The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, November 10, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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Consolidation of the
Fanners AllianccXcbraska Indepdent
Published Etekt Thursday bt
The Alliance Publisiuno Co.
Cor. 11th and M Bt$., Lincoln, Neb.
O. Hptt, Prea . J. M. Thompsoh, Sec'j.
8. Ed. Thobhtojt, V.-P. J. F. Mirnao, Treaa.
C. H. PlBTtl.
Subscription One Dollar per Year
B. Edwik Thobhtok, Managing Editor
Chab. II. Pietli,... Business Manager.
E. A.ilCKRAT Advertising Mg"t
N. I. P. A.
Circulation for Six Months
Ending Sept. 20th.
The grand jury meets November 16,
to investigate the asylum steals.
Now is the time to renew your sub
scription, and send in a new name or
Hereafter a good market roport
will appear in every issue of The Alliance-Independent.
The article on labor and capital pub
lished in this issue is an excellent one,
and deserves to be carefully read.
Every alliance member in the state
hould read President Powers' letter,
and aCt UDOn hl'l f tmalv enrrrrriaio
The poem, "The Only Road to Free
dom," written by Mr. Gibson was clipp
ed from the last issue of the Knights of
Labor Journal. .
Every independent in the state will
want The Alliance-Independent
during the coming session of the legis
lature. It will give full and fair re
ports of all the important and exciting
events of the session.
'Tor ways that are dark, and for
tricks that are vain the g. o. p. is pecu
liar." For Instance out in Folk county
they tried to prevent a lot of indepen
dent Russian settlers from voting by
tel ling them that if they made a mis
take in votiDg the Australian ballot
they would be sent to the penitentiary.
On page 3 of this issue will be found
a short review of "An American Peas
ant" written by Mr. George Howard
Gibson. Mr. Gibson highly recom
mends the book, but not too highly we
think. It is almost excellent book for
the student of finance. Send 25 cents
to this office and get a copy
Within six days after the day of
election the county clerk of each
county must open and canvass the re
turns. It is of the highest importance
that independent watchers bs present
and see this work correctly done in
every county. The republicans will
not hesitate to manipulate the . returns
in order to insure them a victory.
Independents, do your duty in this
matter without fail.
The following appears in the Asso
ciated press dispatches as a common
place matter of news, yet it should re
veal to the American public a most
momentous fact, namely, that trial by
jury, once the bulwork of common
justice, is being rendered a force by a
pllutocratic judiciary. The case re
ferred to is that brought by Private
lams against the militia officers who so
cruelly tortured him at the time of the
late Homestead trouble:
Pittsburg i Nov. 5. -When court
convened this morning the jury in the
lams case came , in and asked leave to
submit in writing a question which it
did not wish to ask openly. After
reading it Judge Porter told the jury
the subject of inquiry was wholly im
material. Any other action between
the parties could not enter into the
case. The judge continued as follows:
"A3 to the Instructions given you to
find the defendants not guilty of assault
and battery, I propose that you shall
obey the court. You, of course, may
ignore the instructions. You are the
judges of the fact and the law not law
as you think it should be, but what it
is. We have told you what the super
ior court of the United States says the
law is and that is the law you want to
take. If any man on this jury thinks
he knows more than the supreme court
of the United States, of course he will
stick to his opinion. It is a shame,
however, that a man with such pro
found knowledge should waste his time
in the jury box."
The cor.rt then warned the jury
against the dangers of being guided by
feelings of prejudice, and the jury re
tired, returning shortly afterwards
with a verdict of not guilty.
The verdict, however, adjudged that
the defendants, Colonels Hawkins and
Streater, shall pay half the costs in the
aggravated assault and battery case.
Their counsel moved, in view of the
judge's charge, that that part of the
verdict De set aside. Ihe court order
ed the motion put in writing, but made
no ruling on it.
Note the language:
"Instructions given you to And the
defendants not guilty."
" propose that you shall obey the
cotrt." 1
What is the use of a jury trial if the
judge is to find the verdict? Is it not
a farce?
Of what use are laws to prevent in
timidation of a jury, if the judge is
allowed to issue despotic commands
which the jury must obey?
The judge even descends to ridicule
and sarcasm to over-power the inde
pendence of jurymen!
Think of a court that has prejudged
the whole case warning the jury
against "being guided by feelings of
That some of the jurymen were dis
posed to render a verdict of "guilty" is
shown not only by the judge's vehe
ment efforts to browbeat them, but by
the fact that they assessed half the costs
on the colonels, Hawkins and Slreater.
But of what use would have been such
a verdict? The judge would have sim
ply set it aside, and ordered a new
Such an outrage on justice had its
fore-runners only a few days ago when
a judge of the supreme court of Penn
sylvania, descended from his. supreme
bench, and took his seat in one of the
lower courts at Pittsburg in order to
indict the leaders of the Homestead
strike for treason.
Trulj the time has come which the
great Lincoln foretold when he said
"corporations will be enthroned, and
all of liberty be lost."
Republican officials have got into such
a habit of doing things according to
their own notions regardless of law
that it makes them very angry to have
their schemes interfered with by people
who are cranky enough to want the law
observed. For instance county clerk
Woods of Lancaster county is very
angry, and so are several republican
rlngsters whom he numbers among his
friends. The occasion is as follows:
Mr. Woods first made up the ticket
with candidates for county commiss
ioner left out. The error was discover
ed, and a new lot of tickets had to be
printed. When these come out, the
independents discovered that "People's
Independent" was printed after the
names of Wolfe, Van Wyck, and two
electors in very small type, while all
the rest of the ticket was in large type.
Also in the county ticket the word
"People's" was ommitted altogether.
Hon. Mart Howe, chairman of the in
dependent county central committee,
after taking legal advice employed H.
F. Rose, our candidate for county attor
ney, and they asked for a mandamus in
the district court to compel Mr. Woods
to have the tickets printed correctly as
required by law. They went before
Judge Tuttle and at noon Saturday
secured a mandamus to that effect.
Then clerk Woods,and county com
missioner Churchill got angry. They
said it couldn't be done. There wasn't
time, and there wasn't paper enough in
the city. Finally Churchill remarked:
Woods: "You print the city ballots
first, give the country what is left, and
let them go to hell."
Woods said Chairman Howe ."You
have been so articular with me. I am
going to be particular with you, and
names on your certificate won't go on
tne ncKet, oecause tney are not legally
certified. That man meddins place of
residence is not given." Howe said:
"Woods, you dare to disobey the order
of the court, and I will have you in jail
Deiore tne sun goes down."
There was the mandamus staring him
in the face, and Woods decided that he
had better submit. The tickets came
out in good time and all right.
Mart Howe deserves a great deal c f
credit for his vigorous action in bring
ing Lancaster officials to time.
lnwelisonie' Immigrant!.
The recent action of the emigrant
bureau in returning a large lot of con
victs, contract laborers and diseased
paupers, shipped hither, chiefly from
Italy, should be followed by prompt
legislation making it impossible for
the Chinese to smuggle themselves
into this country across its northern
border or elsewhere. Thomas Bab
ington Macauley, 1857, wrote:
The day will come when a multi
tude of people, not one-half of whom
have had more than half a breakfast
or expect to have more than half a
dinner, may choose a legislature. I
seriously apprehend thatyour republic
will be plundered and laid waste by
barbarians in the twentieth century,
as the Roman empire was in the fifth."
It is possible that the great English
historian foresaw that this fair land
of our3 wa3 to be an asylum for dis
contented foreigners, for anarchists,
murderers, outcasts and the Huns and
Vandals of the Old World? America
has a place and a welcome for the
brain and brawn and muscle of every
honest man who seeks a home in this
country and who will rest content to
become an American citizen with all
it signifies. In coming to this coun
try, however, our immigrants must
become Americanized and adopt
American ideas. Otherwise they can
not be Americans. The advent of de
moralizing elements should be stopped
in justice to the millions of citizens
who are now a part of the great work
ing forces of the republic. N. Y.
News. ' -
Subscribe for The Alliance-Independent.
In the near future we will begin the
publication of a series of articles on the
railroad rate question'as it concerns the
people of Nebraska. These articles
will form the most complete 'and ex
haustive discussion of the subject ever
presented to the Nebraska reading public.
No business has paid such large
dividends on capital invested the past
few years, in Nebraska at least, as that
of raising poultry and marketing the
products. Eggs always bring a good
price at any point in the state. Im-
roved methods are being introduced
n this department of industry and in
this connection we call to your atten
tion the "Noxal Incubator and Brooder"
manufactured by G. W. Murphy & Co.,
Quincy, III. The success of this com
pany is evidenced by the fact that they
have the largest incubator factory in
the world. Write them for particulars
and mention The Alliance-Independent.
"Truth crushed to earth will rise again: J3
; The eternal years of God are hers;
But error wounded writhes in pain.
And dies among her worshipers."
Waverly, Neb., 5, 1892.
Editor Alliance-Independent:
Lancaster county's loss is ' Harlan
county's gain. ,
Relatives and friends numbering
eighty assembled Thursday evening,
November 3rd, in commemoration of
our esteemed neighbors, Mr. and Mrs.
Obadiah Hull, who having bought a
farm two miles from Alma, Harlan
county, Neb., contemplates departing"
The event being in the nature of a
surprise, we had the satisfaction of
making it such, and the good ladies
besides their good graces and pleasant
faces brought eatables which satisfied
our appetites in a very pleasurable man-
Mr. and Mrs. Hull with affable and
hospitable dispositions were equal to
the occasion. They have resided in
Mill precinct for sixteen years and are
both devoted members of the Christian
church at Greenwood.
Mr. Hull has advocated for years and
keeps uppermost in his mind those
principles which would give "equal,
rights to all and special privileges to
none," and many are the sacrifices he
has made. He is a man of deep feeling
for humanity, a thorough understand
ing of the above principles and a strong
desire to impart such to humanity.
In commending Mr. and Mrs. Hull
and Mrsi Fell (Mrs. Hull's mother) who
will accompany them, we will say that
they are of that genial make up which
speaks more deeply than words and
the reflections of their friends many
times will westward wander.
Lancaster county has lost one of its
best known and highly respected
families. May prosperity abound with
them in their new home is the wish of
a host of friends. A. E. S.
The Australian Ballot Law,
Palmyra, Neb., Oct. 30, 1892.
Editor Alliance-Independent:
The republican press isclaiminsr that
John C. Watson of this county drew up
the Australian ballot, law, which was
passed by the last legislature. Tell us
who drew and introduced that law.
Yours Truly,
Wm. Young.
In answer to the above we will say that
the present Australian ballot law was
drafted by V. O. Strickler of Omaha,
and introduced by Hon. W. F. Porter,
independent representative from Mer
rick county. t comes with poor grace
for republicans to be claiming any cred
it for the passage of thatact, when they
defeated a bill for the australian ballot
in the previous legislature.
Jennings' hotel of Omaha is the only
"People's party hotel" Remember
this when yisiting that city. . 13tf