The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, October 27, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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Consolidation of the
Farmers AlliancePXebrasKa Independent
Published Etekt Thursday bt
The Alliance Publishing Co.
Cor. llth and M SU., Lincoln, Neb.
O. ncLt Pres. J. M. Thompson, Sec'y.
8. Ed. Thobntoh, V.-P. J. P. Miffbbd, Treas.
Subscription One Dollau per Year
8. S0WI8 Thorktok,
PSAS. H. PlRTLB,....
...Managing Editor
.ISusincHS Manager.
..Advertising Mg'r
N. L P. A.
Circulation for Six Months
Ending Sept. 29th,
For Vice, President,
of Iowa
of Virgnial.
For Presidential Electors,
T. G. FERGUSON, Nemaha County.
J. R. CONK LIN, Douglas County.
JOHN I. JONES, Cedar County.
R. R. SHICK, Seward County.
W. A. GARRETT, Phelps County.
PETER EHBESON, Howard County.
E. E. LINK, Frontier County.
T. II. TIBBLES, Cuming County.
For Governor,
Lieutenant Governor,
C. D. SHRADER, Logan County.
Secretary of State,
J. M. EASTERL1NG, Buffalo County.
For Auditor,
For Treasurer,
J. V. WOLFE. Lancaster County.
For Attorney General,
V. O. STRICKLER, Douglas County.
For Commissioner of Public Lands and Build
J. M. GUNNETT, York Connty.
For Superintendent of Public Instruction,
II. II. IIIATT, Custer County.
or Con x res First District,
JEROME SHAMP of Lancaster.
To Governor Jas. E. Boyd:
Dear Sir: In the Alliance-Independent
of Oct. 6, 1892, I published
an article calling public attention to
the mysterious disappearance from the
capitol building of certain pieces of
public property, and charging certain
state officers with acts that are irregular
and contrary to law.
To be more specific I called attention
to the following facts:
1. That half a dozen fine chairs, one
leather covered settee, one antique oak
writing desk, and one black onyx clock
had disappeared from the state house
about the time Captain Crawford ceased
to bo head janitor of the capitol.
2. That the headquarters of the re
publican state central committee in the
Lansing block are now furnished with
state property which Secretary of State
Allen in violation of law has allowed
to b3 taken from the capitol building.
3. That the engineer employed in
operating the engines which heat the
state house has been paid out of the
fuel and light fund a procedure that is
grossly irregular if not in violation of
The most disgraceful and altogether
villainous attack of the 'present cam
paign was made on the Hon. C. H.
Pirtle through the columns of Liberty
last week.
The contemptible character of that
paper and its editor are too well known
to need comment. And as a rule his
attacks are worthy only of silent con
tempt. But this attack deserves dif
ferent treatment from the fact that
Holden has become the special cham
pion of the republicin state officers,
who are using his sheet as a mouth
piece. And a vory fitting one it Is for
the defense of such corrupt men.
The attack on Mr. Pirtle was in
spired by John C. Allen, secretary of
state, and he furnished the data which
Holden used. Mr. Allen has been in a
terrible rage ever since The Alliance
Independent published that article
concerning state house furniture, and
this attack on Mr. Pirtle he intends as
a sort of countercharge.
The facts on which the attack is
based are as follows:
At the close of the session of the
Wislfttura Mr. Pirtle. as secretary of
o '
4. That one J. H. Naden an employee wimw, u. "
at the state house is drawing two sala- do in making up the journal,
rles, one as bailiff of the supreme court ' He hadn't learned Walt See ey's little
and the other as janitor, another gross trick of having the journal all made up
IrregUrity I unuer-uieriis ueiuru mo Bcoawu vwo-
From conversation with persons who eu
are familiar with the facts, I am led to m nmsning up tnis wor
believe that these facts are few and un- of course had plenty of use for the desk
important compared with what would and typewriter belonging in tne omce
v, ut ni,t if 0 fwnnah nA of the secretary of the senate. So with
searching investigation should be made, the permission of the Secretary of state
Although these charges were made ue remove mem w ma
before the close of the recent investiga- Lindell hotel. He gave Mr. Allen a
tion into the management of the Lin- written receipt which was a guarantee
coin Insane Asylum, the members of the Ui lBlul l"UUi" Vi
board of public lands and buildings J , t, ,
.. A It should be remembered that Mr.
paid no attention to them. , " , , . L
I, therefore, as a citizen of Nebraska, r 1 U1.
ask that you take such steps as to you house in his capacity as a public officer
may seem best to have these matters of the state, and for a -public purpose"
s ,.ha A r.Y. m aBwruauw witu mo
exposed. Yours Respectfully,
S. Edwin Thornton.
Lincoln, Neb., Oct. 25, 1892.
This week, at the request of the Inde
f m. i vi viiv vj tr - - -- . .
pendendent state committee, we devote hig home m Saunders county at the time
After a time, Mr. Pirtle returned the
desk in perfect condition, having no
further use for it. But having further
use for the typewriter, he retained it
Later Mr. Allen wrote Mr. Firt'.e a
letter demanding the immediate return
of the tvnewriter. Mr. 'Pirtle was at
degraded himself to a level with the
vilest creatures that crawl upon the
earth. Such is the man who is now
employed as the chief whitewasher for
three of the nominees on the republi
can state ticket. Such is the man
whom John C. Allen uses to fight his
nolitical battle. Is the user more manly
or honorable than the thing used?
Have the republican state officers
records Holden is trying to
whitewash any more honor or manhood
than he?
The publication of this attack is the
only answer the state officers have
made to the various grave charges tni3
naner has preferred against them.
They have denied nothing, and asked
for no investigation. Let us suppose
for the sake of argument, that there
was something wrong in Mr. Pirtle's
taking the typewriter and desk away
from the capitol. Who would have
been the wrong doer? Secretary Al
len, because the law requires him to
see that no state property is removed
from the state house or used except for
public purposes. Does this tirade
against Mr. Pirtle clear Mr. Allen of
guilt as a law-breaker in letting the
republican state central committee
have furniture for their headquarters?
Does this relieve the board of public
lands and buildings from guilt in let
ting thousands of dollars worth of state
property be stolen from the capitol?
We have known Mr. Pirtle for nearly
three years, and have had many op
portunities to form an estimate of his
character, and we desire to say that
there is not a more honest, and worthy
young man in Nebraska, nor has there
been a more faithful, and honest public
officer. This villainous attack on him
will prove a boomerang, that will help
to knock the man who inspired it out
of the office which he has disgraced.
Our Mortcaire Uncord
n r-t I vuuviivtt. w wvhww - I 11 ID 11,1117 111 UwUllUvl J WM&-LUJf lU ULJ VXIUV
t.n noli tleal matter in the
uun 1 VUUJ U lu vl 1UU UlvU -1. V glf Vi3 Km. s.buuw w flULjUJl O JJ.W A Kf VUL JUWA WV ' HVVIHJ iivi
complete statement of mortgage records German language, and will do the same gent janitor of the capitol to bring
of Nebraska, compiled from the official next week. This fact will no doubt be the tvnewriter. He found it in the
records of the state and the United greatly appreciated by such of our sub- keeDmSr 0f the young lady whom Mr.
States census, with a full discussion of scribers as can read that language. I pie has had employed as steno-
the subject. It is one of the greatest We urge every subscriber wno nas a gopher for nearly two years past.
German neighbor, to put tnis matter -ow aving held a secret conference
into his hands without delay. By this with Gnt Holden undertook the task
means thousands of Germans who have blackening Mr. Pirtle's reputation.
He fills two columns and a half with a
tirade of abuse with glaring head-lines
Perhaps there is no man in the south
today in whom the northern people are
so much interested as Col. Tom Wat
son of Georgia. The impression has
been spread all over the country that
the gallant Colonel was defeated in the
late October election. This is ertirely
incorrect. His fight for re-election
comes at the November election, and
all advices indicate that he will be returned.
eye-opcner3 ever published. It should
ho in tho hands of every voter
Send for a quantity for distribution
at once.
25 copies 15c
ou copies 125c
100 copies 40c
reform literature will
llv f V . vws w j -
be reached and many votes may be
The state committee also have a cir- j
insinuating that Mr. Pirtle had stolen
rf at,A.t.p nrnnfirt.v nnd disnosed
iwuvUicsi. "xw I I i"vvv v- u..v f.-j.j
300 or more, in one order. 2oc per hun- cular giving the Bewick exposure ana of it under suspicious circumstances.
J .1 A ,1J 1 I (k. nlimUn maffoT In fiArmnri- I t i it!. ; 1
U I t'll. 1UUI USS tUO 1 vaiuauiu u"v-i " I liUL TiQlS 19 llUu tUO 111US b YUO ttUU
ALLIANCE PUBLISHING CO., Pnrfips whft urA in a POSltlOn tO dO U.mnfWa footi, nf tVA ntfanlr. Tn
. - I Vfc VW - JL I IjTjIII IMI,UIKJ 1VUVU1V VJ. VUV M V Whvu. am
Ltincoln, INebr. Uniscinnnrv work .amonff the Germans Lv- nQOf cucni nn Afr PirtlA'a
should send at once for packages of character, he attempts by cowardly
electa railroad senator from Saline vucsouauii"a" mnuenaoes wj suiciuu uu tu
a. ii j t 4. voune- ladv stenoffraptier. bne is a
county, bui a iui ui uemuurais gui iu- . . . I . .. . .
gether and knocked the pins down by HOLen, 01 L-ioeny nas yaneu tuo poor gin, urpuau, wuu tuiuugu ui
endorsing Gilbert, the independent monotony of throwing slime of his own own industry has given herself an
" - I . . -I 3 J. T,., I 1 A! 1
nominee. Now the corporations are manuiacture at maepenueuus ujr eaucauuu, u.u uuy camiug au
doincr their best to stir up dissension ting a whitewash brush and bucket, honest living. Her reputation is above
t v,o nnri nnrl fir taking the iob of whitewash- suspicion. She is now employed as
itiiiULiy tut) uemuwaia Ul mauwuuy liil o I t
A -1,1. w,: M n or t.h rpnuhliean state. officers. stenographer at independent head
f Iff I MT Til H 1 1 J I " I I I I tl 1 1 (1 1 J 1 llTcLll UUiUiUCC. I "& - - r
v . -.-ww - 1 1 I
a railroad tool. But they will fail and
Gilbert wi 1 be elected.
Up in the Twelfth senatorial district
consisting of Platte and Colfax, the
corporations made Senator Van Housen
stand aside and be a candidate for the
house. They wanted a "sure man" for
the senate and they had 8uch a man in
the person of Jim North. The people
of that district should spare no effort to
down him and elect Fred Jewell.
quarters. She has the respect and
t . a xTr a gtt?t? nmmt.v has in T. N. Leon- esteem of all the independent leaders,
UAH VX&kJ A. W uu 9tJ I
ard and J. C. McNerney two able and as well as a large circle of friends in
wv,rr, Qa Qr,q,MfP9fnr"thfi state Lincoln. xnisaitacKis too Dase ana
mvi uuy uivu uo wuuuwvw I
ocnatA Thflro mfllrincr a hard fisrht cowaraiy to be aescnoea in language.
WW AUVJ Vi V t-7 I
to" the schemes of tho republicans in for success, and we believe they will be No man would make it who has not lost
i: a u . L;nnora every vestige oi manhood, and
uiuiii i. mih miiii i u in, i.iiniii. v muui kJ ....
LOOK out for trading schemes on elec
tion day. Independents should "get-on
Congressman Kem, after being
aid up with a sevce cold for about two
weeks, is now on the stump again do
ing great work for the success of the
independent ticket. His own success
is assured.
Senator Keiper, democratic candi
date in the Third district, would de-
serve much more credit if he would de
vote his energies to the defeat of
Meiklejohn and leave off his carping
criticisms against Poynter.
Our subscribers will get the Alliance-Independent
a day late thfs
week. The delay was caused by the
use of our press in running off our
campaign extra, and was unavoidable.
WV wMW w