The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, October 13, 1892, Image 1

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" (J .-
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NO. 18.
mm s coming.
He and Mrs- Lease will Spend Three Days
in Nebraska and They Will be
Bed-Letter Days,
Meetings Arranged for Norfolk, Grand
Island, Omaha, Auburn and
- Lincoln, '
The state committee have at last re
ceived the positive assurance from Gen.
Weaver himself, that he will be in Ne
braska October 31, and November
and 2. Mrs. Leese will also accompany
The committee has made the follow
ing appointments for them:
At Norfolk, October 31.
At Grand Island, November 1,
At Lincoln, November 2.
At Omaha, October 31.
At Auburn, November 3 .
At Lincoln, November 2.
These meetings will without doubt
be the greatest ever held in the state,
and probably as great as any held in
the United States in this campaign
They will probably all be day meetings
except Mrs. Lease s meeting in umana.
Grand parades will be the order of the
The independents of Lancaster and
adjoining counties will endeavor to
make the meeting at Lincoln a crown
ing success of the whole campaign.
Hon. W. L: Green has been engaged to
address the people in the evening.
Further particulars will be given
next week.
General Weaver at Pulaski.
General Weaver spoke at Pulaski
Tenn. Oct. 8th. This is the place where
it is charged that General Weaver
mistreated the people during the war.
He was listened to by a large crowd of
populists, the democrats keeping away.
General Weaver emphatically denied
the charges made against him. The
democrats permitted no disturbance of
tho meeting or mistreatment of the
speaker, knowing that anything of the
kin 1 would bring on a riot, and react
to their injury.
'lore Electors lor Weaver.
The democrats in Idaho, and Minne
sota have withdrawn their electoral
tickets and endorsed tho Weaver elec
tors, also in North Dakota. This
make3 fifteen more electoral votes sure
for Weaver and Field.
The War in Venezuela.
The revolution in Venezuela is at last
ended. The revolutionists under Gen
eral Crespo are completely victorious,
having captured the capital and over
thrown the government.
Foraker at Lincoln.
On the evening of October 6, ex-Gov.
J. B. Foraker of Ohio, spoke to a crowd
of about 3,000 at the ball park in Lin
coln. The crowd was good natured but
there was no enthusiasm. Foraker is
a forcible, speaker, witty and sarcastic,
but not convincing, lie devoted his
time entirely to the issues between the
republicans and democrats. He at
tacked the wild-cat bank idea, and
talked tariff. He especially lauded
Nebraska, and her great prosperity.
It is doubtful if he turned a single vote
to his party.
Ingalls takes the Stump.
John J. Ingalls, the" irridescent
dreamer who was run over by the peo
ple's wagon in Kansas two years aero, is
now on the stump trying to get his re
venge by heaping abuse and ridicule
on the men who retired him to private
life. He spoke at Topeka October 8,
to a crowd oi d.uuu. He said traitors
had marred the state, had deDressed
the price of land, deformed and dese-
11 A 1 TT i .
cratea taetaie. ne wouia try to re
generate it. He said he would a thou
sand times rather see the state cast its
vote for Cleveland than Weaver, for
tne latter would ba an indelible sticma
ana disgrace.
The Irvine Case.
The trial of Irvine for the shootinsr
of Montgomery in the Lincoln hotel
last spring was begun in Judge Hall's
court on Monday. The most notable
incident so far was the decision of the
court that Hon. G. M. Lamhftrtsrm
could not appear for the prosecution be
cause he had been previously consulted
Dy tne aeiense. ne is very indignant
ana na? asKea tne supreme court for a
mandamus to compel Judge Hall to ad
mit him.
There is much difficulty in cAtHntr
jury, and it will be several days before
i ji j i
tne iriicu. prupor win uegio.
Strickler Complimented. .
In nominating V. O. Strickler of
Omaha for attorney-general, the peo
ple's party has made a strong bid for
the support of the bettsr class of voters.
He is a man of acknowledged ability,
with a clean record. His activity in
promoting the interest of his partv
has brought down upon him the wrath
of the other parties, which is one of the
surest evidences that he is rnnafrWoj
a dangerous opponent. He is
edly popular among the young men of
me vnj, aiuwug wuuiu ne nas a large
follOWiner. YOUnff MenWJniirnnl
Omaha. '
In Georgia and Florida.
The state elections of Georgia and
Florida occurred Tuesday Oct. 4.
Although more than a week has passed
th reading public of the north has
been treated to nothing better than the
extravagant claims of the democrats.
It seemsfairly certain that the demo
crats carried Florida with a good sized
majority The people's party never
figured on carrying that state.
In Georgia the democrats made a
desperate effort because of the effect
the result would have on the November
elections. They poured money into the
South, and stirred up all the excitement
and war prejudice they could.
The first reports sent out were simi
lar to those sent from Alabama not long
ago The democrats claim 80,000 ma
jority. They have come down since to
somewhere in the neighborhood of 20,
000. Senator Peffcr in an interview
says he thinks the democratic majority
will not be over 15,000. .
There is . no dOubt that bull-dozing
and fraud was practicea, but no true
report can be had till it comes through
the reform papers of the south this
General Weaver is reported to have
said that he is not discouraged, and
that he still thinks he will carry Geor
gia in November.
Poynter and Meiklejohn.
Norfolk, Neb., Oct. 6, '92.
In the sixth joint debate between
Meiklejohn and Poynter, held at Stan
ton, Poynter had thirty-five minutes to
open. He showed up the independent
platform and the reasons for the peo
ple's demands in excellent shape.
Meiklejohn replied in a forty-five min
utes speech in which he glorified the
republican party. He set up straw men
and proceeded valiantly to knock them
down, but he failed to touch a single
argument set forth by Poynter. He
made many wild breaks and wound up
by lauding the universal prosperity oi
the country.
Poynter closed in a ten minutes'
speech in which he showod Meiklejohn
up as being in favor of. and advocating
extortionate to freight rates,
bines, high rates of interest, and all
the other evils which the leading men
of his party have heretofore deplored.
He left MelKlejohn posing before the
the people as the friend and tool of the
money power.
The crowd was not large, but con
tained a good share of - independents
who were highly elated over tho suc
cess of their champion.
Treasurer O'Orlea Arrested.
CitATTANooG A, Tenn.. Oct. 12. M.
J. O'Brien, formerly one of the most
prominent citizens of Chattanooga,
and who was under indictment fnr
the embezzlement of 876.000 while
treasurer of the benevolent order of
the Catholic Knicrhts of Amfirfra
eighteen months aco. was in
Philadelphia vesterdav morninc Tha
prisoner is now on his way hero. i
The Greatest Vote-Maker of the Campaign
150,000 Copies to be Scattered
Over Nebraska.
It Will Contain the Rewick Exposure,
the Record of the Legislature,
the Van Wyck-Creunse
i Debate, Etc.
The independent state committee are
getting out a large campaign sheet for
distribution over the state. It will be
filled with the choicest campaign mat
ter. The speech of Hon. E. C. Rewick
will be one of the principal article. It
will also contain General Weaver's let
ter of acceptance, report oL the Van
Wyck-Crounse debate at Lincoln, arti
cles on the republican state officers pub
lished in last week's Alliance-Independent,
the record of the "farmer"
legislature, and many other valuable
This sheet should be put in the hands
ot every voter in the state regardless
of party, Independent committees'
throughout the state should order cop
ies at Once. It will be ready for distri
bute n by Saturday, October 15.
From now till after election many
persons who are not regular sub
scribers of the ALiLiIANCE-INDE
PENDENT will receive it through
the kindness of friends. Such per
sons need have no hesitancy about H
taking the paper from the office as.
in no case will they have to pay
for it. . . -'V- ,. V;-;- :' .-.v.
. Bryan and Field.
The last of the Bryan and Field de
bates was held in the M street ball
park Tuesday evening, October 11.
Bryan opened. He asked Field thirty-:
five questions on the issues, all of which ;
Field tried to answer, but some of v his
answers were ludicrous. Bryan re
affirmed his position in favor of free
coinage and was enthusiastically .. ap
plauded. The general opinion of those
who heard the debate is that Bryan
won a greater victory than in- the first
debate in this city.
Jennings' hotel of Omaha is tho only
"People's party hoteL" Remember
this when visiting that city I3tf