THE ALLIANCE -INDEPENDENT. II capital. If they stand firm, and show themselves to be men, other classes will rally to the rescue. If thy fail, all is lost. The eyes of the civilized world are fixed on the organized American far mers today. Th3 eyes of organized i wealth and greed are ablazj with scorn and hate. The eyes of the toiling masses are lighted with a rising hope. ', If the organized farmers stand the test, they will go down in history as i. the pioneer movers In the greatest political revolution of the ages. If they falter, and fail, they will become the laughing stock of the world. A REPUBLICAN PREDICAMENT. Regarding the campaign for the gov ernorship, tho republicans have leen in a curious predicament. There is no man so hatt d or so feared by tho ma chine politic'ans of Nebraska as Gen. Van Wyck. Because they feared him they sought to prevent his nomination. To do this, they could not openly op pose him in the organs of their own party for that would have reacted in the General's favor. So they employed tho greatest and most contemptible vi lain that ever edited a newspaper in the state to fight Gen. Van Wyck under cover of an assumed loyalty to the in dependent party. The nature as well as the outcome of that fight is too well known to need comment. But it produced one curious result that perhaps the republicans themselves did not foresee: They ex hausted their mud-magazine before the campaign began. All that choice sup ply of mud collected and used by the ISta'e Journal several yfars ago had been fired over again through Holden's mud-gnn to prevent the General's nomination. Then the republicans f -und themselves in a predicament. Iu the first place Holden's campaign of slander and vituperation had produced an effect exactly contrary to what Lis employers expected, and this made the republicans very dubious about taking up the tame course in the campaign. In the second place for them to use the same mud again would prove conclu sively that they backed H )lden in his light to prevent the General's nomina tion. In the third place, the mud, under Holden's manipulation, had become so slimy, t lat even a half way respect able republican paper could not risk its reputatiou by handling the stuff. The republican managers were very nuch non plussed, ard up to this time they have not reached a satislactory solution o' the difficulty. The only thing they seem to have determined on is to keep Holden in the field firing weeklv discharges of the same slime, in the hope that ho may turn a f ow votes in each . county fron G neral Van rXWyck. "They digged a pit and they have fallen therein." It is Lot our business to help them out; but it is amusing to contemplate their discomfiture. r Weaver and Field are in this can vass the sole c'aampions of the people against the dangerous aggressions ot money and privilege. They s'and for the interests of the fanner, the artisan, the miner and laborer. A vote f r thein is the sole present means of filing a protest against a form of corporate rapacity that was unknown to the founders or our republic, and to check v hici is the most p-ess'ng duty of the citizen and patriot. We have reached acrhds when partisan sentiment aud con iderations must yield to thi ne cessity of self-preservation. Denver News. PUGILISM AND POLITICS. The'reccnt prize fight at New Or leans will serve as an excellent illus tration of the political situation of to cfay. Sullivan is a good representative of the republican party. For years he has knocked out all opponents. With new victories came recklessness He became drunken and brutal. Helpless women and crippled men were nbt spared by him. He became tho bully of tho na ion, arrogant and impudent. He knew no rights of other men which he was bound to respect. ' Ho was for Sullivan first and other p.oplo nover. Kilra'n and Hyan, fairly representative of tho democrat'c party, proved no match for this man who Beemed to be invincib'e. Cortatt may be taken to represent the independent party. Without fame be stepped into tho ring to fight the bulldozer. Sul ivan had violated every law of nature. . Corbett had respected his heal th and body as a trust given him by his Creator. He neither smoted nor drank. He was willing to face the big man in the ring confident that the best man would win. They did meet and the best man won. t was a surprise to Sullivan, and a sur prise to the world, but it demonstrated that the man who takes advantage of his power to impose upon the weak and helpless, to violate the laws of God, and to trample upon the rules of man it demonstrated that in the course of time such a man is certain to meet an avenger. Adopting a vulgar phrase the repub lican party has been drunk for many a year. It has imposed upon . the weak and helpless. The democratic par tv, burdened with faults and weaknesses of its own, is unable to cope with this poli tical giant. But the independent party, whi :h goes to bed regularly at night, and does not have to take a cocktail to steady its nerves in the morning, th3 independent party young and vigorous in organizition, healthy sincere in purpose, and determined to tight is in the ring. There can be but one result. Before the well aimed blows of the youth the old decripit and corrupt combatant must go dswn. The fact that otherj have failed in their contests with this creature is no criterion. In his own good time God has raised up a party which will avenge the suffer ings a' d wrongs inflicted upon the belple.s by a powerful political organi zation. "The mills of the gods grind slowly but they grind exceedingly small. With patience he stands waiting, with exactness grinds he all." The report published in several papers to the effect that the republi cans of Texas have endorsed the peo ple's ticket is not true. The democrats are split wide open and have two ti kets in the field. The republicans endorsed one of these tickets, that headed by Clark, an anti-silver demo crat. 1 bis gives the people's ticket all the chances for a sweep'ng victory. Literary Note. The October number of "Romance," the second in that magazine's notablt series of spec ial issues, illustrating the fiction of different nations, will be a special German number. More than half its contents will be translated from the German, and no such opportunity has ever before been afforded American readers to see grouped in a single is sue of a magazine, so many and such characteristic specimens of the work of the best story writers of that nation. Clothing and Gents' Furnishings at 50 Cents on the Dollar, We have been fortunate enough to secure tho entire stock of Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods, etc., formerly owned by A, HURLBUUT of this city at a very low price and we aro selling it now. Every article in the stock at one-half the price at which Mr. Hurl hurt sold ths same goods, not near wholesale ptico for it. Never will you have such an opportunity again to purchase fine clothing at such prices. Tho sizes aro regular; lines all full now and you can easily be suited. Wo would offer thin adv!co to parties wishing to pur chase: Corneas early as you can, before tho assortment gets broken; You will be sorry if you dou't. No goods bought; we will simply close out this stock and quit. Tho bankrupt slock of stationery, inks, school books, paper, pens, cutlery, etc., from tho Fremont Department Store of Fremont, Neb., is now on sale here at 50 ccDta on tho dollar. FRAWLEY, GHIDESTER & CO., Cor. P and 10th Sts., Lincoln. CHEAP COAL WE DEAL DIRECT WITH CONSUMERS. Wo dedro to interest farmers on the COAL question, with a view to saving them money. Have perfected fayorab'e season contracts on all popular brands,' and are prepared to save Consumers Dealers profits Send for prices, order blanks and "Instructions for ordering" before buying. National Union Co., 118 Michigan St, CWcagoJH. Our large 512 page catalogue of Genoral Merchandise, illustrated, sent to any address on receipt of 15c In stamps. Successor to BADGER LUMBER CO Wholesale 1 Retail Lumber TELEPHONE 70 1 . 0 ST. BETWEEN 7TH AND 8TH LINCOLN, NEB. FAIRBANKS AND VICTOR SCALES. Eclipse Wooden and Steel Wind Mills. Box 382. J. P. CAROON, Agent, Lincoln, Neb. ANted, LOCATrvn FOR A NEWSPAPER. U I have a firsVclass Newspaper plant and desire to establish a paper in"a good live town. Persons interested please address (8-9t) Publisher, - Box 1508. Lincoln, Neb.