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About The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1892)
' ," ' . ' . - ..;.. J ! iwfi w '"O . . fJJ. XV. J-illNVAUH, INJ2JI3., ItlUtoQVAl, IN U V jiVLl JliXv IU, lOyZ. JNU. ZL NEBRASKA RESDLTS Contest Very Close oa State Ticket Van j Wyck Probably Elected by a Small Majority. WEAVER CABBIES THE STATE- Kern and McKcighan Re-elected Majorities of A bout 3,000 Each Dech and Poynter Defeated. by Bryan Elected by a Very Small Plurality Members of Hause and Senate. Independents have been a good deal discouraged, and republicans corres pondingly elated by the results of Tucs day's election in Nebraska. While it appears that the independents have made gains in most parts of the state, the democratic vote is far below and the republican vote above what it was two years ago. . The republicans have been claiming everything in the state since Wednes day morning. But they have not shown any figures to justify the claim. The independents think that later returns indicate van wycKS election oy a small plurality. But the rest of the . ticket is probably defeated. J Thona nan Kft nr ioen - There can be no reasonable doubt that ' WEAVER HAS CARRIED NEBRASKA By from 3,000 to 7,000 over Harrison. A good many democrats'in the cities and villages voted for tho Weaver electors. ' CONGRESSMEN. In the First district Bryan is elected by a plurality of less than 300. Shamp's vote was very light especially in T.axiftflatai AIM. 1HT" WMUVW - In the Second it looks as if Mercer is AlAn4ai1 Vytt a email WlinialSftr In the Third thA rfimihlfranH nlnim that Meiklejohn is elected, but it is very dose. V In tne i? ourtn uainer na3 defeated Dech by a few hundred votes. In the Mfth McKeighan wins by probably 3,000, and Kern In the Sixth htf aKaii! 4tia oama . - .THE LEGISLATURE. . Returns show that the independents have elected members of the house as follows: Porter of Merrick, Dobson of -Fillmore, ueiton oiinuckoiis, lNewDerry of Hamilton, Horst of Polk, Dimmick of Franklin, Fulton of Harlan, Young of Furnas, Krick of Kearney, Johnson and Schlotfeidt of Hall, Webster, Rujrgles of Dundy, Beal and HJggins of Quster, Scotland gtebbins of Buffalo, , Tle Oily oqd o Ftfeedon. We may organize in "brotherhoods" and talk our time away, We may theorize forever and yet dependent stay, We may "resolute" 'gainst robbery and do what e'er we like, For capital is stronger than the very strongest strike. The money power is safe enough while workers still divide And vote against each other they who should bo side by side; The rich shall be defended by the soldiery and laws Till the workers get together and vote for labor's cause. O workers, weary workers, who bear the rubs and knocks, The only road to freedom runs past the ballot box, The kings of transportation each takes a robbei's toll, They stand between consumers and labor's wage control; The gold monopolizers curst usury demand, And millions drawn from labor enrich the lords of land. - But all this legal robbery at toil's behest should b3 Itself (f lawed forever-'5So'jeoplo may be freer-- - --- , We all must vote together for equal birthrights lost, For money, land and commerce secured to us at cost, O workers, weary workers, who bear the rubi aad knocks, . The only road to freedom runs past the ballot-box. The men who spend in luxury what others' toil has earned Should be exposed for wkat they are, and ba as robbers spurned; Tho universal law of God that each shall sweat for bread, In justice on our statute books, should fill the dudes with dread. The useless butterflies who cost their sisters lives of shame Should be considered vastly worse and wear the vilest name; But those whose lives should give them rank as lowest of the race Will proudly reign as kings and queens till labor claims its placo. O workers, weary workers, who bear the rubs and knocks, The only road to freedom runs past the ballot-box. George Howard Gibson, Lincoln, Ntb. Soderman of Phelps, Dickinson of Sherman, two members from Holt, Woods of Dawes, urammer of Howard, Lynch of Dawson, Lingenfelter of Lincoln, Olson and Gaffln of Saunders, Suter of Antelope, Smith of Richard son and probably enough to hear from to brine the number to fifty at least. In the senate the independents have elected, Stewart of Dawes, Darner of Dawson. Smith of Buffalo, Gray of Valley, Packwood of Boone, Dale of Harlan, Mullen of Holt, Harris oi Nemaha, Sanders of Sanders, McCarty of Howard, Campbell of Merrick, John son of Clay, Dysart of Nuckolls, Young of Furnas, probably Stevenson of Otoe and three more. IN LANCASTER COUNTY". The exact results can not be given yet. The independents have made gains over two years ago, but the whole republican ticket is elected by probably 1000 plurality. They Mt 111 Drink No More. Canajohabie, N. Y. , Nov. 10. A train west bound on the West Shore railway, struck four men to-day and killed two of them instantly. The others will die. It la said that the men wtrs undar tha influne of no Spectacles; Krgo, No Wisdom. Miss Russellina Dorchester, of Bos ton Solomon could not have posses ed tho wisdom with which he is usual ly accredited. Miss Penelope Biddle, of Philadel phiaDo telll Miss Russellina Dorchester Nk; because spectacles were not even in rented in Solomon's time. Jeweler's Circular. A Professional Prophet. There is a man in Java who makes good living &$ a prophet Ha has oeen paid $400 a year for the last fifteen years "for not predicting a tid il wave which will sweep clear over ;he island." The dredulous natives oelieve that he has the power to at ;ract a wave that will overwhelm the wuntry. A Gooi Reason Little BoyCan your sister play P Little Girl No. She makes aw Jul noises when she tries. Then wot did your papa get her a piano for?" , "I dunno, I guess 'twas cause be ranted set music bo fpr ) coal bin." wGoodNtw PRESIDENT CLEVELAND A Regular Landslide to Democracy Scarcely Anything is Left for Harrison. DOWN GOES THE HIGH TARIFF f New York, Indiana, Wisconsin and lilt, nois Democratic Ohio and Cali fornia Doubtful Michigan Divided. Weaver Carries Almost as Many States as Harrison The Gen eral Results. WEDNESDAY MORNING. The returns which "came in up to 2 o' clock were very meager. Tho indica tions are that Cleveland has carried New York by a largo majority, Now Jersey, Connecticut, Illinois, and all the southern states except Alabama and North Carolina: that Harrison has carried Ohio, Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont; that Weaver has carried Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado. Wyoming South Dakota, Nevada, Oregon, Ala bama and North Carolina. From other states no returns sufficient to indicate the results have been received. It seems evident that Harrison is hopelessly de feated, and the probability is that Cleveland will have a majority in tho electoral college. The returns from Nebraska are ex ceedingly meager. The republicans claim the election of the whole ticket. The independents do not concede any thing. The democrats codfidently claim Bry an's election. Returns from other con gressional districts are not sufficient to indicate the result. Tho republicans have carried Lancaster county by seve ral hundred. THURSDAY MORNING. The results of the elpntfon astonishing land-slido tn f!lAVAlnnii . Harrison is hopelessly defeated. Ultra protection receives its death-blow. The republican party receives a defeat from which it will never recover. Tt is im possible to give the exact results in any state, or to forecast tho complexion of the next congress, but this mnnh U ho- yond dispute: That Cleveland will have 1 . a . - a very large majority in tne electoral college; that the next houso will be strongly democratic, and that tho re publicans will have a majority in the next senate. , (Continued on 4 page, ) V ... I