7 THE ALLI ANCE - INDEPENDENT. 15 J-' AH SIN'S GOOD LUCK. Eseape of a Chlnamia Who ffal to Play the Skull In Hamlet." It is related that Jack Langrishe. when he was making a small fortune by giving the early day residents of Colorado dramatic art iu strong doses, that he once played a memorable -return" engagement in an interior min ing camp, where the inhabit ants insisted on "Hamlet" says the Rocky Mountain News. Now. Langrishe, being a comedian in more respects' than one. did not at all favor ihe Shakespearian1 idei but instead iried to shake the nati.es" faith in the Vegit" by insisting that "Toodles" or Pink Dominoes" would enable him to shine to much better advantage. Hamlet" was insisted upoa how ever they wanted it all including the ghost and with Hamlet left in. Accordingly. the some what small company was told to study up, characters were "dou bled," and the leading man given a hance td distinguish himself as the melancholy Dane. One problem pre sented itself.' Nd skull could be found for the graveyard scene. Mr. langrisne represented 10 me com mittee who had made the request for a performance of "Hamlet" that the skull was all important no skull no "Hamlet;" and what were they going to do about it? The committee con sidered. It was a new camp, with no graveyard, and there weren't even dead Indians around. Langrishe went to bed that night feeling hopeful. If the committee couldn't find a skull be would have a reasonable exeme for submitting "Toodles" on .the momentous night. The following afternoon Langrishe went into a small Chinese laundry to get his washing. Just as he entered he heard the voide Of the chairman of the committee id loud converse With the proprietor of the establishment , "Want to go on the stage, John?" "Yles; me lact; roe bully lactor. How muchee gettee?" One hundred dollars, and here's your stuff." Langrishe collared the chairman just as he was leaving. "What in thunder do you want that Chinaman for?" he thundered. The committeeman leaned over con fidingly. "For 'Hamlet of course; he's going to play the skull." Play the skull! Why. grcat-all-fired crickets, num. how can he? A skull Is not a wnole man. its a head." I know it," responded the en thusiast "That's all he'll be' by 6 o'clock to-night We'll have the head for vou. We re goin to lyncn him a Chinaman any way. We ll give him a funeral and all that of course." It took the comedian an hour, after recovering from his horror, to con vince the committee that a "head wasn't a skull." He played Hamlet that night but the Chinaman was in the audience, not on the stage. And the leasing man soliloquized over the defunct Yorick by using the whitened ekull of a muie. TOLD IN TITLES. the A Carious Narrative Made From Named of Dickens' Books. Here Is a curiosity well wortny a place in such works a9 Disraeli's Curiosities of Literature." It is a simple story, of course, but a wonder, nevertheless, says the Philadelphia Press, especially when we consider the fact that it is entirely made up of the titles of one author s works Oliver Twist who had some very Hard Times in the Battle of Life. and having been Saved from the Wreck of the Golden Mary by Our Mutual Friend, Nicholas Nickleby. had iust finished reading A Tale of Two Cities to Martin Chuzlowit dur ing which time The Cricket Chirped Merrily on ,the Hearth, while The Chimes from an adjacent steeple were heard, when Seven Poor Travelers commenced to sing A Christ mas Larou l5arnaoy Kudge. who bad ;'ust arrived from the Old Curios-' ty Shop with some Pictures from taly and Sketches by Boz to show to Jttle Dorrit, was" busy with the Pick wick Papers when David Coppgrfield, who was taking some American No teat entered and informed the company hat the Great Expectations of Dom- bey & Son regarding Mr. Lirriper's Legacy had not been raalLed. He" also said that he had seen Boots at the Holly Tree Inn taking somebody' uggage to Mrs. Lir riper 8 lodgings n a street that is No Thoroughfare. Apposite Bleak House. This latter flamed place also thought to be the same building iri which the haunted man gave one of Dr. Marigold's pre scriptions to An Uhcdmme'rcial Traveler, the object being to cure? him of a mania brought on through brooding over tho Mystery of Edwin )roocL ELEPHANTS IN INDIA. J. W. CASTOR. Pres. J. P. ROUSE, Vice-Pres. B, . MOTT, STATE AGENT. W. B. LINCTJ, Secy. A. GREENAMYItK. TreM. THE FARMS MUTUAL INSURANCE CO OF NEBRASKA. INSURES ONLY FARM PROPERTY AGAINST ' V. FIRE, LIGHTNING OR TONRADO,-W Dont renew your Insurance with the old line companies and pay three times what it la worth when you can write with the Fanners Mutual ana get better insurant Mrcwt. 9W liW SW- M'Wl LINCOLN. NEB. PRINCIPAL OFFICE. Kuoiu 407 Braoe Building. GiTlng the Mammoth lteast Ills Bath- Ills Restlessness. The description of "My Lord the Elephant's" toilet is delightful For his bath before a ceremony "an irri gation cut is generally preferred, where the great baby is made to lie down, to raise his ne'ad or A leg at a word, while the mahout; often assist" ed by his son, who assumes tremend- oua airs ot authority if he is very young, climbs about his huge bulk and scrubs him with brickbats. A brick flesh rubber is in common use for men's feet, and seems to "suit the iephant perfectly. But the creature is generally inatteneive during the process; he -plays with the soap.' so to sDeak. blows clouds of vapor from his trunk, lifts up the wrong leg, rolls over at the wrong minute, with now and then, from a hasty mahouL as With an irritable nursemaid, a blow. when the washlne is finished, he slinks his nusre up to his neck or gives them a 'leg-up' behind, in the friendly fashion peculiar to him, ana shuSes back to the serai to be dressed." Mr. Kipline is a capital observer. savs the London Spectator, and much of his information, gathered at first hand, will be new to Unglisn ideas. Take for instance the excessive rest lessness of the elephant, whose bulk and solidity are associated in most European minds with an impression of ponderous immobility. But "an ele phants shoulder is never still" is a native saying, and Mr. lupllng gives a curious instance of their fidgety hab its. Forty elephants had been shipped in a steamer which anchored in per fectly smooth sea off Saugor Point. "At first they said it was the ground 6well that made the ship roll so much,' but soon the captain came in dire alarm to the officer in charge of the freight. The elephants had found that by swaying to and fro all together a rocking motion was produced that seemed to please them immensely, do the ereat heads and bodie3 rolled and swung in unison, till the ship, which had no other carcro and rode lignt, was in imminent clanger of rolling clean over. The mahouts were nur- riarl into tho hold, and each seated on his beast made him "break step," so )o speak, and the elephants' danger ous little amuseragnt stopped. Electron i Apparatus fo- the Fouth. It appears that electrical apparatus for the South American trade is built in sections, each weighing under 400 pounds. The reason is that in a great manv cases all supplies for a plant have to be transported on mules, and 400 pound3 is about . the limit of mule's carrying capacity. Topeka Advocate and Tribune: The labor troubles that are just now disturbing the peace of the militia men of New York. Pennsylvania and Tennessee, are becoming matters of grave significance. If anybody thinks there is no polities in the case he wil learn better before long. This labor question is the essence of politics. f3 fffl (fil THE GREAT ACTUAL BCSIMS f n . School of ttie itforttuVesfc. J niynVyD THOROUGH COURSES IN Book-Keepiog, Arithmetic, Penmanship, Telegrajliy, Shorthand, Elocution, Etc. DON'T FORGET IT. ' Our rates of tuition are 40 per cent lower than any other college in this and other states. Write for circulars. FREMONT BU8INESS:C0LLEE, , NEB. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. CAPITAL $300,000.00. 45tf C. W: MOSHER, President, H. J. WALSH, Vice-President. R. C. OUTCALT, Cashier. J. W. MAXWELL, Assistant Cashier. -DIRECTORS :- W. W. HOLMES, R. C. PHILLIPS, D. E. THOMPSON, E. P. HAMER, A. P. S. STUART. ACCOUNTS SOLICITED. C. W. MOSHER, C. E. YATES, Banks, Bankers and Merchants, bINDebb: HOTeb. INDEPENDENT HEADQUARTEBS. CORNER THIRTEENTH AND M STREETS, LINCOLN, .NEB. Three blocks from Capitol building. Lincoln's newrst, neatest and ;best up-town hotel. Eighty new rooms just completed, deluding large committee , rooms, making 150 rooms in all. tf A. L. HOOVER & SONProp'rs. DO YOU BUY DRY " GOODS? We Sell to All for Cash and to All for the Same Low Price. - We guarantee the price on every arti cle in our store and will refund the money k to those who think they have paid too much. If that is the way you like to do. ' business we want your trade, we want those who cannot call at the store to send for samples. Yours, Etc., MILLER & PAINE, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. NORTH BEND NURSERIES. LARGE SUPPLY OF Trees, Plants, Ornamental Trees, Shrubs Evergreens. mj ..' t m RtnrV f Rt Old and New sorts of Strawberry Plants. Forest Treed for Claims at Low Prices.,: Write for SPECIAL prices on large orders. Es tablished in 1882. Send for price list to " NOKXUBluMNUlKttIKS, . , . Worth Bead, Dodge Couty, Hbsk. 3