The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, October 27, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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For District Judge
WM. LEESE, of Lincoln.
For County Attorney,
H. F. ROSE of Lincoln.
For County, Commissioner.
F. SCHWEIZERof West Lincoln.
For State Senators,
I. N. LEONARD of Oak.
J. C. McNERNEY of Lincoln.
For Representatives,
K. T. CHAMBERS of Stockton.
S. S. GRIFFIN of Centerville.
MARTIN HOWE of Lincoln.
J. M. MEDDINS of Lincoln.
In Garfield Precinct.
McNerney and Young3 addressed a
small but very attentive crowd on the
At Highland,
The evening of the 22nd. Roos and
Schweizer. bath Germans, addressed a
good crowd of Germans.
At Emerald.
General Leese, "Judge" Cromwell, asylum
Tuesday's World-Herald advises
County Attorney Sneli of Lancaster
county to get after some of the thieves
that have been operating in and around
Lincoln, particularly Frank Uubbard
and Dan Lauer. The following is an
extract from the article:
A mile and a half southwest of the
was a piece of school land,
and O. E. Goodell addressed a rousing
meeting at Emerald, October 15.
At Jamaica,
October 21st, there was an overflow
meeting, and immense enthusiasm.
Howe. Leighton and Griffin were the I
At Firth.
October 22nd, there was a great
meeting. The crowd consisted largely the land commissioner for leasing
which the state lost. The law requires
that all school lands shall first be ad
vertised for sale, after being first offer
ed for sale, shall bo subject to lease. In
this case, however, they advertised
this land for lease contrary to law.
The county commissioners were the
parties appointed to appraise this land,
they appraised it by the direction of
This will be the most important meet- of republicans who gave close atten- poses at $20 an acre; but suspicious that
ing of the campaign, and coming as it
does just before the election, will have
a decided effect. Hence no effort
should be spared to insure its success.
Independents should learn right now,
if they haven't already learned it, that
a political ially of this kind . can be
made a success enly by great labor and
some expanse. If the independents of
this county are resting quietly, each
depending on somebody else to do the
work, the parade cn "next Wednesday
will be a failure. To prevent this let
every independent farmer in the county
prepare to do bis part at once. There
is one thing that every farmer can do,
and that is to be in line with himself
and his wagon.
Another thing that independents
should do is to urge old parly neigh
bors to attend and hear General Weaver.
No man can hear him without learning
to admire and respect him.
.Let evtry p it notic-independent in
Lancaster couaty transform himself at
ODce into a rallying committee and go
to work, and next Wednesday Lincoln
will have the grandest rally ever held
in Nebraska.
tiou. Tbe speakers were Rose, Crom- all was not right the county clerk tele-
well, Chambers and Griffin. A number
of republicans were won over on state
In Stevens Creek Precinct.
At Jacobi school house, I. N. Leon
ard and S. Edwin Thornton addressed a
fair crowd of voters. Mr. Leonard
talked general issues, and Mr. Thorn
ton suoke on state issues, making: a
special appeal to the railroad workers
At Havelock,
On the evening of the 21st, Richard
Trevelick addressed the railroad hands
at Havelock. The meeting was moder
ately successful although held in an
unfinished store-room which was very
cold. Prof. E. W. Cr&ze furnished the
vocal music.
Other Meetings.
Rousing meetings were also held at
Waverlv. at Bird's school house, m
phoned to Land Commissioner Hum
phrey if this appraisement was for sale
or lease, and ho replied, "For leasing
purposes only." Still suspicious that
all was not right the commissioners in
sisted that the clerks write over their
signatures these words, 'This land is
appraised for leading purposes only."
The land was appraised in forty-acre
tracts. They divided tbo forty acres
into two lots, which' on January 12,
1890, the date which the land was ad
vertised for leasing1 purposes, the com
missioner offered the land for sale.
It is alleged that Dan Laur had his
hired girl disguised as a poor old
widow. This "poor old widow" bid off
lot 1 containing eighteen acres, and
again lot 2 containing eighteen acres;
J. Dan Lauer, jr., bid off lot 3, and F.
O. Hubbard, the missing foreman, ob-
Excellent Meetings Held in all Parts
Of the County --Voters Falling
Into Line.
The ic dependent candidates and
workers have done a good week's work
during the pa9t week. Day aftr day
they have rushed out to the various
pirts of the country to gather in the
harvest of voters.
Leonard and McNerney, candidates
for the senate, Howe, Chambers and
Griffin, candidates for the house, and
Rose th3 c fining county attorney have
all been doing faithful and effective
.work. They, carry with them maps
showing the concentration of wealth
in the New England states, and charts
showing the asylum steals, et. They
are discussing mainly state I-sues, and
appealing to the voters to stand up for
.Nebraska tnls fall, and give the pto
pie s party a tnai. rney are winning
Mr. Schweizer, candidate for com
missioner, and Uncle George Roos of
oi Kearney are speaking to the Ger
man voters, and doing most effective
work. .
The candidates are being ably assist
ed by Judge Cromwell, Duncan Youngs.
F. L- Leighton, B. F. Stevens and
others who are taking an active part ought to be abated.
T CoU "Vov,1r TTill of r'V.aQir
atMalcomand at Gar Creek school tamed lot 4: William Kobinson bougnt
house. lot 6, and Joe Burns, the nominee on
the republican ticket for representa
tive, secured lot 7, making 120 acres
only being sold.. At the time this
land was sold - it was worth $101)' per
acre. The county commissioners, now
ever, were directed to appraise it for
leasing purposes only, and appraised it
at an acre
If Mr. Snell can arrive at the bottom
facts in this transaction, he will prob
ably find that in this deal the state lost
There is a great work before the
county attorney of Lancaster, and the
people of the state watch his conduct
of the fight with great interest.
in the campaign.
Mr. J. M. Meddins, our printer can
didate, is not an orator, but he is doing
a great deal of quiet effective work
especially among the laboring men of
In Leavitt's school house the 20th,
there was a good metting held, al
though the crowd was nnt large. B
F. Stevens, J. C. McNerney and Dun
can Youngs addressed the people.
Next Week,
There will be meetings held in all
the wards of Lincoln. Good speakers
will address the meetings, and there
will be a torchlight procession every
Can't Vote for Woodward.
Stockton Precinct, Lancaster Co.,
Neb, Oct. 22, 1892. Mr. Editor:
Permit me to give you my reason, as a
republican, why I cannot support and
vote for the would-be county attorney,
Any man that uses such mean and
contemptible tactics to get the nomina
tion ps Mr. Woodward did, is not
worthy of the support of an honest re
publican, and I hope everyone will give
mm tne j a.
Before the republican primaries were
held in this county he found out that I
was a candidate for delegate, from
Sto.kton, and that I was in favor of
Mr. Hauiiitjn for county attorney
JNow what did the Honorable Mr.
Woodward do?
He iu3t hired Mr. Moses Oopen
heimer, fcuvder and Jesse Moore to fix
up tbe matter in his favor by brinffini?
1- T 1.1 . . ... . w
ueer ana wnisKy into tnis precinct to
bribe the voters with, and fixed ud a
delegation for him.
l Ms ws on Jury 14th and loth and
the primaries were held on Julv 16th.
and of course he carried his point.
Ana iurtnermore these and other
par ties circuited the most infamous
I i . , U A I
iic auuui me mat any man ever
conceived. Any man that will bow so
low to use SUCfl contain ntihlp. moan
I do not propose
Nebraska SaYingsBank
13 and O St, Lincoln.
Capital $250j000.
Write Us and We will Prove it.
Fire per cent Interest on savings accounts.
Special rates on time deposits.
Write us or call for neat vest pocket memo
randum book.
President. cannier.
Him . . .. li.l .U ....1J1.J 1.UU
ARE YOU A People's
Party Worker?
Write and Bend 10 cent for i ample Weaver
and Field 811k Campaign Badge indorsed.
Weaver and Field Button" 10c retail. The
neatest thing out and a good Beller. Try them.
Metal Badges f jund at jeweler" everywhere.
Big money for campaign fuddi. Patented,
Agents wanted. Address, George f!igell,
704 29th Street, DENVER, COLO.
L. A. BELTZER, Mg'r. "
Bend in orders for spring. Agents wanted.
Osoeola, : : : Nebraska.
W.C. T. U.
138 S 12th St., Lincoln.
First class table and
Lunches at all hours.
to be set upon by any such unprincipled
Any man that srets his nomination
through tbe use of whiskv. cannot be
trusted to fill a position of that kind.
I make these charges boMlv. ODenlv.
and above board, and they dare not
deny them, as I have more in store for
I shall work and vote for Mr. Rose.
Yours; a republican,
Otto R, Boeswetteb.
Of the Lancaster County Teachers
Association for This Year.
The Lancaster County Teachers' As
sociation will render its first program
for the present school year, at the
county superintendent's rooms. Lin
coln, Neb., Saturday October 29, 1892.
Following is the program:
MORNING SESSION, 10:00 A.M. TO 12:00 M.
Chart class.. Mrs Minnie Phillips, Firth
Questions and Discussions General.
The Reading Circle and It3 Rela
tion to the Association
A. C. Guthrie, Emerald
Discussion George Zahn, Firth
Miss Nina Green, University Place
Vaule of Columbus Day Celebration in
the Schools.
General Discussion.
Educational Value of the Study of
History Prof.
H. W. Caldwell, State University
Common Errors of the Teacher. . . .
C. W. Corey, Roca
Discussion W. P. Sullivan, Bennett
Business Session.
The chorister, Mr. M. E. Davis, will
have charge of the music for the asso
Teachers are earnestly requestt-d to
be present at the hour of opening. All
friends of education are invited.
Executive Committee.
We will guarantee not to turn over
the earth, but to cure any case of genu
ine or so-called cholera in from three
to fio days or refund the money. It is
nature's own remedy, and in proof will
bo readily eaten-by any hog after first
taste. It will also prevent the spread
of the so-called disease in twenty-four
hours after use.
Price $1.00 per ten pound package or
we will furnish one package free to any
farmer having many sick hogs, so quit
kicking, bring on your sick hogs, or
address for full particulars,
Lincoln Chemical Co.,
P.O. Box 861,
7-20 Lincoln, Neb.
A Flattering Endorsement. -
Salem, Neb., Aug. 31, 92.
Lincoln Chemical Co., Lincoln, Neb.
Gents: My hogs are improving now
and the last ones taken sick seem to be
as well asr ever. Have lost only ; one
since commencing to feed your remedy.
Shall write you again soon. Many
thanks for your kindness.
13tf Respectfully,
One of many received. N. O. SEARS.
A new and Complete Treatment, consisting of Bno-
positories, Ointment in Capsules, also in Box and Pills;
a Positive Cure for External, Internal. Blind or Bleed
ing Itching. Chronic, Recent or Hereditary Piles, and
many other diseases and female weaknesses; it is al
ways a great benefit to the general health. The first
discovery of a medical cure rendering an operation
with the knife unnecessary hereafter. This remedy has
never been known to fail. $1 per box 6 for $5; seat
by mail. Why suffer from this terrible disease when
a written guarantee is positively given with 6 boxes, -tq
refund the money if not cared. Send stamp for
free sample. Guarantee issued by J. H. Hariey.drug
gist, sole agent, 11th and 0 streets. Lincoln, Neb.
Headquarters for this Class of Goods
Station & , Kansas City, L!o.