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About The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1892)
12 THE ALLIANCE -INDEPENDENT. AXDIlKWSOIcKEIGHAN DEBATE. Andrews "l'awpers" Didn't "Yawp" s In Nelson. If such a thing as argument, clear, concise and logical on one side, and interuptlon on the other, can be called a debate, then the debato between Mc Keighan and Andrews took place in Nelson on the 11th, inst. All of the availablo republicans from Lincoln to Red Cloud were run in on B. & M. excursion trains. Many who were not republicans were hired to wear republican uniforms: but in spite of all that the independents out num bered the republicans three to one. One republican was heard to remark to another "they out numbered us four to one," and the other replied with an oath "don't blow it all over town." Our people had been notified that if wo - i. - . 1 1 r . - pui up our weaver ana rieia flag again it would bo torn down, nevertheless it floated, unmolested from the top of the court house all day. The day was very uiDogiocauir, a uiuu. winurageaau aav J . 1 .1 i 1 . . . . uuu mo uubu was aimost unDearable, but the "people's party" parade was uver a mue long ana not more than a inira oi tne teams wero in lino. Loma of wheat, ryo, corn and hav were In the parade with appropriate iuuiukb. une ioaa or nay was labeled, "For McKeighan's Cow." The debato was held In the errove. Mr. McKeighan opened the debat9 in Patronize Home Manufacturies. ( patented October ib, issq, Simplest, Short Turning, Hangs Low, Absolutely No Rattle. First Class in Every Respect. Just the wagon for Farmers, Grocers, Milkmen in fact anybody. W, Corner O and 16th Street, Convict Labor. Grand Island, Neb., Oct. 17, '92. Editor Alliance-Independent: In your issue of September 15th, you gave an article "Talk State Issue?," and you close in this way: "An ex posuro of the crookedness and rotten ness which exists in the management a 11 aim! vrtaanv1.r ..m if j respectful to Mr. Andrews thrnuo-hmit of our state institutions will win thous In direct contrast Prof. ,, ands of votes." That was iust what I Andrews used the most insulting lan- thought when I started to work up the ffuasre to Mr. MnKAiVVion anA n. i. .... . r L a "-"x rrrrf L"rr.r lr uu u convict labor at our state prison. That uu (iiuwno; uau uib wilt) WUfl JUnillfl , . , used lanerua!?o that wa nnt t uj is a very important state issue, and our CJ o ----- u u u vj uo i - heard In any society. It was patent to state platform has a plank condemning aij l inai ne was no matcn for McKeighan. contract convict labor. Now that m uie course or ms argument Mc- plank must not be a dead letter. There Sumcu i.u u a man sold a are Hundreds of men such as coopers . wia Wi wucau at ou cents ana otner mecnanics in the eastera ir uusutji na owea nve Hundred doll- part of this state kept out of emDlov ars tne wneat would just pay the debt; ment from year to year by reason of , , . luuusauu uusneis ior tne penitentiary oeing turned into :;fPerDU.9Qeiantl owed a debt of great work shop; ow ne would nave SoOO.OO left. If any I have visited Omaha, Nebraska icpuuuuaa acre tmnKs mat It is not City, Weeping Water and Lincoln at i?i UP his hand, and at my own expense, and have been among j j T v. rvw iu;iuo uch up. j. iiis wui k.iu men. i nnu mem very oitter aiu uie speaKer "is tne kind of material against convict labor. to make slaves of." If the speaker had Our onlv hope in crushing- out con read and endorsed a plank from the re- vict labor, is in an independent lagisla- f At Vr m iay would nave de- ture this winter. If you will impress mu ?: , tnat on working men, you will make I he republicans knowing it would thousand of votes, not do to tiy to howl McKeighan down, . While you are looking up crooked- leit tne grounds at the close of Andrews ness please do not forget the peniten- narangue. But the throng of indepen- tiary. Yours with high hopes of vie- o qv feiuau luuu lutjy were not tory on JNOvemoer otn mi Quart - missed Nuckolls county is in the middle of me road. By the way, Prof. Andrews was en tertained hero by Lord Scully's agent Yours for victory, Mrs. L. M. Kemmeker. Nelson, Neb., Oct. 15, 1892. J. W. Boley. 50 SPANISH JACKS FOR SALE. FULL BLOODED CATALUNA SPANISH JACKS IMPORTED SEPT., 1892, B piirnVW 'V.Bll'- r black with mealv points. HOG-ATE DAVIS & CO. 16 hands high. These Jacks were selected by Mr. J. B. Hogate the well known breeder, and Imported by him in person. Address or call at their stables. HOGATE, DAVIS & CO.. S Mention this paper. BELLEVILLE. ICANOAO. Grant County Heard From, Hyannis, Neb,, Oct. 17, 1892. Editor Alliance-Independent: lhe cause of reform is moving steadily onward in the "Sands Hills" Editor Alliance-Independent: in 11,0 fniinwin nffi.0,c. iamim uariand m -his speech at, -r t.00 rran,mn. connected with the Arena, and throuo-h f Watts; for county coroner, C. F. Wies mat witn tne reform press, he would T '. ,,cr, " r. lcacu,,cu UJ not knowlhat there was a third party , We will not only elect our county in the United States, so completely did ticket, but will give a good majority tne Associated press suppress every Ior tne state and legislative tickets particle of news concerning it. There has not one line been printed in regard tO the CmtOSt STOinff Oil 5n t,Vi nrmnta rf Alabama about the frauds in the state election there. Is have1 attemnted to get information through the mails. unA 1 learn that the proceedings have been mu uu iu ucariy every county in tne state: that in Pike count. v. whpr th democrats cou nted themselves in by fifty-five majority, the case has come to trial and J udge Hubbard found that the people's artv had narHfid tho county by 910 If the other counties turn out in the s ime way the people's party will 'show a majority of 70 000 or 80,00. This afempt to count us out in the south is iuviting revolution. It is the most silly thingr any sane men ever at- xkmT4-A1 - ff , LI l--" 1 a if a i . " ' ' ' " 1 Y VVVAt L..M IMUOUli. ! 1 uu uoo ucu. declared that; they, voted for the bid gold j8 utterly inadequate to the TyusIp'Subscribe for 'ihk The renubliean eountv convention was held here the 15th, and there were just , four delegates present one for each office to be filled. j and each one present g t a nomination. There are a few other republicans. Yours for success, G. L. JlAMMON. Notice. Wo received a postal note from Val paraiso last week dated October 3rd. Will the party sending same kindly srive name and address as no letter ac companied the noe. NOTICE. The Fillmore County Alliance is called to meet at Geneva on Saturday, October 22nd, at 10 a. m. A full repre- Manufactured by the MARTIN & M0RRISSY MANUF'G CO., OMAHA, NEB. A Full Circle, All Steel, Rapid, Dur able and Light Runner. ALL PRESSES FULLY WAR ANTED. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. peaks the Trmli, The Chicago Post finds fault with & Buffalo correspondent for saying of Gould's eon. Eddie, that he "behaved like all the other boys, did his duty, slept on the floor, uto regimental grub and generally behaved in the most af fable and condescending way." The Post says: "Here is snobography ex traordinary. - This is the sort of" jour nalism that drives self-respecting men to drink and makes Americans who lo.e their country wish they lived somewhere else." The Buffalo man takes the true view of it and the one that really drives men to drink, etc. This young reptile is one of our kings and mas ters. No one of us could undertake any scheme or business, but what Eddie," if he chose, could buy the ground from under us with his fath er's stolen money. So we are his slaves! Put the graduation property tax on them! Chicago Sentinel. For Sale. 160 acres improved land in Webster county, all fencedgood buildings, wind mill and 13-acre hog lot, two miles from R03emnt, six miles from Blue Hill. . . Address, C. Lyojt, Rosemont, Nebr. T iUlliianwamw.. UNACQUAINTED WITH THE GEOGRAPHY 0PTKI8 C0UNTftYf$&4fii!3) MUCH VALUABLE INFORMATION FROM A STUDY OF THIS MAP OF CMcap, Bfiii Mai ft p Bff V The Direct Route to and from CHICAGO. BOCK I! ISLAND, DAVENPORT, DE3 MOINES, COUNCIL BLUFFS, OMAHA, LINCOLN, TVATERTOWN. SIOUX FALLS, MINNEAPOLIS, ST." PAUL, ST. JOSEPH, ATCHISON, LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS c CITY, TOPEKA, DENVER, COLORADO SPRINGS, and PUEBLO. Free Reclining Chair Cars teafflhs from CHICAGO, CALDWELL, HUTCHINSON1; Md DODGE CITY, and Palace Sleeping Cars 'Ttetween . CHICAGO, WICHITA and HUTCHINSON."' ' SOLID VESTIBULE EXPRESS TRAINS of Through Coaches, Sleepers, Free Reclining Chair . Cars and Dining Cars daily between CHICAGO, DE3 ' iuuunio, yvu-nvAiu auyjcra, JSHA11A. ana ijiii- .jjua, mm uvtween i;iuuauu sua UCjIS iirtt, COLORADO SPRINGS and PUEBLO via St Joseph, T7aa 111 S Mi w . vr A.Husiu ana j.opeca. uxcnrsions aauy, wua Choice of Routes to and from Salt Lake, Portland, Lot Angeles and San Francisco. The Direct Line to and from Pike's Peak, Manitou, Garden of the Gods, the Sanitariums, and Scenic Grandeurs of Colorado. Via The Albert Lea RoutejM Fast Express Trains dally between Chicago and Minneapolis and St. Paul, with THROUGH Reclining Chair Cars FREE, to and from those points and Kan sas City. Through Chair Car and Sleeper between Feoria, Spirit Lake and Sioux Falls via Rock Island. - The Favorite Line to Watertown, Sioux Falls, tbc-"-' Summer Resorts and Hunting and Fishing Grounds ; the Northwest. - f f or Tickets. Maps. Folders, or desired lnformanoc. . r coupon Ticket OS apply to any Coupon E. ST. JOHN,? GtDl Manager, k x CHICAGO. Office, or address JOHN SEBASTIAtfl ILL.