The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, October 06, 1892, Page 18, Image 18

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J t lb litiuc----.
Mr. George Howard Gibsor, Formerly
Editor of this Pper Volunteers Tes
timony Which ill Interest its
The readers of this paper who Buffar from
catarrh and throat troubles will be tpecially
interested in tho testimsny of its former edi
tor, the author of "Songs of tho People." It is
given below:
Lincoln, Nkb., Sept. 27, 1893.
Dr. 11. L. Moor & Co.,
Lincoln, Neb.
Gentlemen: It gives me pleasure to add
my testimony to th hundreds who have
been, In the last year, satisfactorily and suc
cessfully treated by you for chronic affections
of the throat and nasal passages. Before go
ing to you in June last I was for two months
or more under treatment for catarrhal laryn
gitis and pharyngitis, my physician being one
of the best regular practioneers in the city.
He employed the usual remedies for throat and
nasal inflamations, but the disease had be
come so firmly intrenched, having been thirty
years at work, that no advantage could be
gained over it. At last becoming satisfied that
a thoroughly equipped scientific specialist,
having the best instruments and remedies,
could alone cope with the disease, my phjsif l
an, who was also my friend, advised mo to go
to you and accompanying me to your office
gave me a personal introduction to Dr. Moore.
My treatment began immediately ana the
disease soon began to yield ground. I am now
able to say from personal experience that ca
tarrh can be cured. And I unhesitatingly
commend Dr. Moore & Co. to all catarrhal
There are specialists and specialists1 I
shared with intelligent people the common
fear of being impos.d upon by charlatans who
always freely advertise. Hut this reasonable
doubt was destroyed before going to you by
the asswrance of my trusted medical adviser
that you were first, regular physicians, gradu
ates or the best medical schools, and that you
had taken in addition special courses to
thoroughly fit you for the successful treat
ment of eye, ear and throat diseases.
Yours very truly,
Geo. Howard Giblon.
Neglecting a case of catarrh may cost you
your life, or the loss of sight, hearing or smell
ing. We cure catarrh. We cure all forms of
catarrhal diseases, such as loss of hearing,
weak aud sore eyes, granulated lids, chronic
sore throat, ringing and noise in the ears, en
larged tonsils, hay fever and asthma. Our
treatment is the best known to the scientific
world, skillfully and methodically applied.
We cure where other specialists fail, because
we devote our whole attention to this class of
diseases and apply the treatment personally.
Remember that a little cheap powder blown
into the nostrils will not cure catarrh.
Dr. Moore & Co., successors to C. Wan-en
Dennis, M, D., Catarrh specialists, Eye, Ear,
Nose and Throat surgeons. Graduates from
the best medical colleges in America. Con
sultation free. Hours, 9 to 12, 2 to 5 and 7 to 8.
Sunday 3 to 5 p. m. Office over First National
Bank, O and 10th Sts. Correspondence solicit
ed , 19
m '-'SVV'- f'. v '
V ISS. X .
Dark' 8al,GW
This Bleach removes all discoloratioss and
impurities from the skin, such s Freckles,
Moth Patches, Sunburn, Sallownees, Ficsh
worms, and Pimples where they are diseases
of the skin, as they often are.
For Sale by all First-Class Druggists
Price $1.50 per Bottle.
A 48 pare book free. Address
The Arena for October.
The contributions to tho October
Arena are varied, interesting and able.
In this Issue Hon. Thomas E. Watson,
who created such a furor in the house
of representatives by his charge cf
drunkenness among congressmen, ap
pears in a thoughtful paper cn - the
"Negro Question in the South." He
does not believe in federal interference,
but shows that tho only solution of the
problem is a division of the vote be
tween white and black. Congressman
Brosius discusses in a thoughtful man
ner the plan of limiting tho number of
the house of representatives. Rev.
Thomas P. Hughes, D.D., answers Ibn
Ishak in a masterly contribution en
titled, "Has Islam a Future?" Under
the title, "Tho True Character of
Christopher Columbus," Mr. A. P.
Dunlop gives a severe arraignment cf
Columbus, quoting numerous authori
ties. Thh paper is refreshing after
the flood of extravagant econ
iums which has recently sur
feited even hero worshippers.
One of the most notab'e features of
this issue is the closing of the Sympo
sium on Woman's Dres9, prepared under
the auspices of the National Council of
Women of America. The papers in
this issue are by Lady Harberton, of
England, Octavia W. Bates, Ph. D.,
Grace Greenwood and Mrs. E. M. King.
The editor also supplements this sym
posium with a striking editorial enti
tled, "The Next Step Forward for
Women." This paper is illustrated.
Among other leading features of this
issue should be mentioned the superbly
illustrated sketch of Edward Hugh
Sothern, the brilliant young American
actor, the continuation of the Bacon
Shakespeare discussion, a striking
paper on Astrology, by Edgar Lee, of
London, and a paper by Sylvester Baxt
er on "The Social and Economic In
fluence of the Bicycle."
The Arena, bssides being the most
fearless and aggressive of our reviews,
is always varied and exceedingly in
teresting. It combines the intellectual
wealth and profound thought of the
serious review, with the entertaining
qualities of the popu'ar magazine.
We have the promise of on excellent
article on "the honest dollar" from
Judge Broady next week.
Omaha rejoices over the prospect of
another great bridge over the Missouri.
We hope she may get it.
Rosewater calls the men who have
the courage to tell the truth about Ne
braska mortgage?, the "defamers of
General Weaver is to be in Ne
braska for several speeches the last of
this month but the dates have not yet
been set.
The latest report is that Judge
Gresham is going to vote for Grover
Cleveland. It is s lid he told Judge
Allen while sitting with him at Spring
field 111. Tho democrats are making a
great noise about it, and it is said the
Judge refuses to be interviewed. It
the Judge isn't careful he will begin to
appear ridiculous in th9 eyes of the
American people.
The Quarterly Conference of the
Southern Nebraska District of the Re
organized Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter Day Saints will be held in the
Masonic Temple, Cor , Eleventh, and
M. streets commencing Saturday night
Oct. 8th, at 7:30, p. m. and Sunday 30:30
a. m., also 7:30 p. m.' Good expounders
of the faith will bo in attendance. 'All
are cordially invited to come out "and
Jisten to the truthjis presented by
W VVJrv 7 V X yiA
m ri I s m r M
Havo You Sean Our New
Catalogue for 1892?
A" Grade 840.
Tt contains more valuable in
formation to the Pftire than any
catalogue you ever saw. We
can t begin to ten you anoui u
i r. K?d email norA finnd VAIl P
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LEAGUE RCt ne freC' Y0U WUl 8Ur F' M B ?
pnsea ana picasuu hi w.mjuu
get. We're Headquarters
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Special Prices on Black Dress Goods this Week.
1 iTl f For 38 Inch black Henrietta, regular
1 2 j piica 25c.
OO1 P For 30 ince Black Cords and Dlago-
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regular price 30c.
Oft C For 3" inch English Henriettas, regular
1 price 35b.
39 C
For 4fl inch English Henriettas, regu
lar price 50c.
A C For 10 inch all waol fine black Henri-
' ettas, regular price 65o.
J.O n For 40 incn al1 wocl French Serge
Tt regular price, 63c.
fii (i For schoice of fifteen styles fancy
xjn weave black troods. retruiar Drice85c
to tl.C0.
C For 46 inch silk finished German Hen
tOU rietta, regular price $1.00
UO f For 46 inch Black Serge, extra fine,
OO v regular price $1.10.
QQ PI For 46 Incn DeBt Qualliy German Hon
VO riettas, regular price $t.25.
Special Prices on Black Dress Silk this Week.
Your choice of five styles, all 22
inches m ide, our $1.33 quality; this
week at 95c.
Your choice of 3 styles, all 23
inches wide, our $1.49 quality; this
week at $1,10,.
Special Prices on Colored Dress Silk this Week.
CVfl Your of twenty-fire colors in -7 r fl Your choice of fifteen colors in Peau
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These Prices are for this WeeK Only.
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Delivered at Your Station, Write Us..
J. W. HARTLEY, State Agent, Lincoln, Neb.
.Write us for bill of LUMBER for your house and barn, delivered at your Btation. By,,
dealing Direct with Us we can save you 15 per cent.