The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, November 10, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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The Kotorlons English Duke Meet With
T)th nddii1r.
ioxD05,Nov.lO. The Duke oi Marl
borough was found dead in bed at
Blenheim palace this morning'.
The Duke of Marlborough, tenth
earl in precedence in the United King
dom and one of Lngland s greatest
aristocrats, if title be taken as a claim
for greatness, was a notoriously im
moral man and was known as such in
the two hemispheres. American in
terest in him centers in his wife, the
widow, Mrs. Lillie Warren llamersley
of rew lork, and his famous and beau
tiful palace, Blenheim, one of the most
magnificent of English country seats.
The duke was 47 years old before
his succession to the dukedom and
while marquis of Blandford he was
divorced in 1833 from his first wife.
His accomplice was the countess of
Aylesford, whose husband was a
dissolute peer and lived usually
in foreign countries and for a
time in Texas. After being di
vorced Marlborough and - Lady Ayles
ford lived openly together in Paris and
a son was born, which the duke later
acknowledged was his. He signed all
the papers necessary to the registry of
birth and settled on the boy &SO.O0O.
rne Earl ot Ayiesiora sued lor a
divorce, which was refused, as his
own character was not aoove sus
picion. In the meantime Lady Ayles
ford had thrown herself on the char
ity of friends as the duke treated her
badly and would never give her more
than $10 at a time. On the death of
the Earl of Aylesford the latter's wife
put in a claim for her child as lawful
heir to the Aylesford estate and title.
English aristocrats were horrified, and
the house of lords, before whom the
case was tried, quickly threw out the
claims and gave the title and estate to
the earl s brother. Nor was this the
only scandal in which the duke had
In 1887, being badly m need of funds,
Uie duke came to America, it is said,
for the purpose of finding a matrimo
nial partner with sufficient beauty to
add luster to his social position and
with sufficient funds to enable him to
make good the possibilities of his sta
tion. At the home of Mrs. Paran Stevens
he met Mrs. Hamersley and soon af
ter learned that her fortune was not
under tier,absolute control; that it was
to be left ultimately to the male issue
of J. Hooker Hamersley, cou
sin of Mrs. Hamersley's hus
band, and in case there should
be none, to such charities in New
York as Mrs. Hamersley should desig
nate. In the meantime Mrs. Hamersley
was to receive an annual income of
$150,000 from the estate, which was in
charge of three trustees, during her
natural life.
While the gossips were speculating
the duke returned to England, where
he passed the winter, and Jn May was
again in America. The engagement
was soon announced, and a Gotham so
ciety leader was to take precedence of
every American woman who had
even married an English nobleman
and was also to take precedence of
every English woman except the queen
and nine others. The marriage oc
curred in the New York city hall,
Mayor Hewett officiating.
One of the Leading: Democrats of Ala
bama Kills a Political Foe.
Montgomery, Ala,, Nov 10. Judge
P. C. Randolph, probate judge of this
county, shot and mortally wounded
William Metcalfe last night The
difficulty is said to have originated in
political differences. Judge Randolph
is one of the most prominent men and
Democrats of this state.
t Tower mil Far
Increase" of Russian Forces.
Berlin, Nov. 10. In an officially in
spired article on the army bill the
Tost states that since 1838 the Russian
force on the Prussian frontier has been
increased by 60 battalions of infantry
and 48 squadrons of cavalry.
British Trade.
London, Nov. 10. The returns issued
by the board of trade show that the
imports decreased 2,150,000 and ex
ports decreased 2,440,000 during
October, as compared with the cor
responding month last year.
From Feaceable.
London, Not. 10. Another meeting
of the unemployed workingmen was
held at Tower Hill yesterday and
the speeches made showed increased
violence in their tone. The meeting
was more pregnant with promises of
violence than any other recently held
ai lower iiu u mcnua, weukno n as
an agent of the socialistic, federation,
was one of the speakers.
Alter ine speaker naa finished a
procession was formed and marched
toward the West End. As the crowd
was passing the office of the St James
Gazette, against which the mobseenied
to have a special grievance, a number
of men left the linen and tried
to rush in. The police rushed upon tho
men and struck right and left
l V " " A m .
wun tneir uaions. Alter a
short scuffle the men were driven
back. The editor of the St James
Gazette sent out word that he was
prepared and willing to see a deputa
tion from the woruingmen to discuss
grievances with them This had the
effect of quieting the mob. A deputa
tion was at once appointed to have an
interview with the editor, and then
the procession proceeded.
vvnen me deputation waned unon
the editor, they told him t ey wanted
an apology for a letter that had ap
peared in the St James Gazette. The
editor replied that he believed a ma
jority of those taking part in the de
monstration were loafers and declined
to publish a disclaimance,
Somctblnz New I'nder the Sun.
Art has been as Inaccurate In its re
presentation of the snake In motion
as of the horse. The snake does not
literally 'ffoupon his belly." scrip,
ture to the contrary notwithitandlng,
but upon his side, and his motion re
sults from the use of the Intercostal
muscles In such a way ns to contract
the ribs on one side at a time. By
this process and in this position the
snake can run very rapidly, but only
for a short time. He is quite unable
to glide upon a perfectly smooth sur
face, nor Is ho able, as most persons
suppose, to propel his whole bod 1
forward and in air when striking
A Mexican State in Pawn.
y-t . m- a
umuuAHUA.Mex., jnov. io. a sensa-
tion has been created in state govern
ment circles over the discoverv
by Governor Juan Ahumada,
the new executive of Chihua
hua, that ex -Governor Exrique
Roderiquez, his predecessor, had
pawned the revenues of the state to
the amount of $110,000, and that he
had also contracted a floating indebt
edness of $116,000. The out-going ad
ministration turned over to Governoi
Ahumada $116,000.
Direct in 2:05 1-2.
Nashville, Tenn., Nov. 10. To-day
was a great day at Cumberland park,
and two great horses lowered their
previous records on this, the fastest
track of the country. The great Cali-
lornia pacer, direct, who beat Hal
Pointer last year in the remarkable
time of 2:0G, to-day lowered his record
to 2:05. There will be some record
smashing at the park to-morrow, and
some pretty match races will be run.
Ahc, 2:10, went in 2:10.
Minerals in Missouri's Building-.
Nevada, Mo., Nov. 10 .The rotunda
of the Missouri world's fair building
will be formed by pigs of spelter
loaned by the smelting companies of
Nevada, Joplin and Rich Hill. Pigs of
lead will also be used in the building.
lhe mineral display of the lead and
zinc district will make the minim? ex
hibit complete, as the largest smelting
works in the world are located in
Southwest Missouri.
Not Sure About It.
What was the text, my sonP"
"I forgot pa, but it was from
second chapter of St PauL"
"St Paul eh?"
"Weil, l don't know. It intent
have been Minneapolis." Puck.
A Definition.
Prod Potterby Whence do we de
rive the word helpmate," Miss
Mis3 Edith From the fact that if
she didn't help him to propose they
often wouldn't mate, I guess. Indi
anapolis Journal, o,
Bridge Notice.
Countt Clerk's Ofi-ici, 8ept.28, 1892
Sealed proposals will be received at the nfliM
of the County Clerk of Sherman county, at Loud
City, Nebraska, until noon of the 1 1th day of
v ten., m i . .. X
nuvruiwr, iow, jur ine construction or a bridge
arrets Middle Loup ltirer. on half kppliah Hha
oi section m ana n. Town 15 and Kan ire is.
Bald bridge to be 200 feet loner, and tn Tout nn
piling Bidders to furnish plans and upeciflca
tioas. The County refienres the right to reject
any and all bids. K. II. Kittell, Co. Clerk.
W. C.T. U.
138 S 12th St., Lincoln.
3yEE-AIjS 25c
First class table
Lunches at all hours.
Nebraska Savings Bank
13 andjO St, Lincoln.
Capital $250,000.
Write Us and We will Prove it.
Five per cent interest on iavlngs account.
Special rtes on timo deposit.
Write us or call for neat vent pocket memo
randum book.
J. O. SocmwiCK, E.
President. . Cashier.
i ii i n
Special rates Tffivcn members of tho
People's party at tho Jenninens hotel.
Omaha, Neb., Ninth and Harney SU'
L. A; BELTZER, Mg'r.
Eend in orders for spring. Agents wanted.
Osooola, I : : Nebraska.
Pure Bred Poultry. White Plym
outh .Rock. Whits Games Partridfjo
Cochins: Toulouso Geese, White Hol
land Turkeys, Whito Guineas, Pekln
Ducks. Egrrs in season. Prices low.
W. A; Bates, Jr.,
Fremont, Neb. 30tf
120 Chestnut street, Ot. LouisMo.
Endorsed by the Leading Men and Women of the Movement.
Send for our Complete Catalogue of REFORM BOOKS. SONn nnnvg dp.
FORM PAPFRS, ETC., by far the largest list published. '
Catalogue contains fine portraits of the leading authors Of Reform Works al'o
ne pictures of J erry Simpson, and Gen'ls Weaver and Field.
N. B.By special arrangement with above Company, orders for books mav
be sent to this office. , , - ? . r , x . .
Great AUctioi Sale of Thoroughbred
Jersey Caltle ; Poland Chiijas.
At ' 'River Side Stock Farm," One Mi e West of Penitentiary, known as C, M. Branson Farm.
jOVEJVlBEp 22, f 892.
-SJ?&lhea. vcr? fin vm, ia.
and the balance Kilts and brood sows,
m ou mjkv life, a son ot v an jjee, nas been at the Lend
ne is uie Desiau around yearling boar we have ever cen. and his get
SSV f T Tl rimo of ESS the ph ct of e 1 me ani well
Pn?H W for.mfr,y owned bv Hcv. o. Comptonof Bennett, Kcb., he having put hi" Jerrava am!
Poland Chinas Into the undersigned firm the past season. 15 v JerKes and
- - - r- w w b LB el mm
Consisting of 5 b;lls and 15 females, all giving milk. ThiH Is a lot of high bred cattle and ro,
, gallon stoeTe owSliglf SB
hu v v nr i i. . a unui 1 1 it- nit if him i i i in iui riffinm fin r ta n si
and comfortable barn. Terms
WPrithOP Sain nrlll n i i
bank. Lunch at noon. nd wnihi lii " KJ."1 im',cr usl De oou ft the
I - l J 1 Ml
Finest Offer Ever Made in the West.
Work of Samuel and Charles Wealer.
c .,
cuuio reuenuv Qi3COVf5rGd mnnn,
I will sell to the highest bidder a-draft of Imoorted and Amm-i
can Bred full blooded and recorded PERCHERON and FRRNPTf
scripts In the cellars of the Wesley an -L'-KAr 1 bTAL.L.lUJNS, MAKES, COLTS and FILLIES. No res-
uumereace dook room in L,onaon.con- erraiion. evervmmfir croes.
L -. . I ' "
wrsl;;TaXownnLpnrrarls ? time at 8 ? coa forcaSh. Send im
volume oi poems
was also found.
by Samuel Weslej
COL. F. M. WOOD, Auctioneer,
Yutan, Nebraska,