THE ALLIANCE -IN DEPENDENT, MORE MONEY SAVED. The following letters have been re ceived from county officers regarding amounts saved under the operation cf lawa passed by the I ! -;jendent legisla ture: Stock vi lle, Neb., Sept. 18, '92. Editoh Alliance-Independent: Tho amount of mo coy saved by oper ation of tho law ru.i'.i Ing county clerks to turn into county ireafcury lees lor making tax list ha bjen for the year 1892, $325. Yours truly, W. A. I3KADBURY. Osceola, Neb., Sept. 22, 1X92. Editor Alliance-Independent: I tako pleasure in answering your rc fiufiKt in relation to deDOsitincr and loaning county mooey to the banks, Would say ns far as posBible the law has been Jived un to. Thero are seven banks in the county, and they each got their share according to their paid up capital stock, and they nave each given security accepted by tho commissioners. The average amount on deposit is from fifteen to thirty-five thousand. We only get the minimum, that is three per cent. The banks fixed the rate and as there was no opposition. I had to accept the offer. The amount received for the first and second quarters was $400. That only includes about five months time, as the former treasurer turned the rountv funds over to mo about that time. Yours respectfully, N. Macken. i COLD Bill The G. O, P. Demoralized In Kansas. The republican newspapers are gener ally making extravagant assertions as to tho desertions from the- people's party. That there are a lew, no one questions, but why is it so many repub licans are joining tho peo In the last few weeks Mr left the republican column. The Law rence Record one of the oldest rcpubll can weeklies in the state, has came out j eiiinst the republican ticket. The Marion Times, one of the leading week ly journals of the state, edited by Judge C. E. Foote, a talented orator, paralyz ed the barnacles this week by coming out boldly for the people's ticket, de claring that republican ring method in Kansas were driving all self-respecting people out of the party. Senator Kush, Winter is at .hand, heavy- snows have already visited Wyoming. Good h o r s e sense suggests that now is the time to buy warm cloth ing. Our vast stock and low prices proves ours to be the right place to buy. Our 32 page catalogue containing not, only description but samples of goods from which are made men's and boy's suits, overcoats and pants sent free on request. Don't delay but write for it to day! 25 per ct. saved on your win ter clothing is as good as 2c a bu. more for your corn. Visit the store in person if possible, if not write I THE HUB. . Legate has f ' ' FREE! Tuition! Fall term in seven different courses. Osly high rrade independent Normal in the state. Finest buildings, equipments and ablest Normal faculty. Ho experiment, but an established management. 40 courses and special ties, 35 teachers and lecturers. A live scnooi 101 the masses. Write for catalogue to F. F. Roosk, Mgr., Lincoln, Neb. a member of the .last senate, has left $15,009 SJSttT 4rtn l H rHOnrir o n H 1 a iit frn rrr mrfv t'a I n . i i i ii A 1 1 uxo uiu ki jf uu uuvivi uaau ptiviJAc o i iMOOiner bchoui in iuu west suiiiub so wei. ticket. Sonator hllison of Atchison, likewise a member or the last republi cam senate, flatly refused to make any speeches lor the ring ticket. Kepubli can clubs in Jtwell, Republic and Sher man counties are eoinff over to the people's party in bodies. The cities of Chatauqua county have combined against tbe infamous charge from the republican press and leaders that the farmers of that county, because it voted solidly two years ago for the people's party, had an organized Mafia to mur der and destroy. Chicago Sentinel. with business men. This 1b a point not to be overlooked, we can put you on tne;roaa to success if you are made tof good mettle. Lady students can assiBt in private family for board. Vritefor our catalogue at once, Addreee, A. M HAKUis, rres., urana isiana, web WANTED SALESMEN JETS? 3 our well known Nursery Stock, Seed and Seed Po tatoes. Fine opening for a few pushing men at good wages Apply muck, stating ag-e. Li. Li. ju.a.1 fisvu,, iMurseryman, r lonsi anu Seedmen. St Paul, Minn 1 T GERALD The Popular Cash Dry Goods Store. 103S O St. Special Prices on Black Dregs Goods this Week. me ForSB inch black Henrietta, regular pr2cj&3. OOl n For 33 ince Black Corda and Diago- 6-2 yj nals, regular price 30c. Qprn For 3 inch Englleh Henriettas, regular 1 price 35s. on f For 46 inch English Henrietta!, regu- lar price 50o. A O n For 40 Inch all wool fine black" Henri- 1U J 1 ettas, regular price 65c. 49 C For 40 inch all wool regular price, to. French 8erg nc n For rchoice of fifteen Btylft f aDcy ju v weaye black goods, regular prfce 85a to 1100. I III.. rjK n For 46 inch Bilk finished German Hen I O V rietta, regular price f r.00 QQ r For 46 inch Black Serge, extra fine, OO v regular prioe fl.10. QQ n For 46 inch beat quality German Hen 70 riettaa, regular price J1J26. Special Prices on Black Dress Silk this Week. Ap n Tour choice of flvo styles, all 22 VJ Si I. Inches wide, our f 1.23 quality; this week at 95c. $1.10 Tour choice of 8 styles, all M inches wide, our f L48 quality; this week at IU0. Special Prices on Colored Dress Silk this Week. Tour choice of twenty-five colors In Fall Dress Silks, 20 inches wide, our 95o quality, this week for 68o. 751 Tour choice of fifteen colors In Peau de Sole Dress 8ilks, 21 inches wide, our 11.00 quality; this week for TSc. These Prices are for thin Wee Only. FITZGERALD DRY GOODS CO., 1036O8TEEET. ALLIANCE STATE BUSINESS AGENCY. State Agent quotes prices on the following godQi. Chicago Produce Letter From Summers' Morrison & Company. Chicago, Oct. 17, 1892. Both the produce and fruit trade epen this week quite satisfactorily with no material change in the condition of affairs noted last week. There is a sharp demand lor all good brands of fresh made butter and prices have advanced gome. Best of creamery 26 cents, choice dairy 2J to 24 cents. Freeh egga are $till firm at 20 cents. There is more inquiry for beans and re octets are light. Hand picked 11.85 to 1 1 90 per bushel, machine cleaned 11.75 to $1.80. Potatoes are Bttil very firm in price with a cood demand on Bhlppiug orders. The best well assorted varieties in car lots 65 cents per bushel on track. Pair to good Btock 58 to 60 cents, mixed varieties M cents. Game is in good demand and but lime on sflie. rrame emefcens W.oOper dozen, partridges e to W 50, quail f 2.25 to 12.50. Ducks of an Kinds wanted. Poultry and venl are both in lijht supply and and prices a little advanced over last week. Both green aud dried apples wanted at good prices, uni very uuie oi me new crop or broom corn is yet arriving, in consequence of which re ceipts meet witn ready sale at very good prices. .. , SPECIAL. State Agent Hartley would like your consien- mentsof butter and esgs. Good butter. 20 cents per pound.. F.gS, 18 cents per dozen. Consign- meats r goou sorenum molasses also solicited Bill to J. W. Hartley, Lincoln, Neb. The special sale of fine goods at NiS' sley & Co's is attractintj crowds of peo ple and we are told tnat tno sa't will continue for a week or ten days more. It will pay you to lay in your winters supply at Nissley & Co's store corner of 10th and r streets, .Lincoln, Neb. it A gooJ common flour at 90 cts. per 100. White Rose flcur at $1,50 per 100. Silver Leaf " " 1.75 " " Prime Brow Sugar $4.00 per 100. Best Granulated Sugar $5.65 per 100. Fine TJncolored Japan Tea 25c per lb. (( (( o o i2ic " " Good CJoffee 20c per lb. A full line of Spices, Pepper, Cinna mon, Cloves, Ginger, Mustard, Al spice, etc., at 20c per lb. One gallon best coal oil with glass can 40 cents. WIltE. Car of Glidden wire just received. Best made. Painted $3 per hundred. Galvanized $3.50 per hundred. Send in your orders. J. W. HARTLEY, State Agent, Lincoln, Neb. NOTICE. The elevator and stock yards of the Cambridge Alliance Business Associa tion are for lease, and bids for the same will be received until Nov. 5, 1892, at 1 p. m. The board of directors reserve the right to reject any and all bids. For full particulars and conditions un der which this property will be leased address ueo. A. Miller, Sec'v, Cambridge, Neb. ; Jennings' hotel of Omaha is the only "People's party hotel." Remember .. this when visiting that city. 13tf Pure Bred Poultry. White Plym outh Rock. White Games Partridge Cochins: Toulouse Geese, White Hol land Turkeys, White Guineas,; Pekin Ducks. Eggs in season. Prices low, W. A. Bates, Jr., Fremont, Neb. 36tf ' Soda i and Butter cracker 6c per lb. in cases. , 40 Grain vinegar in iugs, 25c per gal Lemon extract 2 oz. bottles 50c per doz. Vanilla " ' 65c " Finest full cream Y A cheese 12c lb, A good Overall for only 50c. - - An extra good overall for 65, Rockford half hose,75c per doz. " " " best made $1.05 a dot Write for anything you eat or wear. J. W. HARTLEY , State Agt., 245 8. 11th 81., Lincoln, gb INDUSTRIAL SAVINGS BANK, ELEVENTH AND N STREETS, LINCOLN, NEB. oapitai: stock: $S50,000. LIABILITY OF STOCKHOLDERS, : : : : : $500,000.00 WI. STULL, Pres. LOUIS STULL, Cashier, J. G. WADBWORTH, Iss't Cashir. llonsy t9 Loan on Iiproved Farms. Interest Paid on Deposits. Savings Accounts Solicited. WYATT-BDLLARD LUMR CO, WHOLESALE DEiLEEB OMAHA, NEB. WilteuB forbillof mMBERfer jour houBe and bara, delirered at your station. By dealing Direct with Ua we can save you 16 per cent. (25) WYATT-BULLARD LUMBER CO., Omaha, Neb. ADVERTISE allmceIdependent