The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, October 13, 1892, Page 4, Image 4

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lIcKeighan at York-The Van Wyck-
OrouMd Debates Greene in Fill
more Dech and Hainer.
Kern a Victor in the Sixth District An
drews and His Hoodlums at Mia
den Other Meetings and
An Immense Rally.
York county Independent J again did
themselves proud on Saturday Oct. 8th
In fact they had ono of tho greatest
political demonstrations ever held in
the state. Although York his b:en
cut off from McKcighan's district he
has a host of friends there who were
glad of tho opportunity to show their
loyalty to him and listen to his burning
The crowd present Is variously esti
' mated at from five to ten thousand.
The procession wa3 two miles Ion?.
Dozens of Hags were waving and not
less than fifty banners bearing all sorts
,of inscriptions were held aloft by en
thusiastic populists.
The speaking was in tho court house
square. The exercises were opened by
Prof. Howard's singing "We have the
tariff yet." Then McKelghan was In
troducod and was received with a
. mighty shout by the assembled
multitude. His speech was just
euch r a clear, " able and eloquent
exposition of principles as he alone can
give, and he was greeted with round
after round of applause.
.Then came the matchless orator, W,
h, Greene, and his speech on the is
sues, and especially the money ques
tion, was tan most, master! v near dp.
Hyered in York county.
spoke to an audience which packed the
court house almost to sumcation. He
convinced the people that instead of
being an anarchist he is a gentleman, a
scholar and a patriotic man.
York county is on fire-with enthus
Jasm. Many men who voted for the
, old parties two years ago are in line
for the entire people's ticket.
Crounse and Van Wyck,
After the bebate in Lincoln, Septem
ber 29, the republican state committee
was guilty of some performances that
may safely be set dow;i as very small.
; First, it was reported that Crounse
. had a sore eye, and must be confined to
a dark room for many days. Then
Cady, without awy consultation with
the independent state committee, went
toColuJibus o see Van Wyck, and
jactually took Crounse's place in the de-
: bate.
By false representations hs then
w . .u ii jva iiivj KJ mail' viuuuao
was too sick to continue the discus
fiions, and Van Wyck telegraphed
Chairman Blake to call off the debate
advertised for October 4, at York.
Cady then returned to Lincoln but
never had any consultation with the in
dependent committee.
Mr. Blake decided to go ahead and
fill his half of the contract between the
committees. He therefore did not call
off any of the meetings. On the even
ing of October 3, Chairman Blake and
General Van Wyck took the train for
"York. Here thev found Tiro T.n
of Lincoln sneaking out to York to steal
the meeting. When General Van
Wvck arrived in York.
,and telephone wires soon became red
hot between York and n. and thA
next day Mr. Crounse was on hand look-
ing as well as ever.
As for Ike Lansing, he started back
w Lincoln eanv tne next momma- hu
parting words Deing: "Hoys, don't for
get to start the yarn that I came down
nere on a nine business."
As for the debate. Van Wvck won
another great victory. Crounse made
aooui as many Daa oreaics as ever.
On Saturday the 8th. thev met acain
at Kearney. There was an immense
crowd present. The speaking was in
ine scnooi nouse yard, van Wyck was
aims Dcsiana made nosts of friends.
wnue urounse destroyed whatever sym
pathy there haS been for him by his
insulting and abusive language.
Greene In Fillmore.
Geneva, Neb.. Oct. 11. 1892,
Lditor Alliance-Ijsdependent:
W. L. Greene, of Buffalo county, de
livered an unanswerable argument at
this place on October 10. For two and
a half hours his audience listened and
cheered aud was increased in size as he
continued to drive the shots homo into
the republican listeners. Mr. Greene
made a host of friends and made votes
by his able address. The republicans
looKea, at ine close oi his speech as
though It was the 9th of NovftmhoranH
thev had been buried rwniat,h
lanche of indenendent votps. Kn thA
l. ,11 in ir ...
oan roumg ana van will not only be
our next goveanor, but we will elect
every state omcer, every congressman
and a United States senator. Tho ro.
publicans have sent for J. M. Thurston
to counteract the effects of Mr. Greene's
speech. The speaker showed that. Ne
braska railroads were earning nearly
lour umes as mucn per mile as Iowa
roads. Where Mr. Greene makes his
speeches you can count on an independ
ent victory. u. k. k.
Dech and Hainer.
The joint debate batween Dech and
Hainer is progressing to the entire sat
isfaction of the independents. They
met at Beatrice on Friday afternoon,
the audience being rather small. Dech
made an excellent showing. The same
evening they debated again at Wymore.
The crowd was large and enthusia?tic.
Dech won a signal victory. On Satur
day they debated at Wahoo, in Dech's
own county, to an audience of some
1,200. On Monday they met at Aurora
Hainer's county. Here again they had
a large crowd, and Dech showed his
superior ability as a debatet. On Tues
day they debated at York to a fair au
Mr. Hainer depends chief! v on ridi
cule and authority. He ridicules esne-
... .. . - " . - tr
ciany tne ideas of the people's party
regarding money. tie claims that
there is no such thins? a naner monev.
that the greenbacks wera not. mnnev
but a debt, that there has been no con-
A J 9 J
traction oi tne currency, etc. To
prove these things he quotes Secretary
Foster. In renlv Dech exnounds the
money question from a philosophic
stana-point. reieri to tne legal tender
acts bv which the greenbacks were de
clared "lawful money," refers to the
reports oi tne secretaries of the treas
urv durin? and after the war. and to
supreme court which declared the
greenbacks to be rronev.
At Wahoo Mr. Dech surprised TTai
uer by quoting from a speech of Geo.
W. E. Dorsey delivered in the la9t con
ffre?s. Mr. Dorsev was chairman of the
committee on banking and currency in
tne nouse, ana nence was certainly
competent to speak. Mr. Dorsey gives
tuo auiuaui ui muuoy m circulation in
1865 as $52 per capita "according to
the best authorities."
Althouerh Mr. Hainer is ono of the
best debaters his party cau furnish,
uecn is nevertheless master of the
McKelghan and Andrews atMinden
The fifth McKelghan and Andrews
debate at Minden, October 6th, was
probably the most exciting politica
meeting in the history of the county.
Andrews' chairman, McPheeley, for
years attorney for the B. & M . insult: d
the people's party by questioning their
loyalty and had the insult hurled back
by Chairman Phillips and aUo by Mc
Kelghan who are both old veterans
while neither McPheeley or Andrews
ever smelt powder. On the contrary
they are both using every effort to ad
vanco the interests of alien corpora
tions at the expense of the American
Some of the people pulled their coats
and rushed to the platform and had not
McPheeley stopped Instantly and sat
down he would have felt the weirrht of
j -
a righteous indignation.
He afterwards attempted to apologize
but was told to shut up and had to do
Minden is his home and he is liable
to find it a warm one for some time to
Andrews' speech was composed of
personal insults and lies made from
whole cloth that everyone in the au
dience knew to be such. He showed
not the slightest semblance of resrard
for truth or decency, He seems not to
wiish for the farmer vote as the only
thing he promised to do for them was
to vote to keep the tax on suffar. tin.
earthenware, etc.. and for reciprocity
to follow out the policy of the great
Blaine. When they asked him anv
questions as to how he would try to
benefit them, he insulted them, and
McPheelev told them thev were not
allowed to ask questions.
Among other insultiner remarks to
the farmer, he sa'd there was an odor
coming from the farmers and their
wives on the platform that was verv
offensive to him and he turned up his
long nose and sniffed contemptuously
in that direction.
McKeisrhan had said much of the
pottery made in this country had a
poor enamel and was checked
or cracked. Andrews claimed it
not, and cited as proof
Watson Nominated.
The float convention for Otoe and
Cass met at Wesping Water, the 8th,
nominated John C. Watson for repre
sentative. The independents expect to
taK3 nis scaip in JNovemoer,
that McKeisran's face was cracked and
checked. This made the people fairly
boil; one old soldier yelled "he got those
marks in the army,"iand the little puppy
after heaping other "insults on Mc
Keierhan. had the cheek to declare he
never insulted an old soldier in bis life;
he alwavs bad erreat love and respect
for them! Time and a?ain he misauot-
ed McKeighan's words and sentiments
rignt in the lace of the icrowd before
whom the statements were made not
half hour before.
McPheAlfiv had three trains full rf
embryo Pinkertons imported many of
t .11 1 ! . 11.
wnomwere iuii oi wnissy so tney aia
not have sense enough not to disturb
their own man. Their- instructions
were to make a noise and thev were
bound to earn their money. Some of
them swaggered around and with oaths
declared they would knock down any
man with a McKeicrhan bad ere but thev
gave that up. They had torch lights
and new uniforms bousrht with our
wheat crop, and taunted the people's
party with not being: able to have such
things. Those with badges of the
Hastings republican club went into a
lunch room run bv the ladies of the fJ.
A. R. circle and overthrew their tables
went on into the kitchen and helped
themselves to evervthine- in -ffiorht
frightening some of the ladies badly.
They do not seem to love the soldier's
wife as much as the soldier's vote. But
it would require two newspapers to give
any kind of a report of the debate, this
is enough to show you the political pot
is boiling in Kearney county.
Yuurs for Liberty,
Mas. J. T. Kellie.
Tin prospects for the Lincoln Normal
University grow brighter eTery hour.
The electric street car, which now runs
to the campus, brings students by tho
score. Profs. Saylor. Shelton, Lewis
and other members of the faculty are
busy classifying students, and classes
were organized this mornin?. with n
enrollment which surprises every one
interested in the institution. Students
are more than delighted with ih hnnrf .
soma new building and elf gant furniture
oik. nas pegun in earnest ana every
one is interested in the future of thin
great institution.
Homes and Irrieated Farms. Gardens
and Orchards in the Celebrated Bear
River Valle f on the Main Lines oi the
Union Pacific and Central Pacific R. R.
near Cprinne and ?gden, Utah.
Splendid location for hnins nrl tn.
dustries of all kinds in the well known
city of Corinne. situated in thn middla
of tho valley on the Central Pacific R.R.
- 1 J. .fit Ti m
a ue ianas oi tne .Bear itiver valley are
now thrown open to settlement -h th
construction of the mammoth system of
irrigatioa from the Bear lake and river,
just completed by the Bear River Canal
Co., at a cost of 83.000 000. Tfe mm.
pany controls 100,000 acres of these fine
ands and owns many lots as.d business
lecati nS in fhA P.ifv kf Pnrinno an1 t
" " " V W4AUU OliVt. 19
now prepared to sell on easy terms to
settlers and colonies. The climate, soil,
and irrictinff faniliH
- o n mm. w ff VUVUUVVU
unsurpassed by competent judges who
declare the valley to be the Paradise of
A 1 TH T"! .
me warmer, .trait lirower and Stock
Raiser. Nice social surronnd in a nnH
schools and churches at Corinne Citv.
and Home Markets exist for every kind
of farm and orarden nrodnnn A n f ha
neighboring cities of Ogdea and Salt
um xu tuo gioai uiimug Camps.
tands will be shown from tho Woi nt.
fice ef the Company at Corinne. 15tf
Fine Stock Auctioneer, Lincoln, Neb.
Refer vnn fhA hoef HAA..a -
weBt, for whom I do business, ; Prices reason-
aDie ana correspondence promptly and cheer-
Pure Bred Poultry. White
outhRock. White Games Partridge
Cochins: Toulouse Geese, White Hoi-
and Turkevs. White Guineas. PaIHt,
Ducks. Eggs in season. Prices low.
W. A. Bates, Jr.,
Fremont, Neb. 36tf
A German Speaker.
Uncle George Roos of Kearney, an
eloquent German speaker has been
engaged to do work in this county next
week. He is a good one. Arrange
ments should be mad for him
1 w ujvua
in every German neighborhood.
1 w P S
LoDgdeep bodied
U.S. P.O.
Good color, short lesrs.
toroad back, good feet
md head. Alliance
prices, satisfaction
guaranteed I3tf
Kearney, Neb.
"t Furnas Co. Herd,
Thoroughbreds exclusively. All ages, either
cows Drea. block emaran'pert ns ron.
Prices right. Mention this paper.
Breeder and ship
per of recorded Po
land China Hoes.
Choice breeding
siock tor sale.
Write for wants
Mention Alliance
Neligh, Keb,
eeder of fancy Po-
id China swine ,
Breeder i
nnrt P T? fnirlo f M
joritv " of pigs "sired iimr-- JP
by Free Trades Best, remainder by Paddys Chip
and Lytles Dandy. Free Trades Best is sired by
Fi,el2male,,theS;eaLBow no at was sold
fer f 800, being the highest priced hog In ex-
Lste?c,e- oIIad a ful1 sl8ter t0 tree Trade in my
herd for 3 years and have many fine sows from
her- L. H, 8UTER.
. l UUKO X