V". VV, X - J k - .J VOL. IV. LINCOLN, NEB., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1892. NO. 23. 01 GALLANT LEADER? General Weaver, Talks of the People's Movement, Its Progress, Its Power and Its Future WE WILL CONTROL THE SENATE- What Caused the Reaction The Demo cratic Triumph Will be Short Lived. The folio wsng interview with Gene ral Weaver appeared in the Sunday issue of the Rocky Mountain News: WISE WORDS OF OUR LEADER. I am glad oa looking over the politi cal wreckage of Tuesday last to see that Populists have done so remarkably well in the great struggle just closed and the echoes of whica still resound in our ears. We have carried almost as many states as Harrison, though not so large an electoral, vote, and hold the balance of power in more than three-fourtks of the states of the union. WE CONTROL THE SENATE. ' Better still, we are in position to sway the action and shape the future ilicy of the federal senate, having as we will after March 4, senators in that body from Idaho, California, Montana, Kan sas, Wyoming, Nebraska, Nevada and . possibly Norm and South Dakota. We have aloO elected governors in 6ix or seven states. This wilL enable us to act as a breakwater against the enact ment of various legislation and permits us to force the economic measures such as the free; coinage of silver and the adoption of an American system of cur- ' rency to the front and bring the vital issues of the mneteentn century to me . m . ft . 1 attention oi tne American peopie. DISSATISFACTION THE CAUSE. The Democratic party came into -power as the result of a violent reaction public sentiment and not at the bid ding of the quiet and sober judgment of the people. The reaction which threw the Democrats from power at fhaAlnsn of Cleveland's term in 1889 gave the Republicans complete control of the government;, ine peopie were disappointed witn Mr. garrison a au- uinistration ana tne pouucai penuu um swung violently back and hurled ae Republicans from power. I COMING DEMOCRATIC DISASTER. 1 T'jhe task now confronting the demo- I - -,-r ta i mTvnaalVilo rf anlntion from the standpoint of that party. If L J.,u tViA loifF toToa i.hortk V71 1 1 )i n - 1 Z mi1oa 4-Via-vt qua no fntifl to the point that will stimulate importa tions in order to maintain the revenue. Tn t.Viat. nvp.nt washes will decline. -labor THE ONLY REMEDY. 'ha rmlv rpmedv for the impending catastrophe is a material Increase in the circulating medium through the fnoo Minacrp, of our sliver product. Th'a would tend to increase wasres in spite of tariff industries, but the demo- catic party is lrrevocaDiy commtneu QrToinat nnrrptifv Axnanslon and is surely facing a sea of trouble it cannot avoid. PLUTOCRACY'S NKW TOOL. I tvia imofiracv has cantured every monev center east and west, not by inning the nnanciai ciiaaeia out eu- invitation of the moneyed VJ L 3 plutocracy, which desired to cnange its allegiance from the decaying repub lican party to another which appar ently neither long years of disaster and a quarter of a century of dethrone ment seems incapable of destroying or eyen phasing. NO HOPE IN CLEVELAND. lot. a sinorlp element of reform will cluster about the administration of d Thft three ffreat contentions of modern civilization, land, money and transportation will look in vain for help da from t.hft new reffime. The People's Party, appealing as does to the justice of mankind, is the coming jactor in national politics, and its ad vent to national supremacy before the iiown nf thA twp.ntieth century is uunu v. i v assured. Will Meet in Lincoln Next Week-All rarmer8 Invited to Attend Its ; Sessions. , THE PROGRAM OF THE EXEEOISES. A Letter From B. F. Clayton, Secreury of the . National , .'.''""'CoBgress. ":' "';'v THE PEOPLE'S PARTY POWER. It holds the key to the political situa- tion in America and will Da we again Hurt. vom with th strenffth of a young giant in every state in the union for the free coinage of silver and the whole range of economic reforms now crying Thft future of free coin- a rro nt silvpr ia asaured and free coin- orro uriii fnllow. This is the first reform to ho acoomDlished. and we will make short work of it. The Only Hope of the Nation. There if no reason why any indepen dent should be discouraged. In one short campaign of four mtfnths our party has done more' to educate the people in the true functions of govern ment than the republican party has done in its forty years of existence. It has wrested from the republican party five states, in spite of all its power, prestige and boodle. In thinking that the loss of a few petty county omces will discourage the noble men and nrsvrmAn nrVlfUA llAflrt.fl ftrft aflame with 4 r, a i .rn at inn nt tho i-ohherv perpetrated lupon the producing classes through the vicious legislation enacteu two nA nnrtips t.hp Times' man has evi- TJLV wPfc " " " ' dently judged them after his own nar- anr-Aid nr( n.ontp.mntible viCW8. . The fight will go on. The People's pirtyis the only hope "of th3 people from the aosoiute aepousm wi . ii. j . nmnhant plutocracy; under wie aom INDIANOLA, Iowa, Novt 7, 1892. The Twelfth Annual Session of the "National Farmers ConsrreSS of the United States of America meets in the House of Representative at Lincoln, Nfih. Nov. 22nd 1892. at 10:00 a. m. This body is .composed or one dele gate and one alternate from each Con PTfissional District in the United States two delegates and alternates from each state at large, the heads oi an aiate AtrHmiitiirai societies and tstaie Affri- Miitimai nnlloorp.fl. and this vear one . . . . i j 1 ri member of all Local Agricuuurai oo iAtifts in the United slates. Ouraia a non-partisan organization a n A naa anfiomnliahed much 200d in 86- . . . . -i n, .i 1 curing such .National ana oiawj legisla tions as our g-eat interest requires. Wfl fiYOAct one thousand or fif teeu hun dred delegates and visitors and it will be the largest and most interesting crathArino' of practical Aericulturists and farmers ever assembled in the United States PROGRAMME. tvia twelfth nriTma.1 Rftsslon of the National CVnTnav'j n.ir, tryaau nf thfl TTnltAd States Will convene in tbe House of Representatives at T . 1 XT..!. Vnl..mkoiW 1KVC ntlDSL Til. 10 A. M. Called to order, and music by the band. Wftienmeto the state by Hon. J. E. Boyd, Response, b? Hon. w, a. Mnun, oi ivansaa. WTafnnma tr tha fUV tlV A. H. W flT. Mayor. Response, by Hon. D. G. Pursee, of Savannah Welcome, by the President or tne uoara oi Traae. . . Dnonntisn h MIntirV I X17U1H. HI lunil Welcome, by Business Men's Association. J.J.17U. W w " " - , Response, by Hon. Wm. ifTeeman, oi Maine. Music Dy tne Dana. Annual aHirAua hv th PrpsiaPnt. ADWointment of the committee on resolu tions ana nnance. 2 P.M. Introdnction of memorials and resolutions inarionriBnpA nf AcrriMUitnrai ana xrann &uu v I'viau vu vv v Dortatiott." by Hon. W. Pope Yeaman, or Missouri. .... Beet industry in the umtea &tais, oy Professor M. A. Lunn, of Nebraska. 7:30 P. M. Aririrota "Ta farminor a realized alchemy. Mrs. A. G; Sawyer, Lincoln, Neb. it TPinrai interest." bv Mrs. Robert A. " VJ . - - . McClellen, of AtheM, Ala. - ' 2 P. M. Repnilar order of business. t.inivMnaHtv nf . AmArlcan ParmlnBr." by ' Colonel Daniel Neeham, President New Eng land Agricultural Society of Boston Maw. Adarss. suDject to do Beieciea, ojr nou. . Walker McKeen, Maine. Address. Subject to be seiectea, Dy ueorge T. fairchlld. President Agricultural Colleaa of Manhattan, Kas. .. 7:30 P. M. Regular order of business. Agriculture In Oklahoma, Hon. II. C. St. Clair, O. T. . .." "Scientific Relation of Money to Agriculture and Transportation," by Hon. L. H, Weller, oi Nashua, Iowa. NOVEMBER 24, 10A. M. Regular order of business. HJovrnment ownershin of Railways." Hort H. C. Browm, of Atlanta. Ga. "Agriculture m tne south," oy .enerai K. Burke tt. of Misslsslbi. and P, M. Clemanes, of Kentucky. Keaucea rates nave oeen seeurea ai in following hotels In Lincoln; Capital, Lincoln Windsor. Opelt, Tremont, St. Charles, Bond and the Lindell. Our headquarters will be at the Lindell. Reduced rates over all leading railways in the United States are grantad. ' ' ' , Secretary. Go On With The Fight. The battle is over its joys and sor rows its grief and gladness, and all things pertaining to it, have passed in to oblivion. Except the result: that is a matter of history. It now becomes us, as citizens of this great country, to continue the conflict. Wo have suc ceeded, but we will yet miserably fil, ' if we lay down our arms and let money accomplish, what the ballot has failed to do. Judge Gresham has said, "that we need men possessing the essential qualities of political manhood ." Men to whom bribery is a sin and the urioer is the accursed of God." The election just passed shows conclusively that the power of money in the hands of un scrupulous plutocrats in almost un controllable. At the Deftest oi its King the laboring man, it will not down. Let us close up our ranks, remembering that eternal vigialnce is the price of security. Our legislature will soon commence its labors and it becomes us, the creators, to so guard, all avenues that the creatures shall accomplish our will. "The Truth Shall Triumph." is our moUo, but it will triumph, only, as we stand shoulder to shoulder with its precepts. Nelson Herald. Celebrating; the People's Party Vic tory in the Sunflower State. Emporia, Kan., Nov. 12. The Kan sas State Farmer's Alliance and Indus trial Union which has been in session here for the past two days, elected the following officersr President, W. . S. Hanna: . vice-president, Mrs. , N. C. Clark; secretary and treasurer. J. B. French.- In the eveaing the alliance hftld an onen meeting which resolved itself into a jollification to celebrate 4.V . : r f . -