The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, October 13, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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For District Judge
WM. LEESK, of Lincoln. .
For Count y Attorney,
H. F.ROSE of Lincoln.
For County Commissioner,
F. SCHWEIZER of West Lincoln.
For State Senators,
I. N.LEONARD of Oak.
J. C. McNERNEY of Lincoln.
For Representatives,
R. T. CHAMBERS of Stockton.
S. S. GRIFFIN of Centervllle.
MARTIN HOWE of Lincoln. .
J. M. MEDDINS of Lincoln.
There is no reason why the republi
cans should carry this county this fall.
In fact there are good grounds for be
lieving that there will be an uprising
of the people in favor of a set of county
officials and legislators who are en
tirely free from the old rings that have
ruled and robbed for so many years,
Hundreds of voters are in favor of a
new deal. They want a new crowd to
look over the books of the old crowd.
There is much talk of investiga ions,
but when a lot of fellows investigate
themselves what is to be expected?
Will a man who investigates his own
books find anything wrong in them for
public announcement? ' Not much!
What is ; needed is an et tire cleaning
out of the old gang. And there are
hundreds of voters in Lancaster county
who are going to help clean them out
this fall. Hundreds of men who have
always voted the republican ticket will
go to the polls determined to wipe out
the men who have been in positions to
bring honor to the republican party
but who have deliberately chosen to
briag disgrace upon her.
The crying need of reform will have
a marked influence upon the vote in
this county. A thousand men in Liri
coin, who have no intention at present
of permanently abandoning the repub
lican party, will this fall vote the in
dependent t'cket almost from top to
bottom. They "eo how the ring
leaders control the republican officers
and nominees and for the fake of down
ing those leaders, the voters of Lincoln
. will give the independents a two years'
job of investigating the records.
Do the honest, respectable republi
cans want Tom Cooke and W. H
Woodward, Joe Burns and John Mo
Kessoif to be hoisted into prominence
as good specimens of republicanism?
Not much! Courtney had his Snell
and Woodward will have his Rose.
Charley Waite is an angel compared
with Joe Burns, and yet Baker got in
half a neck ahead of Waite. Lancaster
county . is a doubtful county, and this
fall with investigations on and more
needed, with an approaching legisla
ture which is sure to be in the hands of
. the independents and with a republi
can r county ticket which smells of
whiskey and close-locked gambling
rooms and railroad "oil," who can
doubt that the respectable republicans
who always get kicked to one side in
the conventions, will quietly give these
Corporation tools a deserved rebuke
by voting the entire independent
county ticket? It is the proper thing
for sensible men to do, and a good
many hundreds of them will do it.
Not alone from republicans will the
ladependents get support, but even
more from the democrats. The honest
rank and file of the democratic party
are indignant at the way such men a3
Tobo Castor, N. S. Harwood, J. Ster
ling Morton manipulate party affairs
for their own selfish ends. Further
the democrats of Lancaster county
know that they stand no show what
ever of electing their county ticket.
They will not vote for the republican
nominees, but many hundreds will turn
and vote for the entire county ticket of
the independents.
The prospects for an independent
victory in Lancaster county are indeed
Is one of the men nominated on the
independent ticket whoso election
should be beyond question. He ought
to receive the vote of every laboring
man in the city. The laboring men of
Lincoln know how hard it is for them
to get their interests looked after in
the legislature. Now if they elect a
man as a special representative of or
ganized labor the case will bo entirely
different. The laboring class will be
in a position to demand something.
The election of Mr.' Meddins will put
them in favor with the independents
from all over the state. The inde
pendents in all the country precinct3
will stand by Mr." Meddins to a man
and this will insure his election.
In another column will bo found a list
of the meetings arranged for Lancaster
county for the balance of the campaign.
The local committees and workers
should see that these meetings are well
advertised, and good crowds got out if
possible. Especially is it important to
get out as many democrats and repub
licans as possible. You . know the
scripture says: "They that are well
need not a physician, but they that are
sick." It is the fellows who haven't
seen the light , that we want at our
The committee promises good
speakers at all these meetings.
What did Al Cornish do for the
"dear people" in the last legislature?
Did he stand on the side of the people
and against the corporations "on a
single occasion? No. Ho voted
against the Newberry bill. He tried
to kill the usury bill by talking against
time. Whenever any good measuro
came up that there was any show of
defeating Al could bo counted on to
help defeat it. Occasionally however
he would vote for a good measure be
cause he saw that it was bound to
carry. Do the people want that sort of
a man to represent them next winter?
J. C. F. McKesson is setting up for
a blooming statesman. He says silver
was never demonetized, and the cur
rencv was never contracted. Next
week wo expect him to deny that Old
Hickory Jackson ever fought United
States banks or that Thad Stevens
opposed the exception clause. He
should issue an address to the people of
the United States informing them that
their histories are all incorrect, that
their great statesmen didn't know
what they were talking about for the
past twenty years. It is truly a pity J.
C. F. didn't come to the front sooner to
shed his light on a benighted world.
Albert Peterson of Rock Creek pre
cinct, is a farmer of Swedish descent,
an intelligent man. He has never
sought office, but the nomination went
to him because he was a fit man to re
ceive it. He' ought to be elected to
represent the county in the house.'
What does Joe Burns represent anyway?
Begin at once to get your banners
and floats ready for Weaver day, No
vember 2.
What has R. E. Moore ever done for
the city of Lincoln that he should be
made a life senator?
The independent county central com
mittee met on Thursday of this week.
Reports from all parts of the county
are exceedingly favorable.
Farmers of Lancaster county,do you
really want a money loaner to represent
you in the senate? Do yo u really think
R. E. Moore is the best man in the
county to look after your interests?
Are his sympathies and interests the
same as yours? Do you think ho will
lay awake nights studying how h roay
pass luws for your benefit? If you, do
vote for him. If not go to work at once
to defeat him, and put in his place
some man who represents you.
The independents in the city of
Lincoln are enthusiastic for success
this fall." Their numbers will be
greatly strengthened by the votes cf
republicans and democaats who want
to see an overhauling of public affairs.
Now let the farmers of this county do
their duty, and not one independent
fail to get out on election day, and
Lancaster will be redeemed from the
rule of corporation cormorants and
placed under the control of the people.
If every independent docs his duty
this fall Lancaster county will not be
misrepresented this winter by a gang
of B. & M. strikers. A year ago we
were over-confident, and many a voter
stayed in the corn field and as a result
we lost the county by a few hundred
votes, except in the case of Mr. Baker.
Several of our candidates would have
been elected hut for the undue "confi
dence of their friends. This should be
a lesson to us this fa'l. No indepen
dent should fail to reach the polls on
the 8 th of November.
If TnE citizeos of Lincoln were as
well acquainted with our candidate K.
T. Chambers as are his neighbors in
the east part of the county, his ma
jority would be more than a single
thousand. To know him is to respect
and trust him. He is a genuine man.
The voters cf Lincoln and Lancaster
county can support him with absolute
confidence in his integrity and good
judgment. He will be a safe man in
the legislature and competent and
It does not seem possible that any
sensible republican should vote for
such a clam as tteorge Eggleston for
senator when an intelligent wide awake
citizen like I. N. Leonard is running
for the same office. Eggleston has not
enough confidence in himself to pre
side at a meeting at a little neighbo; o
hood picnic. Ho never knows what t"
say or how to vote until he is told by
the railroad attorneys or some of their
tools. In the senate he would look
after the B. & M. over which he ships
his grain. Mr. Leonard is a prosper
ous farmer, intelligent and thoroughly
posted on the needs of the people and
entirely frea to work for the people's
interests. Between these
voter should hesitate a moment. ,
Nebraska SavingsBank
13 and O St, Lincoln.
Capital $260,000.
Write Us and We will Prove it.
Five per cent Interest mi savings accounts.
Special ratea on time deposit.
Write us or call for neat Test pocket memo
randum book. ".
J. G. Soothwick,
E. R. Tixolbt
ARE YOU f A People's
Party Worker?
Write and send 10 centa for sample Wearer
and Field 811k Campaign cBadge Indorsed.
Weaver and Field "Button" 10c retail. The
neatest thing out and a good seller. Try them.
Metal Badges fjundat jewelers everywhere.
Big money for campaign fudds. Patented,
Agents wanted. Address, George Ulgaell,
704 20th Street, DENVEH, COLO.
L. A. BELTZER, Mg'r.
A oinmaIj iakx or
Send in orders for spring. Agents wanted.
Os oaola, : : : Nebraska.
138 S 12th St., Lincoln.
First class table and attendance.
Lunches at all hours. 80tf
We will guarantee not' to turn over
tho earth, but to cure any case of genu
ine or so-called cholera in from three
to five days or refund the money. It is
nature's own remedy, and in proof will
be readily eaten by any bog after first
taste. It will also prevent the spread
of the so-called disease in twenty-four
hours after use.
Price $1.00 psr ten pound package or
wo will furnish one package free to any
farmer having many sick hogs, so quit
kicking, bring on your sick hogs, or
address for full particulars,
Lincoln Chemical Co.,
P.O. Box 861,
7-20 Lincoln, Neb.
A Flattering Endorsement. .
Salem, Neb. , Aug. 31 , '92.
Lincoln Chemical Co. Lincoln, Neb.
Gents: My hogs are improving now
and the last ones taken sick seem to be
as well as ever. Have lost only one
since commencing to feed your remedy.
Shall write you again soon. Many
thanks for your kindness. -
13tf Respectfully,
One of many received. N. O. Sears.
Anew an4 Complete Treatment, oonHtetlng of Bnp
poaitorioB, Ointment in Capsules, also in Box and Plus;
a Positive Cure for External, Internal, Blind or Bleed
ing Itching. Chronic, Recent or Hereditary Piles, and
many other diseases and female weakncpsea; it ia al
ways a (rre&t benefit to the general health. The first
discovery of a medical rare rendering an operation
with the knife unnecessary hereafter. This remedy has
never been known to fail. $1 per box 6 for S5; aext
Djmati. wnysuner iromim ternuie disease when
a written guarantee is positively given with boxes.
to refund the money if not cured. Send stamp for
free aamnle. Guarantee issued by J. H. Harlev. drtur-
gtat, sole agent, 11th and O streets, Lincoln, Neb.
Headquarters for this Clan cf Ca
Station A, Kz-zzi CHy. C:,