importing Establishment, One Mile from Depo Creston, lowi.
200 Full-Blooded Percheron, English Shire, English Hackney,
French Coach, Cleveland Bays and Standard Bred Horses.
, '".""J1-1 1 , ' !'; I have the lareest assortment of Eu
ropean Breeds of any man In America;
1 Handle none bat recorded stock; I do
not permit a mouthful of hot feed to be
Riven; my horses are not pampered and
are properly exercised, and fed cool
food, which I think are the main reas
ons why my horses hare always been
successful breeders.
Come and visit my establishment.
I am always glad to show my stock.
When arriving at Creston visitors
will please telephone to the Crest City
Farm and I will drive In after them.
I am prepared to give long time to
responsible parties.
Every horse guaranteed a breeder and
must be as represented.
I?!'1""! rr it ..Jim
Cambridge, Furnas County, Nebraska.
Shire, Clyde, Percheron, ttelgian,
German, and Oldenberg Ceacfc, French Coach,
Yorkshire Coach , and Cleveland! 'Bay Stallions.
We Handle More Horses Than Any Firm in Nebraska.
We import oar own horses thus saving the customer the middle man's profit. Buyers
have the advantage of comparing all breeds side by side at our stables.
We Have 40 Good Yonng Acclimated Horses on Hand.
Another importation of 40 will arrive about October 1. We euarantee all our horses
every respect. We make farmers companies a specialty, having a system whereby we
can organize companies and insure absolute success.
We Will Send a Man to Any Part of the State,
On application to assist in organizing companies. We give long time thus enabling pur
chashers to pay for horses from services. Correspondence promptly answered. Men
tion this paper. Address,.
W. J. WROUGHTON & CO., Cambridge, Neb.
Great: A icioi Sale of Thoroughbred
Jersei) Cattle Po)ai)tl chiijas.
At "River Side Stock Farm." One Ui'e West of Penitentiary, known as C. U. Branson Farm.
1MOVEJV1BHF 22, 1892.
Seventy five head of thoroughbred Poland China, consisting of 25 or 30 very fine young boars
and the balance gilts and brood sows, Van Dee Lee, a soa of Van Dee, has been at the head of
eur herd the past season. He is the best all around yearling boar we have ever seen, and his get
only con firms our estimate. We have not sold a pig this season and shall not till the sale. The
offering will be of our very best and no cnlls, the mot of them the product of the. fine and well
known herd formerly owned by Kev. O. Comptonof Bennett, Neb., he having put his Jerseys and
Poland Chinas into the undersigned firm the past season. '
Consisting of 5 bulls and 15 females, all giving milk. This is a lot of high bred cattle and a rare
chance to buy thoroughbred Jerseys for family use or foundation etock. We are overstocked and
hiubw ecu, wo rest-rye. aupoiuie Hue ana no postponement for bad wepther. Sale will be in a large
and comfortable barn. Teims: One year's time at 10 per cent All paper must be good at the
bank. Lunch at noon, and sale will be held immediately after dinner.
Hfi'LJiiict. ihcqlm JERSEY CATTLE CO..:Proo'rs.
' r