The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, October 06, 1892, Page 20, Image 20

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The System of Lights by Which Collisions
Ar Avoided. , T.
How do you suppose .collision is
avoided between vessels iri'the night
time? asks a writer in Harper s Young
People. The precautions adopted are
very simple, consisting of two colored
lights for sailing vessels and three for
steamships. Sailing vessels carry a
green ligbt on the starboard side and
a red light on the port side. These
lights are so constructed as to show
from right ahead to a point a little
abaft the beam, and are of sufficient
power to be seen at a distance of at
least two miies. The sidelights pre
scribed by law for steamships are the
same as those for sailing vessels, and
in addition, the former class of vessels
carries what is known as a mast-head
light The front of this consists of a
thick pane of uncolored glass, so
arranged that the light shows from
right ahead to a little abaft tho beam
on each side. It derives lta name
from being hoisted as high as the
lower mast-head, so that its light may
be seen at least five miles away.
Steamships are obliged by law to
give the right of way to sailing ves
sels under all circumstances,- but
offioera of the latter often invito colli
sion by getting nervous upon the ap
proach of a steamer, and altering the
course of their ship. When a steamer
lstowln? another vessel, the former
carries two mast-head lights, one
above the other, and three feet apart.
Steamers navigating rivers and bays
do not carry the mast-head light, but
in its place a powerful white light,
called a, stem light is placed at the
prow of the vessel, and this, like the
mast-head light, shows from right
ahead to a little abaft the beam. In
addition to this light a globular lan
tern Is hoisted on the after part of
the steamboat and at least twenty feet
above the stem light The former
light is called a range light and
shows from every point of the com
pass. Imagine a dark and stormy night
at sea, the wind whistling through
the rigging and driving the rain into
the faces of the men whose watchful
eyes sweep the sea. Suddenly through
the gloom a little colored star shows
for a moment and is lo6t, to reap
pear a moment later against the black
background, then to vanish once
again. Have you any idea of the
. story told to the watcher by that
twinkling poiDt of colored light out
yonder? No sooner is it observed
than it Is known to belong to a sail
ing ship, for if it was a steamer the
powerful white light hoisted away
above the deck would first come into
view. The direction of the wind and
the color of the light tell the course
that the ship out there is heading,
and so the helm is shifted if neces
lary and collision averted.
Forgot th Good Name.
f "Remember, dear." said the vener
able father, as he sent his youngest
and most petted daughter away to
boarding-school, "that all my hopes
are centered on you. Remember in
all your struggles for intellectual
supremacy, your triumphs, your de
feats and your temptations, that a
good name is rather to be chosen than
great riches." "I will, father." re
plied the weeping girl, and the train
bore her away. Will it be believed
that three years later that girl mat
ried a man who bore the villainous
name of Gandershanks.
Will you be mine?" asked young
Mr. St.ort of Miss Scadds.
"Yoar gold mine, do you mean?11
was the girl's unfeeling reply.
London's Coal Traffic.
There has been a remarkable de
velopment in the coal traffic Of Lon
don. In 1630 the railway-borne coal
was only 248, 000 tons, and last year
it exceeded 8; 000. 000 tons, -
Majors a Coward.
Nelson, Neb., Sept. 26, 1692.
"We must respectfully decline to have
any discussion wkh a person who has
openly announced his blasphemous
contempt for the constitution and the
judiciary of the state."
When I read the above I could not
help thinking that political hypocrisy
was catching. Mr. Majors is certainly
not too young not to remember the dis
cussion in the country ever the Dred
Scott decision. - The republicans all
over the union denounced it as a purely
partisan, political decision. There isH
no doubt nut that the same motives
prompted the U. S. court in that de
cision that prompted the state court in
the contest decision.
In the great debate between Douglass
and Lincoln the former tried to throw
discredit upon the latter because Lin
coln denounced the decision as wrong
and believed it ought to be reversed.
In fact Majors' position toward Shra
der is renfarKab!y like Douglas to
ward Linco'n, excepting Douglas was
no coward. J. B. N.
At Decatur.
The rally of the 27th was a surprising
success, The process'.on was headed
by thirty ladies and as many gentlemen
6n horse-back. They were followed by
what seemed an interminable line of
wagons filled with people and good
things to eat. There was music by
both cornet and martial bands.
At the grounds there was an immense
crowd of people, and every one was fed.
Then Uncle Jacob Beck presided, and
Hon. W. A. Poynter delivered one of
his grand convincing speeches. He
was followed by J. M. Devine who dis
cussed silver and financial rtform in a
way that made many people see it as
they never had before. The effect of
this meeting will be seen in voters in
November. Watch.
Special rates given" members of the
People's party at the Jennings .hotel,
Omaha, Neb., Ninth and Harney Sts
We Buy
And Sell
Stocks of
Of all Kinds.
This is Our Specialty.
Parties wishing to dis
pose of their stocks of
goods should write us.
Instructions in regard
to stocks will he stiict
y confidential.
Persons desiring to
trade Jtheir farms for
Lincoln, city or town
property should write
at once as we have
Fine Bargain?.
C. LoWETH & CO.,
Cor. 15th &0 St., Lincoln, Kcb.
Ilea's Sack Suits made from a very
Jretty brewn check Cheviot at $5 00!
en's Invincible Casslmere Suits, pray
or brown, sacks or frocks for 7 00!
Men's Black Diagonal Cheviot fluHs,
double breasted, sack style at $7.50!
Men's fine fancv brwn cbeck worsted
sack Suits at $12.00! Men's fine cloth
finished diagonal Dress Suits at $13 50.
Men's fine English Melton, brown and
mixed, sack Overcoats at 7 53! Men's
t Chicago Express: The Peoplei
p&rij are met with the "profound ar
gument that its members are calam
ity howlers. George Washington and
his baro-footed army of patriots at
Valley Forge, were calamity howlers
except Major Andre and Benedict
Arnold. They betrayed their home
and country by selling out for gold to
An old party.
To John Schamp Son restdent refendant:
You are hereby notified that on the o day of
September 1S93. Alice Schamp filed her petition
again t vou in the district court of Lancaster
Lounty, Nebraska, the . object and prayer of
which are to obtain a divorce from you on the
ground of wilful abandonment of plaintiff with
oat gooi cause for the term of two years last
Vou are requested to'answer said petition on
or before Monday the 7th day of November 192.
AlichSscuamp, Plaintiff.
By Barnes & (Juminings, her attorneys.
fine Black Beaver sack Overcoats at
$3.75! Men's extra weight, grav. di
agonal fancy black Ulsters at $10.00!
Boy's knee pant Suits made from ptronsr
orange mixed cloth at $1,251 Bov 'along
Sant Suits, very pretty dark blue ana
lack mixture at $3.03! Fall Catalogue
and samples of all above styles and oth
ers, free to Buyers of Clothing. Send
your address at once. Railroad 'Fare
Free to points within 100 miles. Refer
by permission to The Alliance-Independent.
104-106 N. Tenth St. Lincoln
rnrCj Tuition! Fall term in seven different
rntbi courses. Only hiah grade independent
Normal in the state. Finest buildings, equipments
and ablest Normal faculty. No experiment, but an
established management. 40 courses and special
ties, teachers and lecturers. A live school for
the masses. Write for catalogue to F. F. RoosE,
Mgr., Iincoln. Neb.
CI C nnfl Set aside thiyei
v'w)uww students of limited means.
oe loaned( to
No other school in the west stands so well
with business men. This is a point not to be
overlooked. We can put you on thelroad to
success if you are made of good mettK' Lady
students can assist in private family for board.
Write for our catalogue at once, Address,
A. M HAHGIS, Pres.r Grand lslaud, Seb.
f Trees, Plants, Ornamental Trees, Shrubs W Evergreens.
Large Stock of Best Old and New sorts of Strawberry Plants.
Forest Trees for Claims at Low Prices. Write for SPECIAL prices on large orders,
tablished in 1882. Send for price list to NORTH BGM)
North Bi-nd. Dodge County. Nebraska.
LIABILITY OF STOCKHOLDERS, : : : : : - $500,000.00
WM. STULL, Pres. LOUS STULL, Cashier, J. G. WADSWORTH, Ass't Cashier.
Savings Laed.un,ssic!. Um) tO LOU OD IlDprOV8ll M.
Closing Out Sale
"Ashland Herd"of Poland ChinaHogs.
At my Farm, 4 1-2 Miles Southeast of
HIS sal
s r.d Free
e win induce my ent re her1, consisting of the :vo stock boar.', Ash'.and Chief 15575 (A)
Coinage 1S679 (A), and iS young boars and about 50 sows. Breeders will find in this offer-
thggoes. Hogs
Breeders, there
for furthe de
midway between
Ashland, Neb.
ins 5,0111c 01 me vcrv uesi Dreeuing sows in me west. This is no culling sale: every
thai I have always refused to price will be sold to the highest bidder at his own pri' e.
wid be stock offered a this sale that will be a credit to even your herd See catalogue
sc lption or nera. Kj taiocue on ann.ication. Ash and is on thp main iin f r At m
Lincoln and Omaha. Conveyances furnished to and fro u bains.
( ol. t . Al. oods, Auctioneer.
State Agent quotes prices on the following goods.
A good common flour at 90 cts. per 100.
White Rose fl:ur at $1,50 per 100.
Silver Leaf " " 1.73 " "
Prime Brow Sugar $4.00 per 100.
Best Granulated Sugar $5.65 per 100.
Fine Uncolored Japan Tea 25c per lb.
i 11 ( l 124c " "
Good Coffee 20c per lb.
A full line of Spices, Pepper, Cinna
mon, Cloves, Ginger, Mustard, Al
spice, etc., at 20c per lb.
One gallon best coal oil with glass can
40 cents.
Soda i and Butter cracker 6c per lb. in
40 Grain vinegar in iugs, 25c per gal
Lemon extract 2 oz. bottles 50c per doz,
Vanilla " " 55c
Finest full cream Y A cheese 12$c lb,
A good Overall for only 50c.
An extra good overall for 65,
Rockford half hose 75c per doz.
" " best made $1.05 a doz
Write for anything you eat or wear.
J. W. H ARTLEY, State Agt., 245 S.llth SI., Lincoln, Neb