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About The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1892)
THE ALLIANCE -INDEPENDENT. Patronize Home Manufactories. J. Y. it. 8WIOAKT, SecreUry f tbo Nebraska Mutual Cjrclone, TorBado and Wind otorui Inaurauoa Cninrmnr KniTow r communications on Fire, Cyclone or ITall iuiuxauc Baouia d aaareesea to turn at 14 OISOMCE DEPARTMENT Wo haro had about 170 losses re ported so far, but some of them I find are very email. At this writiug I am still in hopes that we will not have to collect the full ten cents per acre. I am now (Octobers,) In the extreme western part of the state settling losses and will bo at Alliance by the last of this week and next at Ilemingford, Crawford and thence down the F. E. & M. V. I hope everyone will hav8 their threshing done as soon as possible. A Nebraska lrnliirtiiin. We would respectfully call the atten tion of our readers to the Omaha Hay Press. Tho Martin & Morrlssy Mfg. Co., of Omaha aro the makers. Many there aro who havo used nearly every make of hay press during tho last twenty years and when they ran through the list found there was still much room for improvement in them. The demand for a press that would fill tho requirement of tho experienced baler has caused the Omaha to be built and offered lo the pub ic. There is no longer any question as to the material to use in tho construction of hay presses. Steel, and steel, ouly is the verdict of all. The press that will do the best work ii tho first considera tion. Next ease of operation on men and horses, anl next durability. These aro questions every intending pur chaser if a hay .press must consider. The manufacturers of the Omaha make the broad claim that they havo the best hay press, and give tho following reasons i n j us ti fication of i t : They c'aim first that their press does the finest and smoothest baling by r a srnofafoider that folds each charge of hay so perft ctly that it is difficult to tell wMch is top or which is the bottom of tho bale. Second that by reason of the herculean power which presses the bale so tight that an auger hole may be bored into it. Third, that by reason of a steel electric tension which is to arranged that it causes tho bale case to form the most perfect bale and is pro vided with a spring that allows the rear end of tying chamber to expand when a wet charge of hay is fed through it. The ease with which the Omaha can be operated is marvelous. The power, the principal part of a hay press is a combina ion of scientific principles, and so well associated are they that they work in perfect harmony and make the draft so light that one good horse is sufficient to do heavy pressing. The press being made of steel and iron is a sufficient guarantee of its -durability: coupled with the further fact that it is put together in the most thorough man ner. The most expensive material is used; case hardened steel pins, Norway iron steel rivets and bo!ts and all other fittings of the highest grade. The power consists of a cam, two rollers and a lever. The lever is operated by a roller on the bottom of the cam and attached to the pitman a throw of twenty-four inches at which time cam has taken up roller on the end of the pitman and the, lever ceases to work; thus instantly changing the power from a quick motion, while the hay is loose, to a slow powerful motion as the hay becomes mora compact. These are only a few of the many excellent points of the Omaha. Write the manufacturer for desctiptive circulars giving full particulars. patented October ib, isso. Tuttle Appointed. Governor Boyd has appointed Lawyer Tuttle of Lincoln, the democratic can didate for district judge in Lancaster county to till the unexpired term of Juoe Field. The Perfection Gear Waon, Simplest, Short Turning, Hangs Low, Absolutely No Rattle. First Class in Every Respect. Just the wagon for Farmers, Grocers, Milkmen in fact anybody. D. W. CAMP & SON, Corner a6o!hP,8Sasua. The OMAHA HAY PRE 8S McKcighan and Andrews. Sutton, Neb., Sept. 30, 1892. Mr. Editor: I saw by the reports sent the B. & M. Journal, and Omaha Bee, from this placo in regard to the McKeighan-Andrews debate held hero last Tuesday, that Sutton is determin ed to sustain a reputation so justly earned two years ago, of containing the biggest li.M in the state. The reports show very clearly the earmarks of a former resident of this placo, but who is now holding a lucra tive position as secretary of tho state board of transportation. Thinking there may be some wavering ones who may belie vo those reports I send you the truth that they may profit thereby. Tho G. O. P , have inaugurated a novel campaign In this district, that of organizing a band of hoodlums called the "college boys" of Hastings, furnish ing them, together with all who will wear an Andrews badge, free transpor tation and board to attend Mr. Androws in his vain attempts to meet our Mc Keighan in joint debate. The corpo rator s are spending thousands of dol lars in the fiftli district to elect their man Andrews, but if they think that they can make any votes by importing a pack of hired yawpers to quack for Andrews, they will find when they count the votes in November their man will lack 10,000 votes of bein elected. Judging from the crowd that gather ed here Tuesday, which was variously estimated from three to five thousand, at least three fourths of tho toters were stra'ght people's party men, who will vote the ticket from top to bottom. Lot these joint debates go on, keep the ball rolling, for at every revolution "Our Mc." bobs up serenly victorious. The farmers of this vicinity will not stay in the corn Held this next election day, but will see that their votes are counted on tho side of justice' and for home, and native land. Your until victory rests upon our banner. P. C. II. FOR SALE. I offer my farm of 200 acres two and a quarter miles north of Wahoo for sale. A good two story house, four rooms down stairs, three up, pantry and t hree clothes presses, a good cellar 18x28; six acres of bearing orchard and plenty small fruit; two wells, one wind mill, horse barn 3Gx3G, room for fiftem or twenty tons of hay; cattle shed 82 ft. room for forty-five tons of hay, with stone foundation. Many other im provements. Terms one-half cash down or all, or to suit purchaser. $40 per acre. H. H. Verrell, 14tf Wahoo, Neb. A CALL TO ACTION. GEN. JAS. B WEAVER Has writen under the above title The Book of the Century. The grandest reform book now in print. Every thinking voter should read it. Price, $1.50. For sale at this office. 47tf Sendfor our comple'e book list. GRANITE ato MARBLE MONUMENTS. All Kinds of Cemetery Woik. KIMBALL & FRALICK 1629 0 St, : :- : LINCOLN, NEB. OS OLA STAK NIfRSRRY II E L. A. BELTZER, Mg'r. FAIR PRICES. HONORABLE DEALING. A GENERAL. LINE CF FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL STOCK, ETC. fend in orders for spring. Agents wanted. Osceola, : : : Nebraska. Remember "Jenning's Hotel" is headquarters of People's party while in Omaha. Located corner Ninth and Harney streets. i3tf Good Horses. I have 44 head of torses which I will sell at very reasonable prices. Any one wishing to purchase a horsa of any de scription should write to me at once. Joe Hebert, Sidney, Neb. UNACQUAINTED WITH THE QEQQRAFHY CF THIS COUNTRY Wilt OBTJUlt MUCH VALUABLE INFORMATION FROM 8TUDY OP THIS MAP OF THI in) , Roct Islana & Pacific Ry The Direct Route to and from CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND, DAVENPORT, DES MOINES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. OMAHA. LINCOLN, WATERTOWN, SIOUX FALLS, MINNEAPOLIS, ST. PAUL, ST JOSEPH. ATCHISON, LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS CITY, TOPEKA, DENVER, COLORADO SPRING' and PUEBLO. Free Reclining Chair Cars to and" from CHICAGO. CALDWELL, HUTCHINSON and DODGE CITY, and Palace Sleeping Care between CHICAGO, WICHITA and HUTCHINSON. SOLID VESTIBULE EXPRESS TRAINS of Through Coaches, Sleepers, Free Reclining Chair S'iS.SIJA JS!nK CtLn dalfy tetween CHICAGO, DE3 MOINES. COUNCIL BLUFFS, OMAHA and LIN COLN;, and between CHICAGO and DENVER, COLORADO SPRINGS and PUEBLO via St Joseph, " or Kansas City and Topeka. Excursions daily, with Choice of Routes to and from Salt LRke, Portland, Los Angeles and San Francisce. Tho Direct Line to and from Pike's Peak, Manitou, Garden of the Gods, the Sanitariums, and Scenic Grandeurs of Colorado. Via The Albert Lea Routed Fast Express Trains daily between Chicago and Minneapolis and St. Paul, with THROUGH Reclining Chair Cars FREE, to and from those points and Kan $? 5ity . Through Chair Car and Sleeper between Peoria. Snirit Lake and SlnriT Polio via Tlnlr Tulnnri The Favorite Line to Watertown. Sioux Falls, the cummer xvesuria ua naming ana Jblshlnc jrounus the Northwest. For Tickets. Maps, Folders, or desired information apply to any Coupon Ticket Office, or address E. ST. JOHN,! JOHN SEBASTIAN, GeDlHNgffer, ( Gen'l Tkt Pass, Aft, i CHICAGO. XI. 'f f f. " .WOWtSi