The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, October 20, 1892, Page 13, Image 13

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Registration Notice.
..The supervisors of registration wffl meet for
(te rurpojw of general reg'stration of the
otrs in their respective wards in the tit I
Lincoln, on Tus!ay, October 11, Tdnesdyj
October 19, Thursday, October 27, Friday and
feat Kt-vUr, November and 5. 139. and shall re
main iD action on each of said days from the
hovn of 8 o'clock a. m. ontd 9 o'clock p. m. at
Uie foLomiag places:
Tresloct 1 or A-City build'n?.
- ' I'rtc'nct t or B--NN4 T strwt.
, Precinct 3 or C--tS2S W street.
, Precinct J or A Bohanan block.
t IYfci; ct t or B Court hoiwa
f Preciuct 8 or CIIo!mea budJinjr,
at. eet, Lt:a H and i atreels.
corner Tblr-
PreclDct 1 or A Grand Hotel,
i- Precinct 2 or B-Gaddia' shop.
- ,eoui ana y streets.
: . Precinct 8 or 0162) Q street
. ' I Precinct i or HJ01 i O street.
, i Pr. clnet 5 or E Cox building, north side of U
I Bireet. between Thirteenth and Fourteenth
I Precinct 1 or A--H6 South Twelfth street -i
Precinct 8 or B--308 South Eleventh street
j Precinct 3 or C--Oriental building, Thirteenth
-' e nd K streets.
s Precinct 4 or D--21 15 0 street.
Precinct 5 or E Grocery store, corner Twen-
tietb and J streets.
Precinct 1 or A F Btreet ending house.
Precinct 8 or B J. R. Bing's shop. -
Precinct 8 or O Store room, corner South, and
Fourteenth streets.
Vrf Inr i or D RiDne's store.
f - Precinct 6 or E 449 D street.
Precinct 1 or A S. M. Melick's barn," Twenty
rourth and O streete. m
Precinct 2 or B Corner V and Twenty-seventh
Trecinct 3 or C Twenty-third and Washington
streets. - - "
Precinct i or AMoleyV building, corner
Twelfth and Belmont a reniw.
Precinct 2 or B86 North Twenty-seventh
street -
Precinct 8 or C Byrum's Btore, Twenty-sev-.
enth street.
tj Section 1. The First ward is composed of that
part oJ the citv lying north of N street and west
ind south of ' the following boundaries: From
N street running north on Eleventh street to R
street : thence east on R to Twelfth street, thence
north on Twelfth to Y street; thenoe west along
said Y street to the limits of the city. -
The First , ward of the city shall constitute
i three (4) election precincts as follow!
ah all fnnliifla all that Dart
of the First ward between the center of N street
, on the south, the center of Eleventh on the east,
, the center of R street on the north, ana tne city
Ultimo UU WIO ..... , . ,
Precinct two (2) or B shall include all that part
.. i . i i .. . . e i n,M.
nr t.f.n r irflL vara Deiweeu iub ceuicr uj, iv wcci
on the south, the center of Twelfth street on the
east, the center ot Y street on the north and the
center of Ninth street on the west I
- Precinct three (8) ort) shall include all that part
" of the First-ward between the center of R Btreet
on the south, the c?ntar of Ninth street on the
-. east, the center of Y street on the north, and the
cXy limits on the west '
The Second ward consists of all that part or the
city west of JSleveeth street between N and F
The Second ward of this city shall constitute
three election precinct3 as follows:
' " - Precinct one (1) or A shall include all that part
of the Second ward between the center of N street
on the north, the center of .Eleventh on the east,
'" the centre of L street on the south and on the
i west by the city limits "
'? Precinct two (3) or B shall include all that part
' ' of the Second ward between the centre of L street
on the north, the centre of Eleventh street on the
east, the centre of H street on the south and on
' ''. the west by the city limits.
Precinct three (i) or C shall include all that
part of the Second ward between the centre of H
''. street on the north, the centre of Eleventh street
: on the east, the centre of F street on the south
and on the west by the city limit.
Sec. 8. The Third ward consists of all that part
' of the city lying north of O street, east of the
east boundary of the First ward and south of the
centre of the Missouri Pacific railroad, running
: west to West Lincoln and east to Twenty-second
- street, which shall bi divided into five election
precincts as follow: . ' '
The Third ward of this city shall constitute five
' (5) election precincts as follows:
Precinct one ii ) or a smui iuciuuettmuaivii
. T of the Third ward between the centre of R street
between Eleventh and Tweirth streets and the
centre of U street between Twelfth and Thir
- - teenth streets on the north, the centre of Thir
' teenth on the east the centre of O street on the
south, and the centre of Eleventh street between
. O and R streets and the centre of Twelfth 6treet
between R and U streets on the west
Precinct two () or B shall include all that part
"."of the Third ward between the centre of U street,
tv' between Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets, and
the centre of Vine street between Fourteenth and
what would be the continuation of Fifteenth
street on the north, the centr of what would be
the continuation of Fifteenth street on the east
the centre of O street on the south, and the cen
- tre of Thirteenth street on the west.
, - Precinct three (4) or C shall include all that part
of the Third ward between the centre of Vine
itreetonthe north, the centre of Eighteenth
' ' street on the east, the cenfe of 0 6treetonthe
south and the centre of what would bethecon-
t:.,.i;.n nf trwt on the west.
Trpunct four (4) or D sha'l include all that
part of the Third ward between the center of
Vine street on tfce north, the center of Twenty-
- ctraat ati tlm asst. t,h of O street
1 . ; jKtUUU DHW v
t' " on the south and the center of Eighteenth street
on tne west.
Precinct five (SI or E shall include all that por
tion of the Third ward north of Vie center of
. . ,n... ..AU Vtnraan TwifT-8conrt anil EYinr
V UlC; Bttnrv, v.. " -j
Eleventh and Fourteenth streets, west of the cen
ter of Thirtj -second street ana east oi me center
of Twelfth street
The Fourth ward consists of all that part of the
city between O and F streets, north and south,
and between jcjieveuiu uuu n -cvyuu uw,
east and west and is divided into election pre
cincts as follows: '
The Fourth, ward or tne c;ty 6nau consiuute
five (5) election districts as follows:
Ttf.iru.t in ii m- A includa aM that Dart
of the Fourth ward between the center of O
street oa the nortn, tne center oi isevenwenm
street on the east the center of N street on the
south, and the center of Eleventh street on the
Wprtcincttwo ( ) or B sall inc'ude all that
nrf nt t ha Vruinh wAnl between the center of N
strert on the nor h. a :d tiie center of Sixt.'eath
street oo the east, and the center of L street on
tne south, aad tlw center oi i.evenia street oa
the west.
Precinct three (3) or C shall include all that
pait of ttici Fourth ward between the center of L
toi nn north. tKf center of Sixteenth street
oa the cact. and the center of F sUvet on the
south and the centtr of Eleventh Bireet on the
west .
Precinct four (i) or D shall includa all that
t Pmirth ward ln-twon the center of
O ttreet en the north, the cent?r of Twenty-ssc-
ond street on laa east, me center oi u sirert on
the soutn; the center of Sixteenth street from
the renter of L street to the center of N street,
east thence on center of N street to the center of
Seventeenth st! ett, thence north on the center
of Seventeen! h street to the center of 0 street on
Precinct five (5) or E shall Include all that part
of the Fourth ward between the center of L street
on the north, the center of Twenty-second (')
stref t on the east; the center of F street on the
south, the center of Sixteeuth street on the west,
north Irom tae center oi i iu
ft treats
The Fifth ward consists of all that part of the
city lying south of F street and west of Twenty
second street, and is divided into five election
precincts as follows: L. .
The Fifth ward of the city shall constitute five
(5) election precints as follows:
Precinct one (11 or A shall include all that part
of the Fifth ward between the centre of F street
on the north, the centre of Twenty-second street
on the east, the centre of C Btreet on the south,
and the centre ot Tenth street on the west - ,
Precinot two (2) or B shall Include all that part
of the Fifth ward between the centre of C street
on the north, the centre of Twenty-second 6treet
on the east the city limits on the south, and the
centre of Fifteenth, or what would be the con-
UUUBUUII VI A l.vfcVM D". v.v., .. .
Precinct three (i) or C shall iuclude all that
part or tne utn wara oevweeu wo wuho v.
street on the north.the centre of Fifteenth street
,l.t l,t Vu nnntinllAflnn of fifteCntn.
ui nuau . uui. . -
et roof nn thA PARt. t.liA citv limits on the soutn
and the centre of Tenth street on the west.
Precinct four (1) or D shall include a 1 that
r ,.f tua iriffh wnrvt lit uwn ths center of X1
street on the nortb, the center of Tenth street on
the east, the city limits on tne soutu auu mc wu
la. U vth elriut nn thfl VPIlt,. i
r,M flwa rA m- F. nhAll include all that part
of the Fifth ward south of the center of F sti eet
and west of rne center or fclxtn street.
The Sixth ward consists or ail tnat pan ot wo
. . ... J A. a- .n J nrtllHl
Wm. Burgess
To Intend ingp chasers of this breed I can 6how them as good a lot of
young tock from yearlings up, as there is in the west.
rm..l.l I. nUolna nf nr7A wlnnlnff hlftfWl 111 EllCland
coupled with superior individual merit. My imported mares are superior
any in the west; they are all safely in foal.
All My Stock Guaranteed, and All Recorded
and Imported by Myself.
If you want Hackney Stallion, I have as good as wai over imported.
Come and see .v til have got, and if I cannot show you as good stocK as any
man, will pay yo rexpenses. Prices as low as the lowest. 44-6m ,
,it irino soet. nf Tn-ntv Rpcond street. and soutn
of Vine street. The west boundary of tne Sixth
ward is more particularly acfcnoea as iouo.
Becinninsr at Twenty-seco d street and Lake
v,nm n,a cinihuimf wirner nf Park Hill
civcuur, uciuq nno kw j ....... . . - .
addition, thence north alon Twenty-s cond
rimi.tini!iininuritrirf. thpnn east to lwenty-
second street in Pleasant Hill addition, thence
.,,.(, ninnr.Tuii.n'.1uifi.rill atr.; to D street.
. . .1 .. . t t ,1 I J ill if 7
thence west to l weniy-sfcon.i otrccu w 1-
. . , n' . t- ,.AnS -. Akfl- T 1
FJace. thence norm aiug i weui-stTuiu bu w
th Alu2r the east line
of Davenport' second addition, McMurtry a ad
dition, Avontlale addition and Spencer's addition
to O street, thence west to Twenty-second street
in Kinney's O street addition, thenco north to K
street, thence west to Twenty-second street in
Uncoln Driving Park company's first Bub-division
thence south to Vine street
Tiia RiTf.h ivnnt nf this cilv shall constitute
three (8) election precincts, as follows:
rrecinct one u) or a bouu muuuo f
of the Sixth ward from the centre of S street to
the centre of Randolph street ,, ... .
Precinct two (i) or B shall include all that part
of the Sixth ward from the centre of Vine Btreet
to the centre of S ptreet. ,
Precinct three (3) or U Shan mciuae an mat
part of the Sixth ward from the centre of
Randolph street to the soutneru Dounuaiy oi me
ward. . .
ThoCniunHi wnril nf tha o.'tv consists Of that
part of the city lying north of the First, Third
and Sixth wards, thesodth line of which is more
particularly described as follows:
Commencing at Y street at the west line of the
city limits, thence east on said street to
Twelttu street, tnence soutu ou mom w
cenrre of Missouri Pacific railroad track, thence
east to Twenty-second street, thence south to
Vine street, thence east to city limits.
Except when otnerwwe proviaeu me uuuuuui j
lines of the wards extend to the center of the
efKQfifa nam tt in t.hA rrdfrmnce. or where there
is no street or any rart of the boundary line
mentioned, then sucn pan oi tne uuuuunij- nuc
extends in conformity to an extended line con
forming to sucn center oi street meuuuucu
boundary. . ,
The Seventh ward of this city shall constitute
prwinot nno nr A Rhall include all that part
of the Seventh ward north of the Burlington &
.. i it -. V
Missouri Kiver ranroaa ana me center w
Precinct two (2) or B shall include all that part
of the Seventh ward between the Burlington &
Missouri railroad right-of-way on the north, the
center of Twenty-seventh street on the enst. the
center of Vine street between Twenty-second and
Twentv-seventh, and the center of X street be
tween Twelfth and Twenty-second streets on the
south, and the center of Twelfth street between
X street and the right-of-way of the Burlington
& Missouri River railroad on the west.
Precinct three (3) or C shall Include all that
portion of the Seventh ward south of the B. & M.
right-of-way and east of Twenty-seyenth street.
D. C Van Duyn. City Clerk.
Breeding and Importing Establishment, One Mile from Depo Creston, Iowa.
200 Full-Blooded Percheron, English Shire, English " Hackney,
Belgian French Coach, Cleveland Bays and Standard Bred Horses.
I have the largest assortment of Eu
ropcan Breeds of any man in America;
1 handle none but recorded stock; I do
not permit a mouthful of hot feed to be
given; my horses are not pampered and
aro properly exercised, and fed cool
food, which I think are the main reas
ons why my horses ;have always been
successful breeders. , j
Come and visit my establishment.
I am always glad to show my stcck.
When arriving at Creston visitors,
will please telephone to the Crest City
Farm aud I will drive in after them.
I am prepared to give long timd to
responsible parties.
Every horse guaranteed a breeder .and
must be as represented. ,
Cambridge, Furnas County, Nebraska.
Shire, Cljde, TcrclieroD, Jlelglan,
German, ana Oldenberg Coach, Coach,
Yorkshire Coach , and Cleveland Bay Stallions.
We Handle More Horses Than Any Firm in NebrasKa.
We Import oar own horses thus saving the customer the middle man's profit. Buyers
have the advantage of comparing all breeds side by side at our stables. -
We Have 40 Good Young Acclimated Horses on Hand.
A nother importation of AO will arrive about October 1. We euarantee all our horses
every SS wrmakf farmers complies a specialty, having a system whereby we
can organize companies and insure absolute success.
We Will Send a Man to Any Part of tk State,
On aDDlication to assist in organizing companies. We give long time thus enablin g pur
chaEtopay from services. Correspondence promptly answered. Men
tion this paper. Address, . , ' ;
W. J. WROUGHTON & CO., Cambrid ge, Neb.
An Elegant Souvenir.
"The Western Resort Book," a finely
illustrated publication descriptive of all
the western reports along tbe line of the
Union Pacific System. Sent free upon
receipt of 6c in stamps. Address
J. T. Mastin, C. T. A., 1044 O St.,
E. B. Slosson, Gen. Agt.,
Lincoln, Neb.
To John Schamp Non-restdent Defendant:
You are hereby notified that on the jo day ot
September iSQ2,-Alice Schamp filed her petition
agalmt you in the district court of Lancaster
County, Nebraska, the object and prayer of
which are to obtain a divorce from yon on the
ground of wilful abandonment of plaintiff with
out good cause for the term of two years last
Vou are requested to'answer said petition on
or before Monday the 7th day of November iSor.
Alice Ren amp, Plaintiff.
By Barnes & Uummings, her attorneys.
All Kinds of Cemetery Work.
1629 0 St.
Has writen under th ateove title
The Book of the 0 entury.
The grandest reform book now in
print. Every tbinkiBg voter should
read it. Price, $1.50. For sale at this
office. . 47tf
Sendfor our complete book list.
Brtfctk Loader
RIFLES 12.00
ran nan
II U 1 s'l
I ft lib.!
I A 11 Uud etiraner lii&u else
where. Before jou buy.
send nUmp for eulogne to
166 Sals Stv ClBCJBMti,.