The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, September 29, 1892, Image 1

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Our Illustration.
The subject of our illustration is the
famous prize-winnibg stallion at the
head ot the Maple Grove Stud. Fre
mont, Neb., Mark M. Coad, Prop.. -
Turc, French number 6539, American
number 10,052, is a cole black stallion,
5 years old, weighing over one ton. He
has a white star on Ms forehead, and is
an exceedingly showy animal, clean in
limb, with a fine gait. He is unques
tionably one of the finest stallions in
the west. A peculiarity of his colts is
that they are always black,with a white
star on the forehead no matter what
the color of the mother may be. In
1889, 1890, 1891 and this J ear. Turc
was at the head of the herd, winning
first prize at the Nebraska state fair
for a show herd, consisting of stallion,
four mares, and four of the issue of the
mares and stations competing. This
speaks volumes for the horse and his
breed and it may bo well to remark
here that in none of these exhibits had
any stallion of any breed shown colts to
compare with those sired by "Turc."
The superiority of the Percheron aj
the grandest stock of draft horses in ex
istence is generally acknowledged, and
for all purposes where great strength
and endurance is required they are
conceded to be invaluable. In this re
spect the Percherons given universal
satisfaction to their purchasers, and
proved themselves worthy descendants
of a grand stock. With the Percheron
the best results seem aleo to be obtain
ed, as is attested year af er year by the
splendid specimens of the colts, who
continually prove the greatest prize
winners, and there seems to be no ques-
ion but what they hold their own
better than other breed'. That as fine
animals can be raised in Nebraska as
in any part of the world wbs fully de
monstrated by Mark M. Coad's mag nifi
cent herd. . . - . : -
In order to get this paper into the
hands of thousands of doubtful voters
we make the following offer:
We will send the Alliancb-Inde-pendent
in clubs often or mire from now
till after election for 10 cents.
.This offer is especially intended for
committees and individuals who wish
to help the cause of political education
by putting the paper in the hands of
doubtful voters.
This offer should bo taken advaitage
of at once in all parts of the state.
Every issue from this on will be a regu
lar broadside of campaign shot and
shell. - .. " ' .
Our offer of three months for 25 cents
will also remain in force for a month
longer. t-.
i From now till after election many
persons who are not regular sub
will receive it through
the kindness of friends. Such per
sons need have no hesitancy about
taking the paper from the office as
in no case will they have to pay
for it. '
In Connecticut,
The people's party have had a state
convention in the "Nutmeg . state,"
adopted a strong platform and put up a
full ticket with Hon. E. M. Kiply at the
head for governor.
Subscribe for the Alliance Indb
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