4: THE ALLIANCE -INDEPENDENT. VAN WYCK AND CUOUNSK. The First Joint DIscuhhIofi at Ile-atrioc-Van Wyck Away Ahead. . On Tuesday afternoon the opera house- was packed. The deba e was opened by Gen. Van Wyck, who was introduced by Chairman Millholland. He mado a careful, and s'-rong speech Ho discussed trus's first, showed how they had grown up aid flourished under republican rule. Uo touched on tho tariff incidentally referring to the timo when tho republicans called him many hard names for proposing free sugar. He then talked of stiver, mak ing some very strong points. He wanted to know why the republic ins hid not reduced freight rates in Ne braska after all their promises Mr. Crounso in his reply surprised boih his friends and opponents. Ho is not such a man as the pooplo have mostly imagined. Ho is ignorant to begin with. Then ho has a blunt, un courteous manner. Van Wyck treated him with tho greatest courtesy, but Crounso was almost insulting in return. Ho is an aristocrat who has no sympa thy with tho people, nor can ho even assume a sympathy with them. Ho dofentkd Carnegie and tho millionaires us aclass. no had nothing but ridicule and scorn for tho people who c 'mplain of tho present state of affairs. Uo says success or failuro in business is all "a question of rapacity In the upper story." Ho claimed that tho farmers of tdo state are prosperous; and have nothing to complain of. In closing, Van Wyck fired up in groat shape. He called Crounse down on his ridicule and misrepresentation. Tho crowd went wild with enthusiasm. He explained his Union Pacilis bill in a way that satisfied everybody. Even the old parly papers, including tho State Journal, spoak of the debate in a tone that shows that their man was sipnally defeated. Ono of the most singular things Crounse did was to eulogize Morton, the democratic candidate. He spoke of him in the highest terms. Then Morton spoke in the evening, returned the compliment, and attacked Van Wyck as usual. It is becoming more and more evident that the two are working together to defeat the old war-horse, but they have undertaken a task they will never accomplish. At Stlvtr Creek. The Poynter-Meiklejohn debato ad vertised for October 13th is at Silver Creek, Merrick county, and not at anv Id the Second District. The populist congressional convention met in Omaha the 21th and nominated Chris Osff for congress on the second ballot. The nomination is considered a strong one. In Dodge County. Tho independent county convention met at Fremont the 24th. James Hawie and John Fagenberger were nominated for representatives, and G. G Martin for county attorney. At Geneva. Governor Powers and Logan McRey- nolds addressed a fair sized crowd at Geneva September 22, in the afternoon. McReynolds made a very favorable im pression and Powers made one of his old-timo convincing speeches. A Railroad Tool. . Jas. E. North, a rank democratic gold-bug and railroad tool has : been nominated for state sonator from the 12th district consisting of Platto and Colfax. If the independents put up a good man they can knock him out. The Float Convention. The float convention for Gago and Saline counties was held at Wilber, September 24. The attendance was go xl and great interest was shown. On th3 fifth ballot J. S. Rutherford of Gige was nominated for float repre- jntauve. Van Housen Nominated. Senator Van Housen has been nomi nated for representative by the Colfax county democrats. At Newport Ke'ra and Whitehead have got so fond of debating, that they pit in an "extra" at Newport, Kock county, on Saturday. They had a big crowd and Kem carried oil the honors as usual. Chu ch Howe Nominated. The republicans of Nemaha aad John son countiei have nominated Church Ho wo for sta'o senator. The conven tion also requosts tho legislature to elect hiui U. S. senator. In Old Otoe. Tho icdependent county cDnvention met at Nebraska Ci'y September 21, and named a winning ticket. T. B. Stevenson was put up for senator, John Seimans and S. Patton for representa tives. Frank Childa for county attorney and M. D. Campbell for commissioner. Meetings at Geneva Thero will lw arand rally at Geneva October 10th. W. L Groon and local speakers will address tho crowd. The Shelton glee club will sing. Also great preparations are being mado for tho joint dea'o between Doch and Ilalucr for Oct .ber 5th. At Ijexington Tho second week of tho Kem and Whitehead debato began with a meet ing at Lexington Dawson county, on Tuesday evoi.ing. About 2000 were present. The State Journal as usual says Kem was "not in it." which being translated means that Kem wiped up the earth with Whitehead. A Three Day's Ioe Feast of Reason and Eloquence. At Fairbury, Jefferson county, Sep- ember 21, 22 and 23, occurred one of ho greatest po'itical demons tra ions in the history of southern Nebraska. The crowd ranged fro n two to five thousand, and hardly less than eight thousand different persons were present altogether. The speakers wore ex-Judge Cole, ex-Congressman Gillette of Iowa, Prof. Biddison of Kansas, Prof. Vincent of ndianapolis, Carl Brown of California, John H. Powers, J. M. Devine, J. M. Gnnnett, Logan McReynolds and others of Nebraska. The speeches made were exceedingly able and eloquent. Each bad his own way of presenting matters, so there was no ropltition, no monotony. Especial mention should be mado of Prof. Howard's singing. His render ing of "That Honest Dollar," "We Have the Tariff Yet," "Losses and les," and "Get Off the Earth" was in- imitablo and - added great'y to the success of the meeting. On the whole it was a grand success both socially and politically. C. Q. D. Nominated for Senator. The independents of the Eleventh senatorial district, consisting of Madi son. Wavne. Pierce and Stanton, met at Norfolk September 24th" and notni nated Mr. . Herring of Way no for state senator. K. Trovellick ad dressed a small audienco in the eve ning. , . Out of the Race. J. J. Mcintosh of Sidney who was nominated for congress by the demo crats of the Sixth district has written a letter in which ho says he has not been a citizen long enough to be eligi ble, and he therefore decline, it is not likely anyono will bo put in his place, and Kem and Whitehead will be left to fight it out. Fusion in Wyoming. The first people's stato convention met at Douglas, Wyoming, September 21, and after a long discussion decided to put an electoral ticket in I he field and support the democratic state ticket, in return for democratic sup port for tho Weaver and Field electors. This insures three more electoral votes for tho new party. Good Men Rc-Nominatcd. The independents in that grand strong hold, baunders county, had a great convention at Wahoo September 21. P. B. Olson and J. N. Gaffin were renominated for representatives, and S. H. Sornborger for county attorney. These are very strong nominations and tho ppople will ratify them with a big majority on olection day. Kem and Whitehead at O'Neill. About 2,000 people listened to the Kem-Whitehead debate here tho 24th Matt Gering was hero and was let in to represent the democrats which he did in verv good shape. Kem mado a very strong presenta tion of the principles of bis party, and completely refuted Whitehead's at tacks on his record. Whitehead didn scarcely touch the vital issues. His speech was mostly buncombe. Kem certainly won a signal victory.c THAT FAIRBURY MEETING. In The Republican Valley. Van Wyck has held a series of good meetings in the Republican Valley. Everywhere, he was greeted with good crowds and listened to wi h close atten tion and marked respect. He made many friends in that section. Will Carry North Carolina The press dispatches contain an inter view with Dr. Exum, the people's can didate for governor of North Carolina n which he claims that the new party now has more voters than both tho others. Allowing for a good mary to go back before election, he figures that tho populists will cary the state by a large plurality. In Polk County STROMSBURG, Neb., Sept. 26, 1892. We are arranging and have ad vertised for a great picnic at Swede Home church; in a grovo just west of Osceola October 5th. Speaking in Swedish and English. Gen. Van Wyck W. L. Green, Pastor, A. G. Engstrom of Saronville and several of the candi dates will speak. I. D. C. . Pawnee CI ty Stirred Up. Pawnee City, Neb., Sept. 26, '92. Bro. Thornton, Lincoln, Neb. Mr. J. W. Edgerton's address last at Pawnee City "took the cake," so say all the people. Co'.lins, Wheedon, Field and Bryan have come and gone; but it remained for Edgerton to give us good wholesome food for thought. A great throng listened to the only Carl Brown for over two hours. Brown wai treated courteously at Pawnee City, our people always do so. But oh how sick he made the tariff yet re publicans and democrats. Pawnee says send us Prof. Howard, Edgerton and Brown once more and we will sweep the county. McKeican and Andrews. On Tuesday afternoon, Sept. 27, tho second joint discussion between the in dependent and republican candidates for congress in the 5th district came off at Sutton. The first was held at Has tings, Andrew's home. He had his friends to make up the crowd, and his college boys with their yell. And he had the opening and closing speeches. But even with all these advantages McKeighan demonstrated his great superiority as a reasoner, and the truth of his principles. At Sutton, McKeighan had the open ing. He also had the crowd. He di rected the debate largely to the money question. His speech was clear, con vineisg and eloquent. Andrews in re ply gave nothing but ridicule, assertion and bluster. It was entirely one sided. The prospects for the L'ncoln Normal University grow brighter every hour. The electric street car, which now runs to the campus, brings students by tho score., rrors. oayior. bnoiion, l-cwis and other members of the faculty are busy classifying students, and classes were organized this-morning, with an enrollment which surprises every one interested in the institution, btudents are more than delighted with the hand some new building and elegant furniture Work has begun in earntst and every one is. interested in the futire of this great institution. Homes and Irrigated Farms, Gardens and Orchards in the Celebrated Bear River Valle f on the Main Lines ot the Union Pacific and Central Pacific R. R. near Corinnt and ?gden, Utah. Splendid location for business and in dustries of all kinds in the well known city of Corinne, situated in the middle of the valley on the Central Pacific R.R. The lands of the Bear River valley are now thrown open to settlement by the construction of the mammoth system of irrigation from the Boar lake and river, just completed by the Bear River Canal Co., at a cost of $3,009,000. Thf com pany controls 100,000 acres of these fine anas and owns many lots avd business lccathns in tho city ef Corinne, and is now prepared to sell on easy terms to settlers and colonies. The climate, soil, and irrigating facilities are pronounced unsurpassed by competent judges who declare the valley to be the Paradise of the Farmer, Fruit Grower and Stock Raiser. N ice social surroundings, good schools and churches at Corinne City, and Home Markets exist for every kind of farm and garden produce in the neighboring cities of Ogdea and Salt Lake, and in the great mining camps. Lands will be shown from the local of fice ef the Company at Corinne. 15tf iWIONEERS. F. M. WOODS, Fine Stocfe Auctioneer, Lincoln. Neb. Refer you to the best breeders In the west, for whom I do business, Prices reason able and correspondence promptly and cheer fu!ly answered. Pure Bred Poultry. White Plym outh Rock.. White Games Partridge Cochins: Toulouse Geese, White Hol land Turkeys, White Guineas, Pekin Ducks. Eggs in season. Prices low. W. A. Bates, Jr., Fremont, Neb. 36tf BISCHEL BROS. FOR SALE. LoDgdeep bodied U.S.P.C. PICS. Good color, short legs, ,road back, good feet ind hend. Alliance prices, satisfaction tuarantecd 13tf Kearn y, Neb. - Furnas Co. Herd, I BIG BERKS. Y$Lr-rtw.J BEAVER CITY, - NEB. Thoroughbreds exclusively. All ages, either sex. Sows bred. Stock guaranteed as repre sented. Prices right. Mention this paper. H. S. WILLIAMSON, Trop'r. J. M. ROBINSON, KENESAW, ADAMS CO., KEB. Breeder and ship per of recorded Fo land China Hogs. Choice breeding stock for sale. Write for wants. Mention Alliance. 0 o TT 1 L. H. SUTER Neligta, Neb, Breeder of fancy Po land China swine and P. R. fowls. Ma jority of pigs sired 1 . .. j . UlA'. by Free Trades Best, remainder by Paddys Chip miu i.j ues uanay. jj ree rraacs uest is sired by Free Trade, the great show hog that was sold for f 800, being the highest priced hog in ex istence. Had a full sister to Free Trade in my herd for 3 years and have many fine sows from tor. L. H, SUTER.