THE ALLIANCE -INDEPENDENT. ALLIANCE DIRECTORY Nebraska Farmers' Alliance. J. H. Powers, President, Cornell. W. A. Poymteo, Vlce-Pres , Albion. J. M. Thompson, State 8c'y, Lincoln. W. II. DiCH, Lecturer, Wahoo. fl. C. Faibchild, 1st AbbH Lecturer, dalo. W. F. VnianT,3d Ass't lecturer, Bethany D. F. Allen, Chairman, Ex. Com., Wabash Oak- In the beauty of the liliks Christ was born across tho sea, With a glory In his besom That transfigures you and rr o. As he ttrovo to make mca holy Let us strive to make tbem free, Since God is marching oh. Julia Ward Howe. This department will bo under the direction ef.I. M. Thompson, Mate secretary. Short Items from Alliances on matters ot general iuu rest, quostlouH when disputes hare artaen, and any news beared? upon the groat work of our organization will be welcomed by the editor. Write plainly, on one side of the paper only, and address "Alliance Depart ment" Allunce-Indepkndknt, Lincoln, Neb We would be glad to get items from every county in the state en condition of the Alli ance work. A PARABLE. Said Christ, our Lord, "I will po and soe How the men, my brethren, believe in me." He passed not again through tho gates of birth, But made himself known to the children of earth. Then said the chief priests and rulers and kings: 'Behold now tho giver of all good things ; Go to, let us welcomo with pomp and state Him alone who is mighty and great." With carpets of gold the ground they . spread Wherever the Son of Man should tread; And ia palaco chambers, lofty and rare, They lodged him and served him with kingly fare. Great organs surged through arches dim Their jubilant floods in praises of him; And in church and palace and judgment hall He saw his imago high over all. But still, whenever his steps they led ; The Lord in sorrow bent down his head. And from under the heavy foundation stones The Son of Mary heard bitter groans. And in church and palaco and judgment hall He marked great fissures that rent the wall, And openod wide and yet more wide As the living foundations heaved and sighed. "Have ye founded your thrones and altars, then, On the bodies and souls of living men ? And think ye that building shall endure Which shelters the noble and crushes the poor? ''With gates of silver and bars of gold Ye have fenced my sheep from their Father's fold; I have heard the dropping of their tears In heaven these eighteen hundred years. "O, Lord and Master, not ours the guilt; We build but as our fathers built; Behold thine images, how they stand, Sovereign and solo through all our land. 'Our trust is hard with sword and flame To hold thy earth foreve he same, And with sharp crooks 61 steel to keep Still, as thou leftest the sheep." Then Christ sought out an artisan, A low-browed, stunted, haggard man And a motherless girl, whose fingers thin Pushed from her faintly want and sin. These sat he in the midst of them, And as they drew back their garments' hem, Tor fear of defilements, "Lo here," said he, ''The images ye have made of me '." The Lancaster county alliance will hold its regular monthly meeting in this city on Friday, October 7th. This is an important meeting and should be well attended. See that vour alliance is represented by a full delegation. afternoon and evening. Every alliance in tho county should be represented. Hhamp at Eagle. Eagle. Neb., Sept. 20. The village was aglow with enthu siasm last night. The occasion was the first appearance in this place of Ho a. Jerome Shamp, independent candidate for congress. At an early hour the town was filled with farmers, martial music gathered the clans, and with banners Hying they began the march to a grove near the town, as no hall was large enough to seat tho imraens3 throng. The meet ing was opened by reading the pream ble and platform. Hon. W. L. Cundiff of Lincoln was tho first speaker. Ho dealt with the financial question, drew a vivid picture of the adoption of the declaration of in dependence and contrasted it with the influence which hd up to tho adoption of the people's platform, which he characterized as the second declaration of independence. Ho showed that capiial had con spired against the producer, and multi plied their dollars in idleness while tho producer had grown poorer. At the closo of his scholarly effort, the audi ence manifested its approval l-y con tinued applause. Hon. Jerome Shamp was introduced and was greeted with loud cheers. His address was marked with telling hits, as ho took up the issues one after an other, showing how the two old parties wero wrangling over tariff, and how they were directing the public mind to dead issues. He appealed to young men to guard against that which in flicted their fathers. He made an elo quent appeal for Nebraska homes, in sisted that gorgeous palaces, and colas?al fortunes could not be the source of pride to the nation, until the howls of the poor were supplanted with com fortable homes. Mr. Shamp made a splendid effort, and the independent party has received a new impetus in this locality. Keep in the Middle of the Road. An independent of Lincoln bands us ho following letter from the treasurer of our national committee. Believing hat it will furnish inspira ion and en couragement to some of the struggling independents of Nebraska, and part'eu- arly of tho first district, wo publish it in full: Terre Haute, Ind., Sept, 19, 1892. Friend Skeen: I am erlad to hear that Nebraska Independents are in the middle of the road. That is the only salvation for us. We must stand by our own men and avoid fusion or sup port of either oM party. The promises of old party candidates amount to noth ing as they must go into causus ana ao tho biddmff of their leaders. The democrats in the last congress furnish ed a good example of this. Every eoole's party mm should stand by the ticket from president down to tho last man, win or lose. We are Toting for irmcioles that will win in the near ... . uture. The man who takes a nomina ,'on on either the republican or demo cratic ticket is against those principles You say the democratic candid ate for corerress in vour district is lor nee sn ver. Wei', if he is he had better leave tho party that puts up Grover Cleve land for its s'andard bearer, opposes free coinage in its platform, and defeats in congress with 148 majority a free coinage bill passed bv the senate. That ousrht to damn" any democratic candi date with the honest voter that reads and thinks for himself. Yours for the cause, M. C. IlANKIff. The Pawnee county farmers' alliance will hold its regular meeting at Pawnee Citv on Saturdav. October 8th. It is i probable that the business session o the alliance will be held in the fore Kctn and Whitehead at Chadron. Crawford, Neb., Sept. 21, '92. Editor Alliance-Independent: Today at 2:20 o'clock, the great Kem- Whitehead debate commenced in the rink at Chadron. The day was all that could bo wished for. About 1,500 peo ple wero present, fully 900 being voters. The meotiog was prefy well adver tised. A special train run from Craw ford to Chadron. Ono hundred and two ticket 8 wero sold. The trafn pulled Into Chadron at 11:30. Tho indepen dents formed in line and marched down through the town. The procession was headed by a four foot transparency of Weaver and Field. Upon this banner was inscribed: The Winners. Our Choice. Following this wero interspersed through the procession several banners that were telling and pointed: For Kem, 6,000 Majority. People's Champion, Gen. C. H. Van Wyck, by 20,000, Several cartoons caused laughter and paralyzed the republicans. A cartoon of a lone g. o. p. man fishing or suckers in a fhhless pond; a bulldog, representing the new version of g. o. p. being Greed's Oldest Pup: i he petri fied politician with the cap of his head sawed off, and a friendly band dropping a reform idea into the thinking cavity; a man with an unearthly grin, repre sented the g. o. p. grin, with "gocd crops, no independents" inenbed be neath, completed the procession that filed through the republican strong hold. A canvass of the train showed twenty-four votes for Whitehead and fifty-four for Kem. It was a grand sight to see a hundred sturdy farmers wearing O. M. Kem badges, marching in line. They were farmers too, not bankers. At 2:30 Chairman Edminsten called the meeting to order after a few brief remarks he introduced Mr. Daugherty, and followed his introduc t on with that of Mr. Kem. It took Kem about three minutes to" talk about tse beautiful country. Ho proceeded to business without much preliminary. He talked f free silver, finance, cor porations, his vote on the Pickler bill, and lesser issues. Oh, how he scored them. The Chadron Journal has made a vigorous fight against Mr. Kem on his vote on the Pickler bill. Mr. Kem dwelt fifteen minutes on the bill, and when he got through, everybody was glad he voted against it. Whitehead answered Mr. Kem in an hour and fifteen minute talk. He told of the panoramas of nature, the beau i f ul country, the happy homes, of every thing nice found in the decalogue. He spent thirty minutes on the beautiful, twenty minutes waving the red rag and the balance of his time in traduc ing Kem. He ridiculed Kem, and said he knew nothing. It made everybody extremely tired. Kem replied in a fifteen minute talk. He skinned Mr. Whitehead a ive, and when the meeting adjourned the inde pendents picked Kem up and carried him on their shoulders through the streets. It was a Waterloo and Kem made 150 votes in Dawes county in one hour and a quarter. Respectfully, AN OBSERVER. A Hard Hit. It affords us tho greatest pleasure in life to suggest to our republican friends that they now have an opportunity to show the honesty of their proffessed lovo for the old soldier. Jerome Shamp, candidate for congress, was a soldier. He is, therefore, entitled to all republi can votes for congress. Walk right up to the rack, gentlemen, and take your medicine. If not, then stop prescribing it for the balance of us: Lincoln Her- m- for ex- Topeka Advocate: If one could be iieve half the things that aro said o'r Jerry Simpson by the pres reporters, he would have to admit that Jerry is the most wonderfully 'diversified" man in the world. Of late they have been painting him as a bicycle dudo who has lost all his sympathy for tho laboring men. Now they have him traniformed into a blood-thirsty, rip roaring anarchist who carries an arsenal makes incendiary speeches, and dances a jig on the speaker's desk when he hears of an assassina tion. Next thing we know they'll bo making a modern Claude Duval out of our Jerrv. TUZAD THIS. Awarded First Premium and Cold Medal at the World's Industrial Cotton Centennial Exposition at New Orleans, La.', "in 1884-5 after a trial Lasting Four Months. TUT CTI ID CI A Wa Pronounced Hit CUrTCl.M the BEST IN THE WORLD and to-day stands at the head and fron of the whole wind mill family. It is the cheap- S T A R PUMPS We Have Them Also. Screen Wire, Fibre Ware, Screen Doors, Ladders, Farn Dinner Bells, Western Washers Plain Wire, Barrel Churns, Poultry Netting, Refrigerators, New Idea Gasoline Lawn Mower3, Stoves, Pumps and Pump Ml Kinds of Pipe, Repairs, Tin Roofing and anything in the Hard ware Line. Especial attention paid to Harness Re pairs and Tin Job Work. G. M. LOOMIS 905 O St., Lincoln, Neb. DU J! i DOUGLAS Dawson County. To The Alliance-Independent: We had a grand rally the 13th, an ox roast and a general good time. Hon. O. M. Kem was hero and dealt out dependent doctrine to the people two and a half hours and it was ceived in good style. He warmed old parties up in good shape and plained himself to the satisfaction of all (all but the slave holding element). We have had our county convention and nominated Hon. J. O. Lynch for representative and H. C. May for county attorney, O. K. Jones for clerk of district court. Hurrah for Van Wvck and Shrader. E. A. SURVER. MANUFACTURING CO., St. Louis, Mo. Slrnck Shelter. Only one made ihat successfully shells corn with the shuck on as well as off. Send for illustrated circular. Mention this papor. file L&IDLAW BALE-TIE CO. MANUFACTURERS OF ADJUSTABLE WIHE BALE-TIES. Headquarters for this Class of Goods WRITE FOR PRICES. Station A, Kansas City, Mo, OOUBLE Breech.-Loader 57.50. RIFlFStt.OO WATCHES BICYCLES $15 All kiiida ctintper tdtu else where. Hi fore you bar, send stamp for mtatngue to The Poweu 4 Cu ment Co, ICO Main St., 4'inrlnnatMI. CHEW and SMOKE untaxed NATURAL LEAF TOBACCO VOK UW PRICKS WHITB TO BERIWETHEtt A CO.. flarksvtll V noon and public meetings be held in t aid.