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About The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1892)
14 ALLIANCE DIRECTORY Nebraska Farmers' Alliance. J. H. Powers, President, Cornell. W. a. Povntek, Vlce-Pres , Albion, J. M. THOMrsow, State 8ec'yt Lincoln. " W. R. Deck, Lecturer, Wiihoo. n riiitciiiLD. 1st Ais't Lecturer, dale. W. F. Wbjoh-, d AfS'l Lecturer, Pfibury B. K. llei, Chairman, Ex. Com., Wabash Oak- In the beauty of the Iililea C brlst was born across tbe sea. With a glory In bis tiom That transflg urts you and u e. As ho trove to make men ol " Let us strive to make them trte. Since God I inarching oh. -Julia Ward Howe. This department will bo unJcr the direction fj. M. Thompson, mate creurjr. : Short Items from Alliances on in titers or general Int. rest, question when d.sjui b bJi and any uwi bearsn ur on the gr e at work of our oganliation wll. be wclco-ed by the tdltor. Write plainly, tn o t 'e of tbe taper only, and addnas' Al an a Depart, mart" Aluiuci-Indh'ksdent, L acolu, Neb u wniild tin Blftd to mi Items from oounty la tbe sute n co-ditlon of anoe work. every the Alii- . Perkins Prosperous. North Platte, Oct. 22, 1892. Editor Alliance-Independent: Scoro a Ion? credit mark for the brave men and women of Perkins county. Wheat eiht to ten bushels per acre and thirty-five to forty cjnts por bushel. Mortgage record of tie county increased over $100,000 tho past year. Chat'cl rortgagee, according to the county clerk's statement made to mo yesterday, increasing over tho re leases for the past thred months an aver tre of $(),000 per month right in the midst of marketing the wheat, rye and oats. Thirty releases of mortgages by foreclosure at last term of court. Wonderful prosperity," so says the g. o. p. Hal a splendid meeting at E sie. Independents will carry the cousty of Perkins by twenty per cant, more than two years ago or ast year. The river ounties have not atou ed from tluir Rip Van Winkle tleep so ihoroughly as the western boys have. Look out for an avalanche from tho west this year. W. F. Wrioiit. Make Him Take a Stand. . Editor Alliance-Independent: John C. Gaumill, republican candi date for state senator, stated in Cam bridge and in my hearing about one year ago that freight rates on the B. & M. were low Enough and gave as his reason that it had cost him more to hire a carload of hogs hauled in wagons in fkmhridsre. fifteen miles, thai for the car from that place to Omaha The writer was told in Cambridge by several good responsible men that Gammillhad taken off his hat and hurrahed when told of Boyd's veto of the maximum freight bill. There is no doubt of those statements beinsr true, and republican voters should know it. Republic in voters, ask him on t ie stu np to define his position on usurv and th reduction oi ireiguir rates M1m him state what reduetioi he lavors if any, and you will see a dodger A xRIEND TO THE rEUPLE THE A LL1 AN CEIND PENDENT. MEETIKGS EVERY WHERE. Appointments for Independent Speakeis la all Farts of Nebraska- Van Wyclc's Dates. Falrbury At llano larrlson Crawford Chadroa Oct 4 25 Rushrllle 27 Waj ne 28 Dakota City 29 Pender 31 Tekama Nov Bhrader'a dates same as above. Powers and McReynolds Dates. Jrelahten Oct 87 Stanton Nov vest Point Mblon Fuilerton Oreeley Center " 29 1 2 3 Madison Ord Bt Paul Fairfield Nov 28 31 4 5 t McKeighan's Dates. oen "21, I Hayes Center ze. z " ronton " 29, JOpen " z. Fifth congressional district papers p'easc opy. ' Pawnee City tecum i en toatrice fekama W. L. Green. 27 Oct 29 31 Fremont Lincoln Mlnden Anrora Nov J. W. Edgerton's Appointments. Oot 27 mperial Madrid .Vellfleet Elwood Bertrand 29, Wilcox Nov W. H. Dech's Appointments Oct 27 Mnwood liBlnfr tromaburg Fairmont 29 81 Utica McCool Jo Bradshaw Aurora Ashland Nov 31 1 2 O. Strickler and J M. Gunnett's Dates Oct. H.daar, Nelson 26. 27. Hebron Wymore J. M Devine's Appointments. SlhcrCreek. Oct. 18. Osmond, " 26. Kioomneia, - zi. Wausa. Hartington, Fuilerton, i. 28. 29. 28. 29. 31. $1.25 1 25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 Stand Up For Nebraska. "Stand up for Nebraska," is becoming a kind of republican war cry in this campaign; to which we respond with a hearty amen. But you can't do it by toadyinaj and playing in'o the hands cf the corporation', wnicn navo jxeorasica by the throat, and are cnoKing tne me out of the peop e. That is not the way to "stand up for Nebraska," but it is the way the g. o. p. is doing. The way to "stand up for JNebrasKa," is to stop standing up for Nebraska s enemies, tho corporations; to stop voting witn her enemies' willing servants and tools, the oil 1 parties and to stand up with the people's party, the party, and the onlv party which "stands up for Ne- braska" to-dav. les. oe consistent; ani "stand up for Nebraska" by stand ing side by side with Nebraska's friends aid den t slu t fy yourselves by yelling for Nebraska ani thenovoting with her enemies Frontier County Faber. The B, & M. In Politics. F. Spink of Kearney county, reports that on the B & M eastbound truin from the McKeigh an-Andrews deoate at Holdrege, tho conductor collected fares from tho independents but not from the republican?; that J. L. Mo Pheeley of Minden accompaiied him to tell him who were republicans and who independents. Mr. Spink saw this and will swear to the above facts, and will f 'irnUh five affidavits besides his own On another train the conductor turned up the lapel of each coat to see what badge was worn and if it was n An drews badge no fare was collect! d; if a McKeighan badge, fare was collested or tho passenger had to get off the . train. : These are facts. Comments are unnecessary, Kearney Standard, A Democrat on Morton. Hon. C. D. Casper of David City, that rock-ribbal old antimonopoly democrat has this to say about Morton's candidacy. "As one r f Mr. Morton's enthus'astic followers for many years it is not easy frtw ne. tr VwiHovo that. Via hn.4 f? h T At,fi- ly consented to help tbe repub'ican nartv out of its critical position, and yet that will be the effect of his cam paign it it has any enect. He has devoted his best energies io the labors of pound' ng old man Van Wyck and swiping free silver demo crats across the snoot Republicars scream with de ight, whi'e demo crats go home hot. and fully resolved to support Van wyck tne only tning a man of honor, character and secse can do. Our Book List, Our list of choice literature is made up of the best and most reliable reform books, by the most noted writers. If you want to keep posted on the great questions before the American people you should consult the authorities, We name below a number of the best books published. PAPER. CLOTH. Gen. J. B. Weaver, A Call to Action. A valuable book that should be read by every one, send for a copy. Cloth and Gold $1.50 STICKNEY, The Railroad Problem. The greatest sensation of the year is this great book oa the railway problem by a railway president. Cloth edition has 14 illustrative diagrams $.50 $2.00 Hamlin Garland. Mr. Garland is one of the brilliant, writer i.f our times, and his pen speaks eloquently in behalf of t:u toiling masses. The loiiowing are some oi nis Dest woms; "Jason Edwards," Treating of Farm and Factory, $ .50 "Main Travelled Road,' Six short stories,- 50 "A Member of the Third House." The lobby in politics, 50 1 3NATIUS Donnelly, Ccesers Column, The book of the century. .50 "Dr. HugueV Southern story with moral, .' : 50 Opie P. Read. Among American humorists Mr. Read stands at the head, and "as a little humor now and then, is relished by the best of men" we add two of his books to our list. They are clean and pure, and are worthy of a place in every library. "A Kentucky Colonel," JO "Emmet Bonlore," A newspaper man, 50 Copley Square Series, Comprising the following four excellent books: "Bond Holders and Bread Winners," King 3 "Money, Land and Transportation," three essays 25 "Industrial Freedom," Four articles from noted authors . .25 "Esau, or The Bankers Victim," Bland 25 Miscellaneous and special. "Whither are we Drifting," Willey, 50 "The Farmers' Side," Senator Peffer of Kansas, "The Coining Climax," Hubbard, w "The Great Red Dragon," Woolfolk, 50 "Looking Backward," Bellamy, 50 "A Financial Catechism," Brice 50 "A Tramp in Society," Cowdtry 50 "Pizarro and John Sherman," Mrs. Todd 25 "Money Monopoly," Baker 25 "Labor and Capital," Kellogg 20 "'In Office," Bogy 25 "Ten Men of Money Island", Norton 10 " " " German edition 10 "Geld, Schilling," German edition 10 "Seven Financial Conspiracies," Emery 10 Songs and Music. "Songs of tho People." Gibson. Words only 10 "Songs of the People," Published in sheet music. send for catalogue and prices. They are number one. "Labor and Alliance Songster," words only 10 " " " Mus'c edition 20 u u u m u u ... (t b'd covers. .25 "Songs of Industry," Howe 25 Parliamentary Guides "Cushing's" Manual paper .25 cloth .50 "Smith's" Diagram and Rules 50 "Roberts" Rules of Order 75 Any book on this list sent post paid on receipt. of price. Liberal discounts to Alliances or clubs wishing to purchase a library. We are offering the Alliance-Independent one year, and any 50c book on the list for only $1.35. Address. Alliance Publishing Co, Lincoln, Nebr., 1.25 1.00 1.25 100 1.00 1.00 1.25 per doz. by ex $1.10 2.00 2.50 2.50 A. NORTH BEND NURSERIES. LARGE SUPPLY OF k T D I i O t.l T.a QL..L C.. i i cob, r icuil-o, viiicuiieiiLai i ices, 0111 uuo uveigiccns. Large Stock of Best Cld and New sorts of Strawberry Plants. Write for SPECIAL prices on large orders. Es NOKTI1 BfcMD NUKSKKIKS, North Bend. Dodge County, Nebraska. Forest 'i'ree for Claims at Low Prices. tablished in 188 1 Send for price list to Tine Playing Cards. Send ten cents in stmps to John Se bastaii, Gen'l Ticket and Pass. Agt, C., R. I. & P. R'y. Chicago, for a pack of the "Rock Island" Playing Cards. They are acknowledged the best, and worth five times the cost. Send money order or postal note for 50c , and we will send five packs by express, prepaid. Have You Read "Sights and scenes in Colorado?" "Sights and scenes in Idaho and Montana?" " Sigts and scenes in Utah?" "Sights nd scenes in California?" "Sights and scenes in Oregon and Washirgtoa?'' " Sights arl 'scenes in Alaska? This is a set of six books, beautifully illustrated, full of,tory and legend as well as v iluable infoamation for the tourist, p iblished by tho Passenger De partment of' the Union Pacific system. Sent free on application and the receipt of 2c for each book to cover postage. J. T. Mastin, C. T. A., 1044 O St. E. B. SLOSSOX, Gen. Agt , Lincoln. Nerv Remember "Jenniner's Hotel" is headquarters of People's party while in ' utoes WANTED SALESMEN STES our well known Nursery Stock, Seed and eed Po Fine opsning for a few ushine men at Omaha. Located corner Ninth ana Bu vm H . . J Harney streets. J seedmen. st, put, Mimi. USE HOWARD FACE BLEACH FOR Dark, Sallow AND SUNBURNED-:-COMPLEXIONS. This Bleach removes fill discolorat'ors and impurities from i ha skia, such as Freckle?, Moth Patches, Sunburn, Sallownces. Flesh worms, and Pimples wher they are diteascs of the Bkin, as they often are. For Sale by all First-Class Druggists Price $1.50 per Bottle.