The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, October 13, 1892, Page 16, Image 16

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oor wmwcMT I G E R A LD'S
Lancaster is Looming Up Pine Series of
Indepjndent Meetini-Eutlius-iastio
The Popular Cash Dry Goods Store.
City Voters are. Coming
The Journal's Lies
No Good.
The independent campaign in Lan
caster ounty thus far, whUe very
little money has D3en spent, has accom
plished much good for the new move
ment. During the month of September
twelve or fifteen meetings were held
In t.ho cAiv which were well attended.
Much of the speaking was done by
"ximntaaanv Tfn-r ha Vl arV -hnard nra'or
A I U1VDOV1 iwin v i .
of Oregon and ho showed himself
great voto winner.
Interest in the independent move
ment here in the city is greatly in
creased. The laboring men will not be
bo nearly alono as heretofor e. Many
business men and professional men are
either silent as to the old parties or
outspoken in support of the indepen
dent party. All indications point to
ward a much heavier Indepandent vote
in the c.ty than tver before.
Oitsido of the city many good meet
ings havo been held in this county and
everything is encouraging. On the
5th of October at Raymond, Hon. J. H.
Powers spoke t ) over a thousand peo
ple. The meeting which convened in
the school house was compelled to ad
journ to the public square on accou&t
of the throng in attendance. The old
governor made a grand speech and one
which pleased the people wonderfully.
On tho 6th of October Mr. Powers
nude another of his excellent spo?ches
at. Hickman. Mr. J. V. Wolfe also
made a speech which was very pleasing
to the people. This was an excellent
meeting, tne school house where it was
held being Mleci witn interested voiers.
October 7 th two good meetings were
held, one at Walton and one in High
land precinct; and the next evening
Denton and Sprague were given the
doctrine of the new faith by able
On October 10th meetings were held
attheMeUck icHool house in Rock
Creek and at the Bower's school house
in Yankee Hill. The latter was a rous-
iner meeting and shows that old Yan
kee Hill is up and a coming for the in-
derxjndent party.
One of the features of tho campaign
has been the speaking in German by
Mr. Schwelzer our candidate for county
commissioner and Mr. Rose who ac
companies him. Their meetings in
Stockton precinct evoked much inter
est among tne uermans in tne ean pare
of the county.
One of the biggest and best meetings
was the one held at Roca on the ,nlght
of the 12th, Addresses were made by
I. N. Leonard. Wm. Leese and H. F.
Rose. The attendance was very large
and the interest great. .
And so the fight is going on quietly
but with every indication of a satisfac
tory outcome. The republicans are do
ing little active work. They seem to
be depending upon the lying of the
three republican papers in the county
as their ground of hope. The Journal,
Call and News are doing considerable
blowing about big republican meetings
in Lancaster county but the people in
the verv neisrhborhoods wnere tne re-
Dublican meetings have been held see
the fallacv ol the whole thing. Take
for example tke republican meeting
which was held at Sprague the evening
before the independents held forth
there. TheVeoublican papers called I
a rouaer and a winner and a sure indi
cation that the tide bad t irned in their
favor. The truth is that the republi
ran had twentv-three listeners and
thirteen of them were independents
THa same misrepresentations were
made in resrard to the republican meet'
ing at Raymond and other places. The
country vote will be stronger independ
en; this fall in Lancaster com y ifcin
eer before. With proper help from
the city the entire county ticket will
be ours. So motd it be.' .
9 TH
To buyers of clothing. A trip to Lin
coln will do you good: Write at once
for full particulars. "The Hub" is the
only clothlBg house in Lincoln that is
sues a complete catalogue of Clothing,
Hats, Gloves, Underwear and every
thing worn by man.
"The Hub" leads all competitors in
prices of Men's and Boys' Clothing and
has customers in every county in the
state as well as all the adjoining states.
Chas. T. Vertrees of Corona, Col., under
date of September 27th writes :
I received the suit and am more
than plensed with it. It would have
cost 5 J per cent more here. Will order
more clothing and .some underwear in
about a month."
Under date September 30th, Mrs. Sam
uel McOlellan, North Loup, Neb., writes :
"The suit of clothes for our grandson
came In due season and were a nice fit.
I am much pleased with them.
These are fair samples of the way our
customers write us. S3 end in your ad
dress at once and we will send you full
Information. Rifer by permission to
Tui Alliance-Independent.
Special Prices on Black Dress Goods this Week.
n n
104 and 106 M 10th Street,
CDC P Tuition IJIFall term in seven different
mttl courses. fcOnlv hie-h erade independent
Normal in the state. Finest buildings, equipments
and ablest Normal faculty. No experiment, but ar
established management. 40 courses and special
ties. teachers and lecturers. A live scnooi io?
the masses. Write for catalogue to F. F. Roose,
Mgr., Lincoln, Neb.
There is no doubt whatever tha'
Leonard will carry Eggleston's precinct.
and more than likely he will carry
Bennett, Eggleston's home.
S S. GRIFFIN oi Centervuie is an
other of the farmer nominees of the in
dependents. He is a competent man
and worthy of conndence and support
Vote lor him.
Mr. J. V. Wolfe is a man who
makes very little display, but is a hard
vyorker. Although the newspapers say
verv little of the work he is doing in
the campaign, nevertheless he is doing
as much bard effective work as
anyboiy. The independents o:
Lancaster county should make
special effort for Mr. Wolfe. He
ought to be given a good majority in
this his home county.
103S O St.
1 iTl n For 36 Inch black Henrietta, rearuiar
201 ri For 35 lnce Black Cords ana JJlago--2
j nalB, regular price 30c.
OXri For 3C Inch English Henriettas, regular
' price 35c.
Of) f For 46 inch English Henriettas, regu-
lar prloe 60c.
AClfS For 40 inch all weol fine black Henri-
It? j
ettas, regular prloe 65c.
For 40 inch all weol
regular price, 68c.
French Serge
fiCk O For rchoice of fifteen styles fancy
to f 1.C0.
weave black goods, regular price 85c
17 f For 46 inch silk finished German Hen
IOV rletta, regular price $1.00
QQ f For 46 inch Black Serge, extra fine,
Ot y regular price f 1.10.
OO n For 40 inch best quality German Hen
tU v rlettas, regular price SI,
riettas, regular price $1.25.
Special Prices on Black Dress Silk this Week.
ar- n Your choice of five styles, all 22
W I" inches wide, our $1.23 quality; this
week at 95c.
Your choice of 3 styles, all 22
Inches wide, our $1.49 quality ; this
week at 11.10,
Special Prices on Colored Dress Silk this Week.
Your choice of twenty-five colors in i
t? 1 1 nunM ciiufl .n j i 1 j I
IW if l COB Cli&B, U wiue, uur
95o quality, this week for 58c.
Your choice of fifteen colors in Peau
de Sole Dress Silks, 21 inches wide,
our 11.00 quality; this week for TSc.
These Prices are for this WeeK Only.
1036 O STREET.
State Agent quotes prices on the following go
The aUiance people of Lancaster
county will be very sorry to learn that
one 6f their ablest and most faithful
leaders is about to emigrate. Mr, O.
Hull some time ago, sold hi9 farm near
Waverly, and started on a trip through
southwestern Nebraska to find another
location. He returned last Monday
looking healthy and happy (he never
looks any other way) and reporting
that he had bought a fine farm near
Alma, Harlan county, to wh'ch he
would move soon. Mrs. Hull accom
panied him, and says she had a very
enjoyable tiip.
A good common flour at 90 cts. per 100.
White Rose flcur at $1,50 per 100.
Silver Leaf " " 1.75 " "
Prime Brow Sugar $4.00 per 100.
Best Granulated Sugar $5.65 per 100.
Fine Uncolored Japan Tea 25c per lb.
" " " I2c " "
Good Coffee 20c per lb.
A full line of Spices, Pepper, Cinna
mon, Cloves, Ginger, Mustard, Al
spice, etc., at 20c per lb.
One gallon best coal oil with glass can
40 cents.
A Farce.
Editor Alliance-Independent:
What a farce that investigation up at
the state house is, it is just like going
to law with the devil and the court in
h 1 and the devil the defendant and
tryiDg his own case. Why net have
Dan Lauer and Hathaway act as judges
and settle tne case at once. They will
give the people as much justice as the
Doardvof public lands and buildiDgs
wJ 11. r - Yours for justice. :
Soda 1 and Butter cracker 6c per lb. in
40 Grain vinegar in jugs, 25c per gal
Lemon extract 2 oz. bottles 50c per doz.
Vanilla " ' 55c "
Finest full cream Y A cheese 12ic lb.
A good Overall for only 50c.
An extra good overall for 60,
Rockford half hose, 75c per doz.
" " " best made $1.05 a doz.
Write for anything you eat or wear.
J, W. HARTLEY , State Agt., 245 S. llih SI., Lincoln, Neb
STOCK $250,000.
LIABILITY OF STOCKHOLDERS, : : : : : $500,000.00
WM. STULL, Pm. LOUS STULL, Cashier, J. G. WADSWORTH, Ass't Cashier.
lioney to Loan on Improved Farms.
Interest Paid on Deposits.
Savings Accounts Solicited.
Write us for bill of LUMBER fer your housa and
dealing Direct with Us we can save you 15 per cent.
bara, delivered at your station. By