THE ALLIANCE INDEPENDENT. )SIERY SALE TIIK MAIIKETS. Chicago Grain anrt Livestock. THIS WEEK AT " rin .. Nov. H. 1KB. irfi rnu hli'lipr th in it week nro. Com FITZ GEM mon J5.4.vrj; Rood light, WXcjAW; prime Cartl-Western ranj?e rat He. f3.p,4.&0, rcxkI steers M 0X3 T, dcpen.lliig on weliftit and quality; gooti cows 5-.u"i-- ... fliii J-Hrlces rising. W heat, 71c; cora. 42c; oats, 31c ffTT T " ' 1 fm,r, ill mill A T" LBS Omaha Grain and Livestock. ' OMAHA, Kov. 8, 1892. v mm Htf, c. Alt CATTtK-Prfme steer. 1.W . 1m. W. ,saA,. fair to eooa uioers. i.ww iu fj western 6ter, v""i0.,.., , cow, SI vmv.rti memum t.i V I Kill-KUWi ""'.. . . ..- rn.yHc-.oiits.cjlIaxfieed, 11.00; Day 15.00 r . 7 00 icrtou. ' " Chicago Produce Letter From Summers : V Morrison & Company. Chicago, Nov 5, 1892. Both the produce and fruit markets remain quiet and steady. The most i cuve iraum8 inr n.tMt wook has been in appiea ana pow toes. These are in good demand on both local j and shipping account, and the prices obtained rM nnttft satisfactory to botli snippers ana ru- , reivers. Best.well packed varieties of winter nniis. such as will ao for reshlpping or sior- . m are Belllna at 83 to f3.5 per barrel. The V ' stock that has to be sold for present use $2.50 to 12.75 per barrel. The outside orders xor imtnria still continue to come in, aim me . city trade is now laying them away for winter " makes a strong market. Choice Burbanks ' 78 cents per bushel, in carload lots on track. Dther varieties 73 cents. Good mixed 63 to 66 The dried fruit market shows considerable Ktrencth, and choice evaporated apples are bringing 8'i to 9 cents, sun-dried quarters 0 to 7 cents - v Vvsv. rwii1rnt. VfHYIJilnS firm a 11(1 Sill Kood makes of both creamery and dairy are t aken at previous quotations. . Fresh eggs are now a scarce article ana ...ill.,,. Mn,l iltr at. 9-1! rant 1"llr riOZftn. Receipts of poultry for the past few days Tiave been light and the market improving. Old hens 8', cents per pound, (springs 9f4 to 10 'nts, turkeys iv to 1 1 cents, uuuna v .w u liecelpts of game contlnne light. Prairie Mr.! , 11.75 to $2. Partridges t, rabbits fl.o ... The receipts of broom corn continue light and trading in tnis article is goou. oeu nuin- n nrAnv and prnwt.h SS0 to 90 DOT ton. Dwarf, short and of good color 185 to flOO per .' T lrrrr anil nfT nlnr 75 to S80. - There Is a good call for No. 1 timothy hay at ill oo to f 14 per ton. luixea iiiuutujr viv tu sru. r. Wheat closes at 70!4 cents, corn 41ft cents ; and oats ao cents. if UNWaUWNTEOWITIlTHECEOanAPHYO WISCOUKThi w-. KUCH VALUABLE inrORMMIOM TRCM . STUDY C? Tll'.S HAP Cr HOLDIHG IT DOWH! We hold down trade be cause our bargains are gen uine. Don't wait until a ' 'norther" freezes the mar row in your bones but buy now! Bifflousr fur ulsters $91 Better ones at $10., $12 and 15. Nice fur trimmed Beaver Ulsters at 10' Plain ulsters, wide collars, lots of sockets $3.50 and up. English Melton dress over coats $7.50. Fine black Beaver overcoats $8.75. Bovs overcoats $1.50, z , 2:50 and up and a nice sled (coaster) free with evry coat. Catalogue and samples free. THE n r DH - 104 and 106 N 10th Street, y LIlSrOOLlSr, NEB. I LA'COLA pnrH Tuition! Fall term in seven mttcreni rnC.ll! courses. Only high grade independent t : ctni Kinpst huildine'S. eauinments and ablest Norma 1 faculty . N o experiment, but an established man.gemenu " ties. ?s teacners ana ictiuicia, the masses, w ruciur wu"u6"' - Mgr., Lincoln, Neb. xTv.niro frt cAnnro ft TrAnflritinn for business iicuiaoau iw i i' 7 - . . t 1 vivi n 1 1 ftVIViI AW tnat win secure l)leasaull uu iuuhuhiic tmpiuj Jo .) lia T.innnln RnKiriPKH PollfCfi HUS1- ill L Li L, in ak ,uv uiuv.i " - - V S. . . Lnco fciinrthnnii Ppnmnnshln. and leletrrann courses. For catalogue and elegant specimen of mj 1 1 penmanBniP aaare,,iDG COURTNEY, The Popular Cash Dry Goods Store. 1038 O St. THE ONLY GENUINE BARGAIN GIVERS These Prce8 fT tWs Week. Buy tow- Ladie's Winter Underwear. At 15c ladle's heary ribbed veets, wortk 25. At 25c ladle's cray ribbed vest and pants, worth 40c. At 39c. ladle's fine Egyptian cotton vests and pants, worth 50c. At 49c. ladies' camel hair vests and pants, worth $1 00 At 75c. ladle's all wool s:arlet vests and pants, worth $1. At 49c, ladle's combination suits, worth 75c. Children's Winter Underwear. At 7c fihildren's erav merino vests and pants. 2 cent rise on each size. At 12c. children's eray woolen pants and vests 3c rise on each size. At Qo.. children's fine camel hair vest and pants, 5c rise on each size. At 20c. children's Bcarlet medicated vest and pants, rise 5c on each size. Tcse pces for this -Week, BUYTOW. Men's Winter Underwear: At 85c. Men's natural wool shirts and drawers, worth 40c. At 30c, men's natural wool shirts and drawers, worth 50c. At 49c, men's Fancy Random shirts and draw ers4 worth 69c, . At 50c, men's sanitary wool ehirts and drawers, worth 75c. At 75c. men's extra heavy all wool shirts and drawers worth fl.tO. At $1, men's fine camel hair shirts and draw ers, worth $1 33. Winter Hosiers. At 15c ladle's all wool hose, worth 25c. At 20c, ladle's all wool hose, werth 30c. At 25c, ladle's all wool hose, worth 40c. At 10c, children's all wool hose, worth 20c. At 15c, children's ribbed wool hose, worth 25c. At 25c, boy's wool bicycle hose, worth 40c. At 15c, men's wool half hose, worth 25c. m r H Our cloaks are sellers. All we ask is an m m I tr 1 Mm Vr It m - U nnnnrfunHv to show thom before von hnv. ft m B il )) fJ urn. i I We guarantee you a saving of Twenty-five j er cent. FITZGERALD DRY GOODS CO., 1036 0 STREET. ALLIANCE STATE BUSINESS AGENCY. State Agent quotes prices on the following goods. Ciiicap, Eoclc IslaM & Pacific Ry, Toe Direct Eouto to and from CHICAGO. ROCK ISLAND, DAVENPORT, DE3 MOINES, COUNCIL KT TIFFS OMATTA T.TKfTlLlT. WATF.RTdWU SIOUX FALLS, MINNEAPOLIS, ST. PAUL, ST. JOSEPH. ATCHISON, LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS CITY, TOPEKA, DENVER, COLORADO SPRINGS, nd PTTF.RTt. Ftb Secllninff Chair Cars to and " from CHJCAGO, CALDWELL, HUTCHINSON and DODGE CITY, and Palace Sleeping Cars between CHICAGO, WICHITA ana HUXCUIKSOH. SOLID VESTIBULE EXPRESS TRAINS fpuM.K runMlAMi 6lAAtAr TroA pArtlitlner Photr Cars and TUntng Cars daily between CHICAGO, I)K3 MOINES, COUNCIL BLUFFS, OMAHA and LIN- l)liN, ana reiween wihauw buu xca y xi.iv, rvTrhiTr enoivia tin A PITFRTA via Jneonh or Kansas Citv and Toneko. Excursions daily, with -n. A- .1 fUM C.I T .!.. Tin ...Inn .4 T M 1 Dolce oi lvouiea w cuu tiuui i unv-, .wuiuiu, i3 Anfteles and Son Francisco. The Direct Line to and from Pike's Peak. Manitou, Garden of ths Gods, the Via The Albert Lea Route. Fast Esrre?s Trains daily between Chicago and Minueaiwlin Rnd St. Paul, with THROUGH ncclinlug A i' -.-. I7rr 4a a .? fwim 4twa tn!nto nurl lnn. a. uair V-atB X1 ltCiA. Kt iii'iu luwov I'viulo Fas City. Through Chnir Car and Sleeper between ) eori. Spirit lAke and tfinnx Falls via liock Inland. . JSie favoriw iine o niiieriuwu, ciuu rem, iuc rummer ittsmiaiiiiu uuuui: uuu i izum wvuuuj - the Northwest. ... For Tickets, Maps, Folders, or desired !-iformatlon crpiy to oay Coupon Ti&8t Office, cr address B. ST. JOHN, JOHN SEBASTIAN, An fAM . . ? a 1 T 1 i. ta.m M For Sale. T.nT?n r.ATvinns "Enorlish Hackney stal lion, winner of first prize at Lincoln state lair iyu, ana lmporteu oairu oiai lion Stonehenge, now owned by the . Vt 1 i "XT Greenwood Morse jo., ureenwoou, Ne braska. Will sell cheap or exchange for land or live stock. Address, CD. Curyea, Sec'y, Greenwood, Neb. r Tim Unlrin Puffin, railroad has been giving away a series of six books, en titled "bights ana scenes." jur. j. x. MaRtin ritv ticket affent at Lin coln, informs us that he has had such a demand for them that tne supply is ex hausted. He will have some more in a few days. Those who have written for and not received themr will be supplied i at . n just iia buuu us i"j "B' Made Her Look Vell. ClaraHow well you looked on th street yesterday. Maud, immensely flattered Do you really think so? 1 am awfully glad. Maud Yes. vou had on such a be coming veiL Cloak Review. Mint sauce is nice to serve with roast lamb. Take a bunch of green mint and chop it very fine with a knife. Add a teacup of fine. brown sugar, and a teacup of sharp vinegar. Stir this up, and send it to the table A good common flour at 90 cts. per 100. White Rose flcur at $1,50 per 100. Silver Leaf " " 1.75 " " Prime Brow Sugar $4.00 per 100. Best Granulated Sugar $5.65 per 100. Fine Uncolored Japan Tea 25c per lb. t " i2Jc " " Good Coffee 20c per lb. A full line of Spices, Pepper, Cinna mon, Cloves, Ginger, Mustard, Al spice, etc., at 20c per lb. One gallon best coal oil wth glass can 40 cents. Soda i and Butter cracker 6c per lb. in cases. 40 Grain vinegar in iugs, 25c per gal Lemon extract 2 oz. bottles 50c per doz. Vanilla " " 11 55c " Finest full cream Y A cheese 124c lb. A good Overall for only 50c. An extra good overall for 65, Rockford half hoseJ75c per doz. . " " best made $1.05 a doz Write for anything you eat or wear. J. W. HARTLEY , State Agt., 245 S. 11th SI, Lincoln, Neb INDUSTRIAL SAVINGS BANK, ELEVENTH AND N STREETS, LINCOLN, NEB. fOAPITAi: STOCK $250,000. LIABILITY OP STOCKHOLDERS, : t : : : : $500,000.00 WMSTrLL, Frcs LOUS STULL, Cashier, J. G. WADSWOBTH, Ass't Cashier. K5SJKS2S5?S!SS-. Honey to Loan on Improved Farms. WHOLESALE PEALEK8 OMAHA, NEB. WYATT-BDLLARD LUMBER CO, Write us for bill of LUMBER for your house and barn, delivered at jour station. By dealing Direct with v we can save you la per ceni. (25) WYATT-BULLARD LUMBER CO., Omaha, Neb. Frofn the Saw to thcBuiTdipg IDtfcct. Farmers Alliance Men Please take Notice. Complete Bills for Houses and Barns a Specialty. WritA us for Delivered Prices. RETAIL . J.I m AMVMMW UN AM A tl lf..l 'Mk J. T. JOHNSON. H. C. KEIS0. WHOLESALE AND f ( tfOpHMVil lUtlWlM wvitifjf7 p vww iv vniwi..iHi1.fM to i&u9 Don.i.