The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, October 27, 1892, Page 13, Image 13

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Registration Notice.
The supervisors of registration will meet for
the purpose of a general rejc Rt ration of the in their respective wards in the city of
Lincoln, on Tueslay, October 11, Wtdnesdv,
October 19, Thursday. Ck tobt r 27, Friday and
Saturday, November 1 and 5. and shall re
main in 8f ssiou on each of said days from the
hours of 8 o'eloe: a. m. ut:l 'J o'clock p. m. at
the fol ov in places:
nasT WARD.
Treiiuct 1 or A-- Citv lu!ld n
I'rtc'Dct -i or 15 I J. J T strj't.
Triciuct 3 or C iftW W trwt.
Pivc'not 1 or A Rohanan b'oelc.
I'n ci: c: ' or U Com I hou ;e
Precinct 3 rr C Holm m biiilJins, Eleventh
fct.ei't, Ik t.wa II and G streets.
Precinct 1 or A- Grand Hotel."
Precinct i or U (iaddia1 shop, corner Thir
teenth and , st re ta.
Precinct i or C 1120 O street.
Precinct 4 or i Wl O street.
Pn cinct . or E Cox buildin, north Bide of U
street, bttuot-n Thirteenth and Fourteenth
Precinct 1 or A Vd South Twelfth street
Precinct 2 cr H- -Sort South Eleventh street.
Preciu.. t 3 or C Oriental building, Thirteenth
and K streets.
Precinct i or D---2115 O street.
Precinct 5 or EGrocery store, corner Twen
tieth and J streets.
Precinct 1 or A F street engine house.
Pi-eciuct -2 or li J. R. Bing'sshop.
Precinct 3 or C Store room, corner South and
Fourteenth streets.
Precinct 4 or D Rtppe's store.
Precinct 5 or E 4iii D street.
Preciact 1 or A S. M. Melick's barn, Twenty
fourth and O st reets.
Precinct 2 or B Corner V and Twenty-seventh
Precinct 3 or C T wenty-third and Washington
Precinct 1 or A Mosley's building, corner
Twelfth and Belmont afrenue.
Precinct 2 or B 809 North Twenty-seventh
Precinct 3 or C Byrum's store, Twenty-seventh
Section 1. The First ward is composed of that
part of the city lying north of N street and west
and south of the following boundaries: From
N etreet runniDg north on Eleventh street to R
street; thence east on R to Twelfth street, thence
north on Twelfth to Y street; thence west along
said Y street to the limits of the city.
The First ward of the city shall constitute
three (3) election precincts as follows:
Precinct one (I) or A shall include all that part
of the First ward between the center of N street
on the south, the center of Eleventh on the east,
the center of R street on the north, and the city
limits on the west.
Precinct two (2) or B shall include all that part
of the First ward between the center of R street
on the south, the center of Twelfth street on the
east, the center ot Y street on the north and the
center of Ninth street on the west.
Precinct three (.8) or C shall include all that part
of the First ward between the center of R street
on the south, the center of Ninth street on the
east, the center of Y street ou the north, and the
city limits on the west.
The Second ward consists of all that part of the
city west of Eleveeth street between N and JT
The Second ward of this city shall constitute
three election precincts as follows:
Precinct one'U) or A shall include all that part
of the Second ward between the center of N street
on the north, the center of Eleventh on the east,
the centre of L street on the south and on the
west by the city limits.
Precinct two (2) or B shall include all that part
of the Second ward between the centre of L street
on the north, the centre of Eleventh street ou the
east, the centre of II street on the south and on
the west by the city limits.
Precinct three (i) or C shall include all that
part of the Second ward between the centre of H
street on the north, the centre of Eleventh street
on the east, the centre of F 6treet on the south
and on the west by the city limit i.
Sec. 3. The Third ward consists of all that part
of the city lying north of O street, east of the
east boundary of the First ward and south of the
centre of the Missouri Pacific railroad, running
west to West Lincoln and east to TweDty-Becond
street, which shall In divided into five election
precincts as follows:
The Third ward of this city shall constitute five
(5) election precincts as follows:
Precinct one (1) or A shall include all that part
of the Third ward between the centre of R street,
between Eleventh aud Twelfth streets and the
centre of U street between Twelfth and Thir
teenth streets on the nortn, the centre of Thir
teenth on the east, the centre of O street on the
south, aud the centre of Eleventh street between
O and R streets and the centre of Twelfth street
between R and U streets on the west.
Precinct two (2) or B shall include alf that part
of the Third ward between the centre of U street,
between Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets, and
the centre of Vine street between Fourteenth and
what would be the continuation of Fifteenth
street on the north, the centre of what would be
the continuation of Fifteenth street on the east,
the centre of O street on the south, and the cen
tre of Thirteenth street on the west.
Precinct three (',) or C shall include all that part
of the Third ward between the centre of Vina
street on the north, the centre of Eighteenth
street on the east, the centre of O street on the
south and the centre of what would be the con
tinuatian of Fifteenth street on the west.
Precinct four (4) or D shaU' include all that
part of the Third ward between the center of
Vine street on tte north, the center of Twenty
second street on the east, the center of O street
on the south and the center of Eighteenth street
on the west.
Precinct five (5) or E shall include all that por
tion of the Third ward north of the center of
Vine street, between Twenty-second and Four
teenth streets, and the center of U street between
Eleventh and Fourteenth streets, west of the cen
ter of Thirty-second street and east of the center
of Twelfth street.
The Fourth ward consists of all that part of the
city between O and F streets, north and south,
and between Eleventh, ajidJEwenty-secoad street,
east and west, and Is divided into election pre
cincts as follows:
The Fourth ward of the city shall constitute
five (5) election districts as follows:
Precinct one (I) or A shall include all that part
of the Fourth ward between the center of O
street on the north, the center of Seventeenth
street on the east, the center of N street on the
south, and the center of Eleventh street on the
Precinct two (?) or B shall include all that
part of the Fourth ward between the center of N
street on the north, and the center of Sixteenth
street on the east, and the center of L street on
the south, and the center of Eleventh street on
the west.
Preciowt three (3) or 0 shall Include all that
part of the Fourth ward between the center of L
street on the north, the center of Sixteenth street
on the east, and the center of F street on the
south and the center of Eleventh street on the
Precinct four (4) or D shall Include all that
part of the Fourth ward between the center of
O street on the north, the oenter of Twenty-second
street on the east, the center of L street on
the south, the center ot Sixteenth street from
the center of L street to the center of N street,
east thence on center of N street to the center of
Seventeenth street, thence north on the center
of Seventeenth street to the center of O street on
the west.
Precinct five (5) or E shall Include all that part
of the Fourth ward between the center of L street
on the north, the center of Twenty-second (22)
stret t on the east; the center of F street on the
south, the eenter of Sixteeuth street on the west,
north from the center of F to the center of L
8 1 roots
The Fifth ward consists of all that part of the
city lyiDg south of F street and west of Twenty
second street, and is divided Into five election
precincts as follows:
The Fifth ward of the city shall constitute five
(5) election precints as follows:
Precinct one (15 or A shall include all that part
of the Fifth ward between the centre of F street
on the north, the centre of Twenty-second street
on the east, the centre of C street on the south,
and the centre of Tenth street on the west.
Precinct two (2) or B shall include all that part
of the Fifth ward between the centre of C street
on the north, the centre of Twenty-second 6treet
on the east, the city limits on the south, and the
centre of Fifteenth, or what would be the con
tinuation of Fifteenth street, on the west
Precinct three, (3) or C shall include all that
part of the Fifth ward between the centre of O
street on the north.the centre of Fifteenth street
or what would be a continuation of Fifteenth,
street, on the east the city limits on the south
and the centre of Tenth street M the west.
Precinct four (4) or D shall include all that
part of the Fifth ward between th9 center of F
st reet on the north, the center of Tenth street on
the east, the city limits on the south and the cen
ter of Sixt h street on the west,
Precinct five (5) or E shall include all that part
of the Fifth ward south of the center of F stieet
and west of lhe center of Sixth street
The Sixth ward consists of all -that part of the
city lying east of Twenty second street and south
of Vine street. 1 be west boundary of tne Sixth
ward is more particularly described as follows:
Beginning at Twenty-second street and Lake
avenue, being the southwest corner of Park Hill
addition, thence north along Twenty-second
street to Sumner street, thence east to Twenty
second street in Pleasant Hill addition, thence
north along Twenty-second street to D street,
thence west to Twenty-second street in Houtz
Place, thence north along Twenty-second street to
Randolph street, thence north along the east line
of Davenport's second addition, McMurtry's ad-,
fiitinn, Avondale addition and Spencer's addition
to O street, thence west to Twenty-second street
in Kinney's O street addition, thence north to R
street, thence west to Twenty-second street in
Lincoln Driving Park company's first sub-division
thence south to Vine street.
The Sixth ward of this cily shall constitute
three (3) election precincts, as follows:
Precinct one (1) or A shall include all that part
of the Sixth ward from the centre of S street to
the centre of Randolph street.
Precinct two (2) or B shall include all that part
of the Sixth ward from the centre of Vine street
to the centre of S street.
Precinct three (3) or C shall include all that
part of tbe Sixth ward from the centre of
Randolph street to the southern boundary of the
The Seventh ward of the c tv consists of that
part of the city lying north of the First, Third
and ixth wards, the south line of which is more
particularly described as follows:
Commencing at Y street at the west line of the
city limits, thence east on said Y street to
Twelfth street, thence south on Twelfth street to
centre of Missouri Paciflo railroad track, thence
east to Twenty-second 6treet, thence south to
Vine street, thence east to city limits.
Except when otherwise provided the boundary
lines of the wards extend to the center of the
streets named in the ordinanoe. Of where there
is no street or any part of the boundary line
mentioned, then such part of the boundary line
extends in conformity to an extended line con
forming to such center of street mentioned for
The Seventh ward of this city shall constitute
three election precincts as follows:
Precinct one (1) or A shall include all that part
of the Seventh ward north of the Burlington &
Missouri River railroad and the center of Y
Precinct two (2) or B shall include all that part j
of the Seventh ward between the Burlington &
Missouri railroad right-of-way on the north, the
center of Twenty-seventh street on the east, the
center of ViDe street between Twenty -second and
Twenty-seventh, and the center of X street be
tween Twelfth and Twenty-second streets on the
south, and the center of Twelfth street between
X street and the right-of-way of the Burlington
& Missouri Riyer railroad on the west.
Precinct three (3) or C shall include all that
portion of the Seventh ward south of the B. & M.
right-of-way and east of Twenty -seventh street.
D. C. Van Dcyn. City Clerk.
Car of Glidden wire" just received.
Best made. Painted $3 per hundred.
Galvanized $3.50 per hundred. Send
in your orders.
J. W. Hartley, State Agent,
, Lincoln, Neb.
Percheron and French Coach
MaplvB. Grove Farm.
Champion First Premium and Sweepstakes Herd
For tbe States of Kansas and Nebraska.
oTho Nebraska Stato Fair Herd Premium, for best show, all Draft breeds com
peting, was again awarded to my horses, making the fifth year in succession
that my herd has been the recipient of this much coveted prize.
A Nebraska bred horse, raised on Maple Grove Farm, was this year awarded
the First Premium and Sweepstakes at the Kansas Stato Fair, in competition
with twenty-fivo head of horses from fi7e different states, 150 head of registered,
imported and home bred Percheron horses and mares.
A large portion of my present stock on hand, has been raised on my Farm and
Will be Sold at prices below the reach of any Importer in America.
I am in a Dosltion to ffive mv patrons the benefit of not haviner paid any fixed
sum, or expensive buying and transportation charges in order to own my horses.
I cordially invite a carefnl inspection of my horses, and will guarantee the
buyer that my stock cannot be equaled in America, either in tho quality or the
prices that I am asking.
Write for catalogue, and don't fail to inspect my stock before buying.
TvlPK CO UDf FFETnoprF, pen.
Breeding and Importing Establishment, One Mile from Depo Creston, lowi.
200 Full-Blooded Percheron, English Shire, English Hackney,
Belgian French Coach, Cleveland Bays and Standard Bred Horses.
I have the largest assortment of Eu
ropean Breeds of any man In America;
1 handle none but recorded stock ; I do
not permit a mouthful of hot feed to be
given; my horses are not pampered and
are properly exercised, and fed cool
food, which I think are the main reas
ons why my horses have always been
successful breeders." v
Come and visit my establishment.
I am always glad to show my stock.
When arriving a.t Creston visitors
will please telephone to the Crest City
Farm and I will drive In after them. .
I am prepared to give long time to
responsible parties.
Every horse guaranteed a breeder and
must be as represented.
- -f r
Cambridge, Furnas County, Nebraska.
Shire, Clyde, Percheron, Delgian
German, and Oldenberg Coach, French Coach,
Yorkshire Coach , and Cleveland Bay Stallions.
We Handle More Horses Than Any Firm in Nebraska.
We import oar own horses thus saving the customer the middle man's profit. Buyers
have the advantage of comparing all breeds side by side at our stables.
We Have 40 Good Young Acclimated Horses on Hand.
Another importation of 4Q will arrive about October 1. We guarantee all our horses
every respect. We make tanners companies a specialty, having a system whereby we
can organize companies and insure absolute success.
We Will Send a Man to Any Part of tbe State,
On application to assist in rganizlng companies. We give long time thus enabling pur
chashers to pay for horses from services. Correspondence promptly answered. Men
tion this paper. Address,
W. J. WROUGHTON & CO., Cambridge Nob.
Auction -:-
HEAD of sons and daughters of the renowned Van Dee, King Rival and Way Up go
under the hammer without reserve at Walnut Crove on
This sale consists of one, two and three year old sows bred to Van Dee and King Rival, 30
nic; gilts, 28 choice spring boars, King Rival 7239 and Way Up 4141, which have proved them
s elves splendid breeders. A rare chance for those wishing breeding and Individual merit'
combined. Free conveyance to and from trains. Everybody Invited. Send for catalogue.
COL. F.'M. WOODS, Auctioneer. Z. S. BRANSON, Waverly, He