2 THE ALLIANCE -IN DEPENDENT. MUG OUTJfliK PAT. Eastern Manufacturers and Federal OfSca- Holdefs Held tip. Letters from Committee, WHAT THE MONEY IS TOR the People's Parly will Carry Kansas by 4ti,ooe Majority. A Plot to Mur der Jerry Simpson. Jlow Doodle Is liaised ontl Kpent. During ttc early part of tho cam tuiigiij It appeared that thcro was not to bu so much boodlo Uecd in t)o na tional campaign as was used in tho last campaign w! en Dudley arranged the floaters in "blocks of live;" but the de terments of tho past few days indi cate the dose Of tho ampaign will be marked by tho most lavirh use of cor ruption money ever known in tho his tory of American polices. There seems to bo little f flort at concealment In tho mat'er. Tho Pittsburg Dis patch, a republican paper, a few days ago, published tho following, appar ently with a view of encouraging and l'C-Ussuring tho republicans: Next week tho goodly sum already a their tho National Committee's dis posal will bo swelled by a round million i f good crhp dollars, which can bo used to great advantago during tho latter days of iho campaign and especially on the last election) day. ThU blj sum is the donation of protected manufacturers. It irill be txpcndtd in New York in an at tempt to carry the State for Harrison. Here wo find not even a prctenso of using these funds for "educaonal pur poses." They aro to bo used in "the latter day? of the campaign especially tho last day." They aro in fact to bo used in outright rote buying. Tho New York World publishes a fac simile of tho following letter writ ted by Chairman Hackett, of tho re publican committee of Now .York to a chairman of a county committee: Republican State Committee ) Fifth Avenue Hotel, f New York, Oct. 17, 1992. My Dear Sir: I encloso you check for $300. This is to bo used in getting a full registration in vnur Country Districts. I don't cx- neet anv of it to bo used in the Cities, sis vou should havo those takui care of bv'this time. Please acknowledge re ceipt. Yours Truly C. M. Hackett, Chra. Stato Com. Bradd, Aeury, Secretary. This $300 is to bo used in securing full rfvoristration in tho country dis- " - - - o t Hots, "in a sin srle county, Tho cities - J c had already been taken care of." Although the democrats, as usual, are howling loudly about tho use of money by republicans, it is ovident that they aro collecting and using all tho money they can get. If they have less boodle to uso in tho latter days or tno cam nnirrn. it is sitnnlv becauso they have fewer selfish interests out of which 'fry the fat.". a victory this car" in Kansas means ruin to tho People's party find they reali ing this fact are making a very stubborn fight. The success of the People's party this jer in Kansas means the surrend er of" Kansas to ft very , dangerous ele ment In politics. 'The uefeat of tho Republican pary this year In Kdn as and the turning over of tho stato government to the opposition, would place Kansas in a doubtful cjiunan at least, for years to come. The stato committee and nfarly all candidates interested in this campaign havo had a consultation; and havo re quested mo to appeal to jou and to every Kansas repnblican who has Oeen favored by the party to como to our relief. This appeal is signed by tho secretary of tho sta'e committee. Tho effort to assess federal office-holders is in direct violation of the U. S. Civil service law, but what does law amount to when re publican supremacy is in danger? What U this mony to bo used for? Is it for educational purposed If so, why is it needed so badly just at the close of the campaign? It is to bo used simply as a corruption fund. Hut the effort to purchase a republi can victory in Kansas will provo futile. Cha'rman Bre'dcnthal of the people's state committee, gives forth tho confi dent claim based on a careful poll of the state that the people's party state and national Uriels will carry the state by not Uss than forty thousand. Tho greatest sensation of tho cam paign in Kansas has been the discovery of a plot to murder Jerry Simpson. his plot lias been frustrated by its discovery, une oi tne conepirators got runk and gave tho thing away. Kansas is simply on fire with enthusi asm. I no new party is maKicg gains everywhere and losing nothing any where. Everything points to a clean sweep for the people's party on Novem ber 8th. to IX TIIK THIRD DISTRICT. 3IeikleJohrt Fixes Up a Scheme With Democratic Bankers. Wayne, Neb , Oct. 26, 1892. Ed. Alliance Independent: Ever sinoo Meiklejohn's first visit here, when the democratic bankers sought and obtai ned a private conference, the populists have been wr.tcbing for some public announcement that would assist in carrying out the scheme concocted early in tho campaign. It has come at last in the form of a concession by the republican state committee that Keiper will bo elected by at least 1,000 major ity. What means this from a party whose coommittecs and candidates are proverbial for claiming everything even in the face of overwhelming de feat? It means that the honest, rural democrats are to be deceived into vot ing for Dr. Keiper, while tho knowing ones in the towns will ba induced by the banking and railroad bosses into voting for Mr. Meiklejohn. The corporations havo no use for either Keiper or Poynter. hence their slight of hand performance to elect their free pass candidate. If the patri otic democrats were not blinded by party spirit, they would check-mate this move by making Poynter's election cer tain. If the committee is honest in con ceding Kieper's election, why do the cor porations continue to pass Mr. Meikle john and party 'free over their lines? Because my honest democratic friends, this startling confession by the com mittee is for the purpose of flattering the farmers into voting ;it straight while the knowing ones of your party voto it straight for railroad attorney and capper, Mr. Meiklejohn. If they succeed in their starichamber scheme, please write mo after election and I will send our fool killer around to dis patch you from your miseries. U. J. rvUNDELL. ATTBTODM! Our "Songs of the People" Have CaeaU: For Themselves a Nation-Wide Demand Which Enables Us Now to Reduce the Price. In Kansas. Tho republicans are making a las desperate effort to stem tho tide. Tho republican stato committee is fending dospcrato appeals for funds and try in to extort contributions from republican office holders. Tho Non-Conformist last week published a verbatine copy o ono of these appeals in which tho follow ing language is used: "While wo are making good gains, great gains are necessary to win tho light. We believe we can save the electoral ticket if we can secure funds sufficient to push this campaign vigor ously during the last month. - Every voter In the stato realizes that M fight to thtfin'uh, Republican Rally at Weston. Weston, Neb , Oct. 24, TU2. A big independent rally was held at this place Saturday night. Jamison's hall was packed with a large and en thusiastic crowd. Hon. J. W. Ldger- ton delivered an eloquent and convinc ing speech in favor of free coinage of ilvcr and fiat money. He touched ightly oa transportation, state issues, eulogized General Weaver acd at the request of a "republican rebel hater paid a line tribute ot praise to our noble and patriotic citizen, General Fields. IYof. E. W. Crano of North Platte brought tao house down by singing his famous campaign songs. "We nave tne Tariff Yet'' and "Grand Pa's Hat." Representatives Gafiin and Olson, who have been renominated, and S. H. Sornborcer. our nominee for county attorney, thoroughly aired tne late republican asylum steals ana cave us a little light on the way our state affairs have been and are being transacted. Count old Saunders in the independent ranks by 1,000 plurality. M. J, W. Look Out for the Hoorbacks. Tho g. o. p. is in its death throes. The politicians are desperate. The political ortrans are conscienceless. As r o the campaign progresses the last dying kicks will ba a spectacle of horror. The stago of corruption which admits all manner of villification has been reach ed. Anything to save the old burro! Let every friend of labor look out for false charges against tho nominees on the people's ticket. Brand everything as false that is declared too lato for contradiction. It is an old and despic able trick. Remember that personal defamation at the eleventh hour is but tho acknowledgement of defeat. False hood is the last resort, the only hope of tho old gang. Look out for the roor backs! Coming Crises- A Word of Scripture. James 5: 1-6. "Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you. Your riches are corrupted and your garments are moth-eaten. Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were ' fire. Ye have heaped treasure together, for the last day. Behold, the hire of the laborers who have reaped down your fields, which is of you kept back by fraud, crieth: and the cries of them which have reaped are entered into the ears of tho Lord of Sabaoth. Yo have lived in pleasure on the earth, and been wanton: ye nave nourisnea your neart, as in a day of slaughter." if these verses do not shout of to-dav. with the rich becoming richer, and the poor poorer, of what age do they speak? The vast fortunes of to-day, used as they chiefly are I thank God for some exceptions are a menace to widespread and equalized prosperity, as well as an exciting cause of jealousy and cupidity among tho working classes, particularly when they realize how many such for tunes were made; therefore, a growing hatred of the rich and powerful class; and a cry, becoming louder and louder, 'We must combine as one man, in order to ob'ain just recompense, and a fair working-day." It is a common remark and an accepted truth to-day that the rich criminal frequently escapes, where the poor one has not even a chance of doing so. Does not such justico cry to neaven." We have all along contemplated reduciogt the price of our songs just as soon as we pos sibly could do 60, aad we aro exceedingly glad to announce that prices will bo way down from this time forward. The first 'cost, of sheet music is heavy, and we have beon forced to sell hitherto at nearly ordinary prices. We shall now sell our new, popular,. splendid, unequalled 6ongs at rates within the; reach of all. rV, oilman TnnhAnPflr RAVR ! "YflUf SOnfiTSI V .1 V. A. (L.t ItnttA lAAn Aa 1 .dP Bio ine very ucoi mm uc umu incmnu. - for our people. Hope you will do all Jin your; power to push the work. Iiis. badly needed; in every state." ... The Arena says: "Tho songs just issued! for the industrial millions will, if we mistake not, add tens of thousands of votes to thei ranks of the people's i arty." President Loucks, of the National Farmers ' Alliance, says: "The? are admirably adapted i for campaign songs." ine journal ui iue auiguuo ui unuui oaja.. "They should be in the hands of all lovers of.' liberty." The New Forum sajs: "The sontiment of ' these songs is grand." These words of unsolicited praise indloate the enthusiastic reception they are meeting with everywhere. Do you want songs that will bring down the house? We have two that are regular swivel guns, loaaea wnn iun ana munoer, hqu chuu worth more in making votes than a hundred dry orators. They are: "We Have the Tariff Yet," and "The Taxpayers Sett.e the Bills." "Get Off the Berth." is equally popular. Mrs. Mary Baird Finch, our Nebraska poet, says: "If I ciu'.d write any thing as good as GttOff the Earth, 1 sbeuld consider my Tin mo and fame nermanentlv established." . . . t w- ... ra It J , 1 "ine worners uatue nyrnu oi rrieuwm, is the new Marseilalse hymn set to the won- derously thrilling French air. Notningcouia be more moving and inspiring. "sons or America" is a new tune iiko tne Marseillaise, and we believe equally stirring and une. - , - "The Alarm Beat." is cur trumpet call to action. It is one of our best quartette oam paign songs and arouses much enthusiasm. "The Flag of Liberty" is thb patriotic song of the people's paity. It will quicken the pulses of all who love their country and hate oppression. The Farm Field and Stockman selected it from all our list to present to their . readers this week. God Save the People" is another song that will live long. It touches a popular chord. You are hearing a gocd deal about "An Honest Dollar." We have a song on that Bubiect (ready next week) which can't be beat. Send for it at ence. "Truth's Approaching Triumph" is a song of tho "tho-isand years." the reign of right eousness for which we are fighting. It is a beautiful, inspiring composition, refreshing as a song of the angels to those who have be come weary waiting. Tne Weakest Must uo to the wau" gets m some tremendous blows against tne mony land and transportation monopolists. Lossf 8 and Lies" Fhows up where pron.s come from and how obtained. It is red hot. Tho Millennium Army" is Mrs. Leases favorite and she has reason to thitk it our best. Space lacks to tell the merit of the others. NOW NOTICE: Anv one of these songs heretofore sold at 35 cents now can be had for 20 cents. Three songs, your choice, for 60 cents. Seven songs for 1-00. The entire series, sixteen in number, for $ 1.50. Order at once and get ready for the great' est, grandest, most enthusiastic campaign tue coumry has known. The following is a list or ine songs: The Workers' Battle Hymn of Freedom. Klght Shall lielgn. The Weakest Must Go to the Wall. The Taxpayers settle the Bills. Sons of America. Get off the Earth. The Flag of Liberty. The Coal Baron's Song. Truth's Approaching Triumph, God Save the People. We have the Tarifl Yet. The Alarm Beat. The Millennium Army. 'The masses; them asses;" . E, R03EWATE8, Fine Playing Cards. bona ten cents in stmps to John Se- bastain, Gen'l Ticket and Pass. Ao-t. C , 11. I. & P. R'y- Chicago, for a pack of the "Rock Island" Playing Cards. They are acknowledged tho best, and worth fave times the cost. Send money oraer or postal note lor ouc and we will send live packs by express, prepaid Kemember "Jenning's Hotel" is headquarters of People's party whllo in Omaha. Located corner JJinth and arney street!. - X3if That "Honest Dollar. Losses and Lies. Tourists Trips. Round trfnsTtn In IVio Vnnfn fVaef - j wV -v- X MVAUV VVUO Vm ; Short tri of Colorado The Great Salt Lake. l ellowstone National Park the most wonderful spot on this continent. Puget Sound, the Mediterranean of the Pacific coast. And all reached via tbe Union Pacific System. For detailed information call pn or address, J. T. Mastin, C, T. A., 1044 O St., & B. &SS0, Gen. Agt.. --, - - idBgoin, yew.