The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, October 20, 1892, Page 14, Image 14

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Katj-DId and Katj-Dldn't.
It was a ridJle long unguessed, but I will tell
the answer true,
Just what It was that Katy did, and all that
Katy didn't do.
She did go straight to bed at cl(?ht, and didn't
want to wait till nine;
She didn't caro for party gowns, she did set
stitches nice and fine;
She did it very still in church, and didn't
creak her little fan;
She did rixht all vacation time, and didn't fret
when school began.
No wonder this surprising child Is sung about
with such delight
Beneath the great round harvest-moon, on
every pleasant autumn night.
How He Judged.
While it is true that some of the
most precise and accurate writers have
been exceedingly slovenly in their per
sonal habits, and while some men who
were thoroughly bad in their private
lives havo certainly acted in their pub
lic careers as if impelled by the noblest
and loftiest motives, yet it is generally
the caso that one reveals his true char
acter in the ordinary affairs of life.
, country innkeeper,relying instinc
tively upon this principle, one day in
the last century startled a casual guest,
who happened to be a gentleman at
tached to the royal court, by a confi
dent prediction regarding the Arch
bishop of Toulouse, who had just been
appointed to one of the great offices of
The gentleman, looking over his
mail, which he had ordered to be sent
to the inn, exclaimed, "There are
great changes in the government! The
Archbishon of Toulouse has been
chosen minister."
'Alas for Franoe, if that is true!"
cried the inn-keeper.
"Why so?"
"He will turn the kingdom upside
down. Ho will mako no end of
trouble." returned the landlord, with
an ominous shake of the head.
This was quite possible, and some
thing like it did really happen, bm
only persons wno knew tno inner
workings of political affairs could have
predicted it so positively then, and M.
de La IIouss wondered what was the
source of the inn-keeper's information.
With judicious urging he induced that
sago to give his basis for calculations.
It was this:
"You will learn, M. de La IIouss
that I know whereof I speak. The
Archbishop of Toulouse always stops
here on his way to Faris, and also on
his return. He never fails to turn
everything upside down.
"He has that bed carried into an
other room. He has all the tables and
the wash-stand moved. The mirrors
that are hung between the windows
have to be placed above tfc.a mantle
pieces. If I took his adrice I should
tear this house down and rebuild it
bottom side up.
"Depend upon it, he is a dangerous
person, and will insist upon changing
A Spanish Election.
A Spanish regard for a fine bull is
well known. Very often the animals
of the bull ring are as famous as the
toreadors. According to a report in a
Spanish paper this regard for the bull
was put to a very nev and singular
use in a town in the province of To
ledo recently. An election was being
held in the little town of Oropesa,
where the ministerialists, or govern
ment party, and the Carlists, or Span
ish "old-liners" were nearly of equal
strength. Kach party, therefore, was
trying to prevent the other from poli
ng its full vote.
The polling had gone on, without
any apparent majority on either side,
until nearly the end of the day. All
at once all parties were greatly inter
ested in the appearance of a superb
bull, led by a countryman, exactly be-
bre the door of the voting booth.
Everybody took an interest in him.
Presently it was observed that as
certain voters approached the door of
the booth the bull made a sudden
unge toward them. This frightened
them so that they took to their heels,
and did not daro to approach the door
But when certain other voters came
It 1 . 4 11 1 1 J 1 1
up, tne mill stepped oacK poiueiy ana
et them enter. In course of time it
turned out that all the voters who had
been frightened away were ministerial
ists, and all those who were allowed
o vote were Carlists.
When it was too late to change the
esult, and the Carlists had carried the
lay in Oropesa, it came out that the
imposed countryman was a Carhst
"heeler" in disguise, and that by
means of a bradded stick concealed
under his flowing cape, he had goaded
the bull forward whenever a minis
terialist appeared, and urged him back
ward when a Carlist hove in sight.
J FINE improved farm near Neligh, Neb.,
at half price. 115 acres under plow, 25
acres in pasture, balonce hay. All under
fence, and all level plow land. House 24 x
24. Barn 24x24, also granary and corn crib,
smoke house, chicken house, windmill, milk
tank and other tanks, Lawn fenced with
picket fence; all kinds of fruits; fine grove
in fact one of the best farms in the country.
Also 80 acres near Lincoln. Will sell cheapl
WE also have for sale or exchange 160
in Cherry County, Nebraska, 160 in Norton
County, Kansas, and 320 acres in Colorado
which we will exchange. Call on or write
Icebergs In Glittering Array.
There are few more interesting
things among the perils and wonders
of the ocean than icebergs. They are
interesting not only for thejr gigantic
size, men iantastic snapes, ineir ex
ceeding beauty and their ability to
cool great masses of water ana air in
their neighborhood, but also for the
manner in which they array them
Iceberg's often show a tendency to
form both clusters and long lines, and
these groupings may arise from the
effects both of ocean currents and of
Some very singular lines of bergs,
extending for many hundreds of miles
east of Newfoundland, are shown on
an iceberg" chart issued this summer
by the Hydrographic office in Wash
ington. Two of these cross one an
other, each keeping on its independent
course after the crossing. In several
instances parallel lines of bergs leave
lonir spaces of clear water between
The Prince of Monaco, who has
taken a lively interest in experiments
with floating bottles in the ocean, re
cently urged, in an address to the
British association, the desirability of
more sytlemat'c study of ocean tides
and currents. A record of the group
ings and alignments of iccburgs in the
North Atlantic might be of some use
in such an investigation.
Barber & Fowler,
Room 10, 1041 0 St., Lincoln, Neb.
The way to do this is to ship your Butter, Poultry. Eggs, Veal, Hay. Grain.
Wool, Hides, Beans, Broom Corn, Green and Dried Fruits, Vegetables, or
anything you have to us. The fact that you may have been selling these articles at home
for year 3 is no reason that yon should continue to do bo if you can find a better market. We
make a specialty of receiving shipments direct from FARMERS AND PRODUCERS,
and prebably have the largest trade in this way of any house in this market. Whilst you
are looking around for the cheapest market in which to buy your goods, and thus economiz
ing in that way, it will certainly pay you to give some attention to the best and most profit
able way of disposing of your preduce. We invite correspondence; from INDIVIDUALS,
ALLIANCES, CLUBS, and all rganizations who desire to ship their preduoe direct to
this market. If requested, we will send you free of charge our daily market report, ship
ping directions and such information as will be of service to you, if yeu contemplate ship
ping. When so requested proceeds for shipments will be deposited to the credit of the ship
per any wholesale houBe in Chicago. Let bs hear from you, 41 ot
Summers Morrison & Co., :A
COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 174 South Water Street, Chicago.
Reference: Metropolitan National Bank, Chicago.
ALLEN ROOT, Stock Agent, Nebraska State
Asking a Groat Deal.
A French gentleman of rank, who
was both courteous and intelligent,
but had his fits of -absentmindedness,
visited Rome and wished to see all the
interesting features of the city.
The Pope assisted him in many ways.
He did all that he could to make the
stay of the Frenchman pleasant. When
the Pope thought his visitor had seen
all the beauty and grandeur of the city
he asked if there was anything else he
could do for his gratification.
"It has been most interesting. I
tnanic vou, 'lioiy Fatner, lie re
plied. Then he added, meditatively,
"There is one thing more I should
like to see, and that is the ceremonies
which are observed when the papal
throne is vacant."
The Pope laughed, and recalled him
to a realization bv savincr, "I shall be
so unaccommodating as to keep you
waiting for that as leng as possible."
Farmers' Alliance. Office and Financial M'gr. fcaiesman. v ,
South Omaha, Neb., Room 34 Exchange Building.
Before You Ship Send for the Market.
TiF.iPRRicvrn?s: First National Bank of Omaha: Packers National Bank. Omaha: Commercial
National Bank, Omaha; Nebraska Savings and Exchange Bank, Omaha; Central City Bank, Central
City, Nebraska.
PsnippeTg can draw signt aratt on us xor w per cent 01 cosi, dju 01 jaaing auacnea.
General Produce Merchants.
Legal representatives of Kansas
State Alliance and well known in Nebraska. Our specialty Car Loads Of
Potatoes) Onions, Apples, Cabbage. Hay and Oats. Wo also
have a heavy grain trade in Nebraska and Wyoming. We have an established
trade for all the above mentioned artices, and by shipping direct to us you will
get all the value there is in the goods. Write for prices and shipping instruc
tions. Reference: Metropolitan National Bank, Kansas City, Mo
423 Walnut St , Kansas City, tiff