THE ALLIANCE -INDEPENDENT. 15 1 hi prospects for the Lincoln Normal University, grow brighter every hour. I he electric street car, which now runs to the campus, brings students by the rcrre. rrors. saylor. Shellon, Lewis and other members of the faculty are busy classifying students, and classes iiviowj;oui!U 11113 mulUlIIg, Willi ail enrollment which surprises every one interested in the institution. Students aro more than delighted with the hand pome new building and elr gant furniture Work has begun m earnest and every one is inte"rested in the futuie of this great institution. Homes and Irrigated Farms, Gardens and Orcharis in the Celebrated Bear River Valle f on the Main Lines o! the Union Pacittcand Central Pacific R. R. near Corinna and gden, Utah. Splendid location for business and in dustries of all kinds in the well known city of Corinne, situated in the middle of the valley on the Central Pacific R.R. The lands of the Bear River valley are now thrown open to settlement by the construction of the mammoth system of irrigatioa from the Boar lake and river, Just completed by the Bear River Canal Co., at a cost of $3,003,000. Thf com panv controls 100,000 acres of these fine anas and owns many lots asd business locations in the city of Corinne, and is now prepared to sell on easy terms to settlers and colonies. The climate, soil, and irrigating facilities are pronounced unsurpassed by competent judges who declare the valloy to be the Paradise of the Farmer, Fruit Grower and Stock Raiser. N ice social surroundings, rood schools and churches at Corinne City, and Home Markets exist for every kind of farm and garden produce in the neighboring cities of Ogden and Salt Lake, and in the great mining camps. Lands will be shown from the local of fice of the Company at Corinne. 15tf IPCTIOiraSBS, F. M. WOODS, Fine Stock Auctioneer, Lincoln. Neb. Rerer you to the best breeders in the west, for whom I do business, Prices reason able and correspondence promptly ano cheer fully answered. Pure Bred Poultry. White Plym outh Rock. White Games Partridge Cochins: Toulouse Geese, Whito Hol land Turkeys, White Guineas, Pekin Ducks. Eggs in season. Prices low. W. A. Bates, Jr., Fremont, Neb. 36tf BISCHEL BROS. FOR SALE. Long deep bodied U.S. P.C. PICS. 9 Good color, short legs, broad back, good feet ind head. Alliance prices, 6atiBf action guaranteed I3tf Kearney, Neb. r Ciinnild frt Unnd BIG BERK?. s frl&4wv'ffkr BEAVEIl CITY, NEB. Thoroughbred exclusively. All ages, either sex. Sows bred. Stock guaran'eed as repre sented. Prices right. Mention this paper. II. S. WILLIAMSON, trop'r. J. M. ROBINSON, KENESAW, ADAMS CO. , ' EB. Breeder and ship- fier of recorded Po and China Ilogs. Choice breeding Write for wants, f Mention Alliance. Vk 1 i L. H.SUTER Keligh, Jieb, Breeder of fancy Po land China swine .fe and P. K. fowls. Ma- ioritv of pies sired by Free Trades Best, remainder by Paddjs Chip and Lytles Dandy. Free Trades Best is sired bv Free Trade, the great show hog that was sold for 1 800, being the highest priced hog in ex istence. Had a full sister to Free Trade in my herd lor 3 years and Lave many fine sows from her. L, H. SUTER. 3IKKTIXGS. The following r j a 1st of the meet n a srranged for Lancaster county: October 10 Yankee Ru, Bowers school house " " Melick's school boufe. Hoc Crtek " 11 Stccklon Pre. School H.. No. 10 - 2d ward 1st and J 8t, S. II. 13 West Lincoln. " " Roc. 13 Bennett. " ' Lancaster Precinct. " 14 W aver'y. Pella, Panama Preciact. 15 SpragTie. " Mill -mjinct, Cedar Hill 8. H. ' 44 " Emerald. Romine' Appointments IN DODQE COUNTY, Ruff 8chool House. October 0. GUncce, October 20. Webster, October 21. Nickeson, October 2i. The B. A M. ami Its Employees. A man who knows sends us the fol lowing to show how tho B. & M. com pany deals with the men who are ex pected to walk to tho polls and vote for its tools on election day. It won't be so when we get government ownership of railroads! There are a large number of men employed at the Burlington's Lincoln freight house, and their work, consist ing of hauling heavy freight on trucks, is very hard even if followed only ten hours a day and in cool weather. But to be compalled to put in eleven to twelve hours a day as these men have to every day and every now and then part or all of Sunday, and sometimes with tho mercury at 100, it is a'most more tnan tne boys can endure. Several of them have been so over worked within the past ten days that they have had to quit. There might bs some excuse for this state of things if the boys were inclined to shirk, but there is not a better crew to b8 found in the stato than the B. & M. fre'ght bands. Many of them are lit to occupy much higher positions. The boys would cheerfully bear all this, knowing that the work has to bo done, if they were treated as men should be, but they are not. it seems to be the study of the li. & M. to make things disagreeable for the men. If this was the object they have succeeded in the highest degree. Their foreman at the freight house is a man fitted to carry out their wishes to ihe letter. If Mrs. btowe were to write Uncle lom's Cabin again she would certainly come to the corner of Eighth and R streets for a model instead of taking Legree. The boys live all the way from one quarter to three miles from the freight house and after working t ill 7 or 8 o'clock at night they have to walk that distance. Ic is often 9 o'clock when they get their supper and almost 10 when they get to bed. They have to rise at 5 in the morning, getting only 7 hours sleep. They cannot afford, to spend ten cents a day for street car fare out of $1.33, even if they could find a car running early enough, in tho morning and so are compelled to walk. if a man quits he has a fine lot of red tape to handle before he gets his pay. I knew one of tho men who did so a few days ago. He took his time from the foreman to the superinten dent got a certificate, took it to the superintendent in the passenger depot, got a check there, took it to the cashier, was told by the captious young man with a pale mustache that he must wait till tho paymaster could be heard from He went to the office fmir times and did not get his pay till 5 o'clock tbe next day. haviner wasted nearly a day and a half getting what belonged to him and what almost any other corporation would have paid on the spot. It is not enough that the B. & M. grinds its men down to the lowest living wages but it must oppress them in other ways. F. E. P. The G. O. P. Grand Opening. The republ'can party opened its na tional campaign with a great meeting ia New York City September 28th. Speeches were made by Boss Piatt, Whitelaw Reid, Warner Miller and Chauncey Depew. Jennings' hotel of Omaha is the only "People's party hotel." Remember this when visiting that city. 13tf Wm. Burgess BLUE VALLEY -- STOCK .FARM, CRETE. NEB. ENGLISH SHIRE STALLIONS AND HARES. To intending purchasers of this breed I can show them as good a lot of young stocK from yearlings up, as mere is in tne wesu THOROUGHLY ACCLIMATED. LAST SHIPMENT 1890. Their breeding 1 from tho best strains of prize winning blood in England coupled with superior individual merit. My imported mares are superior; any in the west; they are all safely In foal. All My Stock Guaranteed, and AH Recorded and Imported by Myself If you want a Hackney Stallion, I have as good as wai ever imported. Come and see what I have got, and if Lcannot show you as good stock as any man, win pay your expenses. Prices as low as tho lowest. 44-6m Tt ""A III I W. J. WROUGHTON & CO , Cambridge, Furnas County, Nebraska. IMPORTERS OP ii l German, and Oldenbcrg Ceack, French Coach, Yorkshire ; , and CleTCland Bay Stallions. We Handle More Horses Than Any Firm in Nebraska. We import our own horses tbus saving the customer the middle man's profit. Buyert have the advantage of comparing all breeds side by Bide at our stables. We Have 40 Good Young Acclimated Horses on Hand. Another importation of 4Q will arrive about October 1. We guarantee all oar horses every respect. We make farmers companies a specialty, having a system whereby we can organize companies and insure absolute success. We Will Send a Man to Any Part of the State, , . . ... On application to assist in ergantztng companies. We pive long time thua enabling pur chashers to pay for horses from services. Correspondence promptly answered. Men tion this paper. Address, , W. J. WROUGHTON & CO., Cambridge, Neb. OBTAIN CHICAGO PEICES FOR ALL YOUR PRODUCE. Tho way to do this is to ship your Butter. Poultry, Eggs, Veal, Hay, Grain, Wool, Hides, Beans, Proom Corn, Green and Dried Fruits, Vegetables, or anything you have to us. Tbe fact that you may have been Belling these articles at borne for years is no reason that yon should continue to do eo if you can find a better market. We make a specialty of receiving shipments direct from FARMERS AND PRODUCER8, and probably have the largest trad 9 in this way of any house In this market. Whilst you are looking around for the cheapest market in which to buy your goods, and thus economis ing in that way, it will certainly pay you to give some attention to the best and moat profit able way of disposing of your produce. We invite correspoi dence from INDIVIDUALS, ALLIANCES, CLUBS, and all organizations who desire to ship their produce direct to this market. If requested, wo will send you free of charge our daily market report, snip ping directions and such information as will be of service to you, if you contemplate ship ping. When so requested proceeds for shlpmer ta will be deposited to the credit of the ship per with any wholesale houso in Chicago. Let ns hear from you, 47 8t Summers Morrison & Go. , COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 174 South Water Street. Chicago. Reference: Metropolitan National Bank, Chicago. ALLEN ROOT, Stock Agent. Nebraska State Farmers' Alliance. Office and Financial M'gr. GEO. 8. BROWN, Salesman. ALLEN ROOT AND COMPANY. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MKRCHAMS, South Omaha, Neb., Room 34 Exchange Building. Before You Ship Send for the Market. References: First National Bank oi Omaha: Packers National Bank, Omaha; Commercial National Bank, Omaha; Nebraska Savingscnd txchange Bank, Omaha; Central City Bank, Central City, Nebraska. . jrS"hhippers can draw Bight draft on us for P0 per cent Gf cost, bill of lading attached. WPQTPAI I nnMMIinN fin Geueral Produce Merchants (leral representative WCOlrHLL UUmilHOoiuni UU., for Kansas Alliance.) Special department for hides and game Free cold storage and special salesman for butter, egvs. cheese and poultry. Receivers and shippers of car lots of potatoes, apples, onions, hay and cabbage. Give us a share of your consignments. We get the highest market price and make prompt returns. Direct all communications and orders to. 46tf Westfa J Com Co., 423 Walnut St , Kansas City, Mo