The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, November 10, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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ploving people, are a3 literally wsge
workers as the man who digs in tin
street. One of ihe most serious t bje
tions to the present system is the fact
that it denies to the sufficku
time and opportunity for sdf cuif.;-e.
We are . vitally inteie.-a d in the
Wage question, and the pr b'era is, how
to eradica'e abases, and retain all that
is healthy.
While this question is cot confined
alone to this country, it must, in the
nature of things, find its solution in to
United Stutes.
Oar coun'ry p-cs-s unequaled
natural res jurces, which can only bi
develop d by Ldjiv
Inventive genius flourishes, making
labor most productive.
There is plenty of skill, d labor at
hand; intelligence ulo is diffusing.
Political and Indus' ri 1 hetdom are
mutual ai -.
Under equitable conditions, tvery one
willing should o f-bU; t tin i profitable
employment. Sow : writer com ares
the present system to a j yratnid balauc
ed on its apex. w
Why not let it fall, ail rest on a solid
base? It is pleasing to note that all pre
ceding changes of industiial systems
havo been made gradually without
great friction or much bloodshed.
The evolution from the old to the new
was accomplished with comparative
We think there need be no great fear
that the abolition of the present wage
system, if abolition becomes necessary,
will involve any great disturbance in
Our national affairs.
The coming system must ba highly
organized, since society is thoroughly
organized, except that much in social
life is arbitrary and compulsory. Trusts
and monopolies are splendid object
lessons, teaching that a few men cm
control the varied and complicated in
dustries of this .immense country to
their, own profit; and leading us to
reasonably presume that an industrial
system of government could find men
equally capable of transacting its busi
ness for the benefit of its people. Wage
workers and trade unions are gradu
ally assuming control of various crafts,
and it is pleasing to note that their
affairs are adjusted with very little
Representatives of employers ard re
presentatives of wage-workers fre
quently meet and arbitrate vexing ques
tions, the results are reasonably satis
factory to both.
Sometimes such meetings are un
successful, because of the difficulty of
meeting on an equality, for caste is
strong, even though its cout of arms is
a nam or a coal oil barrel.
If the present system could b3 grad
uated into one of hearty co-operation
instead of heartless competition, and
could direct present organizations into
channels of harmonious adjustments
of the general interests of the employ
er and the employed, the evils of the
present system would disappear, be
cause the wage-workers would then of
necessity help to determine the ques
tion of their share ia the products of
their labors.
Existing methods of production and
transportation could remain essentially
the same.
An equitable distribution of the pro
ducts of labor in this country would
mark a new era in the history of the
development of the race. Henry Clay
crossing the Rockies, reaching the sum
mit, alighted from the stage coach, and
gathering his heavy mantle about him,
exclaimed, "I hear the tread of count-
less coming miuionsi"
So we, vision toward sunrise, hope for the light
of a brighter day, when
All men's good be each man's rule,
And universal peace
Lie like a shaft of light across the land.
And like a lane of beams athwart the sea,
Thro' all the circle of tne golden years.
Urf-il the consummation of the present hopes.
let the faithful wage-worker believe that
"When the last dawns are falling on the gray.
And all life's toils and ease complete,
Tiny know who work, not they who play,
That rest is sweet."
Mrs Alice A. Bauchman,
Musical Preceptress.
Dorchester, Neb , Sept. 2, 1892.
Likely Enough.
Inquisitive Neighbor I hear that
your sister is engaged. Ia that trus?
Small Bo-Cuesso, She generally is,
A Timely Allegory.
The American Peasant by T. Jt. Tib
bies an 1 Mrs. Elia Y IVaUio "s in -d
' u. timely allegory," astoty in'.o'es i g
A4 that of B .nyan's pi grim, int.r.stirg
I ccause a story vf cureelv.e-', our pivsent
kgal destruction and ibe way of li;d-,s-tii;l
salvation. The allegorv" feature
of the book is tho nvrett filus, the
eha ge of place, nactts und cv nis not
hiding for a luoment the actual events,
causes and conditions upon which light
is thrown. It is a story of the wcrk tf
our. American "finances," and brings
out with startling distk.ct'iet's tho tax
ing, enslaving monarchical powt.r
which a monopoly of money has sr cur
ed to them. John Sherwood is another
John Sherman, or ue might ay John
Sherman himself, who, as lead r of tho
financial schemer.?, in the emrgv-ney
of' v ar, cornered the coin and l!i n in
dued tho government by acts of con
gress to base . its credit upon it, thus
bringing an enormous war debt into
their hands, and all private demands
for credit to the bankers' doors.
Owning the debt and controlling tho
credits, the money the people must bor
row or buy, not only enabled the "finan
ciers" by means cf 'interest to drain oft
from labor's earning all the surplus
above cost of maiutcnanee, but by forc
ing congress to contract the currency
in a corresponding ratio increased the
market value cf tho dollar and the bur
den of each ard every debtor.
The way by which tho people's rob
bers, the "financiers, were outwitted,
exposed and routed from office and
power, is described in the story given
us by the author of "The American
Peasant," and it makes intensely inter
esting and entertaining reading lev
American workers of every grade. The
average untrained mind loses itself in
the iatricacies of many effects, lines of
causes not traced to their begining, and
which cress each other and act and re
act upon each other. This is just the
book, it seems to us, needed by all such.
It removes the reader from the scene
of action just far enough that the indi
vidual differences fail to distract, and
the effects of a great , common cause,
the robbery of tho workers by the
money power, can be clearly seen. The
writers of this book have given a re
markably lucid exposition of what
money is, may be, and must be to secure
justice to all: the power of interest, or
usury, to reduce a few people to the
condition of slavery, and the power of
money when issued by the government
direct to tho people at cost of loaning
and in quantity corresponding to Iheir
needs, to establish universal liberty.
George Howard Gibson.
We send a million and a half dollars
out of Nebraska every year to eastern
insurance, and complain of hard times.
Tnsure in the Home Fire of Omaha, and
keep your money at home.' Home com
panies loan their money in Nebraska,
and it is kept in circulation in our own
state. Not a dollar is loaned in Ne
braska by eastern Fire Insurance Com
panies, nor cm they by laws cf the
Eastern States, loan their money in the
On November 15th, Mr. Z. S. Bran
son the widely known and yopular live
stock auctioneer will have his first pub
lic sale of Poland. Chinas to ba held at
Walnut Grove Farni,' which is located
two and one half miles from Waverly
Neb. There is probably no finer herd
in the country t: select from. All par
ties interested in fine stock whether
they wish to purchase or not should at
tend this sale. We can assure them of
a cordial welcome and that they will
receive honorable treatment.
Low Kates for Nebraska State Teach
ers Association.
The Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific
Railway will sell Tickets to Lincoln at
low rates on certificate pi?n. Askycur
Ticket Agent for particulars.
Jno. Sebastian. G. T. & P. A.
Chicago, U. S. A.
Telliusr IMamontls by the Taato.
Diamonds and crystals can bo dis
tinguished from crlass and mt hv
touching them with tho topgiie. The
diamond Utl nueb co!4er. s " V " (
11 cutting out this advertisement, and save it.
When you get ready to bny your
Fall and WhTER Goods
Prscnt same and wo will allowyou 10 per cent for
-Cash on the following goods:
if ijc lit
Dress Goods.
Gloves and Mittens.
Tablo Linens.
Towels and Towling.
Bed Spreads.
Laco Curtains.
Live Geeso Feathers.
Hats and Caps.
UR New Stock is Immense! .
UR Goods aro A No. 1 in Quality!
UR Prices aro Lower than the Lowest?
Bring this advertisement with you and thereby
Save 10 per cent. No premium tickets will be
Given on this sale. The abovo stands good until
December 1, 1892.
FRED SCHIIDT, 921 0 St., opp. P. 0.
BLANKETS. 40 inch all wool tuitiDg in stripes
,r , , , . plaids and mixtures, worth 6oc a yard.
Our owork buyer has sent us a J 3d pieces to select from. We offer
large line of sample blanktes which he them at
purchased from tho largest Blanket -
house in New York at a discount of 33J 23C5
per cent.
Single Blankets only 19c, 25c, 39c. 50c
and upward. 5 inch all wool flannels worth 65c.
Double Blankets, 59c, 05c, 75c, 85c, Without doubt the greatest bargain ot
$1.00 a pair and up. Special valuo in of tho season, only
this lot. iiH (Zf
All Wool White and Gray, single "3CP Vg
and double blankets at greatly reduced . .
nrwa J 23 inch all wool flannels, worth 40c
1 in all colors,
Our Stock is so largo that it is im- ; '.
possible to describe goods but will quote i. i
-ou a few prices Our line of dress goods is complete in
A good cloak for only $2.50. c W resPct and w.iU flY quote
A better grade for... 3.50. P"?c8 on any goods in the market.
A Beaver plaid for 4.40. VYritQ us-
And a Imv more of those elegant $5.
cloaks left. JACKETS
Ladies Cloaks and Jackets. A Com- uawuuiw.
plete line of medium and finest grade3 An all wool fur trimmed Jacket $5.00.
at astonishingly low prices. No gaticette or shoddy but wool.
jVrsci n rrTti A 6ti11 betler jacket- for $6.75.
jJJtiiliOO U-UUJJO, A Concord Beaver fur trimmud $8.75.
In winter weight wo have 239 pieces A Scotch cheviot $9.25.
of Scotch plaid goods from sheriff sale 'In plain walking jackets w8 offer an
of Ely Stearns & Co., Importers, goon elezant line of novelties at $2.75, $3.00,
sale this week. Worth from 38 to 40c $3.50L $4.00, $4.50, $5.50, $6.50 $7.25 up
a yard. Our price only to $25.00.
Send for rules for self measurement.
jL c )C We can give you a perfect fit.
REMEMBE Vv'e liavc largest Department Store anywhere
in the west and carry a larger stock than any houso west of Chi
cago. In buying fall and winter goods you can save at least 25
per cent by dealing with us, Special attention to mail orders;