The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, November 10, 1892, Page 15, Image 15

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To Rid a House of Lice.
Take common soap (soft soap is to
be preferred) and heat it until soft;
then stir in as much coil oil as it
will assimilate. To this mixture add
ten parts water and it Is ready for
application which can be done thor
oughly with a spraying machine or
.small pump. This recipe has been
used by a market poultryman of our
acquaintance, and he claims with
good results.
Another application said to be
. very good is crude carbolic acid and
water. This latter is cheap and easy
.to apply and would have a whole
some effect generally. -Midland
Poultry Journal .
Horaoulturdi Hi. its.
A vigorous stock is an item in budding.
A common mistake is the setting
out too thick.
Stir the soil thoroughly before
watering the plants.
Do not plow the ground too deep
near the growing trees.
When necessary to apply liquid
manure, do not put on the plants.
The quince varies but slightly- in
form, but in size they vary decidedly.
Generally for fruit trees one pound
of poison to 200 gallons of water is
Layering is one of the easiest and
best ways of propagating with many
Hogs are certainly preferablo in
the orchard to a blue grass sod
around the trees.
When currant3 or gooseberries lack
vigor, a dressing of manure can be
applied with benefit
Ail or tne rungus diseases of plants,
such as mildew, scab blight, rot and
rust are contagious.
The kerosene soap emulsion is the
best remedy to use on trees or shrnbs
infested with plant lice.
It is claimed that only ten per cent
of the apple trees that are planted out
. . tit
ever come into rearing.
One ounce of paris greou to six
pounds of flour is sufficient to use in
destroying the cabbage worm.
Constant mowing with the lawn
mower will kill out the plantain that
is so often difficult to get rid of.
Applying a little water and often is
a bad principle in watering plants
and Bhould be avoided. If watering
is needed, water thoroughly.
With srape3 ffive plenty of air to
all vines upon which the grapes are
beginning to color; loak over tho
.vines and pinch off all useless laterals.
IlulS molil Help.
f Cleanse cistern water with
dered borax and alum.
Heat skim and seal up fruit
juices in bottles without sweetening
and keep for summer drink.
Starch the tablecloths slightly; it
will give them a new iootc and be
sides they will keep clean much
It is said that the unpleasant
smell of newly-painted woodwork
may be lessened by setting pails of
fresh water about in the rooms.
A quantity of stock articles in the
kitchen should be prepared at one
time. Dry beans may be kept picked
over, potatoes washed, raisins seeded,
etc. -
To clean marble: Take a little soft
soap and pumice stone on a flannel.
Rub it all over the surface then wash
It off, wipe dry, and rub it with a
clean cloth. But if the marble H
spotted send it to be repolislied.
A piece of bee! weighing 10 pounds
requires two hours to roast Allow
10 minutes to every pound over or
under its weight The second cut of
thesurloin. the 6ecoQd cut of the ribs
and tho back of the rump aro coasld.
orsd the bast part of boof or roast
Art Squares and Other Hag:.
- A subscriber asks what the cost of
art squares is, and what would bo the
expense of having a square rug made
from Brussels or other carpeting. The
term "art square" may be applied to a
certain kind of carpet in one place, and
to something entirely different in
another locality. ' The common Ameri
can art squares cost about a dollar a
square yard, and come in sizes of from
about 2 1-2x3 yards to 4x5 jards. Art
squares of English manufacture,
known as Woodstock, cost one dollar
and a half a square yard.
A rug of good quality of body Bros
sels would cost from 90 cents to SI. 25
a square yard. Made of Wilton, the
rug would cost from $1.80 to 82.25 a
square yard. These squares, or rect
angular rugs, are used a great deal on
floors that have a natural-wood, stained,
or painted border. It is best to fasten
them to the floor at each corner and in
the center of each side.
When having rugs made, avoid the
use of carpeting with large and pro
nounced designs. Select instead such
as have small and mixed figures and
colors like thoso found in Oriental
rugs. Moqnetto carpets have small
figures, as well as the soft blending of
colors so desirable, but they are not so
closely woven as the body Brussels,
and therefore do not wear so well.
In the Academic ties Sciences.
At tho Academie des Sciences,
France, the number of foi'eign associates
is limited to eight. The late Emperor
of Brazil, Dom Pedro, was onaof these.
By his death, a vacancy was created.
Since the number in so limited, the
honor is much coveted and the Acade
mie is coiTespondingly careful upon
whom it confers it. It seems now as
if Lord Delvin (Sir William Thomson)
is likely to be the one upon whom the
honor of filling the present vacancy
will devolve. Certainly it could not be
conferred upon a more worthy person
than the "first physicist" in the world,
and the Academie will honor itself by
honoring him. Electricity.
A Convenient Velvet Kodlce.
A velvet bodice made slightly open
at the throat, with elbow sleeves also
slightly open, is a most useful addition
to a woman's wardrobe. Net or lace
sleeves set in full below tho velvet
sleeve oau be changed at will to match
various styles and tints of neck dress
ing. Lace or folds ox chiffon or net are
lightly arranged to outline the opening
at the throat. Cross folds of crepe de
Chine can also be used to raise the
bodice front to any desired height,
while the dressy appearance of the V
outline yot remains.
Monuments Move.
The perpendicularity of a monument
is, although few may be aware of it,
visibly affected by the rays of the sun.
On every sunny day, a tall monument
has a regular swing leaning away from
the sun. This phenomenon is due to
the greater expansion of the side on
which the rays of the sun fall. A
pendulum placed inside, say, Nelson's
oolurnn, in Trafalgar square, would be
found to describe on every clear day an
ellipse of nearly half an inch in
Remarkable Hallway Tmolr.
A stretch of track along the pampas
on the Argentine Pacific Railroad from
Beunos Ayres to the foot of the A ndes
is 211 miles long, without a' curve, a
single bridge, an opening larger than
an ordinary drain, a cut greater than
one metre in depth, or an embankment
more than one metre in height.
Double-IIeaded Keptilen.
Double-headed snakes have m been
known to occur; and in a German jour
nal Dr. Collin of Berlin, describes and
figures a double-tailed earth-worm,
and and mentions four other cases of
such malformations, Double-tailed
lizards hare occurred, also double
iiu j mH8&.l fi esc
ifcS r-" H
f 2 J South 4tb Gt.,
Threo blocks from Capitol building. Lincoln's newest, neatest and best
up-town hotel. Eighty new rooms just completed, including largo committee
room, making 150 rooms in all. tf A. L. IIOOVElt & SON, Prop'rs.
The way to do this is to ship your Butter, Poultry, Eggs, Veal, Hay, Grain,
Wo'l, Hides, Beans, Proom Corn, Creen and Dried Fruits, Vegetables, or
anything: you 'have to us. The fact that you may have been Belling1 these articles at home
for years is no reason that yon ehou'.d continue to do 80 If you can find a better market. We
make a specialty of receiving- shipments direct from FARMERS AND PRODUCERS,
and prehabiy have the largest trads in this way of any house in this market. Whilst jou
aro looking around for tho cheapest market in which to buy your goods, and thus economiz
ing in that way, it will certainly pay you to give some attention to the best and most profit
able way of disposing of your produce. Wo invito correspordence from INDIVIDUALS,
ALLIANCES, CLUBS, and all organizations who desire to ship their preduce direct to
this market. If requested, we will send you free of charge our daily market report, ship
ping directions and such information as will be of service to you, if you contemplate Jhip
ping. When so requested proceeds for shipments will be deposited to the credit of the ship
per with any wholesale house in Chicago. Let os hear from you, 47 8t
Stjmmees Morrison & Co. ,
COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 174 South Water Street, Chicago.
Reference: Metropolitan National Bank, Chicago.
ALLEN ROOT, Stock Agent, Nebraska State
Farmers' Alliance. Office and Financial M'gr.
' , Salesman.
South Omaha, Neb., Room 34- Exchange Building.
Before Yon Ship Send for the Market ,
References: First National Bank of Omaha; Packers National Bank, Omaha; Commercial
National Bank, Omaha; Nebraska Savings and Exchange Bank, Omaha; Central City Bank, Central
City, Nebraska. (
"shippers can draw Bight draft on us for W per cent of cost, bill of lading attached.
WFTFII I PRiy PO General Produce Merchants.
LO I I alLL UU Iff I UUl Legal representatives of Kansas
State Alliance and well known in Nebraska. Our specialty Car Loads Of
Potatoes Onions, Apples, Cabbage. Hay and Oats. We abo
have a heavy grain trade in Nebraska and Wyoming. We have an established
trade for all the above mentioned artices, and by shipping direct to us you will
get all the value there is in the goods. Write for prices and shipping instruc
tions. Reference: Metropolitan National Bank, Kansas City, Mo.'